Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?
Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because i'm too busy playing League. Don't have $39.99 to pay for Overwatch. Got other stuff to buy.
got boring
I saw a fat mercy at a comicon once and now I'm forever turned off of the game.
I love my wife Mercy
Pharah still exists. A laughable oversight.
How much do you get paid to make the same thread every single day?
too busy masturbating to overwatch porn
Want a Overwatch key? I'd be willing to give one to ya. Have a discord?
Never played played Overwatch, but jesus christ the porn is something else.
>Want a Overwatch key?
Because it's shit. Adding more characters isn't going to fix the game and neither is announcing which character likes it up the ass
Too busy having fun playing TF2
Can I play League with you, user?
geez user, stop being so TOXIC
lmaooooooo fuck off
Who do you main?
And do you support our lord and savior, Singed?
This is my thread now
I love my wife Mei!
You know what? You responded in a mature and lighthearted way. I will fuck off. Have a good day buddy
toxic is just a meme, grow some thicker skin so you wont get hurt by some random banter
i am tho
OP secretly jerks off to people pointing the flaw and badmouthing Overwatch.
I know I do.
the low FoV makes it unplayable for me, anything below 90v 120h is suffering unless you're playing pixelhunting milsim autism
Every character is way too thin
Because I don't like starting up a game and being expected to do the same thing every time
I'm just an ex pyro main who hates what the game became. Or more accurately what it never became.
I wanted a game to play that gave me that feeling of playing pre-MvM TF2 years ago. Overwatch just isn't that.
they shot doomfist in the head and then shit on his corpse
Spy main. TF2 just has an irresistible charm that i cant stop coming back to.
To be fair, and no shitposting, you really cant compare OW and TF2, theyre 2 completely different games. If you enjoy OW., enjoy it. I got bored of it pretty quick
What is that facial expression called?
You are but a tiny chemist.
Watch this:
Quit the fucking game months ago though
This is really creepy. It’s like something a child predator would say.
about to sneeze
Give me your discord, kid. I'll succ ur conk
Because the game is monotonous shit and Apex will bury it this year.
>spy main
I don't like OW as much as I liked TF2 but the game never evolved imo. The hats were the beginning of the end, but the worst was when they released those counter-strike-esque skins like a month before OW released because they thought it was all going to end and wanted one more shitty cash grab. Competitive was never any good because the classes were never (and maybe could never) be balanced.
Also, after getting tired of OW I went back to TF2 and the complete lack of normal jumping air control felt horrifying, the movement overall felt very stiff and weird. I found myself getting caught up on all kinds of corners and stuff that new games don't have problems with.
I'll miss it, but I doubt very much I'll ever install it again. (also they banned me from SPUF fuck valve)
Eh fuck it
No, you’re obviously desperate if you need have to giveaway a key to get someone to play with you.
Valid points, i understand user.
If you ever change your mind, TF2 welcomes you with open arms
no friends to play with
Thats because you're ugly and gay
I don't care for the characters.
I don't really play shooters.
I never really played online multi.
Blizzard's design metodologies have generally been rubbing me the wrong way ever since Diablo II.
They made soldier 76 like cock of up the ass
Because it gets boring after like 2 games and I don't feel like playing it for another 4 months.
because Paladins it's better
i don't need to play a inferior game
Also because it's so fucking pathetic with its SJW bullshit and not only that but also how they cradle all the snowflake babies cause people say mean things outside of the game itself.
You're not even worth a (You), poorfag
Why don't you play a game with actual graphics instead?
Jesus, what do you play?
because i don't inject onions into my nutsack on a daily basis
Well damn if you liked Diablo 2 have I got a game for you! It's called Diablo 3 and--fuck off-- you can play all kinds of neato class--fuck off i said get that knife out of my back--es and oh BOY is that loot random! Haha I sure do enjoy doing nephalem rifts over and over all d--no STOP--ay at a chance for LE EPIC LEGUMBERRIES-- user RUN THEY'RE MAKING ME SAY THIS SHI-- or a super cool PRIMAL LEGUMBERRY!
*single gunshot*
Overwatch has the ugliest artstyle and character designs I've ever seen.
