why is it cool to hate fate stay night now
Why is it cool to hate fate stay night now
it is not
however, it is cool to hate fate grand order because it's gameplay is meh and it's monetization scheme is fucking awful
Fate is shit and it's only redeeming quality is that saber is the cutest.
FGO got popular so zoomers that never read the VNs started shitting on them
Fate was never good, Nanoha is Infinitely better & so is PreCure
Better question. What is the best version of Gilgamesh and why is it his Carnival Phantasm incarnation?
Type-Moon became a Japanese Disney. Their "Disneyland" (i.e. FGO) is reliant on the glory of their former works.
Little girls arent allowed to post on Yea Forums
People whose blood pressure spikes if you so much as mention gacha are trying to convince people that any series with a single gacha game has always been shit.
I don't core what anyone says, Arthuria is a great waifu
which alt is your favourite?
Saber Alter and Jeanne Alter
Waifubait garbage, VNs and gacha aren't video games and the animes are sword art online levels of cringe
>Weebs will dispute this
Theres Extella/Extra with actual gameplay though.
The series had Soul until Grand Order. Now, it's used to just pump out waifubait and swindle insects from their money. The only good thing about it is that the whores they make are masterfully built for NTR doujins.
come the fuck on
The only ones that get any NTR material are Mash/Jeannu. You'd think Raikou would get a lor but even Scatach got mor.
Its videogame. And Extra isnt a musou.
Because they turned the Fate franchise into a soulless cash grab and threw everything else out of the window
It was always garbage. Same with the Fate series in general. I don't get how anyone likes it although it does have some purdy pictures from what I've seen.
I don't core what anyone says, Astolfo is a great waifu
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
the Vn is still good, and the absurd length helps keeping out the anime undesirables
its always cool to hate weebshit
he clearly has no tits, dont be a retard
I actually find its gameplay pretty damn hot shit
too bad most of the time its too easy, thats the only real issue. ONly challenge quests are fun because gotta keep the brainlets playing
he was my waifu first, you faggot ass redditor
>VN is translated when very few long VNs have been translated and fate is very popular in japan
>because of these reasons being a fatefag is a sign of being a true weeb
>years later this cult of personality around the story is gone and people realize how shit it is, and criticize it
>early fatefags that drank the koolaid are confused
>Liking a visual novel is a sign of being a true ''weeb''
You don't know what that word means.
The only goid route is Heavens Feel which is today still pretty good. UBW and Fate where always called chuunishit routes with some great moments.
I am on unlimited blade works, what’s so Philosophical about Fate?
futa king arthur
>where always called chuunishit routes with some great moments.
you mean people were talking about how awesome they were while waiting for HF to be translated
First time I ever heard this together with Fate. Did someone ruse you?
the nightmarish asspects of Tohsaka's anus
this is your brain on fatefaggotry
it's sisyphean
what are you talking about heavens feel just as chuuni as the others, its just less noticeable since shirou and rin are a lot more behind than the other 2. though in general I still find it the worst of the three though thats not saying its bad
though thats mostly because of sakura dragging the whole route down by herself
But whats wrong with that? Its literally what the bible says.
>Heavens Feel
I dont think you know what chuuni is especoally when you compare it to Shirous Drigi no Mikata faggotry in UBW.
Lion King, obviously
because the Fate franchise has always been shit. Yes, even the VNs
>Yes, even the VNs
Oh don't worry I double checked to make sure wasn't misunderstanding what chuuni means. maybe its you who doesn't and should double check
but yes UBW is the most chuuni, by far
because it's boomercore and zoomers hate reading
its not tho
roodness isnt cool
Fate was always shit.
t. actually read that garbage VN when I instead could've read something good like Discworld, Dune or LOTR
its always been acceptable to hate on ubw. because its shit. even the loli jailbait is better than ubw.
Heaven's Feel features an sealed arm which, when unleashed, bestows a dangerous but extreme power upon the MC.
I mean, that's like a chuuni cliche. You may as well start talking eye powers.
