why do so many people still play dust 2 for counter strike? once a team gets 2 AWPers or scoped rifles, the game is pretty much over since they have all the range in the world to fuck you over.
playing on mirage or train feels way more enjoyable than this old ass map.
Why do so many people still play dust 2 for counter strike? once a team gets 2 AWPers or scoped rifles...
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Why do people still play csgo?
Why do people still play games?
try again.
mirage is nice though
This. I'll never understand the appeal to playing counter strike. How does it not get boring after playing the same map more than 20 times?
eh, what's wrong with train?
i find it strikes a good balance between team strats and being a public MM map based around aim duels if you have a unresponsive team
mirage is shit, fag
Same reason people still play cs, they're stupid
didn't they change the map dust 2 and now it's shit?
dust2's always had 2 awpers/ranged you fuck, that's never stopped it from being the best map
Mirage is more popular than Dust 2 now, so I'm not really sure what you're complaining about.
cs always was shit it had its time now its dead and good riddance game was bottom of the barrel traah.
it's probably one of the better team-based FPS out there, at least it's better than R6S where you poke a hole in the wall and hold that angle for 1-2 minutes which is boring as fuck.
every other possible FPS alternative has a worse hacker detection system than VACnet and their gunplay are dominated with run and gunners using SMGs that don't play with the team / throw any utility grenades at all
>shoot if anyone pushed your smoke
>plant bomb
>keep spamming ultility and shooting them if they push
Wow so hard!
Because all CSGO is is prenading and angle camping at headshot level. At about 500 hours you're as good as it gets with just about every gun in the game. I played for 2000 hours until I realized the game is less about personal skill and more about who has the lower ping. Then I started playing people with 5-10k hours and realized what real skill was. Prefiring every spot known to man. There's nothing quite like getting headshot when all you see is the dude's ear coming out of long. The game sucks, that's why people only play dust 2.
Not really saying much since the vast majority of shooters are hot garbage. I just don't understand how CS took off when Quake was always a thing. I'm guessing the previous versions were better, but as someone who tried getting into CS:GO, it felt aiming required no skill at all since everyone moved so slow, and the hitboxes are still decently sized. Movement feels so bad and clunky, it's just unsatisfying in every way to move around, there's little variance in the style of the weapons compared to quake, and the maps are generally pretty simple and lack verticality. Might as well play a MOBA at that point really if you want team based gameplay.
>it felt aiming required no skill at all since everyone moved so slow, and the hitboxes are still decently sized
You have to land headshots in cs unlike quake.
You said it, Quake requires more skill to master.Casuals all enjoy Counter Strike games and there are more casuals than hardcore gamers.
>be me
>start playing CSGO again after not playing for years
>always remember how weapons like the AWP, AK47, M4, P90, etc., doesn’t take that much skill to get kills with
>anyone can just hold down M1 and get a couple of headshots on these weapons (except AWP of course)
>mention it in voice chat
>some sperg starts yelling at me over the mic calling me a scrub
>check scoreboard
>me: 7-3 sperg: 2-8
>never play CSGO again
No multiplayer game is worth going too hard into. It's pointlessly stressful and unfulfilling. You can play thousands of matches and only remember a handful. On the other hand, a single 10 hour single player campaign can stick with you for years.
You larpers are laughable. The only gun that requires aim skill in quake is railgun, while in cs you need to be accurate as fuck with any gun because body shots are not effective.
>mirage doesn't have retarded sniper positions
u wot m8
t. add zoomer who has never seen a one map 24/7 server
>I just don't understand how CS took off when Quake was always a thing
because quake was only 1vs1 while cs had teams
Dust 2 is like a game of its own. 90% of smurfs, russians, hackers, kids and other third world trash play it exclusively. Games are basically just 10 AWPs or scouts at any given time.
For me it's Cache and Overpass. The first world choices.
Because the map is not the reason why people play the game. Counter-Strike is insanely accessible, yet insanely difficult to master. It's the last great shooter.
too bad those players are slowly starting to infect mirage and cache too, at least overpass and train in my experiences are relatively untouched from those little shits and usually have older chill players with mic comms too
If you want the real hard core experience, play office.
Yeah Mirage is similar. I usually have the best experience on Overpass as well
What can you not deal with awp players? Dust 2 is the one most people learn first. I havent touched the game in awhile but I could still hop on and know smokes for cat and longhouse
Making a new map for the game is hard because the players have to learn it and if it's in comp most people wont risk the win playing a map they haven't mastered
Because the gameplay is fun for me
It's the one game I find myself going back to whenever im bored
Rail is pretty much the easiest weapon to aim in quake.
This is Yea Forums, if it's not #1 on twitch a game is dead.
>complains about awpers on Dust
>Recommends train where double awp set-ups is even more powerful