Have you even realized that the faggot japs and k*reans have made Yea Forums love gacha shit while an actual video game alternative is made by based Blizzard™ and the ACTUAL porn comes for free while losers pay to beat it to poorly drawn anime?
t.weeb loser
Mostly puzzle games, platformers, and weird experiemental shit.
You should've gotten out of there in time.
Make Overwatch into TF2 but every character is D.VA in different outfits and personalities and then i ll give it a try
i'd suck your dick for a key
We have this thread every day and the answer is always the same, most are just jerking to the porn. Fuck off pretending you want to talk about the game and just post the lewds next time.
My issue with them is just that they aren't allowed to have flaws. And that they don't make much sense.
They're just a disparate handful of wish fulfilment paperdolls with weird sci-fi shit tacked on.
D.Va is bland and reminds me of gaymer camwhores
Doesn't that game already exist?
I feel like some russians already made it.
By far the worst character, and she has competition in that game's cast.
still playing from time to time
Same here. I prefer TF2 over most shooters, but if you enjoy OW, who cares. Play what you find fun.
bruh you have not experienced life until you've had yeero's pink mercy's fat ass in your face in VR
any preferences basedbro ?
I don't think I'd even play the game even if it was free but Pharah/Mercy art is top tier. Overwatch has blown out the water all games in that regard
fix this shit for the next time you post this my man, i already got grohk's skin from 200 ranked matches and have nothing to do anymore, though i'm definitely grinding that next battle pass for inara and nando skins
Gave it away to that first user already
In terms of character alone, probably Roadhog, Doomfist, Zayra, Reinhardt
I most played Junkrat and Ana though
I just did after I don't know how many months of absence. I did my placement matches, played like a silver shitter and somehow managed to get 2740 SR
Even as someone who doesn't like the game, this is the most brainlet thing you could have ever said. The models and maps are absolutely gorgeous.
>aside from SOME character skins of course
isn't this game dying tho?
>is a cute and hot girl
>fun personality
>can back it up with being fun to play
D.Va is amazing
D.Va fag on damage control
Sounds interesting. I might try it if it gets dirt cheap on g2a any day. I don't think Overwatch is worth buying into so late and most certainly I'm not looking for another game to be buying skins on.
the gaymer grill trope and the fact that shes k*rean is an instant turn off
Because I only lobe 1 map (Kings row) and think just a few others are decent. I dislike most maps.
Because I don’t like the idea of having to play boring heroes if I don’t want to throw. On this note, because most heroes don’t feel fun to play. They’re like a bastard mix between FPS and MOBA heroes, except with gimped guns and also gimped abilities. They’re just not fun. Like people say the new goats meta is blizzard trying to push a more MOBA playstyle, but MOBA characters have more and much more interesting skills.
Because blizzard can’t balance for shit and are too high on their own farts.
But seriously, heroes are fucking boring to play (their abilities are few and boring for the most part) and maps are meh at best
i bought r6 and im now addicted
I wanna fuck Tracer straight.
I love my wife Hana Song
The models and maps are absolutely soulless. Its painfully obvious it was created by boardroom of executives trying to create the most mass-appealing, bland garbage possible. It does the bare minimum to be inoffensive and passable without doing anything interesting, and that's the worst type of thing imaginable, even more so than something obviously bad.
>he hasn't bought Overwatch
I DONT play Overwatch anymore. Those were the characters I played. I got bored of the game after 2 months.
It isnt worth money. At all.
There are exceptions but I mostly agree. I like a few maps a lot though. Anubis is beautiful, hanamura and kings row too. I like the temple part of the Korean map a ton, too. And some skins are great too.
But yeah most maps and characters fit the bland and inoffensive description.
I wish I could find out what mercy milk tastes like
Because it's in a laughably bad state right now with no end in sight. Developers do nothing but trickle new maps and characters every 3 months and don't know how to balance a game to save their god damn life. Brig, and soon Baptiste have ruined this game. Playing main tank has become the worst experience in human history now.
>T. Angry 1000 hour masters
>an actual well thought out opinion on OW
>on Yea Forums
this, but unironically
it's basically a soulless cashgrab where could've been a really fun casual game
>654 hours of holding down left mouse button
>Didn't go insane
Are you German by any chance?
