Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice | Official Launch Trailer
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A B S O L U T E - K I N O
>On the official channel
Why are you posting here, Miyazaki?
This. Kino is back on the menu.
Looks pretty neat. I'll probably wait a bit first. The only two From games I've really loved were DS1 and Bloodborne (even then, Bloodborne took a while to grow on me.)
In any case, this looks a lot more interesting than DS3.
>that giant monkey at the end
Why do they always pick the shittiest music to accompany these trailers?
>shitty american VA
>cringe music
did Bamco make this trailer?
Do you have your passport
Did you get yo shots
Girl, would you like to come back with Rob
To America
Explain why Yea Forums is shitting on this game
Publishers (for games) buy rights from Publishers (for music), and they basically get a huge pack of music they're allowed to use for a flat fee. They can use it for anything, but they can only use that, so they make the trailer, then some marketing diversity hire goes through and finds music that "fits".
It's DMC fags who think that 15 threads for their game at once aren't enough.
Because the same autist who spent months spamming about RE2 and Pillars of Eternity and pretty much every other release anyone gave a shit about recently has moved on to Sekiro.
Wait, is there English VA? If so, hopefully there is an option to disable.
Kek reminds me of that awful Bloodborne commercial. I almost didn't buy that game because of it.
>game isn't out yet
>over 50 awards and nominations
how is this allowed
>all that generic shit
where are all the cool super natural monsters?
mad soulsfags
>Sign in to confirm your age
why do they even do this shit anymore
there are like 10 billion bypasses
so the question is should I preored this shit? I don't remember from games having any bonuses, but I'll be kinda pissed off if I miss out. Loved every single game they made so far, so I'm gonna buy it anyway, but maybe I can get away with leeching it off one of my buddies with family sharing untill the sale comes.
>buying video games
Never preorder
underage b&
>Screenshot of game
>Link to Trailer
>Nothing else.
If there has to be shilling, at least this is not obnoxious.
Literally one guy and his copy cats.
Constantly try to get fanbases to fight each other and shits on latest releases using any shred of 'evidence' to support his claims.
Never pre-order unless you get something physical out of it, and only then when you'd be okay with buying that shit on it's own.
If it's digital only bonuses then there's zero point since it's either in the game already or something lazy like skins.
N-n-nnintendo s-w-witch when Bros?
>pause button
>no online
it's a meme game that's literally taylor-made for reddit
>from finally figured out how to make facial animations
based elevens
>buying a singleplayer game in 2k19
>Not pre-ordering the day before release so you can pre-load
I mean if you're planning to buy it day one anyway there's no reason not to get the pre-load.
>this fucking music
yep, its western aaa marketing.
My dick is harder then Nippon steel folded 1000 times over!
Because Yea Forums is full of disgusting, smelly losers.
meh. I'd rather have a Tenchu reboot.
it's not a game a non-autist would like or find remotely interesting, it lacks atmosphere, it lacks gameplay, it lacks a story, it lacks graphics, it's a shitty low effort game for "souls games fans", it's a 3/10 game like any other FROM SOFTWARE title and you will buy it because the only fanbase that accepted you and the only one you fit in is the soul's games one, the fanbase known for being made out of the finest ugliest losers on planet, those that got bullied so hard in school, you, it's made for you and it fills my ego meter just because you play those games and fit in the fanbase
>game's defining feature/mechanic/draw is when you die, you come back to life
Sounds like casual shit to me
It has dire consequences.
Shit tier bait
fuck off shill
>it lacks graphics
Would it hurt?
yet you replied
looks kino, i hope you can turn the voices off because they sound like shit, especially when using Japanese words like 'shinobi'
for u
I guess they were trying to replicate this
but it ain't happening
Looks like pure shit.
One can clearly see that Sekino is the one game Fromsoft really wanted to make.
10/10 on PC and a solid 9/10 on X and Pro.
savage as fuck, I agree though
45 fps on snoystation
day one pirate
that's a boy
it's a boy, faggot
>that fucking trailer
could as well post this
even better
Faggot we already know that's a literal lie from the trophy list
stop forcing this "rivalry"
It will get an 82 metacritic
the monkey somehow looked bigger in the TGS trailer
>pirate fag has gender dysphoria
lul how typical
no it'll get my last 2 digits
the setting looks so boring bros
Because it's yet another soulsborne game.
2k views, it flopped
>Japanese setting
>Japanese casts
>English dub with English vocal music
I'm preordering, fuck it
Not him, but he's right. And there is no "rivalry" it's literally just DMC faggots acting to their nature.
nah it looks incredible
Too high
>unironically using the term "soulsbourne"
Yup, you're a faggot alright.
I don't like the VA here. It was literally perfect in soulsborne. What happened?
what do you reckon this is
Yea Forums shits on every game that's coming out, welcome to Yea Forums
They already confirmed months ago that it's dual audio on-disc.
It's probably a boy
Once again, it'll be a massive hit, and Yea Forums will be wrong.
Looking forward to more Miyazakino.
>American VA
>some shit song sang by a literal who yokel
so where's the Japanese trailer?
Wait, how is the story again? Going by the trailer the boy is his master? But he grew up to be a bow user and kills Wolf?
>haha yeah this is going to my '4channers baited tally' god I'm a genius
Inb4 you mad xD
No it doesn't?
They have shown both English and Japanese voice acting, so you can definitely choose in the options.
But, I don't know why you're surprised about English VA, the Souls games actually only had that. Except DS3 I think. But all the other ones had only English voice acting, even in the Jap versions of the game.
imagine having this low of an iq
They've shown plenty of that, but obviously they want to avoid spoiling the monsters too much. Which is commendable.
Imagine having an IQ this low.*
a boy is fine too
it wasn't even me who posted the bait
there's no point calling out bait yet replying anyway, you're just giving shitposters the attention they want
the bow guy is Ashina commander, the guy who kidnaps Sekiro's master
>no multiplayer
Piratebros ww@?
Except it's nothing like them at all
>japanese samurai game
>some random western music and narrator without accent
Fuck this shit. I want my weeb souls yearly dose.
DmC fotm spotlight is getting stolen.
Can't let that happen.
the master is literelly shota bait yikes
I can't believe I'm gonna play this so soon..
legions of soulsbabs who realize their days of summoning and cheesing are gone. now they must fight alone, and it scares them
>best action game of "insert show"
Shit like that mostly. The same stuf you see with games that have 100+ awards, it's mostly just useless garbage tfrom some show that showed new footage.
