Where does your favorite 2hu belong on this chart?
Where does your favorite 2hu belong on this chart?
>different shades of the usual anime archetypes
I'll pass
nice thumbnail faggot
Belong in :)
My favorite what now
Based off what little 2hu knowledge I have, I'm guess the X-axis measures "dumb" to "idiot", and the Y-axis measures "stupid" to "airheaded"
>he doesn’t recognize the touhou CBT chart
I can't read the chart, and know very little about 2hu, but bottom left.
Why do I always end up picking unstable low tiers?
For me it's tewi
you can clearly tell who's his favorite
i dont care about 2hu but it has a lot of god tier /ss/ doujins so i like em
slutty bunny
Momoji is number wan!
Is touhou still popular in 2019?
Top to bottom is like or dislike, left to right I think is bad at to good at busting balls.
>bottom left
Are you deliberately posting the untranslated one every time so people would keep the thread alive by constantly asking what all that means?
Does this mean what I think it means?
It does.
>mfw Space-jin will never draw my favorite 2hu
It's a good feeling.
My balls are safe! Sasuga best girl!
Sanae can hit my balls as much as she want.
>tfw spacejin drew your favourite 2hu all the time before he started on ballbusting
feels great, his normal art is top tier
Marisa is pure and likes mushrooms
Youmu could crush my balls desu
so what is Space Jin's reasoning for why Kaguya is the CBT queen?
>tfw you love a certain 2hu's design but nobody else even remembers her existence
RIP Rin.
Everyone from the Moon are giant cunts and she's Queen Cunt, too cunt even for the Moon.
I like Sarial too.
How do i get into touhou
play the games
If you want to get in on the lore at all you'll have to read the books and mangas on top of playing the games
Play Touhou 6 or the Pokemon clone
Play games read mangas
Probably in the middle/lower right quadrant.
My favorite 2hu isn't even on the chart, what does this say about me?
Even Space Jin doesn't like humans.
Yukari killed Renko by making her explode
>She's good at it
>But she doesn't like it
Fine by me
I checked the artist of this image and indeed, it was one of those "they/them" gaijins like my gut feeling told me. I wonder what it is about 2hu that so heavily attracts these types
glad my wife isn't into that shit fetish
So is Marisa only into vanilla?
We don't take kindly on your kind round here
>kogasa neither good nor enjoys it
Where does Seija fall on this chart?
Which 2hu would you fug?
where would the lunatic girls be placed on the chart?
All of them
Clownpiece would be top left, Junko bottom right.
What does being bad at bullbusting entail
Who is it
Not even the best Chinese 2hu
>Puting Junko anywhere except dead center on a like/hate axis
nigga do you even character canon.
I never played any Touhou shit but I've wanked the most to Sakoya/the maid one so I guess that one.
Someone point out where she is on the graph for me
There's no good Chinese.
Trademark of a best girl
Poking the taint, rough handjobs, "that white stuff means they're broken!"
No she's just gay
better chink incoming
rip your balls
I was re-reading the first fairy manga yesterday, and in one panel, Luna and Sunny were standing next to each other. I can't believe I never realized that they're actually intimate partners.
Fuck the law
The real question is, where does YOUR favorite 2hu belong on this chart?
>Mokou and Cirno are ultra-pure
Marisa is very pure, as expected
The best
What's the deal with Sanae?
why is kasen the most lewd by far?
She is a slut and probably slug too
Rumia is at the top!
But I don't really like CBT.
In the translation it's clarified that for example Rumia may not necessarily like CBT but ranks up because she'd eat them
Sadly OP is such an irredeemable faggot he refuses to acknowledge the english version even though it's been circulating for months
I don't get it.
What is this chart about?
Above ching chong, but a little to the right of nip nong
CBT is worst fetish
Who gets any pleasure out of destroying something precious and valuable?
Only EOPs save translations, though. I feel sick whenever I see one.
Ballbusting. The next big meme in the Touhou community.
Do you expect all 2hufags in Yea Forums to be perfectly able to read and understand Japanese? Some kind user went through the trouble of translating the entire thing so people wouldn't constantly ask what the fuck the image is about, but nah, fuck him, let's post the moonrune chart in every god damn touhou thread
You've got other things to worry about.
it's just one artist and he has been doing it for a long time
Oh, I see. That's cool with me then.
Touhou is vidya but this isn’t.
