>There are people who do not acknowledge X and Y as the single worst Pokemon games.
Imagine having such shit taste.
There are people who do not acknowledge X and Y as the single worst Pokemon games
I've enjoyed every generation of pokemon.
Eat shit.
you can enjoy them all and still rank them retard
Your point in relation to OP's post being?
Sun and Moon make them look like masterpieces
>Wah, actual story in my Smogon games!
well in order to be sure I’d have to replay them but fuck that.
Why would anyone consider XY to be the worst when S&M exists?
for me XY can not be the worst just for how fucking good the PSS was
also I liked Mega evolutions
>No post game
>No full movement
>No difficulty (literally)
>Literally all the interesting shit was a "soon" who we never got
Trust me the story is the least of their problems.
Let's Go Peepee is way worse
it's a spinoff game, doesn't count
Objectively speaking, there's 0 legitimate arguement for RBY not being the worst, and I say that as somebody who has intense, insane amounts of nostalgia for pokemaia
There's bugs out the ass, there's a noticable lack of even basic quality of life features, the type balance is broken, most types don't even have decently damaging moves, the combat systems are unrefined, and the visuals are trash (and don't give me this "hur it was on the GB" shit, so was GSC and it holds up visually for the most part)
Even for their time, XY are solid. The jump to 3d is a big boon, there's an insane amount of new features and quality of life functions that it introduced over past games: Trainer customization, Super training, wonder trade/PSS, amie, multuiple registered items, etc. There's a ton of pokemon variety on routes, and the story, while a step down from gen 5 in certain respects, was still a big step up from every other game in the series till that point (flare is retarded, but lysandre himself is well done).
The ONLY reason why XY gets as much shit as it does is because we never got a Z version, and it had the potential to be so, so much more. It's a very solid foundation to start with, and had it gotten as big an improvement as past gens by that point had by their third versions and sequels, then people would laud it.
I didn't get bored and drop them a few hours in so by that standard they were better than ORAS or SM
Sword and Shield seem like an improvement but they're gonna have to show something that's actively exciting before I drop $60 on this series again. The starter designs are probably the worst in the series so it's not a great first impression overall.
They’re the only Pokémon games I haven’t beaten. Terrible
>All that teasing for a pokemon Z
>HGSS happened instead
>le actual story meme
I hate it
I really hate how pokefags have to resort to bashing gen 1 in every fashion to keep up this facade that the series is always improving and gamefreak can do no wrong.
>and the story, while a step down from gen 5 in certain respects, was still a big step up from every other game in the series till that point (flare is retarded, but lysandre himself is well done).
Except for BW which was infinitely better than XY's shit excuse for a story, you mean.
>The ONLY reason why XY gets as much shit as it does is because we never got a Z version, and it had the potential to be so, so much more. It's a very solid foundation to start with, and had it gotten as big an improvement as past gens by that point had by their third versions and sequels, then people would laud it.
I don't think a Z version would've fixed the obnoxious friend characters accompanying you all game and the frustrating linearity of it, which are the biggest complaints I remember having about it.
BW was far worse
Yeah, I loved X and Y. The first game since Silver to really spark the sense of adventure that Pokémon used to be all about. Even the designs looked pretty damn good, barring the megas.
And before you start flinging shit on me for not being a pathetic Gen 3bab like you I should mention I played a romhack of X which significantly increased the difficulty and forced me to learn the meta to win.
Pokémon variety is XY's biggest strength.
>there's 0 legitimate arguement for RBY not being the worst
The difference between Gen 1/2 and modern titles is that people WANT to like those games so they're willing to put up with or overlook their flaws. I would really love to be able to enjoy playing Pokémon Crystal again but it's hard to do when I've experienced other games without a nonexistent level curve or absolute garbage movesets.
They can't be the worst because GSC exists.
Sun/Moon are the best games for not having HMs. Nothing else matters. All the games are easy you fucking faggots.
Sun/Moon has monsters spawning in the middle of combat, preventing you from capturing the monster. That alone drops it 10 points straight past Let's Go Pikachu and arguably renders it the greatest failure in the history of video games.
Sun and Moon would disagree with that
Why are SuMo so hated?
I loved SuMo, I liked how it shook up the formula, the only thing I didn't like was the lack of exploration.
Are you all compfags that only care about your perfect EVs and IVs and whatever?
I stopped caring about the postgame ages ago.
I dropped it like right after the first Gladion fight because it wasn't engaging me at all. The more the story interrupted me trying to actually play the game the less cared about it. It's just a slog.
okay yes, that part was just fucking annoying
>Pikachu cried for help! its help didn't appear! Pikachu called for help! its help didn't appear!
Playing through Omega Ruby right now. So I'm thinking you might be wrong.
Because they were shit.
I'm obligated to like it the most since it's the only game that let me put the feMC in a cute crop top
The changes to the formula were the only good things about Sun and Moon. Practically everything else sucked, which is why people hate them. Competitive is largely unchanged and has nothing to do with it, though the post game sucked balls.
