>game sexualizes young women
Game sexualizes young women
I take it your pic symbolizes your inability to hide your arousal?
Don't you like cunny user?
>game sexualizes young men
How young are we talking?
>game sexualises young women
25 and under
>game devs cave under cucksoy boy demands (a very vocal minority)
>game sexualizes cat women
To the point where it makes even me uncomfortable.
>game sexualizes adult women
>Ended up going to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
>Going through a gallery of images of women in scantily outfits nude
>Then turn a corner and find wide paintings of fucking pre-pubecent girls naked and getting choked by grown men
Prime age (11-17)
brb booking a flight to LA
Game sexualises young girls
>not photos
It's like you've never googled "fine art photography" before. Apparently pedoshit is okay when it's labeled as art.
I'm not American but this is a joke right? I really can't tell with art anymore
>game doesn't sexualize young women
Hell yeah more of that
Quads of truth
>person gets brainwashed by the media into thinking there's a racist pedo rapist hiding behind every tree
>I really can't tell with art anymore
it's art when the maker said so
this post is an art
>game makes young children look appetizing
>an art
It's art, you dumb goy
>Game turns giant spider into hot woman.
*Game sexualizes giant spider by turning her into hot woman
>virtual young women
oh no the horror
I'm only up to the boo arc, I don't know how old he currently is.
>game lets you enjoy sexualized child body types without the gross implication of actual childhood
I bet dragon meat is delicious.
>game lets you send condolences to wifes
games sexualize men too.
Do you know that Hollywood exists?
ya, sure they do
Found the anti-semite
Okay cool thread OP but where are the Rolls, the Yumis and the 2hus?
>nerds are allowed to enjoy nerd shit
What's the end goal here? Why not just let nerds do nerd shit? If they just let Hitler paint his nerd paintings none of this would happen
You can check out any time you like, user.
you can never leave, tho
because most women who are bitching about this are usually single moms so they need a beta orbiter to take care of their hell spawn
>What's the end goal here?
I really don't know anymore since SJW barely even play games to begin with.
wow gross
>game turns inanimate objects into cute girls
Most of the games that do this don't even use actual child proportions. It's just a childish face slapped onto a short body that still has curves.
It's confusing as fuck
And that's a good thing
>game sexualizes young women
>OP is from ResetEra
>game sexualizes young women
games with accurate child proportions are better
Post sexualized young women
>game sexualizes little girls
very nice
>game makes fun of wh*tebois
Direction of art is dictated by money. Such art is made that gets bought, and americans, from poor to rich are decadent, dirty, filthy, stupid, immoral creatures.
>game sexualize you