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oh fuck I fucked up
remember when there were multiple threads reaching bump limit about this game? me neither
did i see an X button in there? X as in the main button on a dualshock controller
what the fuck snoy.
Was it kino?
I finished this game yesterday. There's some artistic merit to what it tries to do, clumsy as it is, but God is it tedious to actually play. There's a creative and unique game somewhere in there, but it's in desperate need of an editor, a legion of playtesters and someone telling the writer/director that he's not nearly clever or talented enough to play off his games shortcomings the way Suda51 or Swery do.
He's saying eliminate, not fucking lemonade
This website didn't even give the game a chance, it's pathetic how hard people bandwagonned against it without giving it a chance
It was released on most major consoles and PC
It was an incredibly underrated game that people didn't give a chance to despite it being genuinely good
your post is about as well developed as this game op, good show
Why would anyone give this game a chance when the video in question speaks volumes.
Awful voice acting.
Gameplay that tries to be 5 different things at once.
Atrocious music.
Chugging frame rate.
o fugg ibs a fuggin golden albaga run for id :DDDDD
Is this the room of video games? You can see they had good intentions making this but it's executed so poorly that it almost comes off as intentionally bad.
it's like they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions
>Chugging frame rate.
That's just the video, the uploader even says so in comments that the recording fucked up.
>t. cuckdev
seethe harder about your poopgame
What’s this about lemonade?
>golden alpaca
it's no secret this is a deviantart user game
neither is it that it's clearly riffing off of Undertale
You were pretty good on the dick show man. Though some of your defenses were clearly disingenuous.
But watching a gameplay video = giving it a chance. It has that randumb aspect to it "lol a golden alpaca big threat xDD" shit to it, it has lengthy minigames for lots of attacks. One of the attacks has a 17 (SEVENTEEN) seconds minigame to it, that's a fuckload of time for a single action for a turn based combat game, so the devs do not understand what the active elements in turn based combat from games such as Super Mario RPG or Paper Mario and so on are about. I don't think the artstyle is inherently bad, but the character design is, especially the faggy hipster douchebag.
I'd like to see a gameplay video from after this patch, and hopefully they complete the no attack minigames thing.
It doesnt take hands-on to watch a couple of the fights and see how monotonous and slow combat is. There's no coherent line, everything takes way too fucking long, even with the inclusion of the fast forward.
Biggest fucking question is, if they knew the game combat was plodding and slow enough to warrant the fast forward feature, why not just change combat speed on a basic level? Laziness or a lack of time? Neither is a good excuse for a poor product, and to ask people to like something with such glaring flaws under the guise of "we tried, appreciate the effort" is moronic.
I also get huge "The Room" vibes from it, it looks like someone tried to make an Earthbound but the only thing he knew from Earthbound was the brief description he got from a friend who played it years ago
It completely misses every fucking note that made Earthbound/Mother great
What in the actual fuck did I just watch? Is that a real game?
>usually can figure out even obscure game mechanics
>have absolutely fucking no goddamned idea what is happening with the combat in the game
>20 second minigame for an input that is some form of instant death?
>no clue what rory's pacifism does since it didnt appear to heal
>game runs at 13 fucking fps
>music is le quirky earthbound xdddd music with none of the charm or actual composition resembling a fucking crash twinsanity soundtrack more
i avoided all discussion of this game when it came out, now im extremely disappointed i even watched the video
Stop defending games faggot
>low polygon count
>still looks better than the real you
The game sucks, I'm just correcting misinformation dumbass.
those aren't even people from the dev team
>Bro what if we made Paper Mario but instead of a QTE every attack had an entire pixelshit minigame dedicated to it
Desu this game is a modern art masterpiece. The way it captures the essence of gaming hipsters from the early 10s is nothing short of amazing.
wtf im buying yiik now
thanks user
I beat earthbound and I don't think it's that good. It had some novel stuff in it and it's probably granddaddy to the jrpg, but I didn't give a shit about the story or characters at all. The final boss fight was really fucking lame. Why the fuck was that guy taking pictures of me?
That's defending it, moron.