Let’s talk about Touhou games. My unironic fave is 15.5, it feels like a mix of mahvel, SFAlpha, and even some smash. I wish it wasn’t so niche.
I don't see the issue
How do you like the classic 10.5 fighting game? It's more solid IMO
So, why should we discuss this again?
Confession: I still can't get past Eirin
Why do people discuss power levels? It's the same thing, and the image comes from the artist who made it popular in the first place so it's a big deal.
Ball busting is a terrible fetish and Space Jin's art is wasted on it.
Light CBT is fine though.
>is skilled to kill
>doesn't like it that much
>is not for lewd
literally the perfect girl for me
Those three fairies sure are lewd.
I fucking hate twitter's unsearchability. Who is the artist?
Why doesn't Medicine have more porn? I want more doll joints, damn it.
doujin coming out eventually maybe
post her feet
Why are you posting worst sister?
every touhou needs love and the one I chose was the best for me
Too bad!
If you're "into" 2hu and you don't even know Japanese, you're worse than a tertiary.
OK but that doesn't refute anything that I said
I'm too lazy to do that tbqh
>no picture of satorin smugly attempting to crush balls but failing
>tfw EOP so I'll never get to enjoy the Genius of Sappheiros sequels
Below the lewd line, of course.
Okay so what's the official 2hu bust size chart?
Oh I recognize this guy, damn I was hoping for yuri. Thanks user.
>both of my favourites well below the line
I also like Kasen and Byakuren a lot though, funnily enough.
which one is most genki and baka?
Any of the fairies really
highly intelligent and under the radar post
We are all below tertiary then.
I'm more comfortable hanging out with plenty of "tertiaries" who discuss games than few circlejerking "primaries" who run out of topics.
IOSYS videos
I don't know but Byakuren is easily #1
How come Lunasa is so much more lewd than her sisters?
As espected of my wife!
>that transparency
They're all flat.
>Shimmy is the one from her game with the lowest ammount of lewds
as it should be, the smol is not for lewds.
Sorry I don't know what the fuck happened
Small is ideal for lewds, she's just ugly.
Actually I did some searching on the official 2hu site, gelbooru, and all of them have huge tiddies.
Rude and wrong
>Kaguya 4.96%
>Mokou 4.27%
>Go to play GoS for the first time since the initial translation release since Weekend apparently improved a lot
>Get to first battle with Meiling
>Kill her on the first turn before I can register her with Aya
>Because of the retarded save system I can't go back and have to start the whole game over
>Stop playing
>Hating on Marisa
Shit taste
Wow, Patchouli is right where I am, and I do like her character...
I like the more traditional fighters more. IamP, SWR & Soku. Could never get into them too much & my main isn't in any of the games.
Okina has canon saggers on par or bigger tho
Literal mother goddess
Okay, that's good and all, but what about by volume? Who's the lewdest 2hu by amount of lewd pictures?
Look at the right part of the image you lazy fuck. Unsurprisingly it's the armpit slut.
Reimu -> Sanae -> Sakuya is the Top 3
Reimu has 6.9k, Sanae has 6.4k, and Sakuya has 6.1k
>Reimu has 6.9k
S+ tier taste
The protag
One of my favorites isn't, either.
Scanning doesn't matter at all because you'll get the bestiary entry anyway, and Meiling is level 10 while you're 5 so it's not possible to do it in the first place.
who are they all?
I thought I'd checked afterwards and not gotten the entry, but I must have been mistaken.
no WAY dude, i was looking at Luna's eyes, so i guess we're intimate now?
Sakuya the perfect maid and woman
More Sakuyas
And Meiling's wife
That was a Hentai doujinshi
She have a very good Hentais doujinshis
Flat what?!
And a pretty decent one at that
There are no canonically lesbians
Put a knife un the pussy
It's can be great hentai doujinshi
She likes guys too, so she's bi
Which 2hou has the best butt?
Give me your reasoning and evidence
I do not see that in an official work it is said that she is bisexual or lesbian
Meiling is just friendly with everyone
Who is her? And why she have a dick?
Dislikes? What a strange bug.
Official Meiling have the best ass
Marisa is 200% gay and there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise
Or maybe the Raccoon
Which 2hu whose poop would you like to sniff and taste?
