Other urls found in this thread:
Pokemon was always a cashgrab
get a job
>10 results found
I'll get one at Gamefreak since you obviously don't need to work
thats all you can nitpick?
people payed $60 for lets go
Explain to me how this any tangible impact on the quality of the game/gameplay.
>all these pokefags bitching left and right
>they will STILL buy it
looks fine to me
>being blind
If the bottom of the pack is resting on his ass or lower back there's nothing wrong with this
>haven't played a Pokemon game since Diamond
>mfw this looks genuinely interesting
Doesn't excuse the lack of polish, depth or recycled ideas, but true.
game really does look like a higher rez 3ds game. doesnt even look as ambitious as that other gf game Town. im gay for nintendo and even i thought this game looked massively underwhelming.
where's the ohno no no no and the wojaks for this?
fucking Yea Forumsintendogaf
>ohno no no no and the wojaks
thats usually sony posters, the children of Yea Forums, that post those. this is a nintendo thread.
its at the middle-bottom of the picture. have you never seen the cover of a jav?
Why would you type sigh though it's not like we can hear it
That's why he has to type it
Dumb faggot.
I got back into the series after watching the trailer. Going to play B&W after I finish Ultra Sun.
Haha wow, its almost like the game doesn't release for another 6+ months, and we all know games don't change at all from their initial reveal.
>even the CGI trailer meant to be promotional only, looks worse than modern consoles games
People buy this.
Remember when Pokemon games are 40 dollars?
Name one game
Yeah. They usually get worse.
I want to penetrate Scorbunny's scorcunny
Remember when people posted Pokeshit in /vp/ like they were supposed to?
That's the most disgraceful thing on Game Freak's behalf: them still employing the dual game model with console game prices.
But even more disgraceful than that is that the fanbase will still eat this shit blindly, and will still double dip en masse. It worked LGPE outside of Japan. The Pokémon fanbase is the most shameless band of cocksuckers.
>i-i-it'll still sell millions so that means it's good! w-what are you, poor? GOLDFACE
Not fucking finished you spamming retard
heres your pokédex Yea Forums
Sounds pretty cool
>Steel eeveelution
the wolves are not the legendaries you retards
>sun wukong inspiration
yeah naw
>fake-New York
>samurai and chinese pig demon starters
yeah naw
ninjas in france?
Sun & Moon was Hawaiian themed, yet the final evolutions of the starters were a wrestler cat, Robin Hood bird and Circus seal.
>No Bug/Dragon
>Grookey evolves into Sun WuKong even though Infernape is already Sun WuKong
*crunch *crunch they're probably *crunch at *crunch work *crunch or *crunch *crunch sleeping *buuurrrrp
Infernape is based on Hanuman not Wukong dumb-dumb. Hence the fire typing, lack of staff, etc.
/vp/ is the most pathetic community I have ever seen.They don't actually play the games, they don't compete, they don't play the cards. All they do is constantly bitch and moan about every single aspect of their games.
>those designs are too simple
>that design is to complex
>the game is too linear
>the game is a literal circle
>how dare people like KANTOOOO
>how dare that game merely do a huge visual and environmental upgrade while not becoming a literal Breath of The Wild despite no one promising that in the first place!
never ever, failed meme-kun
Imagine being this cynical over the teaser trailer because of the graphics.
People are going to get Blown the fuck out when the actual games turns out great
>drinking fountain erotica
Japan truly is the most debased and degenerate country on Earth.
i sure do love being railroaded around a linear map taking on an alternating series of gyms and 'plot' events, all while one hit killing every pokemon i come across due to the busted difficulty level and the sheer amount of handholding busted mechanics introduced in recent games the vast majority of which can't be purposefully ignored in order to have a decent challenge
I'm sure India still holds that title. Forever
Negativity will always be warranted especially when it comes to gamefreak.
If the game ends up being good, it will but at this pace you can expect nothing but shitposting
based non-jaded cuteposters
I mean, people do generally like BW2 here for some godforsaken reason.