Did I say it wasn't?
>You were pretty good on the dick show man.
That's what convinced me to pick it up despite being completely uninterested, before.
how embarrassing.
So why are you doing it? Most games must fail so the industry crashes
Not him, but don't be a fucking nigger. You're saying hes defending it just because he isn't purposefully going with false information.
but other JRPGs that came out at the same time were better than it, Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger had some obvious superior ways of conveying information
>status effects are conveyed by two lines of text every time
>they get repeated 4 times if your party is entirely affected by one status effect
>status effects are informed by a quick visual effect, be it purple bubbles coming from the characters or the affected character looking purple
Nah, it's not nearly as funny.
How is this the first time I'm ever seeing this.
If they want to do that mini game battle system, then they should have went full Wario Ware, with hundreds of minigames that do not give you much reaction time to play and you get completely randomly everytime you attack so it's fresh every attack. Doing the same boring minigames over and over makes this look like one of the worst games I've ever seen
tortanic ruined this place permanently
More like YIIKES!
Let's be real here people only started liking Earthbound thanks to Smash Bros and dumb Youtubers telling them how the game was actually the Citizen Kane of videogames because the story was delivered in a slightly different way despite being straightforward as fuck. I'm pretty sure Gigyas and the final dungeon alone made people feel like Einstein when they figured out it was supposed to mirror a womb and a fetus and had to go around telling other people how clever it was or some shit
It looks okay maybe I'd buy it for 5-10 bucks
The mini games are okay aswell I had a similar idea when designing my jrpg. Again you have to make the mini games short simple and unique
Please show us on the doll where the game touched you user.
Attack in FF6
>character hops forward and swings the weapon, the screen flashes on a critical (~1s)
Attack in SMRPG
>character performs their attack animation (~1s), if you press confirm at the right time the attack is strengthened and gains like 0.2s more animation
Attack in YIIK
>enter into a minigame that takes 10+ seconds and end up doing kinda shitty damage anyway
>Please show us on the doll where the game touched you user
But the game didn't touch me, that's the problem
Also here is your upvote for that comment
The most fascinating part of the game to me is the whole level up mind maze shit. There's no way somebody actively thought it was a good design decision or played it once and liked it.
>someone has made a game with longer attack animations than fucking Dragoon for the PS1
I never thought such an accomplishment was possible
either somebody's paying you or you're deluded
Same. Dev seemed pretty okay. The voice acting sucks and will always suck but at least he said he fixed a lot of problems people have with the gameplay and performance. Also I warmed up to the idea of an unlikable MC after hearing him talk. Also:
>Get a redpill from dick masterson to get the true ending
Pretty good
>He's saying eliminate, not fucking lemonade
slow the video down retard, it's clearly saying lemonade.
Earthbound seems to get a "game that was wronged" reputation for not having sold gangbusters. It does have some nice elements like the rolling HP and how the setting isn't science fantasy yet again but mechanically speaking other JRPGs of its era were so much better to play.
Next time make a game that isn't complete shit.
The best thing this game did is force BalrogtheMaster back into his hole. Him legit stealing the game and releasing a DRM free version on his discord was great.
What does post-modern mean in this context?
To be totally honest, I'm not sure what postmodern means in any context.
The devs have explained that it means nothing and they just thought it sounded cool.
this can't be true
Off the wishlist it goes.
Very postmodern of you.
This is the worst thing I have ever seen.
You haven't seen much, I'm afraid
You nigs might get kick outta this
>This website didn't even give the game a chance,
OP's video alone is enough to tell me that this game is shit.
Plus other things I have heard:
>MC is an unlikable piece of shit that never gets better
>the combat mnigames don't help at all AND can bug out making it so you can't complete fights (youtube.com
>The mind dungeon is a poorly designed piece of shit
>the last chapter of the game suddenly goes into a Persona like calendar and all you can do is grind until all the random encounters are gone since you have a limited amount of encounters per month
This honestly. After i beat dmcv I'm gonna bit this and tell the dick discord of its actual good or not.
well moving forward is better than having a phil fish meltdown
I've seen videos of a man getting skinned alive whilst conscious by cartel members and that was a more pleasant experience than watching whatever the fuck that gameplay was.