>Boy is royal family
>MC is his bodyguard, hence 'master'
>Defend master at any cost, bring him back if he gone
>boy gone
>go on long-ass mission to bring him back
>turns out boy has been brainwashed/has joined enemy
>boy kills MC
>actually I have Shadow die twice powers nigga
>go to bring boy back again
Take away the FromSoft name and it looks boring and generic. Even the gameplay videos.
It's fine
but I do hope that we get more monsters/yokai in as regular enemies
so this is how pedophiles think
fake and gay. Acticucks didn't send Sekiro copies to media
ohhhh no no no
needed some rap music
Looks pretty great
This is false and you're either retarded or a falseflagger.
That's wrong though, the defining feature is the posture system. Come on, are you dumb are something?
>this trailer
I’m literally made of cum right now, oh my god, 11 days left
The fuck is this stupid ass song choice? Here's the better one
>kill Fidel Castro as a weeb secret agent marine with a katana
when can I buy this game
buy YOOOO soundtrack with DLC via actistore :^)
4 games out of their past 5 have been kino. Already pre ordered it.
But the archer isn't his master, the boy is visible next to him.
nvm then I missed that
then it's much simpler
game is so hard that you will need those 2 lives.
they need to get rid of the fag that picks these shitty trailer songs
That music doesn't fit either.
Wolf is a big brother of this kid
I hope Miyazaki won't finally fulfill his kid killing fetish
>No one is hype
I'm out
i guess its a way of letting you be aggressive. You can safely play more aggressive if you know you can respawn once.
Locations look kinda bland and boring compared to Souls/BB desu
>130 replies in under an hour
nice history revisionism dmcfag
>fellow soulsborne fans shitting on fromsofts next instalment of the soulsborne franchise
Yikes. Fuck all of you.
I'm getting dindins in 5 mins.
I think it's because this one has a Japanese setting rather than a Western fantasy setting.
Just preordered the game
I only have one huuge gripe and that is the pose of the main character. Every time he does a parry and moves away he just lazily holds his sword at his side like an amateur. Make him hold a defensive stance at least fucking FROM
When's the From Soft trailer?
well this is what ausfags get the option of. a steelbook and a shitty $2 bracelet.
>teleports behind move
I'm already rock hard!
>my boy
I'm gonna play this in English then Japanese, Owl's voice acting is chocolate honey.
Activision were the ones who requested the subtitle (which was only meant for the teaser trailer) be kept as part of the final title.
he ain't samurai, dumb fuck
animations are a little jank but its at least animated i think not all mocap
is the game speedrun bait?
Now we're talking.
this game is made by REAL japanese men, I'm pretty sure they know how ninjas fight.
also can anyone tell me where this game falls on the doot scale?
I have noticed people that have the dragons heritage have white hair most notable on the main character
Based woodface Wolf
The final stare made me laugh out loud. Fucking perfect.
>Japanese video instatly full of shitty gaijin comments
white pig go home
No it doesn't.
Bloodborne had that without casualizing the whole game with easy mode revives
>Posture system
Hardly. It's central to the combat but it's not the defining feature of the game. To be honest the posture mechanic sounds like trash. It sounds fucking dumb to have to mash attacks against people just to deplete a meter. Nioh did a good job with Ki but that was because they tied Ki into a ton of mechanics and options. You could still block as normal in Nioh. Not so in Sekiro. Sekiro seems all about this asinine posture break system and parrying everything. Still excited for the game of course, but I'm going in with MAJOR reservations about the mechanics.
why is there white stuff spreading across his hair and face??
26 minutes ago
Damn this trailer is on another level
>without casualizing the whole game with easy mode revives
based brainlet
>No online
>No RPG mechanics
>No weapon/build choices
It's not Soulsborne. Get the fuck out of here with that. It's still exciting, but it abanadoned too much of the formula to be "Soulsborne"
there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW that actually believed sekiro wont be an untouchable masterpiece that will be imitated by decades to come
can you actually believe that?
yea but bloodborne also had 90% enemies who were ez mode. In this one normal enemies will be a challenge instead of being literal zombies.
>comes out on my birthday
i kinda have to get it
I hate this fuck so much
Probably dragonrot
>In this one normal enemies will be a challenge instead of being literal zombies.
Wrong. In this one you're gonna be easily insta-killing those enemies with sneak attacks from rooftops/tall grass. It will be even easier.
scattered asses
its on the boys hair too is he immortal as well
He rises up with his weapon drawn. In the next cut it is sheathed and he draws it again. 4/10
>comes out exactly 3 weeks before my birthday
I'm in the same situation, how can I not buy it
>scattered asses
But the part when the samurai draws his katana is the most kino! We gotta milk that shit!
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was a huge disappointment?
>t.hasnt played the game but knows every thing about it.
I know it features stealth instakills because they've marketed that aspect aggressively. Every one of the recent "Hands On Previews" many journos released mentioned stealth was important and happened a lot.
You're a Ninja. You're gonna be sneak attacking for instant kills. Best you get over yourself and accept this now or buckle up for a "No sneaking, no plunging attacks, no instakills" challenge run from day 1.
thinking dragonrot will be the bad ending in any sense from soft doesnt make bad endings
way better without cringe western music
33 minutes ago (edited)
The holy trinity of companies you have the right to pre-order from
From software
Which one of you fags was this?
it was me :)
music is still ill-fitting but this is much better
It was reddit.
Is it me or was Sekiro white washed in the trailer?
I mean i dont care personally, i just feel he looks and sounds more white that the preview footage.
Actually more accurately, Fromsoft ONLY makes bad ends.
>DaS1 Darklord
Bad End
>DaS1 Fire Linking
Bad end
>DaS2 Sit on the Throne
Bad end
>DaS2 abandon the throne
Bad end
>DaS3 Link the Flame
Bad End
>DaS3 Lord of Hollows
Bad End
>DaS3 End the Flame
Bad End
>Bloodborne Yarnham Sunrise
Bad End
>Bloodborne Childhood's Beginning
Bad End
>Bloodborne Honoring Gherman
Bad End
They're basically ALL bad ends my man.
>The best ending was never finishing the game.
Deepest lore.
I get the feeling people want a happy end if you do a no death run get the worst ending instead
What about the part when he fights that zatoichi looking motherfucker using iaido at 2:01. He sheathes his sword and then slices again. Also he has scar on his face so maybe it's a blind swordsman miniboss.
I think it's basically retarded for Fromsoft to think that "plot related consequences" would be enough to make players think twice about easy mode-ing.
there's goona be a secret ending like bloodborne I doubt its the no death ending
Yeah but endings are a dumb way to motivate people. If they want people to think twice before pressing F3 to load previous state, there needs to be GAMEPLAY consequences.