It actually had content and new pokemon. Something that SM and XY can't say
>It actually had new pokemon, something SM and XY can't say
Most of the pokemon in BW were still good but it was a bad decision to go for "it's like gen 1 again!" because they had to really scrape the bottom of the barrel to fill out that number.
Welcome to 4redditbook, we are no longer any different from those places we scorned.
>the only fire types are bug/fire and dark/fire
I don't remember this from the trailer. Is it one frame mid animation or something?
And why does he have an old condom on his head?
>Chinese constellations
I appreciate the effort to focus on just new Pokemon instead of throwing the same old pokemon we've seen for over a decade
>someone wasted time doing this
>fucked up at the start with sun wukong because he forgot Infernape existed
Why even try
I'd appreciate it if they didn't make the game worse for novelty's sake.
unova as a region is also one of the worst and has some of the worst aesthetics and leaders, and I say that as a burger
>>fucked up at the start with sun wukong because he forgot Infernape existed
unlike all of the times where they've only done an idea once like how there's only one sun pokemon
There's only two monkey starters. They won't use the same theme for both, and we already know Grookey is music related based on his name
we have lke what 800 pokemon now? desu they should stop making new ones and instead balance the old ones, make more instersting megas or something, and let us catch more different pokemon in each area. i'd love it if there was a game with like 15 different pokemon in each route or something. theres so many pokemon and a lot of them are unused. because eventually catching them all is going to be such a huge pain in the ass its not even funny if they just keep adding more and more
I have wanted this game since I bought Pokemon stadium for the N64. No matter what Yea Forums says, I will play and enjoy this game.
>music related
>Large regional Pokédex with alot of variety for old and new fans
>Pokestar studio is fun with how ridiculous plots
>Infinite tms (amazing quality of life improvement from bw)
>Challenge mode is locked behind a retarded requirement but fun for future replays
>Alot of post game bosses
>Pokemon world tour is probably one of the most fun battle facilities next to the battle pyramid from Emerald
>An actual reward for Dex completion
>Join avenue
>An actual sequel instead of just a retcon 3rd version
About my only complaint is the starters suck, but it's easy to get better replacements. Is it linear? Yea, do I care? Not really because I still enjoy the gameplay and journey.
The advantage of old Pokémon is that they can cut out the shitty ones and only bring the good ones over. Cut bland ones like Voltorb, but keep ones people love like Arcanine.
X/y basically did that tho. Each new route had like 10 different pokemon
The english name comes from groove. And Nori is Rhythm
it's "groove" not "grow"
>Bringing back Unown in d/p
>I've been pronouncing it gro-uh-key this whole time
Double digit IQ rears its head again.
and wahlah, it's a fake
Wasn't infinite tms in base bw?
I've never liked battle facilities but pokestar and actual post-content was nice yea.
Even when I didn't know it was "groove" I was still calling it grookey.
user is basing this on the similarity to the word groupie as well as the shot of Grookie "drumming" in the trailer a common theory is that it's evolution line will somehow reference the beatles. Not sure I agree but eh.
>user is basing this on the similarity to the word groupie
>bitch and whine about wanting a blank self insert custom character
>get a blank self insert custom character
>surprised when all the shit is half assed so it can accommodate this
It's voilà
chicken was the best though
B-but super power 2020
Umm, I think I know my own language, sweetie
>and wahlah
>plus tip
to be fair the females have made it out alright but every single custom male is absolute garbage
combine that with the fact that the shitty male gets half as many clothe options he just always looks terrible
>bug/fighting grass hopper
dont get my hope up like that nigga
They have every right to complain about a jump from a handheld to a dedicated console not looking the part while the price still goes up. That said, what kind of /vp/ are you browsing where they actually criticize that shit franchise? Other than toddlers crying about past gens, all your other points are bullshit.
Please let it be something that can actually attack instead of whatever they were trying to do with Aurorus.
>steel eevee
>5 steel legends
didn't even try to make it believable
aurorus is good in PU with choice scarf
whats that?
you want a slow defensive mon?
if you insist
>in PU
fat guys shouldn't lose weight.