What about the formula even changed? Trials instead of gyms? They were literally just gyms with a different name on them.
I love Augustine!
What? The only similarity is that they both had boss battles, which is obviously going to happen in an RPG. Nothing about the lead up to the trials was anything close to the puzzles they used in gyms.
That top is as basic as it gets. I don't see how it is cute at all.
If anything I expected you to say that the totem battles were the different part. I struggle to see how you figure that the "lead up" wasn't exactly the same as gyms, simply sans trainer battles.
It's pretty telling that, despite all of its flaws, gen 1 is still one of the better gens. Really goes to show how Gamefreak has no idea what the fuck they're doing or what makes a game good.
The nature of the totem battles was quite different as well. None of the earlier games had you exploring a natural environment to find a wild pokemon as the main challenge. Even if some mechanical similarities do exist, a fresh coat of paint can do wonders to make something old feel fresh.
You’re not wrong on XY, but you’re a faggot for comparing them to older games from a visual perspective. The argument that visuals matter to that scale is absolutely retarded
>first 3D mainline game
>pss and wonder trade were the best online additions to the series
>super training was a good feature to check pokemon EV
>best diversity of pokemon in a region
>mega evolutions were an interesting addition to battles
>introduced the fairy type
Fuck you OP, it's better than BW and SM.
Legitimately believe Gen IV is the worst. Slooooooow and easily the most dull region.
Gamefreak not make x2y2 will probably be one of the dumbest thing they could've done. Because now, gen V is seen as an abandoned generation. No battle updates, no battle frontier, no extension on the story or characters. They could've fleshed out team flare and the rivals or hell even give zinnia a redemption, but no they had to skip right on gen vi.
Lysandre has the best theme out of all the boss villains tho
That's because I'm referring to the short parka, particularly of the green and blue variety
I litterally said " while a step down from gen 5 in certain respects" in that post, user. It's a step up from gen 1, 2, 3, and 4, was my point, even if it's a step down from 5.
OP said XY is the worst set of pokemon games. THat's wrong, RBY is, so I brought them up. And no, GF can do plenty of wrong, GF are incompetent fuckwads, i'm not denying that, but because the formula changes o little the incremental improvements sequels brings generally means that each new pokemon game is better then the last
Gen 6 and 7 are really the first time that this is inarguably not the case: Gen 6 and 7 are absolutely step downs from 5. But they aren't awful and are still solid titles. Or at least gen 6 is, I haven't played 7
>gen 1 is still one of the better gens.
It's objectively not. You just have nostalgia for it.
VIsuals are a part of games, if you are comparing the quality of two games, then yes, visuals are something to bring up. and as I said, RBY being old isn't an excuse; GSC's sprites could have been done in RBY, and GSC's sprites hold up.
>I litterally said " while a step down from gen 5 in certain respects" in that post, user.
So you did. I'm not sure how I missed that.
Post those opinions
3 > 5 > 4 > 2 > 7 > 6 > 1
7 is only so low because of USUM and LGPE. S/M were pretty fun desu
3 > 2 > 5 > 1 >>> 6 > 7 > 4
DP and SM are worse. They're both unbelievably slow for different reasons. Playing them physically painful
5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 1 > 7
4 is only that high for HGSS, DPP was shit.
Gen 7 exists. XY were mediocre but SM were shit
holy heck
>haven't played a pokemon since gen5
knowing there are games worse than daimond and pearl make me afraid to even try anything past gen 5
XY introduced some of the best features like the convenient online thing and easy EV training (and the pokemon tamagochi thing which is cute but not something important for me personally) that got reused by later games, not to mention being the first game with the new 3d models, so i don't know if i can justify calling it the worst. on the other hand, i beat both white and white2 and i don't remember them being too mechanically different or innovative from platinum even, correct me if i'm wrong.
All the cool kids on the block know that you get better pokemon discussion on Yea Forums than /vp/
4 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 1 > 7
/vp/ was created to keep pokeshit off of Yea Forums, newkid. I really wish mods would clean this garbage off of Yea Forums like they're supposed to.
Doing my first gen 2 run, why are they bad?
Sun and Moon are worse. Also HGSS was the peak of Pokemon.
Even if you liked them you can still admit they're the weakest of the mainline series.
The whole region was way too linear and had next to no dungeon complexity. It felt like game freak focussed far too much on making pretty stuff with the new 3d graphics rather than designing good levels first. Plus they still kept to a dumb grid system because they weren't ready to transition away from their 2d design principles yet.
Sun and moon were a slight upgrade to that in terms of world design, but still not fully realised.
I'm hoping sword and Shield will step up from sun and moon the same way those games stepped it up from X and Y. If it is then they'll actually be pretty decent games.
>enjoy eating any old shit that a corporation throws at you
>telling others to eat shit
>I want story in my monster catching and battling simulator
100% soi.