Basically, you better be getting punished by Dragonrot actually affecting you character in some direct way. Less DMG or HP or something.
>team Boomer autists vs team Zoomer autists
I'd side with the boomers, sorry
Dragonrot affects you by lowering your chances of preserving your exp and money on death which can stab you in the dick if you have a few exp points to the next level up and something murders you.
There is five endings, so therr is room for multiple requirements, you can look up the leaked trophy list if you want
There are only 12 bosses this time around (dark souls 1 had 22, 3 had 19 and bloodborne had 17 in base game)
One of them is a Dragon and another one a huge ass Fish
>One of them is a dragon
Given Asian tendency to name people after various animals they respect, whether real or imagined, I doubt they have an actual fucking dragon in the game like in Dark Souls.
Not worth it. Trash design. Seriously. This revival shit is gonna trivialize the game and no amoutn of minor resource penalties will change that
>didn't even list DaS2
I hope you get your toes run over by a shopping cart.
I preffer Owl english voice desu senpai. But The Wolf sounds cool.
The trophy list leaked, it's totally a dragon, but sure it wont have a western design
Most bosses in DS2 are utter trash
To appeal to Amerifats. It's a shame.
They are required to verify age by law. It doesn’t matter to them that you bypass it, it matters to them that they fulfilled their legal obligation.
>didn't even list DaS2
Bosses in DS2 by the most part aren't worth being even common enemies
>muh elitism
cry more
Actually if you do a raw breakdown, it has twice the number of good bosses compared to DeS and DaS1.
Same applies to DeS/DaS.
Souls bosses didn't really become reliably decent until DaS2 DLC/BB/DaS3
A large percentage of DS2 bosses have less moves than the average Sekiro mob
It's a shota you fag
Literally what
FromSoft is better than ever before, way to be a retarded contrarian faggot.
They aren't any different from when they made Demon's Souls, except they have more code monkeys now and Miyazaki is now the CEO, which is fucking fantastic.
>Same applies to DeS/DaS.
DeS is the foundation of all design principles of souls bosses and it had both excellent gimmick fights and Allant.
DS1 had Artorias, Manus, Kalameet and O/S who shit on every DS2 boss including DLCS.
Who do you think the blue flame guy is. Maybe Isshin Ashina? The Demon of Hatred?
Why are you a lying cuck? Dying has severe consequences in Sekiro.
And you can't always come back from death, the one time resurrect is there because the game is far harder than Souls games.
>Bloodborne Childhood's Beginning
>Bad ending
t. 0 insight
soulsfag will literally shit on this game cuz its not a 100% copy of darksouls
Most people just want another Dark Souls
This game is far harder than Bloodborne you retard lmao
their previous games were shit before DeS
how do you know there could be benefits to dragonrot
But it is mostly souls combat, just with only 1 weapon and only 11 bosses.
A literal cheap side project for $60.
I'll wait till it's 70% off in a few months.
r u ok?
>Dragonrot, an illness that spreads to friendly NPCs in the hub
>More you die, the less chance of "unseen aid" from these NPCs and will eventually lock you out of dialogue, lose chance to obtain useful items/bars progression
>It is said to kill, expect NPCs to die and affect the narrative
This is a net negative mate.
>pure samurai game
>english trash VA
>source: my ass
>DeS is the foundation of all design principles of souls bosses and it had both excellent gimmick fights and Allant
The gimmick fights were all awful. All gimmick fights are shit. They're MAYBE fun one time and then trash forever more.
>DS1 had Artorias, Manus, Kalameet and O/S
And nothing else. It's a bigass fuckin game with maybe 5 good bosses. Meanwhile in DaS2 we have Lost Sinner, Mirror Knight, Watcher/Defender, Sinh, Ivory King, Elana, Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, Ruin Sentinels, Velstadt, Demon of Song, Darklurker and others.
Prefer whatever Dark Souls game you want but don't be a lying piece of shit.
t. non chalice exploring baby
It will be impressive as fuck if they make content in Sekiro that's harder than Depth 5 Fetid Rotted Cursed Root Chalices.
>Still trapped in the dream
>Possibly being controlled/imprisoned by the Doll
>You're just a squid monster elder god and will end up being unable to truly communicate with or genuinely help your fellow humans
>Might just end up getting killed by some uppity scholar or scared hunter.
It's a bad end unless your name is Provost Willem.
yet you get essence from it and you can cure dragonrot later there will be benefits to it there always is
pretty sure it will have dual audio
>english trailer
>dub in a samurai gam
>shitty music tacked on that isn't on the original trailer
>Dying has severe consequences in Sekiro.
Doesn't look like it. Losing out on bonus content and NPCs won't stop casuals from button mashing their whole way through the game.
>no online
>tfw not a zoomer
>tfw I don't give a fuck about the online or pvp shit
>tfw soulcucks are seething
>only 0.5 weapons
>only 2 bosses
the worst souls game to date
You're delusional. Everything about the gameplay, lore and all of it looks fucking incredible.
Holy fuck no, not the English VA.
Here bros, this one is much better.
It's translated work, rather han English from the start. Means it's outsourced rather than directed with care
Are you fucking retarded? Honestly I am getting so tired of nu Yea Forums this is so pathetic by now. What in the fucking hell do you mean locations look bland, they have literally only shown the starting area you mong.
They are limited.
Man so many samurai fights
some originality please thanks from
ape looked cool tho
Hard pass or wait for crack
>The gimmick fights were all awful.
No, they were fantastic in their own right and it's a damn shame Miyazaki decided to discard most of them because they were both unique and atmospheric as well as compensated the fact souls combat system itself is really nothing special.
>Meanwhile in DaS2 we have Lost Sinner, Mirror Knight, Watcher/Defender, Sinh, Ivory King, Elana, Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, Ruin Sentinels, Velstadt, Demon of Song, Darklurker and others.
All of them are also complete and irredeemable garbage with the exception of MAYBE Fume who is still overrated into the fucking oblivion by DS2 tards, he is nothing compared to Manus both in terms of art design and actual combat flow as well.
>they have literally only shown the starting area you mong.
That's their fault, not his. The game looks REALLY bland when you look at it from that angle. Plus, we know how many bosses there are. We've already seen three of them in that same boring early environment. That means AT LEAST one quarter of the game is that snowy samurai castle zone.
But I think it looks good
The voice mixing sounds hella off in this trailer. The first line in the english one is a bit too quiet but sounds much better overall. The japanese one sounds like every VA has a different mic.
I don't like the mentor guy's jap VA either.
