Am I the only one here who just can't get into Witcher 3? I just get bored after 10-15minutes.
I liked NieR and DS3 for example.
Witcher 3
And don't tell me to install mods, because I already did.
I feel the same, something is missing. Just no allure for me
kys skyrim zoomer
I actually don't even like skyrim.
It helped if you started with 1. Hype got bigger for each game.
if you liked nier no wonder you dont like witcher 3
you clearly lack taste.
I jumped off of the balcony you start on/near 3 times then uninstalled it. Still havent tried it again.
i got about 15 hours in and dropped it. although that's probably the longest i've played any rpg since Pokemon HG
I stopped after the first encounter in this game the combat is complete shit
>le same swings every time
and every quest is the same shit le follow the footsteps horrible shit game.
Same. For some reason I easily played through Dragon Age Inquisition but get bored af when I played Witcher 3 for 2-3 hours
Nier and DS3 are not sandboxes. This is practically a Ubisoft sandbox, unlike Witcher 1 and 2.
The more homosexual an rpg is the better for you is it.
Kek, I don’t why this made me laugh so hard.
No it's a terrible game for the retarded
You probably just don't value a great story. Sounds like you care a lot about combat. Witcher is about atmosphere, exploration, and story.
people have been saying it since launch, under the very pretty characters, animations and colorful sunsets, witcher 3 is an extremely poorly designed game in all aspects other than sidequest stories which tend to be neglected in many other open world games, witcher 3 tries to give more attention to detail in that regard. In terms of core gameplay, crafting, interactivity options with the world, overall quest structure, talents, item variety, enemy variety and the way exploration is rewarded, witcher 3 is mediocre AT BEST.
>unlimited durability
>fast travel from anywhere
Holy shit, what's wrong with you? But seriously answering your question, the games really picks up after you get to novigrad. If you really don't like it by then it's just not for you.
>all mods reduce difficulty or tweak graphics
tell tale sign of a zoomer
>the games really picks up after you get to novigrad
I think you mean "takes a nosedive". Baron's quest alone was much more interesting than all of Novigrad combined.
>I liked NieR and DS3 for example.
you have good taste user
don't bother playing this shit which is literally just a big cutscene which fails as a game in every single aspect
>You probably just don't value a great story. Sounds like you care a lot about combat. Witcher is about atmosphere, exploration, and story.
what other games do you like?
I recently realized that most people who like TW3 are those who don't really like video games at all, you like movies and tv shows.
Yeah, it's really one or the other
If you think it's boring just drop it then. The problem with some of you faggots is wanting to make a big deal out of disliking something, like you have amazing taste is you're oh so different.
okay, I should've said "prefer movies and tv shows". I watch those too, but I'd almost always prefer playing a video game, since this is what I enjoy a lot more, and I want the games I play to have good gameplay.
Imagine watching a series and then wanting to play some games and then playing something like TW3, which is basically just another series, but which forces you to engage in shitty combat mechanics
It also happened to me, twice.
I still tried for the third time and I got into it, I really saw why it's so good and I barely scratched the surface, I only played for 6 hours or so.
Just give it more time, try to get over the first hour and then you'll see it has a lot to offer, cheers!
true, it's not always the only problem though.
you see people talk how good a game is, but you can't get into it and you're trying to understand why and you keep trying to like the game, and you'll eventually just end up hating it
So just like Nier?
I used to prefer TV shows, but not anymore. They have nothing new or interesting to tell and games don't follow the same limits to storytelling as TV or movies. Some games I appreciate because the gameplay is just plain fun, and others (like TW3) mostly because of the story
I'm pretty sure OP is talking about NieR: Automata, and don't tell me you think that game is a movie too
I didnt care for it either. It was OK, just felt like ive played it before.
If you don't like it don't play it desu.
>Bored within 15 mins
How? You barely do anything. You can't figure enemy variety, quest design, plot direction, characters etc from that alone.
The only thing you may get a glimpse of and see the signs it's rather shallow, is combat, somewhat.
What does a game have to do within 15 minutes to grab you?
Serious question.
doesn't TW3 have the same limits you are talking about? what's so different about it?
I enjoy games like Detroit, Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 Souls etc., but in those games you at least have to make decisions in the dialogues and your characters can actually die if you make mistakes or want to kill them on purpose, while in TW3 it's mostly just listening and watching.
I remember there were a few quests where you actually had to choose, but those are rare
to be fair, the first 15 minutes of TW3 are literally just like in any game, so OP is probably just baiting
Heart of stone is a DLC solely about deciding the fate of a man in the end
nope, it's just not that great a game
I couldn't even finish the game let alone touch the DLCs, I heard they fixed some of the issues in the DLCs though.
Anyway, I don't like TW3's setting, so that's probably the main reason why I don't like the game
You just have a bad case of shit taste. I wouldn't worry, it's common in these parts.
I have like 8 hours in total.
>1st 10 minutes
> With naked Yennefer
You a gay?
You play TW3 for the story and to immerse yourself in the world. You sound like you play games mainly for the gameplay, that's not TW3s strength.
Took me a bit to delve deep into it. Around the Baron I was addicted.
>ez mode mods
>duuuur y game baddd!?
the state of zoomers.
>I just get bored after 10-15minutes.
Same. I can tell this is actually a pretty good game it's for some reason just not for me.
I'm forcing myself to play it because I feel like I'm obligated to have it checked out of my list, it's just to big and "good" to be ignored.
Luckily, after 2 years of struggle, I'm almost done. Just the Blood and Wine left.
I don't enjoy beyond two souls, indigo prophecy and heavy rain because the story is weak and none of the characters are likeable. It's not only about player choice, but what a game can do for immersion, level of detail of the world, and character consistency.
Detroit is okay only because of Connor. The way they implemented the "revolution" is one of the most retarded things I've ever seen.
>Anyway, I don't like TW3's setting
Couldn't agree more. I think that's the biggest reason I don't like it...
fucking casual that's why
>making an already easy game even easier
Please never touch a game again.
The story is told almost purely through non interactive cut scenes besides a few gimmicks. But at least in that one the gameplay isn't crap.
>using mods on your first playthrough