What do we think?
Sounds interesting.
it was un-satisfactory
I'd be interested in discussing the game if someone besides a shill made a thread
Never heard of it.
I haven't played it but it looks like it would reek of performance issues
I don't see the point of that game.
If you want to build huge factories just play Factorio.
Is it factorio with graphics?
Now we're talking mass production
I was gonna make an acc but my friend had his acc hacked so i thought fuck that, chink meme is true
I was interested enough to sign up for the mailing list after E3, but I'm not interested enough to use Epic's shit, so my key went unused.
Looks like Factorio with graphics but without the depth.
Not really, completely misses the point of Factorio
Pretty good, day one pirate because fuck chinks and fuck chink enablers.
It felt a slower and clunkier than Factorio. It might be better with friends, but for now I'm just going to stick with Factorio since the free weekend didn't really hold my interest.
Didn't redeem my key. Fuck the devs.
Post keys
The fact that you have to design your base layout from ground level first person point of view shows they didn't really think things through.
>and fuck chink enablers
The Division 2 is breaking records, sweetie, Epic is here to stay ;)
Reminder that the devs are good people and are doing this to see the gaming industry improve and evolve, you need to support these people so this practice becomes the standard.
naw fuck them, i will just keep play FortressCraft Evolved
He's a bit of a faggot, but at least he makes games rather than complains about them unlike Yea Forums
>simply getting more preorders than the previous game in the series is "breaking records"
Yeah, okay
Not only that, all the preorders are on fucking Uplay, nobody actually bought the game on Epic. Epic basically paid Ubisoft to make more money.
>setting a new record breaks the old one
Looks comfy might give this a go, thanks
Thought it was great from the alpha. Nearly bought it until i saw it was Epic exclusive.
Will totes buy it on PS4.
every fucking day
i don't give a fuck about factory building games but the title is really nice
I didn't get a key :(
I have to actually stream and get a viewer base or something before they'll give me free stuff.
It's ok, I feel like this kind of game is better suited to a grid-based top-down or isometric view, otherwise it can be overly cumbersome and finicky. It's also missing the extra challenge of space management / efficiency as it's in the 3D plane. The graphics don't really do a huge amount for me. It might just be a game I mostly build cool looking shit in, but it doesn't satisfy the automation / micromanagement itch that Factorio does, or even Minecraft mods
He's a bit of a faggot, but at least he makes games rather than complains about them unlike Yea Forums
Never heard of it until a couple of days ago, when i heard it described as "Subnautica, mixed with Factorio", i never played Factorio besides the demo but that description sounds awesome to me, UNFORTUNATELY, right after that i was told it was a third party Epic store exclusive, and at that point it ceased to exist for me. I actually haven't bothered to see if i can pirate it, if i can maybe i will, but i probably will forget.
That's what i think.
Got pulled off of Steam for a timed exclusivity deal on Epic Store so miss me with that gay shit.
And I got a key too, just to throw salt in the wound.
>It's also missing the extra challenge of space management / efficiency as it's in the 3D plane.
Didn't find that at all, no matter where I set up my base. Getting the multilayer stuff was a Godsend.
It's a soulless copy of Factorio
All you had to do was sign up for the closed alpha
you can play games without the launcher if you add this to the target field on shortcuts -EpicPortal
based bluehair boy
He's a bit of a faggot, but at least he makes games rather than complains about them unlike Yea Forums
because you only play a build version that doesn't go beyond coal
Hmmmm, petticoating and forced labor. This should be a thing.
They just had a free weekend that they gave a bunch of free keys out for. I signed up for it back when it was first advertised on Steam and got a key and I've never streamed or done any social media garbage.
It's alright. It's Factorio on a MUCH smaller scale though, so that's kind of a bummer for a game that's all about being as productive as possible. More peaceful though if you just want to relax. And much more difficult to make a setup looks aesthetically pleasing.
>Four threads over four days for a test weekend
What a pointless thread to cry about. At least complain about something like DMC which has literally had a constant thread shilled for nine months straight. They even got booted off to /vg/ at one point until they threw enough of a shitfit to get the mod to rollback the policy.
>And much more difficult to make a setup looks aesthetically pleasing.
Yeah that was bothering me a lot. I couldn't get my base to look decent.
It was satisfactory
Hey devs, posting the same thread every day, how do I get keys without being a streamer?
Literally just register.
90% of the people who signed up after the E3 announcement got a key.
*btfos you*
Yes? Four. There's exactly four threads there that follow the OP's template. What are you trying to prove?
I really need to open a twitch channel, get some viewbots so I can actually get some keys for games now.
>What do we think?
>What do we think about Satisfactory?
fuck off shill
was visiting parents over weekend
does it scratch the factorio itch?
Stop fucking shilling this fucking game you absolute hacks
Shit factorio
Point me to the threads outside of the four you previously mentioned that follow the OP's template then because I don't see them.
SSSeething DMCfag trying to deflect the fact that his shitty fucking threads violate Yea Forums rule #6 detected.
it's fucking dope
at least it has literal depth
However good it may be, it is not worth enabling the heavy anti-consumer practices that the developers have whole heartedly embraced in the name of greed.
t. shill
>Get called out as lying and defensive
>Call the other person a shill
Every time. Go record another sing-along or draw another dancing character, maybe that'll cheer you up.
>heavy anti-consumer practices
such as?
All the DMC threads do is prove that if we, the people, want anything, mods are literally powerless to stop it. You're just mad that whatever you want doesn't have enough people to rally behind it with a strong enough force to make it happen and mods will always squish you under their boots.
>things that never happened
>ignores obvious patterns
eat shit and die
Also satisfactory is literally who game you fucking mongoloid
SSSmoking SSSick Epic SSStyle burn, fellow Dante boomerfags.
this, fuck epic store, it'd have been fine if they didn't take the game off steam in the first place, but now I'm never going to play it and I'm fine with it
>but now I'm never going to play it
When a company produces a game but adds anti-consumer practices to it, you must always remember something very important that the companies don't ever want you to know about. Playing the game is your right, paying for the game is entirely optional. If you feel they infringe YOUR rights, then you can safely say they have signed away their expectation for you to pay for it. Play it without guilt.
Turning conveyor belts and circuit boards into magic science bottles to unlock a utility belt? Yeah I'll really miss that
I haven't played it but I've seen gamplays
what's the end goal? what do you do after you've built the space elevator? I doesn't make sense to send stuff into orbit without any return
Unfortunately the game is ugly as fuck
6x higher on Uplay because nobody can buy it off steam.
Satisfactory's not much better.