> Time limited content.
> Content that wasn’t time limited now locked away.
> elusive targets, so elusive that they didn’t bother to release one to play last month.
> Lazy developers who won’t acknowledge bugs.
> Game is still broken for PC players nearly 4 months after release, they blame invidia
> Reskins of every weapon with a pink mk2 sticker on side.
> ‘silent assassin’ rating criteria also bugged, rendering reason for playing game pointless.
> Couldn’t afford cut scenes so just went with cartoons, but claimed it was because of lack of money, then opens new studio weeks later...
> Advertised as 6 levels, when it was only 5 and half
> The most toxic fanbase of the lot. Literally a circle jerk of sissies who thought there was some deeper meaning in John Wick.
> Sanitized so that instead of violence of meat kings party, we get flamingo dress up at a racetrack and Mary Poppins Easter eggs.
> Sniping was ok, but they tried to make it better and then broke it completely!
> Incompatant devs who with each update manage to make things somehow worse
> 100$ for the Gold Edition.
> Fuck IO and Warner Bros for ruining the franchise
Other urls found in this thread:
Better this than Absolution 2
Shut the fuck up and post more latex girls.
Absolution > Nu Hitman
Absolution- strip club, orphanage, latex nuns, it was edgy as fuck.
Nu Hitman- James Bond simulator
I guess if you like fapbait
I prefer non-linear gameplay and big maps
Nu Hitman- played by cock sucking fags who think level size is equivalent to quality. Look at this empty beach, how the fuck did these based devs do it?gameplay is actually linear too.
Old Hitman- dark humour, nudity, s/m, and no hand-holding bullshit that makes the game feel like a never ending tutorial.
you deserve it for buying this game twice knowing how the game works
If throwing bottles to progress to the next series of corridors is actual quality as opposed to hitman 2016 and 2, then so be it.
You can turn all the helpers in new hitman off just like playing on Professional would turn all help on the map off in the older titles. You just spew crap to shit on a game that’s actually good.
>imagine being mad over content that you weren't gonna play anyway
poopoo lol
Have we seriously reached a point where people will defend absolution?
>Old Hitman- dark humour, nudity, s/m
And more importantly, ACTUAL LEVEL DESIGN. Over half the levels in absolution are literal corridors.
The obsessed will try to shit on new hitmans using any reasoning. This particular poster is unironically using fapbait as an argument in favor of absolution
But 2016 had, no blood trails, no dual ballers, no custom weapons. But blood money did. How the fuck is that considered progress? 2006 game has features, but new reboot don’t have the power to do it. Ffs the mirrors in the game only worked properly once the sequel was released. These danish fucks are the most useless devs ever. Ask any PC player who hasn’t played the game since it came out, 4 months ago.
>disliking nu Hitman
ok, fair enough..
>putting Absolution above any other Hitman game
epic bait
Absolution is unironically awful
Please don't pretend to be retarded
The hitman shill will try to defend new hitmans using any reasoning. This particular poster is unironically using absolution as the yardstick by which to measure the quality of the latest game. Assume hitman shill above has never heard of or even played BM or HM2:SA.
Hitman 2 added some of those features back but yes, it was a regression in a way. What matters though is that Hitman went back to the same style of gameplay it had before Absolution. Think of other stealth series that went to shit and never recovered (Thief, Splinter Cell). Hitman 2016 was a welcome return to form so I'm sure IO will deliver a Hitman game to evolve past BM.
>using absolution as the yardstick by which to measure the quality of the latest game
OP did that. I simply responded. The new hitmans have issues but it’s on the right track.
Not saying that absolution is better than 2016, merely that absolution stays truer to the Hitman formula. King of Chinatown in absolution is as good as any new level, and at least you could go do some coke in that level. Whereas, nuhitman has been reduced to ‘where’s my pants’ jokes, and exists as an almost childish version of assassin simulator. I want to kill people, not collect clues and destroy the t virus.
Hitman will never reach bloodmoney perfection ever again. I don't know how developers miss out so much of what made their old games popular, is it just staff turnaround? All they had to do was update the graphics and made more levels for it.