He does use that stance though? Lots of gameplay footage shows him doing that.
Watch this, he does it several times throughout the video. It's just during special techniques.
Keep in mind he is an assassin, not some samurai looking for an honorable duel.
its limited yes but it proves its not all doom and gloom its probably like insight in bloodborne
kek this is so unfitting. Might as well put X gon give it to ya there
Hype and adrenaline keeps pumping up. Most anticipated game since Bloodborne for me.
You didn't hear? They couldn't get the other two bosses to work, so the game will ship with ZERO bosses lmaoooo
Imagine loving soul trash online.
>clunky ass online
>lagfest 80% of the time
>unbalanced as fuck
>players just teleporting around
Literally riddit the series.
Or just stick to your words and just not play this game. You want to boycott Activision, boycott them. But don't go "They are shit, I don't want their games" and then play it anyway. There are more than enough games that are not made by EA, Activision or Ubisoft. Just play those.
>No, they were fantastic in their own right
Credibility Status: Disintegrated. Gimmick bosses are glorified 3D Zelda bosses. Fuckin' horrible.
>All of them are also complete and irredeemable garbage
Yup. I was right to toss any credibility you might have had into the dumpster. You're impossibly retarded.
>, he is nothing compared to Manus both in terms of art design and actual combat flow as well.
Great. So if you play through the majority of DAS1 and endure a shitload of really mediocre/bad bosses, you get to fight ONE boss who's better than Fume. Great. Well done. GOTYAY.
Does it have denuvo? From software is a hit or miss for me, I like bloodborne a lot but never really got into dark souls so if anything I'd rather try it first
>miyazaki does thing
>b team does thing
Nothing has been confirmed yet on whether it has denuvo.
Nothing is wrong with this you sonygay
Apparently their development was so troubled that it even retroactively removed bosses out of Bloodborne now. Check it yourself, you can't fight BLB in the chalices anymore. He's just gone.
Why is no one talking about this? We get a game with negative bosses and no one bats an eye. They all just drool over pretty spark particle effects from ebin swordfights.
>Credibility Status: Disintegrated
I will just leave you with your shit taste, user
You're the reason the series started losing a unique charm it had back in DeS days.
>You're impossibly retarded.
Not as retarded as the one who considers an inferior Artorias with clunky as shit animations or inferior clone of Gwyn with ice attacks instead of fire good boss battles.
>So if you play through the majority of DAS1 and endure a shitload of really mediocre/bad bosses
At least i'm not forced to endure DS2 which is a COMPLETE FUCKING GARBAGE from start to finish save for a few still very mediocre areas and bosses.
Activision on steam games never have denuvo
Why the english version trailer has always a cringe ass music? Why americans can't handle anything subtle, it always have to be in the face? Jap version:
Hey, this looks cool. All we got here in banana land was the steelbook and a poster. Still preordered it.
seems like the game will incredibly light on content. a result of from spreading themselves thin on more projects than usual no doubt
>he is nothing compared to Manus both in terms of art design and actual combat flow as well.
Manus combat flow: equip a good greatshield, win.
Fume combat flow: actually have to learn his pattern and how to avoid every single one of his attacks.
>the absolute state of fromsoft
Fuck off, samefagging nigger
>Manus combat flow: equip a good greatshield, win.
Manus combat flow: stick to his ass, win
Two can play this game faggot
god this looks good, this is a great year so far
Like night and day, they better have the nip version available at launch. Fuck western dubshit.
t. miyahacki
We get literally nothing in my country. I wish we got a steelbook.
>Manus combat flow: stick to his ass, win
I guess that works too, but unless you're brain dead or doing a challenge run he's too easy to bother.
No one in the west likes it. It's whoever is doing their shitty marketing. Don't you remember the awful BB promo?
>I'm gonna cut you doooownnnn
>inferior clone of Gwyn with ice attacks
Are you fucking retarded? Ivory King doesn't have any ice attacks and his fight isn't even close to a Gwyn clone. Did you even play the game?
>At least i'm not forced to endure DS2 which is a COMPLETE FUCKING GARBAGE from start to finish
Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls by a huge margin. The levels, the mechanics, the enemies and the bosses ALL shit on Dark Souls 1/3.
I suggest you take your impossibly shit tastes and go find a series more suited to your general level of retardation. I hear the Mass Effect community is a good place for idiots like you. Plenty of room for you to flex your brainlet powers.
That does look a lot better, I guess it's because the player uses a lot of dodges and other moves after parrying
I'm talking about vids like this:
Where he parries the blow and immediately casually walks towards the boss with sword at his side. I was at least expecting the character to hold the sword at attention if locked on to a target, it just seems strange for him to be so casual in a fight.
>getting the game on PS4 when it's confirmed to tank in the 10-20 fps range
Why are you so triggered by this game clearly being harder than Souls games? This has been proven conclusively by now, your little false flag operation of trying to paint the game as casual isn't working.
who's voice is that at 1:21??? I HAVE TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!! IT'S KILLING ME!!! sounds like jotaro?
>american trailer is garbage
American are braindead retards
Yare Yare Daze
It literally doesn't have Souls combat. At all. No game ever before has had combat like this.
This is a main project and will be Froms defining masterpiece of the next decade that tons of dumbfuck Americans will copycat.
Who here said they'd get the game on PS4?
Where is the source that base PS4 runs at 10-20 FPS? And no, that DF video where they look at a non-base PS4 does not count, as that is not a base PS4.
Explain why its harder aside from you can't level up or summon phantoms. I regularly beat Dark Souls with naked runs.
Because revivals and stealth mechanics with instantkills mean that it CANNOT be harder than Souls games.
You must have never played a single game from FromSoft, if you think NPCs dying is not severe. They are your source of materials and equipment in their games. Your playthrough gets harder without them.
List of bosses:
Sword Saint Isshin Ashina
Isshin Ashina
Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa
Lady Butterfly
Genichiro Ashina
Guardian Ape
Great Serpent
Great Colored Carp
Kapa King Kuzenbo
The Owl
Corrupted Monk
Divine Dragon
Demon of Hatred
It's kaiba
I remember missing the RDR 2 steelbook preorder. It lasted only 3 days. Now folks are selling ONLY the steelbook without the game for $30. On the other hand, Kingdom Hearts 3 steelbook editions are plenty. I wonder if it sold well.
just go one aliexpress or something, you can probably buy a crate full of those bracelets for like $5
>The stealth mechanics are shallow garbag-
Are the enemies 90% humanoids?
Sounds like Kaiba's VA.
It's Tsuda Kenjjirou.
>Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls by a huge margin
And what will you do if it isn't? After all, Dark Souls was just a watered down Demon's Souls.
>You must have never played a single game from FromSoft, if you think NPCs dying is not severe.
This isn't like previous Souls games.
>hey are your source of materials and equipment in their games.
This game doesn't have any of that. You have one set of gear and one weapon. Dying NPCs will be basically irrelevant.
>Man so many knight fights in this Dark Souls game, some originality From please.
Shut the fuck up retard.
Why would it matter ONE BIT how many enemies are human soldiers, when each type of enemy belonging to that group fights completely differently. They have shown a very impressive variety of human enemies with completely unique fighting styles.
Much better without the lyrics, Japs know this music is crap, so they slightly changed it.
Well, was 90% of BB lycanthropes?
>fromsoft game getting published by Activision and getting a launch trailer with shitty pop american music for the american CoD kids
From DeS/DaS to this.
>Where is the source that base PS4 runs at 10-20 FPS
People at local conventions in south america or TW? played the PS4 version and it had horrible fps. Could be an early version but still, this is standard FROM shitty optimization
It is? user, that's literally fucking Assassin's Creed tier stealth take down, complete with fucking predetermined kills where you magically home in on an enemy to kill him regardless of distance. In Tenchu, you had to properly align yourself on the enemy or less you miss your target, alerting him, then stab you to death.
>Plus, we know how many bosses there are
No, we don't. You're just mentally retarded and think because there are achievements for 11 bosses, that means there are 11 bosses. But that's not how logic works, your brain just isn't functioning normally.
>We've already seen three of them in that same boring early environment. That means AT LEAST one quarter of the game is that snowy
Holy shit you are retarded. They have shown already almost 11 actual bosses, which is the amount there are achievements for lol. They would not have shown that many if there were not many dozens of bosses.
You're incredibly mega fucking retarded if you think one third of an entire 40-50 hour game takes place in a snowy area.
90% of the ones I remember.
Yeah this is totally a new thing...
>assassin's creed one hit kill from roof tops
epic truly an innovation
>only 13 bosses
someone didn't watch DaS trailers
You know the trailer from DaS1 had the same thing, right?
Yes, in a lot of footage the player is absolute dogshit at the game which makes it look dumb.
But the video I posted, it's clearly one of the devs playing it and holy fuck the combat looks amazing when done right.
why cant FFXV combat be better than Sekiro?
nigga if Bloodborne is 70% Dark Souls, Sekiro is 40% Dark Souls
It's still fucking copying Dark Souls.
I have never once in my whole life bought an american game and I will not change that fact.
Fuck off and kill yourself western cucks you and your shitty games and culture need to die.
Yes, it's almost like Miyazaki is talented as fuck, and Shibuya and Tanimura of the B-team are not. Wow, it's almost like not everyone is equal, DS2 pvp cuck.
Miyazaki made Dark Souls 3 and its the worst game in the series. What now?
>generic samurai fight #245
yep goty
seek professional help
Cool trailer and will still buy but the downgrade is real
>spreading themselves thin on more projects than usual
Literally not a thing. Entire A-team is working on Sekiro.
>game will incredibly light on content
Based on what, mouthbreather? They've only shown very little so far and even that has been an insane variety of content. Anyone with a brain can tell it will have far more content than Souls games.
Stop replying to obvious bait you tools.
I've seen better hitbox porn in DeS. That's not even real dodge.
>it's an activision game
Le sigh. It's such a tired contention now. It's not their IP, it's From's exclusively. It wouldn't be possible for them independently publish in Asia while activision publish in America and the Europe. It's like Warner Bros publishing Witcher 3 while CD PR publish in the euro.
Who fucking cares? It's Sonys fault for making an outdated hardware piece of shit machine really.
Why would you ever NOT play everything on PC, are you dumb?
>Entire A-team is working on Sekiro.
Yeah just like how we all thought that A-Team was also working on DaS3 right? Look how that turned out. The real force behind souls games is not even Fromsoft but Japan Studio.
Will this have dual audio? I was looking forward to my Japanese adventure. Didn't think they'd dub it.
holy based
The video I posted is a no-hit parryonly kill of the boss though
Doesn't sound anything like Jotaros VA dude... Sekiros Jap VA however is Guts's from the anime.
Name a worse game than DaS3.
English Japanese and French
You can switch between them
The combat is way harder
No it doesn't moron, you can't stealth kill hard enemies, just shit tier plebs which are equivalent to Hollows from Dark Souls.
And revival is very limited and using it has negative consequences.
I can't wait for Sekiro to come out and turns out you can easily break the entire game with an OP as shit mechanic because Fromsoft is fucking retarded.
dark souls made by japan?
never ever
>Yea Forums
pick one
Thank god. Thank you for telling me.
Sekiro won't ever dethrone Bloodborne, primarily because BB was a console exclusive only, thus better.
It's fake. That's a list of bosses that have achievements for them, not list of all bosses.
I don't get it, why do you come to these threads and just lie, lie and lie? What is the goal? What do you hope to achieve with that? We all have already seen like over 50 consumable items from the game. It has an insane variety of items and equipment you can find and use, dumbfuck nigger retard.
You will be FUCKED if your NPCs die.
How is it copying dark souls if it's made by the same developer, retard.
hang yourself weaboo, right now
Everyone else saw that boomhammer animation right
Subhuman retard.
Dark Souls 1 was marketed with even far more cringe American music.
It is not Froms decision what the publisher plays in the trailer.
The only chilling thing here is the realization that someone on this earth can be as unintelligent as you. I don't want to live in a world with subhumans of your caliber.
>you can't stealth kill hard enemies
But you can run away form them or avoid them with the grapple.
>And revival is very limited
No it's not
>using it has negative consequences.
None of which actually prevent you from just mindlessly reviving your way to victory. People are just gonna rush bosses and throw themselves into those fights until they win. The revivals will only help them do it in less time.
I'm still gonna buy the game user. But I'm not dumb enough to buy itno the retarded PR speak you're being fed.
>seething pvp cucklets mad that they are making an insanely hard single player only game this time around
Your "instant kill stealth takedowns" are not instant kill, they deal a certain amount of damage. Any enemy with decent health can tank it and then kill you in the resulting battle.
needed some 21 savage
>60 fps
>a day early steam unlock
But it's a Japanese game, are you stupid? Are you really this stupid? I don't get it. There's no way you can be.
>We all have already seen like over 50 consumable items from the game
None of them matter. They never do and they never will. The same mindless retards who summoned a swarm of co-operators in Souls are the same retards who never touched or cared about any of the consumables.
