Just picked this up recently on the cheap. Is this the best way to play these games or should I hunt down the PS2 originals?
Just picked this up recently on the cheap...
Theyre perfectly playable from what i remember
it's fine
There are reports of some bugs and glitches. If you can't be assed to emulate them and be able to do it well though, it's okay.
These games don't emulate well either. They're imperfect because they used a lot of hacks and tricks to pull off their effects.
did anybody ever actually utilize their 3D TVs to play PS3 games
the only bugs i ran into was weird load time using the teleporter in UYA nothing game braking. OP already has it, emulating these games are a pain
it's not that interesting
PS3 versions are ok.
After playing trough the PS2 trilogy, remember to quit the series, it will never be as good again and just slowly dies and becomes more soulless and shittier and shittier...
A Crack in Time is pretty up there in being good.
You can only emulate them properly using a nightly build of PCSX2 and even then the framerate struggles to reach 50FPS for the pal versions.
They have a couple of glitches. Music doesn't loop properly, some enemy iframes don't work, some graphical effects are broken etc. Nothing gamebreaking but you will notice it if you played the originals and it will bug you, it's like playing a bad emulation - I think PCSX2 is actually better these days if you have a decent computer.
On the other hand it plays perfectly smoothly. The games are all there and they all play with solid performance. If this is your only way to play these games then you shouldn't skip them.
PAL versions run at 50fps though.
Nah, it's almost gladiator tier and the length is just too short. And the story is shit, what the fuck happened to actually funny dialog and cutscenes?
I mean like when I emulated them with the nightly build that supported hardware acceleration I struggled to get a stable 50FPS.
TJ Fixman happened.
The story is pretty basic "we wanna be Pixar" stuff, but I remember liking a lot of it. The overworld with the side-quests, certain little mechanical improvements, like the jet boots not just shooting you in a straight line, and actually giving you some new mobility options. Etc.
It's either this or the originals. Don't bother emulating. I loved the series, own the originals and played them regularly. The collection is serviceable. You lose nothing significant by experiencing it this way outside of some minor graphical effects and some presentation bugs popping up. This isn't like the Silent Hill Collection where the games are actually ruined due to the changes or inaccuracies of the port job.
Gladiator is good though, it's worlds and structure as a weaker 3 but the overall writing is much stronger and more focused than 3.
>I think PCSX2 is actually better these days if you have a decent computer.
It's not. Among several graphical issues, it has performance problems. Emulation is not the way to go with Ratchet or Jak. I wish people would stop recommending it.
The problem I have with the fourth one was it felt like it was trying to pull a Jak II in terms of changes and tone. Then Tools of the Destruction course corrected too hard, and it became a bland PG CG movie.
Although I also remember not like 4's focus on 'mods' as a way to upgrade weapons.
Ratchet 4 may be "the edgy one" but I think it still goes about it more gracefully than Jak II did. There's no "I'm gonna kill Praxis moment", and there's still a tasteful amount of humour and satire. It still clearly takes place in the same universe, unlike Jak II which was a total shift away from everything recognisable about the first game.
I thought they fixed the mipmapping issue that was holding up the game, but I don't use PCSX2 so I don't know for sure.
I've been playing it just fine at 60fps and 4k. Mipmapping update fixed basically everything. You just have to get the settings right. Just look online.
Plus dont forget that 4 had the top tier announcers.