Nope, those features u mentioned are not in hitman 2. No ballers, no custom weapons, no blood trails. So either you haven’t played the game or you’re just shilling for these useless cunts?
Exactly, just give me more of old hitman with new hitman graphics. Incredible how these cucks could fuck up such a simple concept. They pleaded poverty as excuse for some features not being implemented, but then open up a new studio in Malmö.
Not saying stuff like blood trails doesn't matter (although I never noticed guards following one), but the level design definitively has evolved.
Do you think the blood money engine could simulate a racing event complete with all the stuff going on around it?
There's more ways to interact with the world, like dressing up as a race marshall to stop the race, or even luring another character to kill the target for you.
Even the blend in feature from Absolution is utilized better by having 47 do something fitting to that role.
Its not gory and dark anymore and the engine makes the game look like cartoony shit honestly. I'm going to replay contracts now. Another franchise ruined by pandering to causals
Blood trails have been in the game since contracts which was 2004. How nearly 15 years later can they not implement it again? I mean I just stuck a katana thru this guys throat, minutes later guards enter the kill room and although I dragged the target 20 feet across the room to a cupboard, they don’t see a spot of blood. Fallacy: nu hitman is not more realistic. Indeed it is more like a cartoon nowadays.
Contracts couldn’t run a racetrack because it was on ps2, therefore it’s unsurprising that they can now do more more elaborate shit with better hardware. And those kills are nothing that can’t be equalled in the classic hitman games.
If you think the ‘blending’ mechanic is important to the game fuck me u are retarded. I’ve nevrr even used it. That’s like saying how Arthur twirls his gun to put it back in his holster is an crucial gameplay element? It’s shit that looks nice but adds nothing, so how is that relevant? The shilling this game gets is quite unbelievable.
>Useless disguises
>forced cover to cover stealth sequences
>a fucking helicopter chase set piece
>mark and execute
>walking around shooting people like it's a modern splinter cell game is more effective than coming up with inventive ways to kill targets
>almost no memorable levels
>almost no memorable characters
How in the fuck is any of this more true to the Hitman formula than the two newest games.
> Recent Hitman games disguises’ now effectively work the same as they did in old hitman, which is good, and I’ll admit the enforcer system is miles better than the instinct based nonsense from absolution. Yep they tried to reinvent the system and it was awful so they went back to old style. But this isn’t the reason why I accuse the new games of being piss poor.
> not defending the on rails bullshit such as the heli chase sequence.
> Absolution has a fair few memorable levels, not many but some that far better than Bangkok and Colorado from latest games.
-Blackwater Park
-King of Chinatown
-The Vixen Club
> Better characters ? subject 6 and a humanised Diana, who I liked better when she didn’t point everything out and just sat on the other end of mic eating Cheetos. And don’t even get me started on the constant. Are these really better than Birdie and Blake Dexter. At least they were mildly interesting. I mean how can you not Yee-haw! Ha! I tell you, I don't ordinarily yee-haw but this is a fucking yee-haw!
You’re also ignoring that Blood Money was completely broken due to how trespassing worked, an overpowered disguise system, levels had fewer options overall and there were even a few awful forced combat sections.
If you take the nostalgia goggles off, 2016/18 is the mechanically superior game in almost every way. People love to forget just how laughably easy BM actually was even on Pro difficulty.
Absolution was trash and turned 47 into somebody unrecognizable and borderline laughable. Hitman always had sterile, bleak and cold aesthetic ever since Contracts and throughout Blood Money. Hitman 2 was an exception with its more Hollywood approach to the story but 47 was still cold and bitter there, caring only about Vittorio for obvious reasons. In Absolution he’s been given to much character and it made him less cynical and more human which directly contradicts his origin story. He’s an artificial human, made to kill people. He doesn’t care about anything but money and his craft. Absolution also was a Grind House- style game which looked and felt ridiculous and out of place for Hitman. The new Hitman is more like a bond movie which I also don’t like but it’s better than retarded 47 getting his ass kicked by a wrestler.