But that's exactly how it is bucko. Now shut up and clean your room.
ubw is the best route though
fate is build on a shitshow literally
Remake never
>shit tier angstry highschool drama
>Always loved VNs
>Thought Fate was a shit when I played it ten years ago
>Still think it and it's 353 different adaptions are shit now
Any novelty it had at the time is long gone at this point, it's just not a very interesting series and has some remarkably unlikable characters. You can find much better stuff to read and I think most people have.
I love UBW lots. It's the best message and moral out of everything. Do what you can to help people. You may not be able to help everyone, but trying's never bad. Fate's pretty good in that regard, too.
HF just left a bad taste in my mouth. No matter what, I couldn't really agree with "sacrificing everything for one." I guess it's an interesting take on Shirou's character, but I left UBW feeling satisfied, while HF I just left thinking I picked the wrong ending to read. I dunno.
Archer is the reason I get up in the morning and face my horrible dead end life.
superior king has arrived
Why can't he get a happy ending bros
How do people even defend Fate when there’s like 5 versions of Saber and Sakura? It’s honestly amazing.
well that's just the job he applied for.
what is this art style called, I can never find the name to it to search more of it for the life of me
I also really want one of these plushies because they're cute
It's Takeuchi's 'hetare' style.
whatever happened to mirror moon anyway? a lot of those fan-translation groups have just sort of vanished....
it's very sad.
thank for making your threads i like to pop in on them whenever you make new one, /qa/ man!
>that girl on the top left
what happened to her?
Who is she?
she got wasted and eaten by crows nipah
It's simple, people have taste and you don't
I forget the details. Raped by her brother/relative (who is the teacher of the MC of that route), became a self-hating emo wrist cutter. Found love with the MC, resulting in enlightening the MC's life. Lots of unprotected sex, got knocked up. Then she got into an accident and died before she could even give birth. Years later, came back as a mysterious nun in some church and became and, along with the MC who is now an adult, become a big influence on the other protagonists of other routes. Final scene is the adult MC managint to tell her that she loves him before she disappears.
That he loves her*
Why this thread full tatstless morons like this faggoz
Xenoblade isn't bad because of 2, 2 was just a pretty shit game in comparison to what came before it. The gacha part was the icing on the shit cake.
i don't even care about the monetization. it just looks like fucking shit. i can't believe so many people like it, and some people pay for it. even fire emblem looks better. i say all this and i've spent money on a mobile gacha.
>Same face
also that godawful flash tweening animation hurts my eyes. you know you fucked up animation when fucking fate stay night has better animation AND IT'S NOT EVEN ANIMATED, JUST STILLS THAT MOVE AND TWIRL AROUND
it was always cool to hate on type moon user, it was so cancer it got its own board
That was Two Hoe.
It was a popular series but with FGO it's literally everywhere now. Can't look at any site without FGO art dominating everything else, I'm sick of it, I don't care for those characters, designs are garbage, and I fucking hate the fanbase it spawned. Fuck you.
>why is it cool
>implying people are hating on it to be contrarian
It's typical chuuni shit and the MC is a insufferable faggot. The only good thing to come out of the series is FGO, god bless the porn.
I never finished Fart/Stay night, couldn't get past the part in the beginning where she goes to school or something. It felt like I was reading a shitty YA novel.
Later on I decided to play gatcha shit to see how bad it was + I wanted context when masturbating to all the porn they had. I thought it wasn't too bad. I was able to get through the first 3 chapters before getting too bored.
I don't see the hate for it though aside from the dummies who spend money on any free game.
tween animation is cancer. They make gorillions per second and they can't hire a studio of japs to animate it properly. Skull girls and Cuphead did it, why can't they?
Fate fags grew to a massive size and annoy everyone who doesnt care about their shitty gacha """"""""""""""game""""""""""""""
FSN = Warcraft
as much as I like Warcraft and Fate, Fate has better waifus
I finished UBW today, it was alright, nothing out of the ordinary. Thought I liked the conversation between Archer and shirou, the beginning was ultra slow
which has deeper lore?