Gen 7 is a good load of fun. Play it.
You a noob? Just kill the other monster and capture it already.
>It's objectively not. You just have nostalgia for it.
I know people like you. You sound like you just like to be contrary.
All of the features you mentioned (like super training) are tacked-on gimmicks that people who play the main game don't really care about. Very few of the routes in the newer games are memorable or interesting. The pacing and forcing a shitty story down your throat breaks up the gameplay a lot. And the new pokemon designs often suck major arse. They're over-worked and look like bad fakemon a lot of the time. Despite the lack of moves and Pokemon, you actually had to be more strategic with your battling because not every Pokemon had a minimum 80 power STAB attack at a low level. Move variety is good, but newer games are : too easy, too slow, uninspired.
Speaking frankly -- can you really remember any of the criminal organizations after Team Aqua/Magma?
At least with R/B/Y, some of the glitches that were available added a sort of mystique and replayability to the games. Missingno glitch wasn't "bad" -- you really had to go looking for it, and it added something new and fun to the gym.
Sun/moon +USUM are much worse
For reference:
2 > 1 > 5 > 3 > who gives a fuck
>and the story, while a step down from gen 5 in certain respects, was still a big step up from every other game in the series till that point
Nobody fucking wants story bullshit in Pokemon, asshole. Why the fuck do you need anything more than "try to fill your Pokedex and become Pokemon League champion?"
Yeah, I know that you eat shit
This so much, it added a lot of stuff.
Mega evolutions were definitely better than the z moves since it's a whole transformation which drastically changes the pokemons. Z moves could be used by practically any pokemon but they were just boring cutscenes during combat with almost no animation.
Fuck mods, they do jack shit
But the worst games were Black and White.
It's the same, stop being butthurt
Maybe the main series, but there are shit spinoffs.
>can you really remember any of the criminal organizations after Team Aqua/Magma
Not him but yes because Galactic and Skull are the best
game wise 4>5>3>2>whatever
monster design wise 5>2>1>4>3>6>7
Yeah, galactic were memorable because of how big their plan was
Plasma had their whole "liberate pokemon" motive which felt unique.
Team skull were (mostly) just a street gang of thugs who liked to dick around, it was kind of refreshing how simple they were.
It's only really X and Y where I remember fuck-all of the evil team.
XY was awful. I want to give Gamefreak a pass because it was their first try with a fully 3D portable Pokemon game but even then it was lacking in so many ways to the point of feeling unfinished. As disappointing as SM was I can't call it worse than XY. It did introduce a lot of cool new features but the main content was shockingly bad. I could tell you all sorts of things I remember about GSC, DPP, or even SM but I legitimately can't remember anything about XY barring there was a huge city that was marred by shittly load screens every few steps. Even though RBY wasn't great it's still entirely playable and on par for its time.
Platinum > BW2 > Emerald > 2 > 1 > 6 > BW
Didn't play 7, don't give a fuck. DP and RS not really worth mentioning separately, though I felt the difficulty was better in DP than in Platinum.
The evil team in XY were genocidal maniacs hellbent on enslaving pokemon and ending humanity.
>entirely playable
...when was the last time you actually played them?
Oh yeah, the "liberate Pokemon" movement was genuinely the only somewhat compelling villain story in all of Pokemon (although G/S was actually quite interesting as well).
I don't remember anything about Team Galactic, and all I remember about Team Skull is that they were kind of thuggy and goofy.
All said, Gamefreak's expertise is NOT in story telling or character design. The competitive element is fairly well-constructed (although they have made way too many OP Pokemon and moves), and the mechanics are solid, but they need someone else to handle gameplay and story. They're well past their prime.
You literally just described SM.
>although G/S was actually quite interesting as well
On what planet
I think in sun and moon you start to see game freak getting a hang of how to design 3d environments because there were actually areas I can remember such as the town that team skull chased everyone out of so they could dick around there as much as they liked or the ranch.
X and Y, I legitimately can't remember any areas without having to try hard.
The dregs of a failed criminal organization selling exotic Pokemon meat to raise funds, manipulating radio frequencies to cause Magikarp to evolve into powerful beasts whose power they would harness, and seizing a radio station to appeal to its disgraced leader to return? What's NOT interesting about that?
Pretty much all of the other orgs' motivations are stupid bullshit like "We're gonna catch this Pokemon and use it to rule the world, and this is a BIG THING!" Give me a fucking break. The only reason you think that G/S's story is less impactful than the others is because you lack an understanding of subtlety and need narratives shoved down your fucking throat
It's probably more because you run into them several times And each time it feels like they're doing something different. Off the top of my head you have the harvesting of slowpoke tails in the well, the radio signal to force magikarp to evolve in lake of rage and the taking-over of the radio tower. At least 3 different "plans".
Compare to team skull who, as far as I can remember, every time they fought you was basically because you interrupted them being assholes somewhere up to finally going to their little base in order to hunt down Guzma.