>Nu Hitman- James Bond simulator
not gonna praise absolution but this is true sadly
hitman has lost all the grit and charm it used to have
>levels had fewer options overall
In comparison to Contracts? I doubt that.
>a few awful forced combat sections
You mean the tutorial and the last level? The tutorial is the introduction for new players, you can even skip it. The last level is just an epilogue and acts as a story closure, nothing more
The current ‘tresspassing’ system in H2 is also broken making ‘silent assasin’ rating irrelevant, so at least these incompetent devs are consistent. And to deem blood money a vastly inferior game due to the limitations of its hardware is dumb as fuck. Yes the new game had more kill options. It’s a newer game in the series so it’s self evident it will be ‘mechanically’ superior.
Absolution fell for the cinematic father/daughter tps bullshit that every game was doing. they tried to make the most bland character ever have a personality and it sucked ass, should have just made a prettier blood money with downloadable levels and challenges and rehashed levels from previous hitman games
Every Hitman game has a different atmosphere:
C47- Cheesy early 2000’s action flick
2SA- Vintage 007
Contracts- Grimdark/horror
BM- Neo-Noir
Absolution- Grindhouse and Tarantino inspired
2016 and 18- Craig era Bond combined with John Wick
Every Hitman game is largely a collection of different references to various spy and noir films.
Yep. Not stating that absolution is a better game than these Hitman reboots. Only that absolution is truer to the core ideals of what made Hitman such a fun game than the newer versions.
Simply, Absolution is more Hitman than Hitman 2016.
The trespassing system might be glitches in the new game, but at least getting shot at actually invalidates SA.
BM is still a great game, but when you consider how 2016/18 improved level design, gave more weapons and kill options, more reasons to actually use these weapons thanks to Escalations and UGC, better balancing of disguises and more, it makes BM a bit difficult to go back to.
c47: cheesy action flick, so it was like con air, or face off or smoking aces? That’s mental. You must have some disease preventing you from identifying genres.
HMSA: 47 travels to exotic places for first time, so he must be in a James Bond story logic?
Contracts: atmosphere is expanded upon as it is a newer instalment, and that therefore makes it scary. No, the game just got more polished as a murder sim and therefore made it more atmospheric. Top notch soundtrack helped, but they binned him games ago.
Absolution: yep, it is grindhouse inspired...
Hitman 2016: what’s John wick about it? Because 47 can mow people down with 2 pistols (except he can’t as dual ballers are no longer in game) that makes it inspired you John wick?
Art intertextually references other art of course, but the earlier games rely on their own unique style rather than the heavy copy and paste of Tarantino onto Absolution and Bond onto 2016.
>If you think the ‘blending’ mechanic is important to the game fuck me u are retarded
what. it's great for getting some breathing room when enforcers are approaching, more importantly, you can blend in as a servant to poison your targets, which would be harder otherwise since the target usually has an enforcer tagging along them.
I didn't claim it was a game changer, merely admitting that some stuff from Absolution was a good idea though badly executed
I wish they bring back some of the other better mechanics from Absolution. Togglable silencers were a nice detail, and point shooting is good for massacre runs.
I'm going to hell
The point shooting felt so good .They should have never taken it out. Yeah it was OP but it was a choice whether you used it or not. It gave you some excellent cinematic kills if role playing as Keanu Sleeves with leukaemia is your thing. But it also made sense. 47 is number 1 assassin his most brutal weapons are his guns, so why is he blindly aiming at 4 guys, engaging them one at a time, when he would be dropping them with some sweet gunplay.
Also the kill animations for melee weapons were much better in Abs than the new games. Much more brutal and varied. Now it’s just the same animation. Is it me or have they actual made 47 less lethal than the old games, now he uses a lot of gadgets and often just outsources his work to Chad rock stars rather than get his hands dirty?
Killing in absolution is simply God tier, both shooting people and meleeing them always feels good.
I’m wondering if 47’s outsourcing is just a sign of him getting better at his job?
Or it could just be IO trying to empahsise that they completely understand what makes a Hitman game a Hitman game. 2016/18 are the only games whose marketing actually reflects the appeal of the series. All the prior games have most misleading marketing showing 47 flashing his silverballers as a prominent focal point despite the fact that you ideally want to fire a gun in a Hitman game as little as possible.