I'm still waiting for the upcoming Doomfist buff
>Rising Uppercut and Seismic Slam
>Both cooldowns reduced from 7 to 6 seconds
>Seismic Slam will now properly pull in enemies for linking the uppercut
It's actually beautiful that a former Everquest and Blizzard game player who did nothing but bitch about the incompetence of developers and their ineptitude at balancing the games has now become notorious for creating some of the worst balancing issues a multiplayer game has ever had and it only continues to get worse
Because I lost my endorsement level again and I'm mad. It dropped from 4 to 3.
I actually noticed it immediately goes down if you report someone for cheating
Same here, except I play whatever character is needed. Sadly private servers died in my region and I hate the matchmaking for a number of reasons.
Why the fuck do mods ignore these obvious data aggregation threads?
What is the maximum endorsement level?
God I want Mercy to suck me off.
I've noticed it will often happen after a game where you don't get any endorsements. Are you sure that's not just coinciding with you reporting someone.
I play 4X games.
What about you guys post more of the 2 best girls. Sombra and widow? I need to replenish my folder.
civ 6 or 5?
>Main tank
Thats not how it works, blizzard is retarded but you should know that you can't fucking taunt players.
Because I came back to it after a year hoping that it had improved, only to find it in the worst state it's ever been in.
Cool I am already at 4 and I am not even level 60 yet lol.
You taunt by being a threat that NEEDS to be dealt with. OW isnt PvE where you press a button that forces enemies to attack you
Well effectively the tank is taunting by being easy to hit so you can build quick ultimate charge
patreon was a mistake
overwatch ruined all the porn
>The hats were the beginning of the end
just use nohats mod then? it's an f2p game mate
>but the worst was when they released those counter-strike-esque skins like a month before OW released
that was 2015 they did that user, nobody knew what an overwatch was then
>the classes were never (and maybe could never) be balanced
all the classes might not be used equally but they still get used frequently, that's more than I can say for Overwatch.
i feel like a lot of the criticisms are pretty damn hypocritical here coming from an OW player. OW has cosmetics out the ass (with less customization) in a fucking 60 dollar game, its movement is a hell of a lot more restrictive than TF2's, and its balance is fucking awful as constantly attested to by players.
That doesn't make any sense. How could the tank be the absolute biggest threat unless it did more damage than the dps or did more support than the support?
Stop fighting. Me and the user already had a nice tf2 related discussion
Based. He gets it.
>falling for literal chinese social credit
Playing DPS is gay, have to constantly switch to counter then get countered. Tank is gay, people want you to be a shield nigger instead of d.va or roadhog. Healers is fun but people give you shit for playing mercy. The community is a bunch of crybaby faggots who will report you for making the cry like the crybaby faggots they are. It's nice turning off voice chat and getting my weekly loot boxes but I can't be bothered to play more than an hour a week.
I just mute everyone and play whatever I want. Feels amazing. I paid for the game, not going to listen to people cry and tell me to switch off Roadhog when I have gold kills and damage on our team because I'm not playing a 'main tank' when we have a Reinhardt.
People are retarded.
>Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?
I do. But it's down to only 3x a week.
>but they still get used frequently
In comp? Because no they don't. The community had to facefuck highlander into existence just to have all the classes played. They also had to make their own ban lists because Valve doesn't give enough of a shit to balance their weapons right to make them viable without being broken.
Pubs are fine and still probably decently fun to this day, but when you reach high enough skill levels where pubbies are cannon fodder when you're half asleep, there's no place higher to go for 5 of the classes.
Because the only thing the game is good for is producing porn, which is why I'm annoyed that the newest hero isn't another waifu but instead a nigger.
And the porn is free.
Thanos cock
Thanos cock
>The community had to facefuck highlander into existence just to have all the classes played
No I am talking about 6v6 and you're still wrong. Both Spy and Pyro have received buffs and get used more often, Heavy and Engineer are frequently used on lasts, and Sniper is used in almost every game.
Here's all the 6v6 games that were played in the last half hour.
>They also had to make their own ban lists because Valve doesn't give enough of a shit to balance their weapons right to make them viable without being broken
Valve's last 2 balance patches focused on competitive balancing though and did a great job on stuff like Vita-Saw and Darwin's Danger Shield, so that's not completely true either. There are still some weapons Valve hasn't got around to balancing for comp, but that still leaves 88% of the weapons in the game unbanned, so is it really that big of a deal?
