What would be your hopes/ideas for the third entry?
What would be your hopes/ideas for the third entry?
Free to play or bust. I'm not going to pay over 100 burger bucks just to play a shittier version of Warframe
Gameplay is way, way better though. Only thing Warframe has is movement and customization. Its a cluster fuck of shitty balance and half backed systems, all wrapped in a freemium package.
Or it serves as an ideal quarrantine zone for the matchmaking console shooter microtransaction 20 tickrate crowd so they're too busy playing it to affect actual games. Either/or.
>destiny gameplay
>better than Warframe
you're 3 months behind the curve grandpa
Their original vision
A true successor to Halo
>bro it's so amazing sitting in a 60 minute defense mission doing nothing while a saryn wipes the map by pressing two keys
>Can't have raids, actual endgame content, or fun bosses. It would upset people oneshotting everything with chroma, have more shitty open world sections instead
It's shit. The minute to minute gameplay is just not fun enough to keep me engaged for the amount of farming your supposed to do. I literally fall asleep cracking relics.
Saying either of these is better than the other is not an accomplishment.
Balanced arena PvP
Don't even think about adding a battle royale mode
If PvE can't include a good story, at least have good Raids. Some solo-able content somewhere around the level of raids would be nice too.
Franchise is dead as is Bungie
Fuck them sideways anyway
more RPG elements
in game LFG
more ambition in general
If they could make something akin to Halo in terms of PvP then I'd buy it. The game looks cool and has so many cool effects and abilities, so there's definitely potential. That seems to be all they care about is the cool visuals though so that they can easily use them to market more overpriced DLC.
Faster movespeed and/or wall running/sliding like titanfall
larger planets
more character customization, faces, hair, etc
actual melee weapons
diverse classes that aren't just color swaps
more skills and shorter CDs
go all the way and make it an actual MMO and not this mid ground shit
Neither is just saying both are shit with zero analysis. What a worthless comment.
5 years of dissapointment later I just want those hours of my life I spent playing this trash pretending it was good back. Thankfully I'm not a bungie idiot anynmore. Fuck that company and anything related to it.
A true, open galaxy, rpg. Diversity among the classes and an actual differentiation between factions and their goals. Possibly a way to play as the villains with an opposing story. If that's part of their original vision I welcome it, if not it should be. Looter shooters are small-minded creations that should be expanded to full RPG/open world experiences.
>playing content to get dopamine drops that do more damage so you can clear the exact same content but with higher numbers.
Truly spectacular "gameplay"
Crash and burn bungie
And take bioware with you while at it
stfu teacup you love destiny and hot cock
My hopes? for it to not exist
hopefully never
a good game, even getting it for free felt like a waste of time
I will never get you warframe fags saying destiny has worst gameplay. Is it because you are poor and can’t afford it?
>no random perks on loot, makes a few select weapons good everything else is shit. In destiny at least you can get a good roll on a shit gun
>warframe has only 3th person view destiy has 3th and first.
>warframe animations are fucking janky while in destiny the speed you turn your camera affect how ling the gun moves and so on
>warframe, everything is just 3-4 main colires pastered over a body, destiny has such huge detail, that recently people disciverd that the textured fingerprints on gloves where you would have to hold them to wear it
>warframe enemy factions rarely do anything different from others destiny factions all have different style and skills even on an enemy basis perfaction
>warframe has no raids or gambit like activity
>have to wait fir items to craft “but its free!!!!” No its not. You either pay with your time ir someone else pay for you
like cmon, warframe is the most overrated free to shit game ever
Also, destiny abilities are distinct. In warframe ist just a different visual but basically all supers just area damege spam
>Completely forgot about Bungie breaking off from Activision
Never played it i see
What is speedrunning? ( i dont mean in destiny, compare your statments and think about speedruns. Or mmos.
>destiny has 3rd person and 1st
only for the bikes and the hub area i thought
It kills the series
swords and supers
Supers and swords switch to 3rd person too
>all this talk about getting a shitty giant ambitious mmo
wtf? did you guys even play halo?
>no random perks on loot
Stopped reading right there since you're just wrong. Have fun grinding for your outlaw rampage/kill clip weapons, thank god for variety in random perks
You are a brainlet if you want that on all guns. Thats for hand cannons. For example you want zen moment on pulse rifle. And there are always new perks added
Warframe has an absurd amount of more content by volume and an insanely faster movement system.
Destiny has 100X better gameplay. (even somehow melee ffs) and lore. Anyone who tries to claim Destiny plays poorly, despite its humongous unforgivable faults elsewhere, is either ignorant or a troll
free dlc
But isnt warframe missions are on the same recycled maps expect the 2 open worlds? Seriously dont know
>wanting zen moment when counterbalance stock exists
Why are destiny players so shit at destiny?
Are Destiny missions not all on the same maps just walking backwards?