The plot where they were involved with aether foundation was kind if a neat twist , that team skull were mostly being used as useful idiots.
>When you interrupt Team Skull trying to steal a bus stop sign
I had a good kek.
How can one NOT love team skull?
Oh sweet irony, for it is YOU who dines of faeces without discrimination
Diamond and Pearl exist.
Sounds to me like XY is the BotW of Pokemon games. I sincerely doubt Nintendo will ever built up on the rock solid foundation that they establish in Breath and do anything to correct its flaws.
XY, ORAS, SM and USUM are the truly worst games
XY is fucking unfinished. It really is. You play it solely for the gen 6 novelty, nothing more.
ORAS has arguably less content than Emerald. While there is still that one shill that goes hurrrr who cares about muh battle frontier while ignoring the other shit that ORAS cut, it's still a pretty bad sign when a 3DS remake isn't objectively better than the original game.
SM is also unfinished. Still, I liked it because the story was interesting and there were some cool music tracks. Maybe because I was desperate to enjoy a new pokemon game for so long
USUM did literally nothing. Double battles still fucking lag. The game is still unfinished. Instead of improving the base game and adding more shit, gamefreak just decided to change stuff from SM. This results in an unfinished game with a shittier story. The game basically just added two absolute garbage minigames, newer legendary forms, 4 new postgame pokemon and replaced the shitty Looker quest with the overhyped shitty villain quest.
LGPE isn't even a game so I'm not gonna acknowledge it
BW2>HGSS>Plat=Emerald>FRLG=BW1>GSC>RBY>irredeemable shit>The rest of the 3DS games with the exception of super mystery dungeon
gen 7's by far the worst gen
>plot that's so in your face you never get a break from it
>tiny region made worse by it being split into 4
>all of 1 dungeon that's just a hallway
>pitiful routes
>terrible pokemon variety
>mediocre music
>95% of the new pokemon are slow in a game that overemphasizes speed
>25% of the new pokemon are legendaries
>runs poorly
>cut the natdex
>"here's advice you didn't ask for, zzzt!"
>by far the worst for spinoffs
Adjust for all Nintendo, and to a lesser extent many other major vidya franchises and devs, moreso nips than huwites. Breakout success in video g seems to stem more from an innovative vision tying mechanics and an intriguing scenario together than from any ability to grasp what makes certain things fun or not fun. Hence why sequels are a rollercoaster of seemingly random changes that largely don't constitute either an improvement or a disimprovement when viewed as an overall trend - the people who get good at making a breakout vidya in teh first place are not people good at basic evidential thinking or logical extrapolation, or at the very least the organisation of video game businesses prevents that kind of simple deduction ever influencing sequel development. And no I do not just mean chasing profits at any cost, although that is a factor.
Basically all video games is either really creative people with no ability to sit down and assess why a product is and isn't good and how to improve it, or the people who make the latest FIFA or EA Sports title as a formulaic release with minute adjustments. In fact in many cases it's probably both at once.
Never played gen 2.
5th and 6th gen are my favourites.
4th gen is the worst imo.
Fight me.
Wish they did more with your group of friends. I can feel that there's some good in it but ultimately the execution fell flat. Still better than babysitting Lillie.
2 is as low as it is because it's pretty much obsoleted by the remake, which i consider gen 4.
Sun and Moon are masterpieces compared to XY/ORAS. Gen 7 is my favourite regardless although I still need to play 4/5.
>DP, SuMo, and LGBT exist
Quod erat demonstrandum XY are not the worst Pokemon games.
Oh hell no, just no. Removing them altogether would be a great improvement, not pushing them even harder down your throat.
I'll give you LG, but
>SuMo and DP
>Worse than XY
I hope you look into the back of a shedinja.
>x and y the worst
>when sun and moon exist
Are you retarded?
They're both shit, but for very different reasons.
>SBR this low
>SC this high
Must be a redditfag
>boring route/dungeon design (the final two dungeons in the entire game are an empty ice cave, and a zigzag to Guzzlord)
>constant interruptions, which really shows its annoyance because the story and narrative is as nonsensical as ever
>Brought back features, and made him much worse (festival plaza is just an inferior join avenue, and an inferior PSS; they bring back apricorn balls, but you only get 1-2 of them each in the entire game; etc.)
Constant Kanto fellatio. I understand Kanto is """the best""" but fuck, not even Sonic fellatio's Green Hill Zone this hard.
They pull a Johto and make the majority of the Pokemon you want to see have 30% encounter rates in most of the routes in the game
>SOS system was interesting in concept, but absolutely terrible in execution.
I still like the games, but they are on the lower end of the series for me, like how Gen 6 was.
ORAS is worse faggot
Mountains of dialogue =/= story. Every interesting plot point went nowhere at all, Lillie wasn’t an experiment, you don’t actually fight her mom, etc etc. Total waste of time
My rankings include remakes in the respective generation
Still like all of them.