>played two ROMHacks when I was young
>one was a Gamemaker "hack" of Gen 1 where I had to grind in a cave a lot
>the other was a FireRed/LeafGreen hack that was like SoulSilver, with Gold as the main character
>it's not Pokemon Glazed
>don't feel like playing any other ROM hacks, but would be fine going back to those
Anyone know what the second ROM hack was?
i bought lgpe and enjoyed it :)
calem wasn't turbo shit but sun was boring and new guy takes the cake
gf doesn't want to make cute boys and there's nothing left for 10 year old boys besides being cute
>game really does look like a higher rez 3ds game
You fucking idiot
The game IS a higher rez 3ds game. Just look at this fucking shit. They could probably port it with minimum changes on the new 3DS if they wanted to. Shame that there's no reason to do that, since then there'd be a $40 version of the game
Couldn't care less about graphics. Am more disappointed by how it looks like "just another" Pokemon game instead of a game as epic as Mario Odyssey or Zelda BOTW despite Mario/Zelda/Pokemon being Ninty's staples.
Why bother? Pokemon is shit and it sells. It'd take more time and money to develop and they'd have to apply themselves for each entry.
>Another Sun Wukong Starter
Sounds like Pokemon is Nintendo's Call of Duty then. Push out games every year with minimal changes, while still selling millions and millions easily just off name brand.
Infernape's based on Hanuman idiot not Wukong
>Says this while using Expshare and has battle settings to switch
CoD is very fresh compared to mainline Pokemon.
Why are Japs so into porn?
You are aware that both of those games are just returning to an old style people wanted right? They arent giant innovations.
STILL don't get what the fuck this is supposed to be.
>Armored evolution
There is no chance this is real right? They wouldn't just copy Digimon despite how it's not nearly as popular as Pokemon right?
tendies paid $75 for a cardboard
>make game in england
>interiors are all dull and modern
unironically soulless
>/vp/ is the most pathetic community I have ever seen.
Yeah, nothing but a bunch of brand loyalist retards defending shit games from shit developers.
They already copied Digimon in X and Y.
You guys are assuming too much from a trailer that we know barely anything about
It's already bad enough people are ignoring that the map isnt a proper representation when it's missing multiple structures and paths from the actual game.
This game will most likely be better than what people expect, keep your shitty expectations but don't go too deep where you'll shitpost no matter how good the actual game turns out when it's filled with good post game and a non-linear adventure
>They wouldn't just copy Digimon
>bro why would easy mode be in the game if im not supposed to select it?
Name one (1) triple A game actually worth $60
Probably shiny gold. Here's what seems to be a remake of it.
You also have liquid crystal which is a more recent GBA GSC remake pokecommunity.com
>Trainer models are proper
>Comparing your house to the trainer school
Why do faggots always do this
>Reddit spacing
maybe they should copy digimon and make a good game
People are exaggerating and pretending Gamefreak never took anime specific events before until now
Armored Mewtwo possibly showing up has nothing to do with the actual gimmick and is just movie promotion
>Get starter
>Collect gym badges
>Beat evil team
>Become champion
>If going off S/M, MORE CUTSCENES!!!
>Still no difficulty setting in a 2019 RPG
it's symbolic of game freak's laziness and lack of attention to detail, which applies just as much to the gameplay. get ready for a powerpoint frame rate and more straight-line corridors that exist to move you from one unskippable cutscene to the next.
At first I thought you were memeing. But gamefreak really is lazy
I don't get the linear meme
All the pokemon games are linear, there was only ever 2-3 times where you had a """"Choice"""" but you never actually did, it was just passing by a town your not supposed to challenge the gym of yet.
What dictates proper exploration is the actual post game and sections your meant to find on your own.
