>go to Yea Forums to talk about video games >top threads are some rando politician saying something wrong thay doesn't matter, people shitting on a person they don't know, an anti-lesbian thread (????), sone random faggot's blog post, and MUH CENSORSHIP God damn, Yea Forums. I've been here for well over a decade and it's never ever been this bad.
Hiroshimoot and /stormfront/ (and you underageb& that never lurked) actually managed to destroy this site. It's almost impressive.
>forcing politics oh no they have lesbians in games! us based gamers prefer traps right bro? xD
Dominic Hughes
Pushing back how?
Anthony Butler
I know that feel /pol/faggotry has already driven me away from a few boards on Yea Forums I used to frequent all the time Yea Forums is reaching the saturation point where I'll give up on it for good like I did with the others
Only because you cry and whine about everything. And that causes everyone else start to cry and whine. Then companies notice that and use it as a PR to get more money. They don't care your fucking internet childrens wars.