>Eat shit
Yes, you do
In terms of meta game X and Y were the best.
In terms of the main game, story and after game it's the worst.
>"actual story"
You're joking right? Maybe it was "story" by pokemon standards, but aside from that it was completely trash.
This is coming from someone who was excited they were adding a story too.
I did for a while out of pure hatred for being the first pokemon games to make me think "wow this is terrible", but I eventually felt like SM was everything I hated about XY except with even less positives somehow.
Only thing SM did better than XY is generally the important trainer teams were better. Not a high bar to cross considering how fucking pathetic everyone in XY is but it's something.
You can paralyze the pokemon to prevent it from calling for help.
5 > 4 > 3 > 7 > 6 > 1 >>>>> Johto
I've never liked Johto, even in the remake. Other than that the mechanics of Gen 2 were really solid, If only they belonged to a better game.
the worst ones are unironically R/B/Y, there is just too much wrong with gen 1
>Memes from 2012
I genuinely don't understand why people think Pokemon is good, aside from just being nostalgiafags.
I hated the art style.
I'm not sure which one is actually worse
XY are a slog of pure unmemorable mediocrity with not a single high quality moment in the entire game. But it's overall unobtrusive and pretty much lets you blast through itself in an afternoon.
Then there's ORAS which took the worst 2D region and stripped features and threw legendaries at you and made it even less enjoyable.
Sun and Moon has a small handful of quality moments but significantly more obtrusive bullshit impeding your efforts to get to them and they aren't high enough quality to make up for the bullshit.
There's also Lets GO pee which requires no explanation.
Realistically every single 3D mainline Pokemon title is in the running for worst Pokemon title.
Black/White 2 > Heart Gold/Soul Silver > Fire Red/Leaf Green > Platinum > Crystal > Emerald > Black/White > Gold/Silver > Ruby/Sapphire > Yellow > Diamond/Pearl > Red/Blue > Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon = Sun/Moon > X/Y > Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby
Gen V > Gen II > Gen I > Gen IV > Gen III > Gen VII > Gen VI
This is my opinion, and its right
I agree outside of praising FrLg
Any game involving a Friend Safari can absolutely take the piss.
They're towards the bottom, but they at least have the bonus of being novel thanks to differing mechanics and type charts, and not being a chore to replay.
>The ONLY reason why XY gets as much shit as it does is because we never got a Z version
Gee, I wonder what XY doesn't have that gives it so much hate.
IMO pokemon hasn't even had their Mario 64 moment yet.
3 > 6 > 2 > 7 > 1
I played Platinum and Black 1 but i honestly don't remember a single thing about Gen 4 and 5 other than some ice container with icecream pokemon in it and that spot where driftlon appears next to the windmills.
Because LGPE happened. Aside from that, sure I agree.
the core mechanics are surprisingly solid that's why. switching to predct opponents and all the different strats made possible by the huge variety of montsters, moves, and items are really fun, despite the balance being shit
sometimes more is less. did anyone actually want to go and catch 50 legendaries that were just sitting in a hallway waiting for you? ultra wormholes are the worst feature in pokemon so far
X/Y were decent but only because PSS was good. for like a year after X/Y's release up until pokebank was released globally, hacks/injections were pretty much unheard of so you had to rely on trading if you were trying to complete your pokedex. It felt nice.
>Ultra Lusamine sent out Clefable
BW did not-pokemon encounters with the movie stuff why couldn't they do it again
Gen 6-7, they look pretty and did some things right but they are the epitome of complacency and mediocrity.
We will never fight a trainer with a full team of 6, high levelled mons or be able to rematch them ever again
but dude you can get another MEWTWO!!!!!
>Guzma is pretty much the non-official bug leader
>he just nabbed all the Bugium Z and hoarded them all
I liked all his implied backstory on SM
Platinum was the best if you had friends/siblings around on a regular basis to play with. Underground, Contests, several battle facilities to team up for, even Poffin making or exchanging dumb Jubilife portraits etc, there was a lot to do that extended the playtime drastically. This on top of a really comfy region with comfier music, and a relatively decent challenge through the maingame and postgame.
Black2/White2 was the best if you didn't. Didn't really have as many multiplayer activities (entralink seemed neat but I never got around to using it much) but plenty of postgame, a more interesting and challenging main game than most, and just a great fucking region with plenty to explore.
Refute this. HGSS and Emerald are respectable as well.
i miss when hacks werent a thing in xy. even chained a couple shinies to flex on ppl but then everyone had them
That's not Let's Go.
Confirmed for mainline, suck it pokefag
They aren't; they are in fact the best games. Crystal is pretty much the perfect pokemon game. It's got more soul than a gospel choir.