Damn, I kinda feel sorry for the dev now.
it's what the song says
more like YIIKes
This is how you make combat minigame youtu.be
or this
Where it's ONE minigame for everything
It sadly looks way way too unpolished. I can see what they are trying to do and its pretty cool but its just too clunky.
what a gay looking game
I can't stand the music because the random grunting and mishmash of instruments playing at irregular speeds piss me off. It's like a kid playing 3 different pianos with those auto-configured tracks playing.
I feel like this game would've been a lot more well liked if it actually had a good main character rather than this bland self insert guy
The main character wasn't a self insert at all though, he was the only character with any time spent writing him and fleshing him out it's just a shame he's terrible.
>you will never play Shadow Hearts 4
>it’s another newfags can’t spoiler episode
This is honestly embarrassing
He's very clearly a self insert of one of the developers.
What is this and where can I find the version without the spam?
The golden alpaca will occasionally say lemonade because random
>The main character wasn't a self insert at all
Oh I'm retarded and thought you meant the other thing that's not a self insert, like when women write main characters in books for other women.
It's because it was discovered when abortion was a hot topic in the west so "OMG look at rpg where you abort a monster" is suddenly crowned as a masterpiece even though the game was never about abortion
>someone actually took the time to make a full game like this
>usual MAD vfx and sfx materials
I'm pretty sure that's just a video mate.
>dick Masterson
Putting dick in your game won't make the game any less shit alex
I kind of dig the music. Everything else is shit tho. Is the guy who made this video bad at the game, underleveled, or does the boss fight really just take that long?
she thicc tho
Most of us were on board until the game was just as retarded
>fixed a lot of problems people have with the gameplay
Haha no brother, the games gameplay fixes are in a beta patch still and in its current state it makes some of the characters who did okay damage do terrible damage, most of the characters do terrible damage, and it makes Alex do instant kill broken damage with one particular skill. It doesn't begin to fix the main gameplay issue of every attack is a lengthy minigame, most characters skills are worthless to the point a few characters are unusable and will get you killed, and that without completing the minigames to their utmost best which requires you to expend a slowdown resource you will do shit damage, a resource that is sucked up extremely fast without turning on a cheat option in the menu.
That doesn't get into the terrible dungeons, puzzles, and weird obtuse scenarios like the endgame where you gotta burn almost 60 days worth of three loading screens each in some weird half assed Persona time mechanic to prep for a end game that is nothing but story unwinnable bosses. The dev is so fixated on the shit he got from SJWs that he thinks that's the sole reason the game was critically derided, or that Alex is annoying, no it's the entire game structure on all levels from pace, design decisions, writing delivery and so on. It'd need a complete rebuild, and that's the confounding thing is that the game has production value and passion behind it but it fails to deliver on all fronts but art and esotericism. The big twist is that the entire game is bad because it's a corrupted mishmash game world dimensional thing because Alex's ego is so big he's a destroyer of universes, which probably sounded clever as a deconstruction in the creators mind but it does not work at all with his execution. Like a low rent SUDA51, they didn't understand it actually takes skill to make a "Bad Good Game".
what even is a real game?
Dick masterson is hidden somewhere in the game as an NPC and is required to get a 3rd ending which the devs claim is the best written of the 4. Nobody has been able to find dick or either of the two other endings, the devs just say “look to the tower on the map” and “he’s in chapter 4”
Did the dev appear on the dick show?
I can't find the episode
Yeah, he’s on episode 144 at 1 hour 45 minutes roughly. He talks about his game coming under attack by trannies.
God this looks like the most s o y boy shit ever.
So is he trying to go "GUYS I'M ACTUALLY REDPILLED" after everyone spent years calling him a soiboy or what?
Golden Alpaca is by far the most HP spongey boss in the game. You can do the boss faster if you just keep attacking and banish the alpaca itself whenever it changes forms but you can’t be reasonably expected to know that.
The dev isn’t anything pilled he just wanted to write a story about a hipster faggot being forced to grow as a person.