Fate lore is boring af even though the characters and their interactions are enjoyable
it's all wordswordswordswords and as soon as a rule is stated by a character, it's broken by a new character in the next scene
UBW is the fastest paced route in the game, just going by word count.
Warcraft definitely has 'deeper' lore. There are technically details on entire planets, various gods and other things.
Warcraft lore is more retarded, though. And not a 'good' retarded. For all the 'depth' it has, it suffers from some asinine writing.
>series with a single gacha game
>fgo is 98% of the income produced by the entirety of nasuverse franchises.
I never really liked it outside of a few specific setpieces to begin with (Shirou facing his "ultimate" self or chasing Saber for eternity but managing to reunite with her), but FGO raped it too fucking hard.
also retcons
so many retcons
fuck retcons
but the VNs are EXACTLY why they are so bad.
Who the fuck would unironically read a porn manga for the plot???
There;s more porn in Game of Thrones than Fate.
you are not helping your argument brother
Takeuchi is REALLY bad
what kind of reality marble would someone from our universe possess if they suddenly appeared in the fate universe and gained magic aptitude?
no doubt it would be incredibly powerful due to how reality marbles work on the users belief, but what would it be?
Her and alt saber are the only good things about this franchise.
Fate stay night is a timeless classic and people who hate it blindly are dumb.
However, the overall franchise and Fate/Grand Order deserve to get shit on at every chance.
Fate/stay night was always shit. I can't fathom why anybody would sit through thousand of pages of the Cooking with Shirou Powerpoint and like it. The average internet fanfiction has better writing.
the reality marble where I could finally date a girl
but i'd settle with genderbending powers like d'Eon
Your average schmuck won't have a reality marble. Most of the niggas who have them are immortal vampires and the only reason Shirou has one is because of an artifact from the age of gods rewriting his soul essentially
Because it's shit, and has always been shit, it just so happens that fate fags have started shoving their retarded shit in people's faces more often. Amazingly more exposure means that the people that don't like it will be vocal about not liking it, simple stuff.
Yea Forums is contrarian land
what did you expect?
>hating fate is now contrarian
You're fucking killing me.
No user, it's 100% unironically comparable writing.
fair point.
this page smells a lot like Tohsaka's Anus
it is
Moriarty's new costume is top-tier
you're sending a boomer into a midlife crisis.
did Fate suddenly become loved here in the past few years?
but the thought that our reality is the correct and normal reality, such strong belief that we are correct would surely crystallize SOMETHING, surely? I dont have the greatest grasp of the magic system in the nasuverse, but our "origin" is such an ironclad idea and exists in our hearts, too. our "origin" would be earth, but another reality. so we would Impose our reality upon the alternate worlds' reality
sorry if i am incoherently ranting, i am not very good at getting my ideas across
what's up with the bits of fruit?
I don't know
But for me its mostly this. These kind of games sell like hotcakes because japan doesn't have a spine to stand on to say -NO- to these kind of moneystealing games.
People have been saying Fate and F/SN is shit since F/Z
Cocktails often have fruits I suppose, and probably a reference to Caster Shutens' art
I haven't read GoT so I can't tell how bad it is but that segment is already better than anything in FS/N. This segment gives the gist of what's happening, then skips to the point when she falls asleep. FS/N would give you an account of every single time she shits, individually, then tell you about what Shirou cooked in detail, have a conversation between them when she refuses to eat, describe how Shirou packed up the leftover food for tomorrow and end describing the Dreams of both Shirou and Dany, because any timeskip, no matter how small, is too confusing for your readers, every minute of the characters life must be accounted for in detail.
is there going to be a fat Mycroft Holmes Heroic Spirit?
Because you are retarded thinking the porn amounts to more than two scenes in a VN that takes over 80h to finish.
It's popular and Problematic
>I haven't read GoT
it shows.
What went wrong?
It's more plot with porn tacked on, and it's painfully obvious
Imagine being that wrong, fucking retard
Fate was always dumb chuuni shit and worth hating.