Calling that game mainline is like calling Colosseum mainline, just because they say it is doesn't make it so
Worst villains
Worst starters
Paris being the inspiration is dumb and gay because any appeal that city has is lost on a video game. A mega city like Tokyo for example, although predictable, suits a game better since it’s designed with function over style in mind, has a lot more you can do with it, and even then has an aesthetic that fits much better within a video game
I liked the legendaries though
That's not BW
Hol up I was talking about X and Y my bad
starters arent that bad. greninja is one of the best in the series, design and gameplay-wise
>Objectively speaking, there's 0 legitimate arguement for RBY not being the worst
From a pure gameplay perspective, yes, but in regards to going through the actual game, gen 7 was torturous with how many roadblocks it forced onto you to progress the story. RBY had a few gates to kept you out of getting to certain areas early, but you could still go to several towns in the meanwhile and can fight gyms out of order while in SM they threw up a barrier on almost every route until you fulfilled some condition.
Your picture, for one. Looker is one of the shittiest characters in Pokemon and they've been pushing him ever since he was introduced in Platinum
Now we have Lets Go, and that's even worse
Yep, but that’s it. I take it back though because gen 5 was pretty bad too
I used to think they were the worst in the series
Until Sun and Moon
I don't really like XY but DP is the worst. Platinum completely saved Sinnoh from being a shit show and it's a shame that XY never got anything to give it the same treatment.
Man, Z could have done SO MUCH good for kalos, it's not even funny.
Zyguard got shafted.
This. It’s not even funny how much better Platinum is
I’d rather take a game that was bland like XY rather than painfully slow with shit Pokemon diversity and shit level curve
X/Y are kinda bad but at least you don't spend half the game watching shitty unskippable cutscenes like in S/M.
Also why the fuck hasn't any pokemon game matched Emerald's post-game yet?
gen 4 is the worst facts
Man what, Platinum and BW2 both had much better post games.
ORAS and USUM exist.
I'll give you that, it's on par with Emerald at least
is the regi puzzle the most interesting optional thing in the series?
Man, if they JUST added the frontier, ORAS would have had such a dramatically higher opinion held of it it isn't even funny.
SM is worse
No idea how you can seeand think that
I can't when Sun and Moon were worse for me.
Name one reason to play pokemon past gen 4(2007-2009)
BW, SM and LGPE are worse
It's filtered
What's the line between something belonging on Yea Forums vs /vp/? I thought it was a containment board for you tards
It's a containment for the worst of the worst fans. At least this thread is actually discussing a video game.
/vp/ covers discussion outside of just the videogames including the anime and ccg.
The interest crossed to many boards just to get a /vg/ thread, but I suppose the mugs tolerate the occasional pokemon thread here as long as they're not a permanent fixture (I.e at least one thread running 24/7).
I imagine now that new games are in the pipeline we may see a bit more discussion in Yea Forums whenever there's news, but the majority of it and the shitposting will be mostly contained by /vp/
As I read and post in this thread, I'm currently replaying through White 2.
And this ASSHOLE with his minimising grimer is gonna make me throw my DS out the window.
>7 is only so low because of USUM and LGPE. S/M were pretty fun desu
are you fucking retarded
you gonna raise gen 4 cause pokemon ranger was fun you fucking retard?
you fucking moron
anybody miss Hoenn?
Too annoying.
4 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 2 > 1 >>>>>>4 is carried by Platinum and HGSS.
3 is carried by emerald
7 is the only bad gen.
Pokemon is game about capturing monsters, battling, and going on an adventure, prioritized in that order.
The best pokemon games handle all of those priorities very well, but also, add little extra tidbits of gameplay and post game content, and ways to challenge yourself. They also have some way to uniquely highlight your relationship with your pokemon.
Thats why:
HGSS ( two regions, pokeathlon, rebattle gym leaders and trainers, battle frontier, postgame legendaries, following pokemon)
Platinum (Postgame legendaries, battle frontier, rebattle gym leaders and rivals, contests, pokeball seals, underground bases)
Emerald (postgame legendaries, battle frontier, bases, rematch call)
are the three kings in my books. They are not perfect, but they provide the most bang for your buck.
Afterwards are gen 5, 6, and 2. They're all really good but suffer in some way, that prevent them from being on top, but they are very strong.
5 has next to no postgame, and nothing interesting to do with your pokemon as far as I remember, but BW2 pick up the slack really well with PWT.
6 (note, I mean XY not shitty ORAS) had a lot of potential but dropped the ball in a lot of ways. I'd say the good they did makes up for the bad which was mostly a result of rushed development. What they wanted to do clearly showed in the first half of the game. Plus it had a decent, though small, postgame, but it had a ton of stuff to do with your pokemon and the bottom screen of XY is arguably the best, rivaled only by poketch and HGSS.
2 is really good and only suffers because of age. HGSS fixes a lot of its issues.
Not anymore I don't.