Expensive backpack I guess.
unless you are a fucking toddler its pretty easy to understand that more levels = easier
in fact even a toddler would work that one out
But people bitched about a slight deviation last year
Never doubt GF's ineptitude. The jump to 3D really highlighted this problem they have
It was Shiny Gold. Thanks, user!
everything must be an open field with bandit camps to take over and radio tower to climb
its 2019 keep up gamefreak
What does /vp/ think of this wii game?
And in recent games they doubled down on it by making us go from cutscene to cutscene, and putting artificial barriers every time you try to EXPLORE THE FUCKING REGION to stop you from deviating from the game's mediocre plot.
Battle Frontier is still dead.
PWT is still dead.
They took out overworld Pokemon and Pokemon following the player AGAIN.
Yeah....thanks Gamefreak......
>dissing PS2 games with that comparison
Even 6th gen games put more effort into looking good with what hardware they had
Linearity could only ever work in a monster catching game if zones were large enough that each had multiple biomes with a vast choice of monsters.
This is the only logical reaction based on the reveal:
game freak hasn't made a good game since b2w2, and they have no financial or critical incentive to start trying again.
what's really going to happen is that the game will come out, it will be the same shitty upscaled 3ds game from the trailer with all the same flaws as gens 6 and 7, but the switch discord will start spamming tons of threads pretending it's good and screeching "SNOY!!!" at anyone who criticizes it.
Add $25 for Switch online + pokebank, 'cause you won't have anything left to do in-game after beating the Champion
If a game forcibly hands you an item, it's explicitly implied said item should be put to use and is not just for demolishing an already laughable difficulty curve.
>Add $25 for Switch online + pokebank
I forgot about this
Hanuman = Sun Wukong, you fucking retard
>Plague Doctor
aw fuck yeah
I liked the fact that I kept getting healing items from your friends, but never got the chance to use them since the same faggots kept healing my team
I've played enough SMT to know that's bullshit
>Make good games
>mediocre sales for the series
>make shit games but pander to genwun
>best sales the series has had in a decade
can you blame them?
blame the bugmen that buy this trash because MUH CHARIZARD is in it
They will finally bring back hard mode from B2W2! R-right....? This will have a great postgame like Emerald and Platinum! R-right?
Why can't they do difficulty modes
not a single new fire type?
I believe it
the whole franchise is a ripoff of megaten and dragon quest v to begin with, they already ripped off digimon with mega evolutions and lusamine merging with nihilego (just like kurata did with belphemon in savers), and they also ripped off a ton of shit from yo-kai watch as soon as it started legitimately challenging pokemon in japan. yes, they're creatively bankrupt enough to do armor digivolutions and pretend it's a new original idea.
None of these games were good. When was this genwun pandering boogeyman anyway that I didn't even learn about until you tried to use it as a scapegoat for low sales?
>paid online
This should be THE game to give us back post game content, but there's gonna be fuck all there like from XY onwards, it's fucking pathetic.
there's the problem
Please understand making gamu is difficult and most kids won't play "rard mode" anyway they are too busy playing on their phones.
>make shit games but pander to genwun
jesus christ genwunners must be hanged asap
I realized i fucked up my post
Hanuman *=/= Sun Wukong, you fucking retard
You expect me to stay a pokemonfag when gamefreak keeps pulling out shit like this? Enough is enough man
There's 6 not counting the starter you ding-dong.
that's doesnt stop you from being one retarded SMTfag
you must have been living under a rock for most of this decade, because the pandering is as blatant as it gets. like, we can literally pinpoint the exact moment where game freak dropped all pretense of making good games and switched into pandering mode.
Literal fucking retard, why would you go out of your way to play a shit entry instead of a good one?
Based Wallace & Gromit poster
>water-dragon type starter
>Scorbunny being fire fairy
>a hamster
Too good to be real
stop saying shit just because it's the norm on /vp/. ORAS is a bad remake but still a better game than XY, SM or USUM. get over it
So then how does this new Pokemon exist?
Because people like you give them (You)'s
Remember when pokemon used to try?