The BM magazine ads portrayed accidental kills pretty well despite the fact that none of them is applicable in the actual game
You're just shit at the game sorry, accidents in bm are so easy it's not even funny
So he’s just a lazy assassin now then? He’s so good at killing people he doesn’t bother to even get involved most of the time nowadays. Just sets it in motion and lets it play out. More spy than assassin? This all started with soders heart in hokaiddo though... Face it, 47 is a pussy in the latest instalments. He’s gone soft. Being told what to do by Diana. She couldn’t control him in previous games, why he be her bitch all of a sudden.
IO completely understand what makes a hitman game? Really.... Explain their confusion with Abs then? Shit, we’ll put that down to a 4 year off day.
And don’t get me started on their marketing for H2018 and that they know what’s the fans want. Cause they put 47 with a fish front page, and backed it up with Sean Bean flushing a toilet. All amidst little to no advertising, when they were up against cod and rdr2. They are hacks.
And let me get this right, you don’t want to fire a gun in a hitman game? Wtf? Are you gay? Or just scared by loud noises?
lol you're a retard
I'm talking about ads like these when there isn't even a toaster for 47 to carry around
Compare IO’s risqué advertising for BM with marketing for the latest game...
They don’t want the game to get banned, the BM ad could’ve easily been used to ban the game for sexism like they banned GTAV in some Australian supermarkets because some screenshots showed a woman being killed with an axe
>And let me get this right, you don’t want to fire a gun in a hitman game? Wtf? Are you gay? Or just scared by loud noises?
Why would you ever fire a gun in Blood Money?
Absolutely SEEEETHING.
Did someone fuck up the latest elusive target?
So all violence against women can’t be portrayed in any art form whatsoever anymore? It’s banned? Might as well pack up and fukin go home then, if all future narratives will involve either men or aliens. But that’s what you’re advocating right?
Where in my post did I ever advocate anything like that?
>And let me get this right, you don’t want to fire a gun in a hitman game?
>leaving a bloody mess behind
Well I fired it once when I was dressed as the executioner in ‘Curtains Down’ having retrieved the live pistol from my jacket at the start of the mission. I mean c’mon. You’re not even paying fucking attention here. I guess you never figured out you could do that and just swapped the replica. Casual.
> 100$ for the Gold Edition.
Kek, I paid $20.
Hitman 2016 was great, Hitman 2 is great, you must be a special kinda of autistic fag to think otherwise.
What mess? There are no blood trails or stains in the latest game that NPC’s notice, so it doesn’t fucking matter if you use a gun and their is blood, it’s purely aesthetic. What game are you playing? Please send me a copy. Mine must be broke. Guards in mine walk past blood splatter.
they just need to go back to contracts style to keep things fresh
you should take that up on the Hitman forum, though I'm sure they are already aware of it.
maybe if we're lucky they bring all the BM features back but not until Hitman™ 3
Hitman 2 is a broken piece of shit. Was fine on release, but every update brings new bugs and no fixes for important ones. Even the speedrunning community that surrounds the game have since given up on it until it is fixed.
perfect makeup, she looks straight out of blood money
>Even the speedrunning community that surrounds the game have since given up on it until it is fixed.
And nothing of value was lost.
>Incompatant devs
Oh the ironing.
>dressing as an executioner and shooting him yourself
>not using the sniper rifle to shoot him on cue from the catwalks during the rehearsal
Get the fuck out of here
When does the expansion sniper mission that I paid $10 for release? So far I have ski stuff. And only 1 snow level... Anyone know date? I want to make sure my asscheeks aren’t too chaffed before IO fucks me again.
This. This is hitman. Timing and setup. Not trigger and alter. Using the musical cue as a measure of when to take the shot is what hitman is all about. Not casual mission stories, but finding the exact moment to strike yourself. If this level was recreated in Hitman 2016, you’d have Diana screaming in your ear ‘take the shot 47, alvade is raising the replica pistol now.’ It’s sickening to see how much they’ve dumbed it down.
Trying way to hard user.