>there's no place higher to go for 5 of the classes.
You literally mentioned Highlander in your own post. There's also lobbies.
All your information is outdated.
>yeero's pink mercy's fat ass
If you're talking about the standing doggy one, I've actually jerked off to that one in VR. Good times.
And to think it only took them 12 years. Time to beat my dusty little dick about them balancing a couple of items and having heavy and engi stall out last points for a push or two before being switched back to one of the actual 4 classes used the rest of the time like they literally always have.
I'd erp with ya for a key
Specifically rein and Winston can kill squishes insanely fast, they don't need to aim So they can cleave the whole team in a fight. Rein has a game changing ult and a good Winston is annoying as fuck and won't die and can cut a team in two. Basically, the longer the enemy teams main tank is up, the more your team has to work to get stuff done as you have to focus fire on the tank to keep them at bay.
To quickly add to tanks. The reason Overwatch is dying is because main tanks have suffered every single patch. Rein and Winston used to be insanely fun characters until they buffed mercy, then you had to save your ult for hers 24/7, then they buffed snipers and Winston was now a throw pick and you had to hold your shield up 24/7, then they buffed Junkrat and reaper and made you melt insanely fast, then they added brig and your job of taking space and finding openings was completely nullified by that shit character because her very presence stopped you, then they nerfed armor because of goats, and now goats is dying slowly but the tank nerfs won't be reverted. So now main tanks are nothing more than walk forward, pray the enemy doesn't melt your shield and pray your team does stuff. The game has gone to utter shit.
And Brigs shield can block reins entire ult. Support mains can rot in Fucking he'll, you whiney faggots have ruined this game. It wasn't the dps, wasn't the tanks, it was you degenerates that bitched anytime your precious mercy got slightly touched. All of you deserve the cross.
>just finished hard fappin
>come across this thread
Even OW porn has gotten boring for me
its a shitty fucking game that i get 0 enjoyment out of
i cant believe people are still clinging onto this piece of shit
no amount of porn spam is going to save blizzard's retarded decisions
>balance is based around the lowest common denominator (are there really people who can't deal with a stationary bastion?)
>the rank mill exists to suck the fun out of competitive
>matchmaking-based games always breed the shittiest "communities", so it's not really worth your time to play casual either
>power creep
Do you think Mercy likes it up the ass? Haha ;)
post more Mercy for fuck sake
Top 3 heroes with most time spent playing?
>make untrue complaint about game
>someone points out why it isn't true
>wooooooow why are you talking about this game
and again, you're comparing it to Overwatch, it's not like their state of balance is amazing anyway
>main tanks
>having to save your ult for mercy's
...what? the only people who should be saving their ult for the enemy mercy is soldier and cree, and arguably ashe. main tanks can't do shit about a valking mercy, and if you're trying to chase down a valk mercy in primal rage, then you are actively throwing.
if you're talking about a friendly mercy, then even more no. valk lets mercy do her job better, but doesn't really combo with much aside from a team push or a blading genji going deep.
source: 1000k hours of mercy and a lot of dicks sucked
Because my friend showed me Warframe and im actually having fun on it
I do but all i do is fuck around in quick play.
>130+ Hours on Mei and Mercy each
>100ish hours on Sombra
>Only ever reached masters once and I'm a Sliver portrait with multiple stars
Should I just stop myself or kill myself Yea Forums?
Who is comparing it to overwatch? That's the second time someone referenced overwatch in response to me saying "when i got bored of overwatch and tried tf2 again". Not once did I ever draw a parallel between the two games other than "new games" have more fluid movement. Someone attempted to refute my argument of poor balance and shitty competitive by saying 2 weapons were balanced better and that engis and heavies are used on last point which is something that has always been the case. Not new. Not new for a decade now.
>wooooooow why are you talking about this game
Also something I never said, but I could have since you're talking about tf2 in a thread about overwatch. Keep your old shitty viewpoints about old shitty games in your own shitty circlejerk containment threads.
I was talking about 5 man rez mercy. You had to save it in case she got it off so you could nullify it. If you used it to wipe and your dps suck shit, you effectively got no one in your ult.
Why does cropped porn get my pp hard?