Oh wow, picking the three starters no non-autists ever learned about as it's completely irrelevant and not advertised in the least, X/Y is RUINED. Seriously, out of all things wrong with X/Y you autistic toddler ass gets hung up on absolutely nothing, un-fucking-believable, you really do deserve this shit franchise.
>Robin Hood bird
stilt owls nigga
Your entire life is a waste of time
>Bird 1
>Bird 2
>no Bird 3
fake as fuck
>ORAS is a bad remake but still a better game than XY, SM or USUM.
All of these are shit, what's your point, retard?
the bad part is, that it's believeable
I used to think this way, but OPs image speaks volumes about the complete lack of care put into the product. GF knows it will sell, and that’s all they give a damn about. When you realize that Pokemon as a media is worth more than fucking Marvel (which pours hundreds of millions into their movies) and then you see this? It’s just insulting.
No, it doesn’t affect the game in any major way, but it shows that those who crafted this piece of work, just didn’t care enough to make something to be proud of. In the end it’s just an apparent lack of passion.
wait wadafuck
what fuckin moron made this chart. the hell is fire faded pink when it should be an obnoxious bright red
>oh hur dur it would look too similiar to fighting
fighting is burnt orange you colorblind cow. and even ten youre gonna tell me that you put some second rate supplement type ahead of fuckin fire man? fuck ye kindly goosehead
what on earth are you talking about, retard? are you actually implying that the kanto starters are obscure?
xy goes out of its way to upstage its own starters by gifting you a kanto starter as soon as you get to lumiose city early on in the game. how is that not pandering? and it's also only one example out of many from the recent games. did you even play xy?
1) Same artstyle != Same graphics
2) It's still in development, remember how different was XY when it was first shown from the actual game ?
sounds like Yea Forums to me
i like /vp/ because the threads ARE ACTUALLY ABOUT THE FUCKING GAMES
Gen 4 was the best because of Platinum and HGSS.
Sun and Moon on the other hand..............
>and not advertised
Based retard.
>wants to play a modern 3ds pokemon
>have these 4 games
>chose the less shit of them
>retards sperg at you like retards
you're a nigger
nigger it's called Schimpanse in german.
also the name sucks already
Most of the people jaded with this game are the ones who have been continuous fans of the series for years and want to see something new and improved. If you've been out of PKMN for a while or are a new fan then you are probably much more optimistic.
i dig the concept
>>wants to play a modern 3ds pokemon
That's where you fucked up, retarded double nigger.
>Same artstyle != Same graphics
laziness is not an "art style." pokemon has looked like a cheap mobile game ever since they switched to 3d.
>It's still in development, remember how different was XY when it was first shown from the actual game ?
the final product looked just as shitty as the trailers, it just had different camera angles in certain areas to try to hide the ugliness.
that disclaimer is on every prerelease trailer for every recent pokemon game and the final product never ends up looking significantly different than the early footage. that disclaimer exists solely as a way for apologists like you to deflect all criticism of the games until they come out.
the bigger of a pokemon fan you are, the more you come to hate gamefreak
>Episode Looker
Read me like a book. Haven't played a game since BW2.
Total dog shit that'll put you to sleep and doesn't even last an hour, don't bother.
Even ignoring colors it literally says "fire" homie.
So why do Americans like Pokemon and all the stuff from Nintendo so much?
Where's their Buy-American sprit gone?
gen 1 gen 2 - original craze (genwun)
gen 3 - transition stage
gen 4 gen 5 - golden age
gen 6+ - shit era (nu-pokemon)
I promise i'm not a sutpid retard
iirc you move back and forth fighting 6-7 people in the same town.
Delta Episode is the same thing but you travel all over hoenn to do that
>sun wukong
>dislike something
wrong. i dont need improvements or change. im very happy with the forumla
i just want good games
i don want to read shet
Infernape is based on Hanuman user.
>Actually believing that there's some sort of established standard on what a full-priced video game should look like.
>playing literally any pokemon game ever that isnt red or blue
are you people retarded?
gen2 does anything 1 did but better, you genwunner cuck
Why does pokemon suck with side quests now
FRLG Completely replace those, you literal shit eater.