I'm a Sinnoh boy now.
if it's pokemon, even if it's just the image despite the "le topic" being stated otherwise contrary to the image, it's pokemon and belongs on /vp/ - period
it is a containment board because they all dont know how the shut the fuck up about it
it is big enough of a topic that an ENTIRE BOARD was dedicated to the sole topic of pokemon and everything to do with pokemon
therefore all discussion of pokemon and topics relating to pokemon, even just tangentially, belong on /vp/ regardless of context
No. Always hated that region, oras just made me hate it more.
i was always intrigued by the secret base stuff when playing emerald, but had no way to use them to full potential. are they fun in oras with online?
XY had worse music than SM
one of the things that really killed XY is the awful presentation.
>first 3D mainline game
This isn't 1996 anymore where being the first at 3D is special. In fact there have been previous games that were 3D (And arguably look better) and they weren't even by GF (Colosseum/Gale of Darkness/Battle Revolution).
>pss and wonder trade were the best online additions to the series
I'll give you PSS, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. Wonder Trade is a crapshoot and was awful to use during the early days, as people would just pawn of their shitty early routemons like greedy Americans. It only got better in the later years when people stopped playing and only the autists were left sending off their IV rejects for breeding. Sometimes a hacked shiny even.
>super training was a good feature to check pokemon EV
And yet it still doesn't show the IVs. Also farming the minigames is monotonous and inferior to just abusing horde battles. They also hide important evolution stones behind some of them which is retarded.
>best diversity of pokemon in a region
The variety was good at first but it was at the expense of newer pokemon, this is the first Pokemon game that didn't break the 100 number barrier, and the oldmons overwhelm the few new ones they scattered around.
>mega evolutions were an interesting addition to battles
Hahahahaha, no, no they were not. They exacerbated the power creep introduced in Gen 5 and they are all fugly designs of normie favorites, god forbid a shitmon like Mawile gets a mega again.
>introduced the fairy type
Was completely unneeded and fucked up the balance even harder, making Dragons irrelevant.
Gen 7 though, is unforgivable shit. Unlike gen 1 which gets a pass because its the first game in the series and was made over 20 years ago, GF had so much to work with and lots of directions to take the main line games and they decided, in every aspect, to take it into the worst possible direction.
Pokemon designs are almost all cutesy or furbait, nothing cool or interesting. Tons of shitty hit or miss designs like Silvally or that Koala pokemon which so desperately needs an evolution but doesn't.
Battling is dumb boring and even just the battles in the main storyline suck, with gyms gone and dumb baby puzzles replacing them. I felt disrespected by that dumb volcano trial.
It's map design linear in the worst way, with blatant roadblocks everywhere and super small and uninteresting towns and dull hallway routes with nothing of interest to see or do.
The story is handled worse and it's not their first foray into storytelling. Gen 5 and 6 did it better, and 6 didn't even do it well.
z-moves are a worse battle gimmick than mega evolution in every way, both mechanically and flavorwise. Z-moves are just nukes that can be used with any pokemon that can learn the appropriate move, while megas where unique to each mon and provided new ways to use them.
I could go on and on, but besides personal preference for ranking how much you like each region, you can't ignore gen 7 is objectively a step backwards for main line games. It's idea of "new" was either gimped version of things that already exist (trials are gimped puzzles and battles compared to gyms, refresh is a gimped version of monamie, z-moves were a marketing move and a gimped version of z-moves, their storytelling was a gimped version of gen 5's)
The only good thing they did, really the only one, is box management with the pokepelago islands. Those were actually great ways to make use of mons that weren't in the party.
>Only played RF and loved it
>haven't played any other pokemon since
>watch the trailer of SM
>Decide to try it because it looked awesome
>Play it and notice how I go from cutscene to cutscene explaining the mechanics (which are the basically the same as the very first pokemon)
>O-ok, I'm sure I'll be able to play at my own pace anytime soon
>Two hours in and the same annoying cutscenes keep appearing every two steps
>Quit the game and never come back
Is it just me that quit SM because of that?
Nope, same thing happened to me. Only mainline game I've ever had this experience with. Literally struggling to keep moving forward.
Say what you want about linear design but at least other games kept me entertained along the way.
7 makes it so obvious.
> Go through this hallway route
> Now talk to some shmuck, or rather, read some shmuck's talking to each other
> Now you are allowed to proceed to the next hallway
Why are you in this thread if you aren’t a fan of the series?
>Pokemon designs are almost all cutesy or furbait, nothing cool or interesting
fuck you
that's what i thought too, then sun and moon came out
>Haha I'm retard and conformist, I lack a critical sense eat shit
Stupid Sinnoh babies
> can only argue with one mon
I know that all about that
meme, but i've been replaying every single mainline game and X/Y are genuinely not as bad as i remembered. Despite the fucking annoying group of shitter friends, i managed to finish the game and it felt quite nice. I can't say the same for S/M. I didn't manage to finish my replay before the tedium set in. It must be the the generation with the fewest improvements ever. Z-Moves are shit; the railroaded islands and tons of shitty unskippable cutscenes are shit; the region itself is disappointing and nearly all other additions are just renamed gimmicks from X/Y. Definitely one of the worst RPG's i've ever played. At least X/Y TRIED to add lots of new things compared to its previous generation. S/M thought a shit story would make people ignore its faults, but it didnt work.
