Why do people think they're allowed to join hunts with wide range or hunting horn and never hit the monster?
Why do people think they're allowed to join hunts with wide range or hunting horn and never hit the monster?
Because world is casual game?
in both cases its them simply being brainlets who dont know how to play to begin with
true hunting horn players know that if you aren't hitting the monster with all of your attacks INCLUDING your songs, you're fucking up
>world is a casual game
>regular tempered monsters can one hit kill you with the highest defense armor in the game
Sure thing pal
>or hunting horn and never hit the monster
It's enough for a HH user with AuL song to only do 1/3 damage of what other hunters on the quest do to reach the break even point. Any more, and the HH is already being more beneficial than another "dps" weapon.
As for wide-range, true, if everyone plays perfectly and doesn't fuck up it's never needed. But even good players fuck up, and the average randoms online are well below the "good" player mark. So you either babysit them with wide-range, or fail the quest. Or just solo.
I actually had a HH and a wide range SNS with sub 1k damage on behemoth and they never flashed once to get rid of the whirlwinds (they even shot down the crystals and missed phase 1). They carted 3 times in the second phase.
You're not supposed to flash to stop Charybdis spam.
You're supposed to gain enmity to "tank" him. It IS an MMO-style event collab monster. If somebody in the group has enmity he stops casting Charybdis, and Meteor only aims at the tank.
The flashes should only be used to reset aggro if a non-tank hunter gains enmity.
Sure you can kill Behemoth the wrong way, with all "dps", but that and flash spam are bad habits, which will fuck you up if you try them on EX Behemoth.
World brought in an influx of RPGfags who were looking for their next MMO dopamine hit and can't think outside of the holy trinity.
95% of the time once somebody has behemoth even look at them in pubs they run for their lives. It's common courtesy to have flashes if you're too much of a pussy to fight him
>the holy trinity
That's literally how you're supposed to fight this particular monster though.
Same with XIV Rathalos event, which you can't just tank and spank like you usually do in MMOs.
Honestly just running like a headless chicken and kiting Behemoth when you gain enmity by accident is preferable to flash spamming.
Flashes only stop him for a moment, he will still cast another Charybdis a few seconds later, but he will also start charging randomly across the entire arena when flashed.
My first (and only) ex behemoth clear had a HH guy with wide range who didnt touch behe
Smoothest run Id done out of probably 50
I think you vastly overestimate the average pubby. If they manage to scrape at its hind legs you're already doing better than most.
Doot on, you lucky bastard.
>playing mhw
this place has gone to hell
>all my friends are playing either freemium games or games from 6+ years ago
Ive been wanting to quit gaming for years now
I have never touched a MH game, what exactly is wrong with it?
It's not on a Nintendo console.
You forgot the usual stuff like set wepons not all looking unique and mix sets being a thing, or other such trivia
But playing games with friends from 6+ years ago is usually pretty great. Freemium shit is garbage but goofing on people with friends in Apex Legends is pretty funny from time to time.
Corner horners have always been a thing. One of the best things GU did was add double notes to discourage it, but they're gone again in World, and of course there are a ton of new players who took the "lol support weapon" meme completely seriously. Wide range is just an extension of that because it's a support skill.
HH IS a support weapon. It will never reach solo clear times anywhere near the "dps" weapons.
Of course that doesn't mean you don't have to hit actually the monster with it.
The AI is from 2005, the gameplay is from 2010, the story is from 1995, the graphics are from 2015, and the development quality is from 2000
Because they generally are gurl gamers.
Whether it actually is a support weapon or not, calling it one outright is what leads to situations like what OP described. People take that label at face value and think it means the weapon is purely for support and nothing else.
HH is laughably weak as a bludgeon though tbf
It lacks contents compared to previous games and some QOL improvements casualize the game, but overall still a great MH game. This is understandable though because the game recreates the maps, monsters, and other stuff in details from the ground up, which is resource and time consuming. You cannot compare that to rehashing the game over and over again since the PS2 generation. All the artificial outrage over the game on Yea Forums mainly comes from seething toddlers who are pissed because the game is exclusively not on Switch. Hell, they even go as far as creating Discord and Resetera groups just to organize shitpostings on Yea Forums and other gaming forum.
damage control, deep down you know most of the complaints are legit.
>Hell, they even go as far as creating Discord and Resetera groups just to organize shitpostings on Yea Forums and other gaming forum.
No user, those are the trannies.
While it would be cool though to have World on Switch, I don't care about it because of the lack of content like you said. I already played World on the PS4, hated it from how dull and boring it was, and exchanged for MHGU.
is monster hunter world worth buying? can i play solo if i hate online players
Yes. Great game in solo, masterpiece if you have some good friends to play with.