That guy has a cute style but the asses he draws are very underwhelming
I have not fucked anyone and is not anyone's partner
If you base your opinion on what other people think rather than understanding who these people are as characters, you don''t love touhou or any of its characters. How can you if you don't care to know them as who they really are? Call it dumb fun, but for the people who are really into the world of Touhou, this is inane and superficial stuff that only people people who are exclusively into H-stuff are into.
Good point
Shut up faggot
Why do you come to 2hu thread if you don't like hentai?
He likes official works le maybe he ido new in the 2hu world
For me, it's the cute romanian
2hus are officially for cute and lewd
They are all girls for a reason
Made for anal
Zun like cute girls with magic
Damn right she is
Thx cor the Nightmares
All Girls but some girls want yo fuck
DIO and the other Dio
What if I like the music?
Posting for your use.
>fucking Kanako
lucky man and best taste
Divine Taste
Looks like the law is about to fuck me instead
I'm very okay with this
>Marisa towards the bottom left
I won at life.
if you could play any vidya with one (1) 2hu of your choice, (without them getting disgusted by you or the game and killing you on the spot)
who would it be and what game?
I would play:
degrees of lewdity with Kasen (or preferrably her arm)
some rhythm game with Raiko
Super mario with Sakuya
You are going to heaven
AC0 with Yukari
Warcraft with Sakuya
Play Far Cry 2 with Futo for the flamethrower action
What's with people who like Touhou and ball busting?
user it's just statistics
Games are for normie losers what are you doing?
God I want to honk those honking honkers
Any Touhou game with Reimu
Far Cry 2 is pretty fun, almost finish my second play through. Never knew how good the flare gun was
What if she has an epiphany / breakdown from the sudden realization that she's a fictional being, because you showed her games that she thought was her life?
Let's talk about 2hu feet
I would worship Remi's feet and build a shrine for it
Fact: Touhou games are literal garbage
literally or figuratively? or both?
Either way, sign me up
Feetniggers deserve the rope
that's fucked up
..the image, I mean
>big nipples under clothes
This shit makes me harder than it should.
That's just Remimi being a cheeky cunt
How can one user be so gay?
>Hey Reimu, check out this video game, it is a dramatization of that incident you were involved in
I would love to watch 2hus playing Touhou.
Sex with Youmu
What are you waiting for, user? These feets won't lick themselves.
Why would you want to have sex with a dork
She can be my onahole, a dick warmer
I wonder if Youmu's recent popularity in Japan is due to Nier Automata.
Youmu has always been top tier in popularity
Weirdest skyrocket is probably Koishi
What is this?
Youmu is for abuse
t h i r s t y
So you can see her squirming and calm her afterwards
Best Touhou coming through, everyone else can fuck off.
>both favs moderately skilled but dislike it
Why is green this best?
2hu abuse makes my peepee hard for some reason
I don't like her. I need precious lives for the Patchy fight and she takes away too much.
Because you're mentally ill.
Best Toehoe anime
Only regarding the animation, everything else is shit.
From the dumb weeb humor to the shitty and unnecessary ecchi scenes.
Post the lewdest SFW 2hu pic you have or Marisa gonna get it
Youmu really pissed me off in PCB. I want to slap her plump buttcheeks as I gently penetrate her from behind.
Looks like she already did
Gays shouldn't post in this thread
where's the best girl shinmyoumaru
Nothing wrong ecchi scenes.
Post that naked Chen butt from the anime.
What a waste of time and budget.
>attribute is a needle
>phenomenal artist
>shit fetish
A tragedy too great for even the greeks.
Sounds like you got abused by Youmu.
Could be worse, like yukkuri
>Nothing wrong ecchi scenes
I'm glad that if Touhou got an anime, ZUN would never let it fall this low
>he doesn't like big 2hu tiddies
Congratulations, user! You're the gayest person on this thread.
If big 2hu tiddies are so good, how come all the best 2hus have either small breasts or flat chests?
I sort of agree but that's a real choice file to accompany your caps lock sperg out
99% of the cast is flat
>wriggle will never skillfully but reluctantly destroy your balls
>want to post cute pic of Suwako
>search on pixiv
>18+ in every picture
>have to look for non lewd from panda
See? My point exactly.
They are all shit until they grow more meat
Since he is a boy, probably understands male anatomy better than most.
There's no gameplay thread today?
Wriggle is a cute girl though.
I never play any 2hus game .
>Yea Forums
Who /2hug/ here?
When the fuck is cannonball coming out? I want to play it with Yea Forums.