Based user making the genwar faggots seethe.
Thats not diamond and pearl
The reason SM is far beyond XY to me, is because I cannot remember a single damn thing about XY.
XY are the only the only games in the series where I can't remember the names of the gym leaders and E4 save for maybe 4 because they were all just that boring.
You could say the only reason the trial captains were more interesting was because the game basically forced you to be with them, but they all honestly feel like better characters.
Team Flare as almost zero entertainment value, it's just /pol/, if /pol/ were rich and only half as funny. Team Rocket was a Pokemon crime syndicate, Aqua and Magma were fanatics, Team Galactic was a cult made up of easily manipulated dumbasses ran by an autist. Plasma was technically the same thing but it had a different angle. Team Skull are a bunch of punks and wiggers. With Team Flare there's barely any joke or angle.
Lysandre is obviously evil and no one bats an eye.
DP are almost as bad as XY if not worse. Two fucking fire types. HGSS are extremely polished but they didn't fix shit from GSC, Johto is afraid to use its own Pokemon. There's 4 gen2 Pokemon across all the gym leaders in Johto.
fuck you
ORAS exists
Easier just to say gen 6 sucked
What the fuck was the point of those buildings in the desert
What an asshole
The fact that Game Freak did not even care to release Pokemon Z should be explanatory.
ORAS are by far the worst. They're worse than vanilla RSE, and fix none of the problems those games have.
They probably just wanted to end it
Oranguru is a dumbass pokemon. Not cool or tough in anyway. Alolan Slaking, and Slaking is actually cool.
Nah that's a common complaint. USUM is even worse because it added even more cutscenes for all the extra content
I liked SuMo. I even liked USUM.
Someone back me up!
I liked parts of it. Alola was a nice region in terms of its style and culture and all that but the maps weren't great. Team Skull are probably my favourite villainous team. Champion challenge was a neat idea and I hope it comes back.
No, but I didn't even try it. Pokemon can't into story and characters, but that was fine when they just remained in the background.
Now it's not only the main focus, it makes you feel like an observer. The protagonist is dragged around and spoken for by these adhd cunts whether you like it or not. You are still a basically silent protagonist, and now you no longer even explore on your own accord. They are slowly stripping away every kind of player agency from you.
And rotomdex is now fucking navi
>It's 5 am in kangaroo land
>Instead of sleeping I'm lurking this thread while playing Pokemon
What the fuck am I doing with my life?
>I've enjoyed every gen
>Eat shit
Oh the irony
Which one
S/M wasn't that bad of a gen, it had some glaring flaws though like, cutscenes galore, bad distribution of mons were a lot of the new mons were rare as fuck, and being Lilie's adventure rather than yours, it still had some stuff going for it, thats why a lot of people were excited for the "Ultra Changes" because people thought they were getting a BW2 deal when it was just general extend version fluff but worse, the main plot was even more dumb, they discard the Lusamine hard on for the UB's for an obsession with stopping Necrozma outta nowhere, they shafted the UB plot from S/M one of the few good things of the original for a quickie sidequest with the 2 new UB's, all that while keeping the same flaws the original had. There is some good in gen 7 but its obvious GF just rushed the games for a quick buck, for fuck sake the trials were made at last hour and now they changed focus to the switch games and considering they said they were struggling with developing on the switch and asked people to lower their expectations, gets me pretty worried about Sword and Shield.
I'm the guy who was being terrorized by a minimising grimer earlier in the thread.
White 2.
XY is painfully mediocre, but it's not the complete shitfest that ORAS was.
Every game after Gen 5 shouldn't have happened though, and the series is ruined forever.
>Man Who Eats Shit Tells Others To Do The Same
Sun and Moon were much better than XY, it's not even close.
Hell, everyone can remember the Alola setting and the characters.
Nobody fucking remembers the plot/setting/characters of XY. It was THAT forgettable and mediocre that it didn't even a 2nd version or anything to fix up that shitshow.
Game Freak tried to bank hard on copying Yokai Watch and failing miserably at it, and what you get is a complete mess of a game that tries to change things up but doesn't succeed at it, and throws a bunch of annoying characters at you while forcing you to sit through every single cutscene that happens every couple of steps.
>XY is the worst pokemon game
>What is ORAS
>What is USUM
Sun and Moon were fun, Ultra Sun and Ultra moon not so much
I swear that game somehow managed to have more cutscenes than Mario Dream Team, which I recall being full of them
If impressions of Sword/Shield reveal there's still cutscenes for everything in then I'm out
If Sword and Shield have a designed waifu that keeps stopping me in cutscenes, it will be a hard drop from me.
Lillie was the worst part of gen 7
XY was shit but ORAS was shittier
Give me an 'X'ample of 'Y' you think that :D