>an ant that split-evos into two 4x weak to rock pokémon
t. zoomers
Can somebody explain this edit to me?
one of these is being played on a portable and the other by some greasy manwalrus
Turd gen looks and sounds like shit.
I wish people acted towards all games like they do towards Pokemon.
Graphics whores need to get shot.
Still far better than Gen I.
>I wish people acted towards all games like they do towards Pokemon.
As in blind shiteaters driven by nostalgia despite kicking and screaming about nostalgia pandering?
Also, all you absolutists must be round up and shot. Absolutists wanking over absolute trash like Pokemon gameplay must be shot twice for their incredible stupidity.
Also, ORAS is automatically the best 3DS pokemon game because it's the remake of a good pokemon game. You're still fucking yourself in the ass for playing it over Emerald
t. blind and deaf
There's a reason every turd gen hack goes out of its way to alter music and sprites. Can't even use the crap GBA sound chip as an excuse as other games managed to milk it just fine.
Too good to be true
>eating a solid shit is better than drinking diarrhea
the only thing oras is good for is shiny chaining because it's brain dead easy and you know it.
And it's STILL BETTER THAN GEN I. What the fuck are you struggling to understand here, retard?
How a blind and deaf idiot honestly believes his opinion matters.
What am I supposed to be farting out of my mouth in rage over?
HGSS is the best pokemon ever made though
Hell no it isn't
>literally Goku
Yeah, I struggle to see why you think your shit posts matter to anyone with a brain.
>Gym Leaders and other important trainers in particular have received a large boost to their difficulty
oh fug
>name literally just means fire monkey
>Hanuman has close relation to fire, Infernape has nothing in relation to Wukong other than being a monkey
alright user
Literally this it was a fad that should’ve died in the 90s
I kek'd
have sex
A giant, oh dear the Pokemon Millenium teories...
>still the biggest and best selling media franchise on the planet
are you high?
lmao just get fire
He means it hasn't grown at all since then
Done, so why's Pokemon and GameFreak still shit?
>Weak to every single relevant offensive type + 4x weak to sneaky pebbles
Why does Ice make everything instantly shit?
>how dare that game merely do a huge visual and environmental upgrade
I suppose going from PS1 graphics to PS2 can be said to be a "huge upgrade"
>REEEEEEE have more sex then, y-you incel I have no argument only a bloody vagine
I wonder how much of the games' budget goes to flying Masuda to his "inspiration" trips
I want a game that looks like this one more time
That cheap approach is why it's worth nearly a hundred billion
Ice could be worse, imagine being weak to the most common move in the game aka earthquake
The pokemon design for this game were terrible.
>No new bug type combinations
Gay, dropped.
I feel like Pokemon could get a lot from octopath's diorama-ish perspective
The worst looking in the series.
Also, is right.
Not the bug, ghost and steel types
exploring that city made me want to chop off my dick and balls
>Dragon Quest
>On the rocks
fuck you
There's bug/fire
Fucking Gamefreak got destroyed.
That looks solid. They'll find a way to fuck that up.
>Sheep Normal/Steel
I can see it.
Volcarona, one of the best pokémon ever exists, you dingus.
Looks way too good to be true. We’re only getting 50 new mons.
>It's a regional variant of the Mareep evolution line
But of course, alolans were a hit
I'd welcome back the concept of alola forms of it was done to gen 2+ pokemon
Oh shit you're right, only bug type I remember from gen 5 is Durant
>That many steel types
Anyone who believes this is an idiot. The bug/dragon was more convincing
Actually mad me chuckle good job
Like, how?
Gen 5 was godsend for bugfags
>only bug type I remember from gen 5 is Durant
>literally the least interesting one
pokefag here, and i'm not buying this trash. that money's going to yo-kai watch 4, digimon survive and smtv when they come out instead. as far as pokemon's concerned, i'll start buying again when game freak starts trying again.
Careful there bucko, current age group of Yea Forums played Black and White as kids