All I can say is that I hate Reisen, she's the reason I can't beat Eirin, because she eats all of my lives. Fuck you dumb lunarian.
>no ancap 2hu
what a shame
I would appreciate if you stopped with this "Wriggle is a boy" - meme. It is not funny. Wriggle is a fertile young maiden
Touhou "games" are garbage. The only good thing about it are the girls and porn.
>ancap 2hu
What about the kappa? I wish more fanart depicted them as the tiny midgets they are. It's fucking adorable.
Let's be dead honest here guys/theys, this thread has a lot more gameplay discussion than your average /2hug/ thread
Wriggle is cute regardless of gender.
I don't know user, I got to talk about games before and I'm even considering for hosting some netplay.
I guess this is not the right time.
What the fuck even is Cookie nowadays? How the fuck is it still alive?
That's insanely hard
I'm going to start Devil of Decline today, waited 5 years for a full english patch but it clearly isn't coming anytime soon and I'm tired of waiting. How expensive would it be to translate it?
>2hu games
Why do they exist, even?
Good thing the fandom doesn't care about them.
Maybe there'll be someone up to play Soku out there
To introduce more cute 2hus to the fanbase and to showcase ZUN's music, obviously.
There is nothing wrong with /2hug/
It's a comfy thread
Go back to your general
I love Aya!
>loud trumpet mess: the music
I can't stand listening to them for more than 3 seconds desu
ZUNpets are God's gift to mankind.
As much as I like 14/15.5, I really wish they didn't get rid of the customizable specials or at the very least have it stick around for 14.5
I'm pretty sure DoD has had a translation for years now.
Touhou is amazing.
I've just got my ass kicked by SA's extra strage, I can't even reach Koishi
Neck yourself, fag
Dedicated fans.
Post lolicunny
Thate was a pretty good doujinshi
You fucking sick motherfucker
Sakuya is best girl
>can only beat the games on easy
maybe i'm retarded
Yeah and?
Name 3 best Touhou platformers
You'll get better over time
It's always the right time for netplay user, especially if you're hosting.
1. Touhou Yuuen Sekai
2. Gensokyo no Nazo
3. Sanae Challenge
Luna Nights
Youmu and the dungeon of Lewd cratures
Scarlet Curiosity
I haven't even build the decks yet. Maybe some time later.
What's your favorite non-binary 2hu? For me it's Wriggle
>Scarlet Curiosity
Dumb namefag
What did you say nigga!?
Well the last one I dont play it but I heard from that game but I play one where the protagonist is Tenshi
Tempest of Heaven and Earth.
this game, uh, looks interesting
Oh That was the name of the game Thank you, I download a Japanese versión
Can you please take off your name? You don't see anyone with name here.
Are you trying to be attention whore snowflake?
Where can I find that video with Nazrin and Alice?
I love his Satono but I wish he would still draw Iku.
Took two seconds to find using Yandex. Here's the game creator's Twitter.
She doesn't use bra! NO BRA!
rhythm games with raiko is the only correct choice
let me get schooled in taiko
Homos are strong
No really I just want to use a nickname
I dont think there was anything wrong with that
Garbage fetish
>drm protected
Actual mommy.
Mokou butt
Best Milf
Actual mommies are the best
Google the code for it (RE244772). Is this your first time downloading Japanese H-games? Flanfags truly are the worst.
wheres chen
Thanks. The last time I encountered the dreaded dlsite DRM they were considered uncrackable.
Is this thread safe?
Rumia is so cute
Shhhhh, Chen is sleeping.
is not...
Rumia is an honorary fairy, so it only makes sense that she's both cute and funny.
You need to hide now
>newfag with a name
I'm having PTSD right now
I remember some 2hu game trailer that called her Lumia, it triggered my autism in the same way that one who sometimes sees Sanae KOTIYA
Im gonna need the full pic unless thats it
Rumia is a REAL youkai.
Oh sorry dont read my name then
Here take this Sakuya
It comes from a series of nico videos about the entei gang playing "wolrd of tanks". I am afraid i cannot remember how find it again, my niconico story go wipe up.
Genso Wanderer?
Fucking ESL too.
How badly does Frandoll trigger you?
I expect nothing from nips trying to translate and you should too.
There was a time when someone like you would told to lurk for 2 years before posting.
Wait! I found it!
>Oh sorry dont read my name then
Bottom of the barrel trash namefags like you deserve the cross and their own personal pyre.