>free to play
No. Eververse is already cancer, imagine if that cancer was cranked up to 11 to compensate for it being f2p.
Warframe is just a bunch of rooms frankensteined together in different orders
Raid group finder built-in, nightfall group finder to stop being in beta for 1 year. Include transmog system ffs, for a game that has so many skins it's stupid not to be able to use y1 skins. Add more 'fun' exotics, 3/4 of exotics are filler tier and nerfed to oblivion thanks to crucible. Different stat tables for items/supers for PvE and PvP, copy the system from wow and improve it. And relax a bit on light level increases, some ppl want to play more than 1 class.
Which does shit on pc.
Bring back everything in the grimoire but actually incorporate it into the story. Bring back some of the original concept of a true fantasy/sci fi setting. Make it equal parts RPG and shooter instead of cutting RPG elements and watering down the shooter side. Make more of the game require thought like the raids, and make a more forgiving difficulty for raids so you don't always have to use a third party site to find a group. Move pvp closer to the clusterfuck that is mayhem instead of overbalancing everything and trying to be esports. Make exotics rare and unique so that it actually feels like something special when you get one. Do like the Division and make DLC content playable for free, though I wouldn't mind paying for one expansion if it's actually substantial. Stop adding more cosmetic shit to loot boxes than to the game itself. Grinding for fashion is a major part of this genre.
I mean, most of them kinda yeah. But i didnt said it isnt. I just asked if warframe not similar in this. Also, warfame has no raids too if i remember correctly. Space combat is cool as fuck tho i give you that
I dont know if this will make you happier but we do know the devs want the third game to be much more rpg focus heavy, and since forsaken the lire is extremely good and ingame. Like with cutscenes and mail letters you get, findable secret lires in the world and so on
>he doesn't know
Keep using your zen moment pulse and box breathing snipers, they are indeed very powerful!
Next time you will tell me you want headseeker outlaw on a pulse you shitter. If you want your reliad speed so much than at least use a feeding frenzy and if scout or hand cannon than rapid hit. Also multikill clip is better than kill clip so theres that. Or put demolitionist on grenade launcher. They count as grenades so you have infinite explosions
Headseeker is a bad perk, rapid hit is also shit. Scouts are all bad and multikill clip only rolls on Gambit prime weapons. Same with demolitionist, but there's 2 grenade launchers, with one being iron banner.
Also you don't have infinite explositions if your heavy runs out because "you wanted grenade energy" energy.
Have you considered playing cod? You don't have to think about these things.
New writers, maybe.
they should just stop making these
the people that are playing them should be admitted to institutions
johnathan to looks like a chop socky chooks character lmao
I want them to release an actually completed, full game. I heard they fixed 2 with the recent DLC a la TTK but I refuse to reward their shitty behavior by playing again.
I hope they don't throw out all the gameplay and QoL improvements they made in the previous iteration, like with D1 to D2.
More RPG elements.
More skill/ability customization.
Gunplay is perfect though, keep that.
playable fallen as a class
I want to fuck Susu
>this spelling
Are you okay user?
>Bring back some of the original concept of a true fantasy/sci fi setting.
dude, one of the latest raid bosses was a dragon
There's gonna be a third installment? I thought this series bombed?
I want to play as a exo fallen, exo is my race and fallen is my class.
It did well for Bungie
It bombed for Activision
I said headseeker is shit. Learn to read. Also, rapid hit is bad? Are you crazy. Outlaw reliad speed with zen moment in one perk and dont need to kill. You are actually retarded. Also demolitionist, i meant that you will get a lit of grenade
Considering bungie ejected the cancer thatt was Activision, i can see destiny 3 being closer to Destiny 1 and a bit less shitty. All things considered the final product is not what bungie had in mind
all the destiny content has been shitty
it doesnt matter what they do
it will always be shit
Things confirmed for D3
Darkness, The Veil
Dark Guardians, Dark Powers
I hope they don't bungle the launch. I hope that freedom from Activision will lead to better post launch content.
Or maybe it is just not for you crybaby
Same as the first two with redlined everything and sell it at 70 with 30 dollar season pass.
>he thinks his shooter video game is less degenerate than another shooter video game
You’re both playing your gay tryhard 1337 games, why pretend you’re an adult with your “mature” shooter?
yeah great idea making a looter shooter with 9 weapons other than the full game price dlc weapons which in total adds up to 40 weapons for 150 dollars
this game series is a scam and i hope both you and the devs die painfully
More hot old men would save this series
Hot old men are saving the video games industry
9 guns, when just from autorifles you have nine and these are only legendary. When weapons have random rolls. Yea, just go go be a brainlett retard somewhere else crybaby. It is always the game isn’t it, huh?
ok have fun spending 60 dollars per dlc when they decide it shouldnt be in the 2 hour main games which also costs 60 dollars