>It has an insane variety of items and equipment you can find and use,
None of which will matter. Soulsborne had a shitload of item too. They didn't matter and nobody used them [except for blue elixir and lead elixir for PVP]
Source please
Forgive me superior one. I observe there is only one option for you to free yourself from your surrounding dolts.
Kill yourself.
from who and for what? it isn't out yet
>Only 60 FPS
Will they release a physical copy for pc?
Yea. I wonder how many flame inflicting prosthetics there are.
I thought you couldn’t parry red moves, yet he seems to do so with the thrusts?
>Stealth/Sprint/Grapple past big boys
>Instagib everything with my ninjustu
It's going to be easy. Stop sucking down PR horseshit about how this CLEARLY easier game is gonna be "the hardest yet"
the big baddie that cuts off your arm has the same exact kick as Gundyr
British music isn't fitting for a japanese culture game
It's basically the hype awards. Most anticipated game, etc
>Yeah just like how we all thought that A-Team was also working on DaS3 right?
No one thought that, except I guess mentally retarded cucks like you. DS3 is a B-team game, everyone knows that. It was literally made by Tanimura and the same team as DS2, and Miyazaki directed the creation of only 3 zones for the game.
>The real force behind souls games is not even Fromsoft but Japan Studio.
Literally fucking what? Japan Studios involvement in Bloodborne development was purely technical, they did not write any of the code, do any of the 3D modeling, not any writing, nothing. They were literally assistants.
superior to the 45 fps on the pro snoystation
Fucking hell user. I literally just fapped.
Name 2 games like this, I want something to play.
I prefer not to paly at low/medium settings and 1080p like I'm back in 2006, lmao
The gameplay looks good though.
>Literally fucking what? Japan Studios involvement in Bloodborne development was purely technical, they did not write any of the code, do any of the 3D modeling, not any writing, nothing. They were literally assistants.
You are now manually aware that Japan Studio basically made The Old Hunters by themselves.
Was there ever any doubt
GOTY easily
Ah user, we must go easy on the console peasants. They've been playing on low their entire lives.
Are you purposefully ignoring the actual combat?
what the eff bros, some internet person from 4channel Yea Forums board said it was getting delayed.
The actual combat is fucking optional. Just like every Souls game and whatever else, you can just run past stuff.
This Dragonrot shit has me on edge, does it accumulate every time you rise, or when you die a real death? What if you can avoid it by staying dead when you fall?
>not having a 144hz monitor
Laughing at you
>But you can run away form them or avoid them with the grapple
How would you know that, nothing we know about the game indicates that will always be possible. And you do realize you have to fight them to progress the game. You need XP and money to survive, and you especially need upgrades to your max health, which can only be gained from killing very strong miniboss enemies.
>No it's not
Yes, it is retard. Why are you so butthurt that you lie?
>None of which actually prevent you from just mindlessly reviving your way to victory.
Again, revival is very limited, they have made this perfectly clear. Rats like you should be euthanized, too stupid to even have a normal conversation without constantly lying.
>But I'm not dumb enough to buy itno the retarded PR speak you're being fed.
I'm not buying into anything except objective truths. You're literally a subhuman below 70 IQ nigger, user. You should be killed.
People keep saying this but I've never seen a source. If you have one please post it
i do
You can't summon help in Sekiro so yes the items will fucking matter, a lot. The whole combat is entirely built around using items to survive, have you not watched footage at all?
>3 zones
Which ones were those?
>combat is optional
>you can run past everything, just like in souls games
What the fuck am I reading?
>I want a challenge!
>FromSoft puts in all this shit
>Skip it
>Complain how easy the game was/is
Bunch of retards in this thread.
same applies to you lmao
having fun playing at 1080p at medium settings? LOL
Name a souls boss that didnt have his own achievement
>You can't summon help in Sekiro
Yeah but you can just revive yourself.
>so yes the items will fucking matter, a lot.
No they won't. Lack of summons isn't suddenly gonna make a firebomb into a super clutch item.
>The whole combat is entirely built around using items to survive
Shinobi Tools aren't consumables. This isn't a reasonable comparison.
>too retarded to actually know anything about the game
Why do you do this? Why do you come and shitpost all over a thread, with utter falsehoods, when all you really had to do was look at gameplay to see you ARE FUCKING WRONG.
Enemies are absolutely fucking not optional, you will fuck up your entire playthrough by skipping hard enemies. You can't be fucking serious if you think they are skippable, they've shown why they are important to fight.
Pull your head out of your own ass nigger. Literally every piece of concrete evidence proves it's far harder than any game they've made before.
I'd like to see how you fuck up your entire playthrough by trying to skip all the enemies. You deserve it.
Wait people unironically love dark soul online?
Am I really supposed to be believe this game will be more difficult than dark souls or even bloodborne?
English trailer is better.
Completely false. It was FromSoft entirely. Japan Studios literally did not take part in the actual development of the game, at all. This is common knowledge. They were in an assisting role that helped with tech stuff.
High Wall of Lothric, Cathedral of the Deep and Irithyll (city and dungeons).
>you will fuck up your entire playthrough by skipping hard enemies.
Sure I will.
>they've shown why they are important to fight.
Sure they have.
>I'd like to see how you fuck up your entire playthrough by trying to skip all the enemies. You deserve it.
It's possible in Soulsborne, it'll be possible here unless they specifically block you off by creating impassible barriers. It won't fuck anything up
Why do YOU reply to what you know are lies and shitposts?
>Yea Forums is actually that kid that think he is hardcore because he played dark soul
Hilarious none of you toddlers would last a second in the fighting game community.
Read on how radically different the combat is. It's more than just roll>wait for opening>R1 now.
He's clearly retarded, user.
>Yeah but you can just revive yourself.
A very limited amount of times.
>No they won't. Lack of summons isn't suddenly gonna make a firebomb into a super clutch item.
Yes, they will matter, because the entire combat is designed to make them matter. This has been shown.
>I'm just going to skip everything because I only care about bosses and the story
So this is what that difficulty setting in Witcher 3 was all about.
>fighting game community.
My god the fucking english voices are so unfitting it makes me dry heave.
Not only does the JP trailer have better voices, but way better music choice as well.
>plays dbfz and mashes auto combos
i-i-i'm a hardcore part of the fgc!!!
fucking 2019ers
>dark soul community
>Yea Forums is one collective person
hilarious wilarious blarious nefariously darious you snarious barious nigga nigga teehee
>A very limited amount of times.
Not even at all. It's once per life before you respawn but that's it.
> This has been shown.
