>yfw you get critically hit and survive on less than 1% health
Yfw you get critically hit and survive on less than 1% health
>survive the crit
>Last Chance ability lasts until the stunlock is gone
Name 2 games
>Kingdom hearts 1
>Kingdom hearts 2
It counts right?
>the adrenaline kicks in and you win the fight
What's her name, Yea Forums?
>fighting game
>both you and your opponent are one hit away from dying
>playing the most games of footsies and watching each other's movements carefully for that opportunity
>Both says fuck it and decided to go for it
>both of you dies
>but your opponent, lance user wins because his weapon scrapped you first
I'm a katana pleb, but i hate it when this happens
>both of you die
>its not a draw
thats how i know its a shit fighting game
every dmc game
Its Kek Souls, fairness be damned, all you need is a good internet provider
>both of you die
>the win is always given to player 1
i only got this biblical reference because of a brad nelly video
All i can think of this is a cheap multiplayer from PS1 era
I love the slow mo thing that tekken does to show what happened.
>Game has mechanic that prevents you from dying in one hit, leaving you with one hp.
>It was added after screeching from casuals about unfair difficulty.
>wins a tedious boss fight
>Congratulations flashes on the screen
>immediately rushes to the toilet because of the intense pressure of the close fight
>the boss minions/attack leftovers are still active and you died as they are congratulating you
>some game throws you back to the title screen because you have zero continues or worse, bugged out because it hasnt gave you the key item to progress the story
what game