Which style is to your preference?
Which style is to your preference?
Russia is not in e.u
It just means Euro when used like that, stop being so literal you fucking mong
fuck the eu
I haven't played a single one of these games
Where do I go
Metro is made in Malta, so EU
Japs and yuros, Americans are a blight on culture as always.
definitely not a biased chart
away from Yea Forums, obviously
>Representing an entire continent with the richest history and culture on earth with a flag of a nato puppetstate camp.
and canada isn't in the US. the OP is just cherry picking to push a false narrative.
Biased in what way?
>posts somdier who fought in a war that allowed its creation
EU all the way.
The image was made by an amerimutt, most likely.
Polish hands wrote this.
it's a nice meme collage user, I'll give you that
>we live in a society
Polack wouldn't use a g*rman word, they are still buttdevastated about WW2.
Should someone instead post a flag with every single European flag on it as a "simple" representation of Europe than?
I don't like the EU but when used like this I don't see it as a representation of solely the EU rather a quick and over simplified representation of Europe as a continent.
>can't post kraut words without being /pol/
the state of this site
You suck black cock. YOU GOT BLACKED!
>polack means /pol/
The statenof your brain
the one with GOOD games
i actually got that wrong this time
i'll admit that
but you must agree that the situation and wording could literally be the exact same as if it was mean for /pol/
Why Amerimutt games so fucking fugly?
Why wouldn't a /pol/ack use a german word? I thought they were still larping as neonazis?
I just say /pol/yp or /pol/ynesian
You cpuld just write "europe"
People outside america can still read words
Russia is in asia
You suck black cock and take black cock up the ass. Long and thick BLACKED!
are they, i thought it was some sort of libertarian/patriotic american board at this point
last time I know /pol/ to be nazi was 2013
Dunno, I haven't been there for 5 years.
Canada an US are the same shit
Metro made in Ukraine, not Russia.
Come on it's 2019, people need quick little images to see as representations of geopolitical masses
>american education
Ukraine is Russia Minor though.
looks asian to me to be honest with you
You're an even bigger retard than the OP
Russia and Mongolia are the same shit
you are correct
>looks like asia
>capital city with 10million people in it and second biggest city in russia too almost on border with EU
how is life in eastern russia anyway ?
the maps always make it look like it's empty
Yeah, this is why they have war between them and cut all financial or political relationship.
If you are russian male, you basically can't enter Ukraine anymore without special invite.
Because it is quite empty, mostly frozen wastelands
South Koreans can't enter North Korea, your point?
It is empty. Not many big cities (less than 1 mil usual), bad infrastructure and so on.
But in north and eastern parts at winter temperature can be as low as -40C. So no wonder.
>no male immigration
>only accepts qt russian girls
I think Ukraine is on to something
Russians and Ukrainians different ethnic groups with different language and culture.
I've played Apex, Anthem, Metro, Hitman, DMC5 and AC7
They've all been complete letdowns.
there is no ukraininan ethnic group and language
culture is debatable
inb4 buttmad russians
what hasn't been a let down to you among recent games?
At this point you just have shit taste or don't like videogames.
Yeah, so Poland too basically Russia?
America: none
Europe: Hitman 2
Japan: all 3
Japan takes this one, looking forward to Sekiro as well.
dumb weeb
>if you like better games you're a weeb
Lol, stay mad virgin.
Left if you wanna join in with the masses and feel a sense of community.
Middle if you want to experience games with well thought out and intricately implemented game mechanics.
Right if you want to see interesting ideas and designs.
America may have had some good games in the past, but everything they make these days is absolutely soulless.
Anthem and Apex/Titanfall are rebore Japanese style
Definitely not murica