No, what has been shown is SHINOBI TOOLS being important. Those aren't consumables. Those are one of the only forms of obtainable equipment in the game.
A huge amount of them in DeS, DS1, DS2 and BB did not. Only DS3 all bosses have achievements, except DLC bosses.
And even if that had been some kind of pattern in previous games, nothing would indicate it should and would always be in their future games.
Eat shit retard. You are actually really, really stupid if you think there are only 11 bosses, when they already shown almost all of those 11.
Sounds like this guy.
>Official Launch Trailer
>Game is actually only out in 10 days
Fuck I thought it was out already.
yeah, stinky days are no joke
>play dark soul and spam roll and R1
most DaS1 and 2 bosses
Yeah, go ahead and skip the enemies. See how you complete mid to late game with starting health. Since you need to fight the enemies to grow your max health throughout the game, retard nigger.
Avoiding enemies means I don't need HP and only trash tier bosses can't be beaten without being hit.
Tbf, DS2 bosses weren't really worth achievements.
who are you quoting?
holy fucking BASED!!!
All the DS babies in this thread panicking by the existence of Sekiro
I can't believe in just 11 days we'll be playing one of the greatest games in the past decade. You can feel the adrenaline in your body as the 21st approaches
dmc fags like both thank you, now fuck off
>Not even at all. It's once per life before you respawn but that's it.
That is limited you fucking dumbass, you do realize you lose half your money and XP in this game when you die? Go ahead, just don't care about dying because "lol you can revive xD", see how easy the game is without leveling up or being able to afford buying upgrades or items.
>No, what has been shown is SHINOBI TOOLS being important. Those aren't consumables. Those are one of the only forms of obtainable equipment in the game.
No you little cuck, they have shown tons of consumable items that are very important.
That shitty American music. Holy fuck.
but witcher 3 came out years ago?
All DeS bosses and all non-chalice BB bosses have trophies.
>That is limited you fucking dumbass
No. It's not.
>, you do realize you lose half your money and XP in this game when you die?
Irrelevant. Money and XP don't matter.
>they have shown tons of consumable items that are very important.
No they haven't.
do you really need the yous so badly?
pure unadultered kino
Name the bloodborne, and ds1 bosses that didnt have achievements
Inb4 ornstein and smough despite baing a fucking achievement for the soulvessel and prinwheel despite the rite of kindling and they dond do that anymore as you can see with the dragon trophy it isnt "aquire the sacred tears" it's kill the divine dragon and aquire the sacred tears. Only mini boss tier bosses that literally become normal enemies like butterfly, capra and taurus didnt have one, gaping dragon is the only true exception that comes to mind
hotel. trivago
>anime fags sperging about muh voices
This trailer unironically just made me preorder. Can't wait for some peak kino next week
They're offering a digital artbook and soundtrack, which are useful in themselves. From is famous for their soundtracks and the artbook itself are usually really good. I use them for my tabletop games.
It's a linear action game with no soul.
Who are you quoting?
Surely you won't be playing a game that takes place in feudal Japan in English with garbage CoD actors, right?
Not really. I just like soulsborne games.
best part is it's a fresh name. After KH and DMC I am exhausted playing catch up with games.
Activision trailer, check the TGS trailer instead.
Is the main character’s VA the guy who did Charles in red dead? They sound similar to me
Definitely gonna go play through it first in jap.
Is the pasta with
>no shield
>no pvp
etc, true? how much did they remove from the game
asylum, stray, firesage
here we get this mini katana thing
This isn't souls.
they didn't remove anything because sekiro isn't based on souls games
Asylum has the trophy for leaving the asylum, the other two are literal recolors fuck off. You should have said centipede
It's still extremely rare and they literally dont do it anymore, both bloodborne and darks souls 3 had trophies for all the bosses and demons did too. Why would they have two trophies for both isshin if there are bosses that dont have one and again two trophies for the ape
We will get minibosses like those seen in the trailer but there are not more bosses bar the final boss and the secret final bosses associated with the endings bloodborne style, accept it already
>Skill trees replace the RPG stat leveling
>Unlockable combat arts
>Two weapons
>Prosthetics that have a range of utilities (e.g. Hyperarmour axe, flame vent)
>Dodges have the narrowest i-frames yet
>You can jump vertically now, no need to run
>Timing deflects, instead of blocking
>Only parrying mechanism is the mikiri, which is only for thrust attacks
>No stamina
>Posture bar: fully filling up the posture meter by attacking and deflecting allows you to strike a critical that removes all their health, they have multiple revives though
>This applies to you aswell
>Timed deflects do posture damage to enemy
>Posture bar can deplete over time
>You obtain a revive (gained from killing sufficient amount of enemies), so you can come back to life after dying
>Dying induces a world tendency equivalent in Sekiro called dragonrot, an illness that spreads to friendly NPCs in the hub
>More you die, the less chance of "unseen aid" from these NPCs and will eventually lock you out of dialogue, lose chance to obtain useful items/bars progression
>It is said to kill, expect NPCs to die and affect the narrative
>Multiple (4) endings
>World design is their biggest one yet, opens up significantly, early on. Expect it be like DaS1 level design
>There will be multiple mini bosses before a true boss
>NPC summons exists, they die permanently
>No multiplayer component at all
Defend this.
The reason you can revive few times is because the combat is more challenging than other souls games, half your exp and coins are lost upon death and they can't be retrieved and dying has consequences on NPC's
The revive mechanics gives more balance to the game.
Asylum Demon
Bell Gargoyles
Taurus Demon
Capra Demon
Moonlight Butterfly
Gaping Dragon
Ceaseless Discharge
Iron Golem
Ornstein and Smough
Stray Demon
Demon Firesage
Centipede Demon
Sanctuary Guardian
The Pursuer
Old Dragonslayer
Flexile Sentry
Ruin Sentinels
Lost Sinner
Skeleton Lords
Executioner's Chariot
Covetous Demon
Smelter Demon
Old Iron King
Royal Rat Authority
Prowling Magus & Congregation
Royal Rat Vanguard
The Rotten
Twin Dragonriders
Demon of Song
Guardian Dragon
Ancient Dragon
Giant Lord
The Ganksquad
Fume Knight
Sir Alonne
Blue Smelter
Lud & Zallen
Crispy Ivory King
Moon Presence
Undead Giant x3
Merciless Watchers
Beast-possessed Soul
Keeper of the Old Lords
Pthumerian Descendant
Bloodletting Beast
Maneater Boar
Forgotten Madman
Pthumerian Elder
Abhorrent Beast
Loran Silverbeast
Soul of Cinder
Champion's Gravetender
Demon Prince
Not a souls game retard
user almost everything you listed is a straight improvement, am I being tricked here?
