>it's a cool summer night in 2012 and you're playing minecraft
It's a cool summer night in 2012 and you're playing minecraft
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No, I'm not.
>ever feeling nostalgic for playing that absolute garbage
>you're 22 years old and in your parents basement
>7 years later, you'll still be there
I had no idea how the game worked back then, and bought it on a whim because everyone talked about how great it was. Played it a couple of times and then just gave up.
Do you live in Antarctica or something?
try 2009
pre-classic gang assemble
>we can't go back
>not living in an area where it's hot as fuck during the day but in the afternoon a massive cold front passes through making it extra comfy
has 4craft launched yet ?
>It's a cool "winter" night in 2019 and you're shitposting on Yea Forums
>Might have still been an admin on a server at that time
>Probably sneaking about in admin stealth messing with people
>Spawn a load of animals in people's house when they were away exploring
>Hide doors in the walls of people's houses and make a redstone clock to open and close it
>Many never found the doors and thought somebody was sneaking about their home
Its a cold spring aftertoon and im already drinking nad in unemployed
>still playing Microsoft Slowcraft (Java)/Botnetcraft (Windows store version)
Minetest or GTFO
I'd rather play with mods.
But we can make a better tomorrow. Don't let nostalgia blind you from seeing how good things can be.
I wanted to like Minetest, but it just doesn't compare.
Thanks for the memories
How is Minecraft garbage?
>Tfw all the good faction servers are long dead
>a loli will never kidnap you
>playing TF2, Gmod and Minecraft with my internet friends all day everyday
>our TF2 server has been dead for 4 years
>havent played gmod in 6 years
>havent played minecraft in 5 years
>all of my internet friends have drifted away
>all im doing with my life is wageslaving
Nobody post the comfy Yea Forums server. Every shilling has led to retards griefing and ruining the pure comfy vibe of the server.
Let me me /dorfhole/ in peace
It's only been a few months but I already miss it
I know that feel. Used to always have a voicechat of 7-8 friends at any time of day. Talk to like 2 friends now and they don't even game
>it's 2009
>you have no air conditioning
>your single mom is loudly arguing with someone on her phone, probably the bank over an overdraft fee she is trying to refute
>you are playing the minecraft free demo again because you can't afford the full game
>you will probably eat toast in the morning and nothing else because it's near the end of the month and the fridge/cupboards are empty save for some foodbank bread and a box of hamburger helper that your mom will cook for dinner without any meat/milk
>lucky for you, you get free school lunches
Do people really have nostalgia from 2012? Are the people browsing this board really that young?
I hope you are doing better now user
t. uncreative brainlet
It's been 7 years user. Has your life not changed at all in 7 years?
2010 was better anyway. Just keep in mind that 2012 was fucking 7 years ago. Also most of the people here are nostalgic for their lives back then and not for already-ruined Minecraft. You can be nostalgic for literally any fucking time period, depends on how much your life changes.
no it's just my life 7 years ago was mostly me in highschool. I was occupied. I get nostalgic about when I was a little kid, not when I was some asshole teenager.
For some reason this game fills me with intense nostalgia
At some point I will purchase a home server with a business connection, purchase a dedicated server and then host /4/craft eternally 24/7, and we will have a /4/craft post every friday to remind niggers that it's here to stay and to join. Give me 5 months tops
No, and the Discord it was using got nuked because people posted loli. The test server they had up was also down as of at least a couple hours ago.
The tentative launch date is this Friday. However, if they don't add recipes for certain resources, I can't see it lasting more than that single weekend. To be fair 4craft never lasted long anyways, but with the right plugins/tweaks it could last 2 weekends or so.
The main reason I want custom recipes though is because otherwise autism cubes will be impenetrable. I mean even with an abundance of TNT and slime blocks, people will probably be too lazy to take advantage of them. However without them no one stands a chance at breaking through. Just build like 3/4 layers of water walls and roofs and you'll more or less invisible. Withers are also pretty damn easy to counter and nullify.
Here you go senpai.
People would get burnt out super fast. 4craft only works twice a year, maybe, MAYBE three times. The whole point of it is you just go full autismo mode for a few days, and most people that play 4craft can only do that once or twice a year. Due to real life time constraints, and just because when you do burn out, you need a while to pass before you're willing to do it again.
It's nearly spring 2019 and I'm playing Minecraft.
I’ve been trying to play this game on my phone and I don’t know how anyone could stand these phone controls. You have to hold your finger down for like a second before you actually start chopping something, which feels totally horrendous and destroys the pace of gameplay. Am I missing something or is phone shit just unplayable?
I feel nostalgic for playing the mgs5 in 2015, sometimes I feel nostalgic about the last summer vacation
Just rent a VPS, you get a better connection anyway
Some of our lives were best when we were teenagers. I know mine was.
i miss old TF2, 2012-2013 was kino
t. apezillian living in the jungle
You little shitter, I'll piss on your possessions
>it's a cool summer night in 2012 and you're playing minecraft
>it's a cool summer night in 2019 and you're playing factorio
I'm not saying I'm superior to anybody else, just lucky that my life is not full of regrets and I still enjoy it, even after becoming boomer-aged. The secret is finding a job you love, how hard can it be :^)
Seriously though, I wish all of you anons a good life.
Pretty tough to do that when the world has collectively gone insane and only gets worse with each passing year.
Mine wasn't. I was a loser, but the bitterness helped me to shape myself and accept the "can't beat 'em - show 'em" attitude. Normies think they're so cool? They have never seen a normie like me.
By every conceivable metric the world now is better than it ever was, except the temperature.
Yeah, no.
>muh global warming
Agree to disagree.
fuck I know this feel
Care to post some proof?
>the world as 100 people
do they not know percents are a thing
>all those servers you played on have been offline for years
>all your skype friends too
Apparently they think their readers are retarded, but the point still stands.
>Playing Xbox 360 Edition on top of that
Such a good feeling back then.
you can have nostalgia for something that happened months ago. it's not a feeling restricted to age or videogames. that said, I don't feel nostalgic for minecraft
Wow this world generation is great. I hope they don't update it so that every world is basically the same with giant patches of obvious biomes that don't transition into each other
I miss the old worldgen
>playing skyfactory with friends
No better feeling desu
Nice feels, but I can't wait for the next thing I'll be nostalgic for.
Floridian here. Fuck off.
does anyone know a good vanilla minecraft server without cunty admins or without rules in general?
Any mods that actually give me a good reason to build? There is literally no reason to build in vanilla unless you just like to build.
What happened in the early 90's to cause that giant drop in US murder rates?
>american education
>It's a cool summer night in 2011 and you're blasting across the rolling hills of katabatic landing blue plate specials and yelling about incoming vehicles
I heard they removed this song from the game
Imagine that
everyone who says this is a brainlet with zero perspective or understanding about the world
Too soon user. It still hurts.
>16th birthday getting drunk off of alcoholic root beer and playing tribes
Those were the days.
>still playing minecraft in 2012
If only Notch didn't dump Minecraft after he made mils from it. So many still play this and I just don't get it. There's been some blocks added, and like 2 mobs since 2014 or so. I understand the whole, "make your own content thing", but I still wish Minecraft went the route of Terraria. More adventure and bosses and items and crafting and NPCs.
turn off those shitty shaders for fucks sake
>playing Minecraft
The game was already going to shit by that point you Zoom-Zoom faggots.
holy fuck I forgot about this
>calling someone a Zoom-Zoom Faggot over liking a version of Minecraft that you don't
Recess is over billy, get back to class.