I mean, years of people calling him onions could probably redpilled someone ultimately
>Dev self inserts himself as protag
>Everyone says how unlikeable the protag is
Yiikes indeed.
and failed
So yet another failed attempt at emulating The Catcher in the Rye.
just fuck my eardrums up
This is unironically kino.
Fine, here is the actual game
[Whistling Intensifies]
Fuck I forgot the link
>that music
now this is shitposting
Hey, I'll give it chance if you drop some codes.
Why does every action require a prolonged minigame?
Why does it feel like someone hit the play at 0.5x speed for the video?
This game looks like some kind of hipster fever dream.
>He talks about his game coming under attack by trannies.
But isn't it made for them?
>But isn't it made for them?
They turned on the game the moment the game asked the player to "input the name that they were born with"
I've never seen someone get BTFO so hard. Seriously I've never seen someone actually defend this shit game.
>shit game
game was made by 2 people, why is everyone so high and mighty about this
Yeah sweet lemonade
Cave story was made by one and is much better.
Why are you still defending this like that's something? The end product is still shit. Wasn't LISA made by one guy in RPG maker? Why wasn't that game shit?
The animations in this game are jerky
Also to add salt into the wound remember how the bad advertisements for Yiikes was calling it the next Earthbound? So was Dingaling's game and it actually succeeded.
It's worse if you read and listen to the devs post interviews, like his claim that everyone expects voice acting and production values in a RPG and it made the game take more work. When the most successful modern indie RPGs released have bare bones production and no VA work.
>be a nip guy
>bought the said game as soon as the translatted version became available
>it was like 50% miss and 50% hit but wasn't really that bad
>story and presentation were much better than most of the weebtrash like Nep
>battle mechanics was a total mess but didn't bother me much because it wasn't a main focus
>soundtrack had some nice scores
>that debatable 90's atmosphere at least felt comfortable
>the nu-male/hipster thing that everyone kept shitting on the game for didn't make sense to my non-American eye
>cave story
These games had a single person working on each one, there's no excuse for putting out a piss-poor game. When the trailer for YIIK first came out so many people said the combat was way too slow, yet for some reason they didn't change it.
>tfw Shadow Hearts: From the new world is the best game in the series and it will never see the light of day again.
I want justice dammit
This is ONE good song compared to the rest of this shit OST
Even Simon the Sorcerer 3D looks better than this game.
people shit on it in every yiik thread but it's unironically good in some parts
>But with Sherlock Holmes, he’s not that unlikable because he’s always depicted as being very good looking. He’s very funny, and even though he’s like an absolute dickhead to everyone, he has this like savant-ism that can save the day, so everyone still likes him.
Ah so that's where he fucked up. He thought he was very good looking. The ego on this faggot. So glad his game crashed and burned.
Silver Surfer is good in some parts (the soundtrack), but that don't make it a good game.
Fun fact, the entire game is based on DMT trips so some songs have random chittering in the background because that’s a common thing people hear taking DMT.
The guy who composed this also did the OST for Snipperclips. He has a song in Smash Bros. Strange world.
The Room has a lot more soul and backstory to it. YIIK seems like your typical Earthbound spoof.
Hylics blows t b h
It just looks cool
Hopefully 2 is better, the trailer was good.
I didn't know there was voice acting in it. All I remember is the first trailer and the music is done by Toby Fox. All these Mother clones look the same to me now
Toby only did one song for YUK
>Reading comprehension
He’s saying in most media even the most “unlikable” characters always have traits which force the audience to like them; it’s treated like a trade off, “sure he’s anti social but he’s super smart and cool and handsome!”
This guy wanted to make a story about somebody who actually unlikable full stop and people threw a fit.
One for all and all for one
Oh yeah the gameplay is super forgettable but parts of the ost are good and the visuals try something new at least
>Even an RPG that isn’t AAA, but maybe a B- RPG, people have the expectation of full voice acting and fully animated cutscenes.
Are the devs braindead? Most don't care for either of those things in rpgs.
I worded that bad, I meant some parts of the song are good, not the game itself.