Most of these sound fine though.
I'm happy its just a single player game, hoping you can pause.
That's the immortal killer? Kinda cool.
Wow actually btfo.
> souls players actually defending sekiro
It's likely the game Miyazaki wanted out of Bloodborne, but couldn't because Sony wanted their own Dark Souls.
Its the souls players who dislike it, retard.
>because the combat is more challenging than other souls games
This is what people said about BB and then the game comes out and it turns out you can face tank everything because the games give you infinite healing and the opportunity to regain lost health through attacking.
these threads are retards vs retards
Cringy trailer with obvious western advertising. Weebs will love it.
I kinda wanted another souls like game set in a new universe. With improved bloodborne mechanics. God that would've been cool.
And the award for most reddit post of the day goes to...
they have been working on a new "dark fantasy action RPG" since like 2016 so maybe they'll announce it this year
Yeah good luck with your retard playthrough. It won't work out but you'll find out the hard way since you can't figure that out by now.
>Dlc bosses when dlc didnt have trophies and when it did every single boss had a trophy
>dark souls 2 bosses when we already stated dark souls 2 is out of the picture because it has an insane amount of regular enemies larping as bosses
>citing literally regular enemies with health bars
>citing dark souls 1 bosses that have a trophy lile sif, ornstein, pirnwheel, asylum, queelag, gargoyles etc ignoring dark souls 1 trophies where about the items you get when defeating the bosses and not about the bosses themselves but that hasnt been the case since then
Wow you are stupid
For what? He is right. Sekiro is going to be THE masterpiece of the next decade.
Not going to boot up my dust covered PS3 just to check out the DS1 achievements but many did not have achievements. As for BB, none of the chalice bosses do except the final one. And there are like over two dozen unique bosses there.
>b-b-but it doesn't count
>some salty fag that got invaded and killed too many times and still blames it on the game
Of course it doesnt count you retard, if there isnt trophies for the dlc whatsoever how the fuck are those bosses gonna have one? And most of the rest of those had trophies not counting dark souls 2 which isnt even made by the same people
Except Souls PvP is demonstratively complete garbage.
>Chudan is the only stance that exists
>What is waki gamae
Some enemies can also revive? Can you link to this, first I hear of it. Awesome if true.
Best game also had the best trailer music
That's his point, he's making fun of the cucks crying "defend this" because there is a massive list of improvements to Froms game design.
Unseen Aid does not mean NPCs helping you, it's related to your deaths. Unseen Aid is a % chance to recover your lost XP and money after dying, normally you lose all of it, there are no bloodstains to pick it up from.
it's a fun addition
>Imagine Dragons tier arena rock
The Sekiro achievements are specifically for bosses so ones like O&S or Pinwheel aren't included
I'm worried the game is gonna run like ass on consoles like every other fromsoft game.
Haven't upgraded my PC since TW3 so buying that version is not viable.
So no strength and width due to katana's being thin and made with scrap?
Maybe you should get better at the complete garbage then instead of complaining every time someone comes into your game and fucks you with an axe.
Anyone expecting a From game to run well is either willfully ignorant or an idiot.
shitty trailer desu
Fuck off; is right.
I love DMC and am hyped as fuck for Sekiro.
>Haven't upgraded my PC since TW3 so buying that version is not viable.
If you can run this well it'll run fine. Dark Souls 3 ran a lot better on my PC than on the base PS4 and my PC Is mediocre.
Gays not welcome.jpg
the best part about this game is the level design, which will be incredible if on the level of dark souls but adjusted for your mobility
like that scene before the bell wielding giant where he's jumping up the castle and there are a dozen towers a dozen stories tall
The only defining Dark Souls trait is
>dying means you lose your XP
>can collect your XP, but if you die on your way there you lose it forever
Sekiro has none of that.
This, where is mah twenny huan sehfidge.
Haven't they learned frum the mortal kombum 11 trailer?
>said the console cuck
Their games run perfectly fine on PC, the platform that humans play on. Enjoy your 30 fps while I play with 144 fps.
>the best part about this game is the world design
It's the first From game since DaS to not have casual as fuck world design.
What the fuck is world design?
Yeah in this launch trailer you can see a fucking gigantic castle and Sekiro fighting someone on top of a very high towers roof. So you can hook yourself all the way up there, the level design is really vertical now.
And the fact that there are enemies on roof tops is great too, means you can't just escape to safety.
He jus came. Very potent came
Can someone explain to me why console ""players"" put up with 30 FPS?
imagine if there are ninja enemies with their own grappling hooks and you end up having trans-rooftop duels and shit
>it lacks atmosphere, it lacks gameplay, it lacks a story
The game isn't out yet, what the fuck
Nu-Yea Forums is a fucking meme
I only put up with it because I like having physical games
They're peasants for a reason.
Owning a physical version makes it worth it.
Also pirating the PC version so I can play at higher settings is nice ;)
most console players are mid 30s fat guys who got stuck playing consoles cause they never got over their Halo/CoD glory days
that or literal children who play nintendo games or whatever
PC doesn't have any games, sadly. I'm talking about real exclusives, not multiplats obviously. Nobody makes games for PC. I think Total War is the only high budget exclusive that's exclusive, everything else is on consoles.
The design of the world from a macro point. Dark Souls had god tier world design, then the rest were shit with fast travel being used a crux in lieu of actual good game design.
They don't have jobs so they can't afford computers.
I just shit my pants Yea Forums
And there's literally nothing you can do about it
embarrassing argument
Based af. Fuck pvp that shit was full of cheesers
oh, but do we know anything about the macro level design of the world?
Literally like 99% of games are multiplat, so there is no reason to play any of them on console. And the exclusives are rarely any good anyway.
I played DeS and BB. Frame pacing was an issue, sure, but it didn't hamper the experience.
How so? The reason why PC is so shit is because it costs too much money. There's no games to play...
Yes, Miyazaki already said that it's similar to that of the first Dark Souls with lots of interconnected areas and verticality.
name some exclusives that aren't dogshit or didn't end up multiplat in the end
Really should've just gone with an arranged piece from the game
>And the exclusives are rarely any good anyway
What the fuck kind of argument is that? Every game should be exclusive so you get the highest quality but again, PC doesn't get anything. It's sad but he asked why people play on consoles and that's why. They actually get great games.
The actual reason why PC gaming is superior is because I can pirate everything. Only console plebs and idiots buy games.
60 fps actually broke shit in the game because physics, weapon degradation, etc were tied to framr rate
>movie game
try again faggot.