What if Devil May Cry was a girl?
What if Devil May Cry was a girl?
buildings cant be girls silly
The door is obviously the vagina seeing as it gets smashed alot.
Then my little devil might cry if you catch my drift.
I would like that
>loves pizza
>kicks ass
>probably never wants children
>can transform in to a literal succubus
I would like that very much
>can transform in to a literal succubus
she have a dick, tho?
Spin of when?
it already exists and is called bayonetta
>old british hag
silly user
girls don't have benis
I he would look like that, I would wish he was.
As much as prefer female protags, I think it would have been worse
I still love the idea though.
i dont get it
What I'm trying to say is that my penis would ejaculate.
She looks like she fucks black demons
The Devil would cry because of constant nagging
Just wait for DMC6 starring Dantes rapier wielding daughter
>Just wait for DMC6 starring Dantes rapier wielding daughter
the series would die if they did that, holy shit, i would laugh so hard at it
So Bayonetta?
It's called Bayonetta.
So Trish but with white hair?
I still don't understand. Can you please elaborate further
Gandalf the red would be pretty based
>Not using Dante's bones are psuedoarmor and gauntlets
Honestly Yea Forums will the next dmc game will be the final one ?
Maybe they can finally do a game where you play as sparda and rebel against mundus after 6.
they just make prequels
What about vans?
Then it'd be Devil Will Cry.
What if he was black?
Devil May Rob?
Y'all Devils Gon' Cry
new DMC6 features female protoganist
new God of War features female protoganist
We would now cry about "nu-Dantina" and how modern feminism and PC cultured have ruined her, needed her body etc.
There would also be a very large amount of R34 content with her getting fucked by demons in her missions.
Isn’t that what Bayonetta was supposed to be?
Phoneposting sucks
>There would also be a very large amount of R34 content with her getting fucked by demons in her missions.
And thats a bad thing how exactly?
Not if she was hot. Porn yes, feminism whining no.