Noice, thanks
top right evidently
Dont fuck with me boi
What does cock and ball torture have to do with touhou
>Cute sprites
>H game with a cute girl
>Looks like a fun platformer
>Ruined by that ugly art that makes Youmu look like a 45 year old woman trying too hard to look young
Alternate version with cuter CG when?
>Ruined by that ugly art that makes Youmu look like a 45 year old woman trying too hard to look young.
user, there is something seriously wrong with you.
You have yo see the Game overs
Whenever Zun runs out of ideas for characters, he'll use her design in some way.
I wish Yuuka could be playable again.
Maybe in the future
I love Frandoor!
What 2hu related stuff are you listening right now?
Not him but
>porcelain skin
>fat in wrong places
I can see it's not for everyone
Reimu for Smash
It's a valid complaint, Youmu isn't supposed to be some old hag.
If the artist wanted to make her older and more mature that's fine too, but then they did a poor job drawing it.
It's simply not very good artwork. Is it absolutely terrible? No, but it's not good enough to fap to.
She also has the best doujins and she's not even my favorite touhou
>Antimony of Common Flowers
>Yuuka is not playable
I know it's not about real flowers, but still
>their own personal pyre.
but that's what they want, attention and "uniqueness"
The only true choice melting the flesh and dumping the skeleton in a pit with several other faceless remains
Yes user, it's an opinion. I didn't know we were only allowed to state only strict facts. Now stop being autistic.
Did she lie? What the fuck?!
We are one with the Universe
Thanks friend.
You think that's a crime?
>religious war
>Sanae doesn't participate
Too sinful to be true
I can't believe remi is fucking dead
rolling for a dead thread
Imagine spending so much time on Yea Forums that you think stating the obvious in greentext actually means anything.
much worse is how Raiko talked about becoming the leader of the "object becoming alive" youkais...only for the tanuki bitch to steal her role.
I don't remember. Did someone actually sleep there in the fairy manga?
Sanae was already in Soku, Kanako would have been better since she's a big boss like byakuren and miko
It was Kobuto V.
The fairies sneak into SDM and find Remilia sleeping inside a coffin.
Remilia fucking lied.
Marisa is lasersexual
She is simply not there yet, since she just came from outside world after receiving mallet's power which is not long before that, too.
Meanwhile, Mamizou has been a youkai boss for ages.
AC0 with Cirno so that she gets Fairy Wars PTSD in the final mission
Why would Remi lie to us like this? She must be evil.
i don't know anything about touhou but i like patchouli and the lady with the gradient hair
>My Touhou isn't even on the chart
Poor Seija
Cute nip bumps
Remi is very self conscious
Suika is the best Toehoe.
One of the few people to canonically defeat Reimu.
One of the most powerful youkai around yet doesn't use it for personal gain and just lazes around drinking and fighting all day.
Hasn't been seen sober for centuries.
Old friends with the head honcho Yukari.
Former boss of the most powerful youkai race and it's legendary devas.
One of the youkai sages Kasen Ibaraki is her ex-girlfriend.
Owns a part of heaven because she beat up a Celestial.
Makes the Tengu shit themselves by just walking on Youkai Mountain.
Delicious Flat chest.
is cute, CUTE!!
Seija is many things but a ballbuster is not one of them.
She is pure of heart and the best girl.
She is unbearable in SA though.
Based and onipilled
>Can't cuddle, might vomit on you during sex
>Might accidentally kill during a drunken rampage
yeah, she is a mother.
bean baddy
Goddamnit stop posting that shitty tenko picture.
Tenshi is my wife.
what about this one?
>he didn't read that doujin
It's a certified classic by now.
>Blue eyes
>titty Seija
user please, there is better stuff.
he's right though
Well, she only got titty cuz she got pregnant. She even shoves that fact into Flan and Nue faces, with Flan trying to nuke her while Nue hold her saying "think in the baby!"
Then why was deleted?
Even worse.
Touhou is more of a videogame than half of the movies discussed in this shithole.
well are you going to post one then?
I don't see much videogames discussed here so there is no difference
I need to know
That's some garbage writing. Seija would never have a child
Can someone post that image of ZUN with Whitesnake?
Then allow me to suggest that you play the best Touhou game, Undefined Fantastic Object.
Know what?
Is Tenshi a butt slut?