>draw a girl
>literal twink body
you gay bro
Brainlet difficulty is the reason why FGO is still going strong. When the difficulty ramps up for real the playercount can drop off perilously with every hard event.
Reminder that nobody who describes F/SN as "chuuni" either actually knows what that term means or has actually read the VN
Truth be told, it's more melodramatic and grimdark than chuuni, but that's not much of an improvement. Characters touting powers and attacks with long, artsy names. Over-the-top situations involving sex, violence and suffering. Existential crises being pondered in the middle of combat. You name it, it's got it.
>not just posting the scans
>giant bismuth sword
is that the fucking shagohod.
You didn't read a single word of the VN, have you?
Try harder, please.
It's Chaldea Lily, although the actual thing looks far less impressive than Raita's idea of it
My main issue is that point at "wow cute anime girls" and "unga bunga cool shit" and say there's nothing more to it than that.
And it's not a defense of F/SN but it bothers me even more that all of those statements apply even more to Fate/Zero which gets held up as somehow being mature or intellectual when it has maybe 1/10th of the character depth or meaningful ideological issues.
The UBW chant is the epitome of chuuni you retarded nigga.
Stop posting any time Dark Flame Master.
Kek, even Dumbledore and Gandalf is shocked by the retarded chant of UBW
This is metaphysically correct. Poorly worded, but correct.
If I liked Fate/Zero but hated fate/stay night unlimited blade works, should I still give the VN a shot?
dumbledore and gandalf are the same person? I KNEW IT
You should just play/watch Heavens Feels if you enjoy Fate/Zero.
that was hard to watch
Fate/Zero was a great adaptation of a mediocre story, UBW anime was a bad adaptation of a great story.
Give the VN a chance. It's slow to start and restart but it's worth it.
>if I hated watching F/SN should I read FS/N?
Hard no mate, the VN is egregiously shit as a novel so if you didn't like the story in the first place then you won't enjoy it told to you in the most agonising way
If you're just interested in Zero then you should give the rest of Fate a miss, Zero and Fate are too irreconcilably different things
Imagine being so far up fate's ass you can't accept the truth.
Flat is justice
it's like poetry, it rhymes...
>not thinking the UBW chant is the tightest shit ever
creators a hack who keeps milking the series and remaking sabers face
>That time DEEN did one thing right and added the chant to Archer vs Berserker fight rather than just skipping it like VN did
should i read the VN?
FGO, or more specifically casuals who haven't played stay night and have no interest in it and are only in the franchise for waifushit and gachamania.
Before you call me an elitistshitter, I'm not claiming FSN to be amazing. I simply love the chuuni aspects(weapons, magi HGW etc.), Shirou's journey through each route and all the perils accompanying it. I assume thanks to the bloated cast and powercreep of FGO that FSN just comes off as less to the FGO crowd.
what the fuck
What do you think?
well, basically it's something like this
Because everything about Type-Moon in recent years has gone super fucking wrong.
Except for the wads of cash they made, I guess. It's great that they only needed to ruin all the potential the series had, leave Tsukihime dead and buried, and ruin the fanbase with gacha secondaries forever to obtain those.
helena blavatsky
why is rin so wide
She deflates after accumulating too much old men semen.
How can Fate have so many top-tier lolis it's not fucking fair
It's even worse when you look closely and you realise that he didn't trace them but instead redraw them but in the same position. He has one of the worst types of sameface I've ever seen. The worst thing about all of this is that his sameface wasn't even that bad when he started drawing and just became worse over time.
official loli nip slip in FGO!!
It was babby's first VN back then and as far as I know, garbage.
I'm no artist but it's baffling to me how someone can technically improve so much without fixing their other fundamentals.
Look at Shirou's fucking club of a right arm, how was this even allowed to be published.
>Because everything about Type-Moon in recent years has gone super fucking wrong.
Case Files, Strange Fake?
VN is shit, GO is shit, and every single adaptation besides Zero is trash.
We don't have magic circuits, so we can't use a reality marble even if we were capable of that level of delusion