How old were you when you realized the reason CTF was disappearing was because it just wasn't good game design?
How old were you when you realized the reason CTF was disappearing was because it just wasn't good game design?
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what game doesn't have CTF anymore other than fagggy mmos and battle royales
It only really fits into fast paced movement based shooter.
Which nobody plays anymore.
It's disappearing because zoomers like you can't handle real games.
>both teams turtle their flag for 2 hours before one team gets lucky and manages to cap
>the last good game with ctf in it
Besides quake wow is the game I've played CTF game modes the most
I'd agree. if the movement system is somewhat slow and not very flexible then it doesn't work that well. especially if you combine that with hitscan weapons.
What's the best game mode and why is it Team Deathmatch?
tfw no more zoomy zoom games
you just play shit games m8
noobs only know how to shoot and not defend/capture the flag
The mode is especially bad in TF2
Sorry you suck, bro
>aimless running around and killing other people who also run around aimless
The only people who actually like tdm are retards who are too slow for regular dm and too socially inept to talk ro teammates to coordinate the objective
the best game mode is Bring object in your base to enemy base
Titanfall 2 proves you wrong.
Only on pub servers with terrible russians, but it's still behind payload, with last place belonging to cp, cp just sucks
the only good ctf was 3wave
I think the problem is that you have to have your flag at your base in order to score so it encourages turtling.
Just deathmatch, teams are for fags.
i am glad its ded
ctf is just stalling the game
probably when I started playing Enemy Territory and realised how good team based gamemodes could actually be
None of you get to say CTF is bad unless you've played TagPro
The aim is to kill the other guys. It keeps the action focused on combat instead of dumb shit like picking up a bomb or whatever.
Teams are better because it means you won't just get shot in the back every 5 seconds.
intel > flag
Around the time I gave up on WoW PvP and then all random matchmaking, before finally just quitting the game.
Told you so, too slow for a real game mode. And yes, wandering around the map to find people to frag is pretty much the definition of aimlessly wandering around
The real reason CTF is disappearing is because scrubs are too bad for instagib. CTF only makes sense with instagib.
I remember having a lot of fun with BF1942's capture the flag. It was so fun with vehicles. I remember long after release trying some of the other game modes in BF4. There was like one server that ever ran any other game mode besides conquest or rush. People were surprisingly coordinated, I remember grabbing the bomb or whatever and someone immediately flew a helicopter to me to pick me up, fucking beeps and boops all over the place and all kinds of gunfire at me when I finally got to the ground and barely managed to capture.
I realized this a long ass time ago. Without dedicated servers which are fucking dead in the GAMES AS MUH SERVICE games, it's basically impossible to get either of these two below. No dedicated servers in games is something that will 100% kill CTF and kick some more dirt on its grave.
-Large teams (8 to 12+ players per team)(as a buffer for noob players to have their fun aswell)
-If the team is small (
Ace of Spades is slow as shit and CTF is the only game mode.
>tfw the last time I played capture the flag was Mount and Blade Warband
good time, hard as fuck
i wish other Zoomers could discover the joy of Bunnyhopping
Can't strafe/bunny hop on a controller or an iPad, so that gameplay feature is lost
I do it just fine on my Steam Controller.
Soon we shall be carrying flags all day everyday.
fuck, I can't even play games designed with it in mind for shit on my steam controller. A buddy of mine plays aoe 2 on that thing and he is actually pretty decent
>more retarded normalfags enter gaming
>suddenly complex games which require coordination and team work go away steadily since normalfags can't be relied on to cooperate without voice and having voice mean someone can say the no-no bad-for-sales word (nigger)
>Implying retards won't just be fighting in the middle while one or two people per team actually play CTF
Battle Royale fag.
Best CTF is instagib in games like Xonotic.
Try to turtle your flag for more than 1 minute in Xonotic instagib faggot.
It's the flagship mode of high level competitive Halo, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone calling that series fast paced.
Halo is fast paced
People need to realize fast paced =/= fast movement
This guy meant fast paced as fast movements.
this, flag turtling only works in a game that doesn't have skill-based movement with a high ceiling, in a god game of quake, teeworlds, etc. you can't turtle shit.
>in this ONE SPECIFIC SITUATION turtling doesn't work, what now fag?
It's not as popular because it demands that you actually do your part, so if you fuck up it's your fault and you can't shift blame, people don't want to face that kind of responsibility.
Team Fortress 2 made me hate CTF. It was rage hard but fun in Halo 1 PC.
dunno.last time i played a game with a ctf mode was tribes. i miss playing tribes. good shit right there
but if you're good at the game then it's the entire match which plays like that, you might as well just admit now that you've never played games that weren't meant for people who are shit.
More like people can't into basic strategy 101, all they will do is kill eachother enough so they have time to run at the flag while enemies are respawning
Anything that requires strategy is bound to be abandoned by players who just want to run around and shoot shit
its because most mp maps are chokepoint filled shit so everyoen on a console can get a kill and are shit balanced for actual gameplay
It was already said in this thread that ctf is shit unless you have fast paced movements.
OP is correct.
Single-flag CTF is much better from a game design perspective UNLESS your game has insanely fast movement speeds.
That's why it's so fun in xonotic, with the grappling hook. people can arrive from even under the map.
>UNLESS your game has insanely fast movement speeds.
So OP is wrong since ctf is good in a lot of games.
A lot of games with ctf don't have insanely fast movement speeds though.
CTF only works if the flag is a movable object and not a shitty outpost
that shit always devolves into camping which is literal trash
What causes camping is when the game's defensive capabilities outstrip the offensive capabilities.
If flag cappers can move very quickly and are hard for defenders to shoot, it becomes a better option to attack than to defend, making for interesting gameplay.
If flag defenders have stuff like autoaim turrets, it becomes a better option to defend than to attack, making for slow boring gameplay where neither team tries to push.
2-flag CTF can work great if your game gives those sort of advantages to people trying to take a flag. But otherwise, it's terrible and 1-flag CTF is better in every respect.
Yeah but there the problem isn't ctf in general, it's those games specifically.
examples of ctf where the flag is not moveable?
capture the outpost which is a variation of CTF
you know the shitty modern shooter gamemode
thats control point, not ctf
It's more that only a few specific games have managed to make CTF work without being a campfest.
if it doesn't move it's not a capture the flag variant user
More than you think, you just don' play them. And now they're pretty much dead for most of them.
>put a timelimit
There ya go, fixed CTF
>time limit
>at 0 vs 0
>next round
>everyone plays like nothing happened