Whatever that guy said before the post was deleted
>allow me to suggest you play the worst touhou game
Very funny user
Buddy don't tell me you don't know how to use archives
It's just whining about 2hu being on Yea Forums
I want to feed Tenshi corndogs. I want to feed Tenshi corndogs coated in sugar and mustard.
>spoonfeeding a retard
you're worse than him
why... why did you use a normal curve there?
I clearly said that it's the best, buddy. In fact, this is the correct order:
UFO = IN > PCB > PoDD >SA > MoF > MS >>>>>>>>> EoSD > TD
I haven't played DDC or LoLK that much so I had to skip them. And HSiFS looks like broken shit since you can just spam the Autumn release to cheese half of the attacks in the game.
Any news about cannonball?
Coop 2hu game when?
>IN that high
Alright Ill let you off the hook this time user
>PCB that high
>EoSD that low
please fuck off
Whoa what you have against EoSD user?
I know only genwunners praise EoSD but there's also undeserving hate
EoSD would easily be the worst Windows game if TD didn't exist, but it's understandable given that it's the first one.
So how did two-who become so popular anyway
I know for sure half of two-who fans dont even play the games
Develop further
>mobile game
>Anime Maru
>using weeb The Onion as a source
sure, keep thinking that fag
Fake, ZUN never actually said something on the subject.
nothing wrong with that as long as it isn't gachashit.
Hello seething faggots
it's the future of the franchise. trust me it'll bring back all the older fans.
The honest problem with touhou is that there is no drama
Where is the enemy? It's like a book without an antagonist. The characters just faff around aimlessly. Sad!
The Windows game came out when the internet is still a wild west
ZUN allows people to do literally anything with the series except crowdfunding
Catchy music and diverse characters
Hey uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh anyone wanna play soku or PoFV?
Still need to test if my soku hosting actually works though.
Gensokyo is too complex for this kind of shit, at the end of the day even the antagonists are just people with their own interests.
Last time I heard they just added Letty
My wife Tenshi is pure, she wouldn't be into CBT at all
The way you post is disgusting but I'm desperate enough to play with just about anyone. Host it.
You know the true I always think am the only one
The scoring is as basic as it gets, the bullet hitboxes are retarded, some attacks are very poorly designed (the most famous example being Patchouli's "Bury in Lake" in Lunatic where if she decides to move the wrong way you are 100% dead) and it has a lot of input lag + no visible hitbox unless you patch it.
The drama lies in the backstories
It's just not that type of story. If they weren't just faffing around aimlessly then some guy's doujin from 2006 would inevitably become outdated as X character developed.
Wriggle dislikes ball torture, but literally the only doujins I've seen her in has her squeezing a dude's nuts.
Ah snap, forget it, getting sokuroll to work on wine will take some time. Sorry, should've checked earlier.
Cursed image
I'm here way too late but Marisa is cute as hell and IMAGINE tier
You could easily pick Marisa up and take her home with you.
Yeah yeah, ballbusting and such, excellent thread OP, so and so forth
...But when are we getting the "Like/Is good at" axis for Touhou motherhood?
Only two touhou are confirmed mothers.
Another 2hu likes to kidnap children and raise them herself.
Nevermind, I was just using a different version of wine across the two executables. Should work now, hopefully.
I can only play a crappy Youmu btw.
Eiki will never punish your sins with her ass.
Oh, you mean the most unpopular newhu ever?
irrelevant, all 2hus can be mothers
That ain't gonna stop the delicious yuri doujins, ZUN.
Yes, but only three have confirmed experience on it and only two of those were actual mothers.
fellas i've come to look at anime butts.
and literally 0 have confirmed experience in ballbusting yet here we are, let it happen
This is a video game thread though
I forgot, kogasa babysits!
Chart is 3 years old, pink hermit is most likely not the lewdest anymore
The law
Yatsuhashi? No.
Explain this shit to me thanks.
user, i said NEWhu and the answer is sakata nemuno
>literally 0 have confirmed experience in ballbusting
Kaguya has the most experience blueballing men, including Mokou's dad.
Fuck the law
interestingly the ballbusting chart is a good primer for making a motherhood chart. Kaguya would definitely be in the bottom-right extreme. The real fun is figuring out who really would like to be a mother, but is terrible at it and vice versa. The possibilities are vast.
Well this is Yea Forums
>post limit
>Bump Limit
The happy elf is here to say goodbye!
QUICK! post touhou pics!
We still have 16 more images to reach the limit
>bump limit
NO! i was having fun!