Why do people think the game is automatically aping earthbound because it’s inspired by it? Yiik is clearly doing its own thing addressing manchild culture and conspiracy theories.
RPG + modern day earths setting + whacky/quirky
If a game has these it's always immediately an Earthbound clone that misses the point of Earthbound.
Well seriously, how much of an asshat do you have to be to not only put yourself in the game but make yourself the main character? It really speaks to his personality.
The main character isn’t a self insert somebody found a picture of a similar looking basedboy and put it next to the character.
The dev deflects using a few twitter activists that were hoping his game was a progressive San Francisco wet dream but he has never made any point in addressing the real reasons his game got shit on which is the game itself, there's no inherent drive to see Alex's story to the end because it's one of the worst RPGs that actually tries to be an RPG I've played. It's one of the few times I'll say if the developer couldn't make a good game they should've just made a damn walking sim like everyone else.
That's without addressing that just because you say this is your writing goal it has no bearing if your execution actually met or created that goal. I called the plot and what the dev was going for before I was an hour into the game and I never got satisfying delivery of what could've been an ambitious story. The game is Last Jedi syndrome, someone so focused on deconstructing and being interesting that they forgot you still need to be a good writer.
based mung poster
>The main character isn’t a self insert
and yet shows he is a self insert of the dev
>Game made by a guy with an unironic creative vision
>It sucks
>No one likes it
>Yea Forums being the contrarian they are takes a further look into it
>because the dev actually had a vision there's some unironic heart and good parts to it but overall it's still shit
>but since everyone shat on it to death Yea Forums is going full contrarian and now they love it
He just told you, that is not the dev, just a random guy at whatever event that is.
That’s not the dev gullible tranny.
nice damage control.
Not buying it
I have defended it since launch as not being shit and was one of the first people to finish it. It’s not an amazing game by any means but it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets and the writing is actually good.
I really needed that, laughing like a donkey right now. Just look at him. Look!
Meanwhile, from a game that came out five years ago...
>willingly consuming fake news
How does it feel to be the equivalent of a facebook mom
Why can't the west make autism this enjoyable?
What the fuck is going on?
Always good to see shit games crash and burn hilariously. Hopefully the untalented hacks that made this turd are never ever allowed to work on games again.
Also nice work fucking up the OP, OP.
Use ctrl+S unless you're on phone, in which case shove your phone up your ass.
The writer is a fucking twit and the gameplay is so slow and tedious I wanted to just button mash auto attacks to the end just to get it over with faster. Also can we stop giving fucking games praise just for being pixel art or low poly? So many people clap when a game has this kind of art style like it's something worth praising. I'm no cawaduty kid but I don't understand why low poly/pixel art is inherently worth praise.
This game should be called post-fun.
Sadly there are actual good games that never had any chance. Lesson learned, make a shitty but controversial game.
Same. I'm really interested in the game, but that minigame stuff for every move is really off-putting. It should be relegated to special moves or make it a toggle-able option.
Fuck you this cover is the better version fight me faglords
Those people aren’t the devs dipshit
>It was an incredibly underrated game that people didn't give a chance to despite it being genuinely good
Watching this feels like that scene in Futurama where Fry goes to the baseball game
Kino. Looks like nonsense but makes sense once you get into it. Shame scott sold out
wtf is this framerate
is this game running in a decade old low end pc?
>It was an incredibly underrated game that people didn't give a chance to despite it being genuinely good
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. It's an intereresting game and at point writing and visuals were inspired enough for me to wonder why I'm not enjoying myself more. But then I entered a combat encounter and I remembered.
serves him right by having such an ambitious project while having no money
what a pretentious looking anime garbage, I hate it
would rather play Yiik
This, the mini games for regular attacks absolutely killed any interest I had in the game.
Parts of it are good. There's a lot of redundant exposition in it, plot elements like noone actually looking at the jacket of the album they were looking for is a dumb contrivance and both ending were too abrupt and underwritten. The game could have been and in some aspects almost is a hidden gem but it's just not quite there. I want to give them some credit but man, could they have handled a lot of their ideas better.