What happened to Gabe Newell? Did he get corrupted by money?
What happened to Gabe Newell? Did he get corrupted by money?
Pic is self-explanatory. But he's a goy and was controlled by tefillin people like Mike Shapiro and Arnaud de Puyfontaine of Vivendi/Sierra.
Ok seriously, what's this board obsession with Jews? Without going into autistic conspiracy theories from the 19th century
/pol/ needs their scapegoat for why they're a 30-year old fat incel
Fat people are not reliable.
If you cannot manage your own body, how can you even manage a company.
what does piracy is a service problem mean
How does it feel to have the pol boogeyman living rent free in your head?
the stormniggerism oozing from /pol/
Let's be real here this shit is absolutely /pol/'s tiresome bullshit and it's not LE RENT FREE LIVING XD to point out that fact
I don't think Gabe really gives a fuck anymore. He just does whatever they tell him then spends the rest of his day snorting coke off of a hooker's ass.
they have gaben's soul
Hating and mocking Jews is older than /pol/, children. Back to fortnite with you.
Its just a stereotype user, like indians shitting on the street.
what am i looking for here
macron shaked hands with some random jewish leader france is obviously controlled by le j00s /s
so is screaming about niggers but if someone came in this thread doing that we'd all recognize it as a leak from /pol/
A soul eater doing what it does best
it's too late for you goyim
Stereotypes are born of truth you fucking dirty pajeet
He doesn't look really happy desu
I don't care what redditors recognize.
It means that people are more likely to steal from you if you are trying to fuck them.
Basically, make yourself likeable enough, and a lot of people on the fence about piracy will feel bad about stealing from you.
There will always be some die-hard pirates, you can't do anything about them, but it's those people on the fence that matter.
Another way to look at it, take Nintendo. Nintendo had its virtual console offering old games at affordable prices, sometimes with little touch-ups. Anyone who wanted to play those games could go to the effort to pirate it, or just pay 5 bucks and be done with it.
Then they pulled virtual console support with nothing to replace it, so now because the service is shit, people are just going to go pirate those games, because Nintendo has not facilitated being a customer.
Piracy is also habit-forming. If you screw the pooch once, people start pirating, and will be unlikely to stop.
god man the denial from you guys is the most annoying part, you aren't clever, everyone fucking knows it's leaks and pollution from /pol/, you aren't convincing anyone with this teehee but people did it before /pol/ bullshit
Makin fun of the jews for being stingy and holding more power then it first seems is a very very very very old thing dude.
Actually Seething
I always notice how the discord tranny defending jew throws out a 'nigger' in these arguments to pretend you are 'one of us'. I'm onto your tricks degenerate.
He's a billionaire. I'd give up on trying to do what's best for the industry at that point as well.
nice try schlomo
I've actually been here since before /pol/ existed and I can easily spot reddit newfags.
Is it a special handshake or something
good fucking god imagine being this delusional
>everyone who points out /pol/ bullshit is THE TRANNY DISCORD CONSPIRACY
who's living rent-free in whose head now
He morphed into the Amazing Atheist's Dad and lost all motivation to actually make anything so he just sits on his ass and plays Dota 2 all day.
Its /pol/ trying to sneak their shitty memes into the rest of Yea Forums
lmao /pol/ triggered and swarming
indians do shit on the streets though, its a fact that you can find hundreds of videos about
>sales are final
>steam actually has a decent refund system
His son has a vore fetish so probably topped himself
I think Gabe himself said something along the lines of "People only pirate because piracy is easier than buying. Make buying less of a hassle and people will feel more comfortable doing it." It's not necessarily that you feel bad about pirating, but that piracy comes with so many less hoops to jump through and no strings attached. He's also said, or implied at least, that game prices are bullshit and keeping people and profits away. They put Left 4 Dead 2 on sale for something like $10 1 year after release for just one day, and he said they made more off it in that period than the entire year beforehand. With the transition to digital goods the whole market should be changing, yet prices are remaining the same, if not growing, and policies are getting stricter. This is why people want to pirate.
Just look at his face and compare it to that time he was partying with blacks
it all started with the beard
guys.. i think we need to... shave the gaben
I'm pretty sure that's what indian dude is trying to imply. At least these jews don't poison water supplies anymore. The last guy who did it was that Joseph guy after WWII, and I'm pretty sure he was stopped.
he got old and thus is unable to keep as tight a grip on what goes on at Valve as he used to
and especially with how big Valve has gotten since even 2008 and Valves abyssal management system in how they get shit done and he has next to no control over his own company these days
I fully predict that when he dies, valve will become a publicly traded company like every other huge Videogame company
Only because of mandatory EU legislation.
Bless the EU. I wish we could stop Brexit :(((((
According to that Tyler cuck, Gabe is still well respected even by people who left Valve and hate the company, but he spends his days in his office playing dota against bots and doesnt care anymore about what happens at his company
Nice get
What about those leaks that said HL 3 was never made cause Gabe didn't want it?
He was willing to take the snow dog challenge
People who obsess with things are usually deflecting. Like how all of those outspoken anti-pedophilia advocates get caught with 100TB of CP.
>Specifies if they were expelled or killed
>German National Socialist controlled areas
>Expelled only
>valve will become a publicly traded company
Why would they though? They still make money with minimal effort. Going public would mean actually having to work.
So all the anti-Jew posters are actually Jewish themselves?
*Someone* is fucking up my life and it's not me
And thats bad for consumers how?
Working in Microsoft left it's mark.
Jews, especially in America though worldwide as well, have an extremely unbalanced amount of sway and power with a metric fuck-ton of them in the media, financial, and political seats of power. Most of this isn't because of some grand conspiracy, it's just that jews are raised to be over-achievers and the ones that make it trust other jews more than ones raised differently. Its tribalism at its finest.
There are some jews that conspire against the goyim and that's a fact they'll openly rub in your face.
Part of the power though came from the holocaust which made it intolerable world-wide to speak against them unless you wanted to be socially ostracized and /pol/ LOVES to be ostracized, it makes them stronger like bug spray to a roach.
>they would do so because of one of two main reasons, one of which will most likely happen
>Gabes Family will sell it not wanting anything to do with it
>some higher up at valve, possibly even Gabes successor will screw over the whole company and find a loophole/something to do so for his own profit
that's literally nigger "logic" though
>the white man are keeping me down
>the jews are keeping me down
Most CEO's of gaming producer's and publisher's are coincidentally Jewish, They call the shots and are mostly responsible for the state of the industry, Retarded consumers don't help either
he gets woke and is too busy banning Japanese games
jews are virtue signaling drama queens and 6 gorillion dead was used since at least 19th century due to it holding mystical meaning in judaism. more news at 11.
>he thinks the subversive jews are just a /pol/ trope
Oh user, i have some bad news for you
Jew detected, dont you have a Palestinians home to bulldoze or a sovereign nation to subvert?