I never see Yea Forums discuss racing games?
Why is that?
It's because they've never played the best one, and so think the whole genre is trash.
It's not.
I never see Yea Forums discuss racing games?
Why is that?
It's because they've never played the best one, and so think the whole genre is trash.
It's not.
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And what is the best one? It's definitely not that piece of shit.
Pic unrelated. The obly good thing about it was the soundtrack.
SONIC RACERS was awesome.
It's because there's not much to talk about, you go forward and turn some times
That being said racing games are one of my favorite genres and F-Zero GX is the best one
The Riders games are shit just like the rest of the Sonic series.
This game has course obstacles, which even F-Zero lacks.
It has a completely fair, skill based start to each race, instead of the typical "You start in 6th place, good luck" in most racing games.
It not only has a variety of characters to play, but a variety of vehicles, each with their own playstyle that changes how players can traverse each course---with breakable walls to secret passage ways, hoops that allow you to fly around the map, and of course rails to grind a la Jet Set Radio.
Unlike the first Sonic Riders, it doesn't have a casual friendly come-back mechanic like turbulence.
It also lacks the casual friendly destructive items like the Mario Kart games.
The trick system rewards skillful play by giving players more access to quicker routes through each track.
All the courses have memorable, beautiful and challenging designs that constantly keep players on their toes and are always enjoyable to play through.
The music is god tier, the story and characters is superb, the art direction is amazing, and the atmosphere cannot be rivaled by any mainstream racing game.
This isn't even to mention the additional game modes / minigames.
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is a criminally underrated, hidden gem, even among Sonic """fans""", and represents a pathway for the evolution of racing games that unfortunately was never progressed upon.
Bot is too easy, they simply slow down and let you to get 1st place. It's not good racing game if you can't find any difficulty
Concept and art style are cool though
Unironically this. I've never played a single more satisfying racing game.
>It's because there's not much to talk about, you go forward and turn some times
Do you think there should be more actual combat in the games, something like Burnout or Mad Dash Racing, instead of just bumping into other cars and hoping they spin out?
>F-Zero GX is the best one
I think there's some nifty things you can do it, but it's honestly heavily flawed.
If only the whole game was like this.
Zero Gravity is shit with no sense of speed and an AI that blatantly cheats by losing no speed whatsoever while turning.
>Unlike the first Sonic Riders, it doesn't have a casual friendly come-back mechanic like turbulence.
What a flowery way to say "once you fall behind, you cannot possibly catch up outside of the person ahead of you fucking up". Also it's not even true, the entire point of yacht extreme gear is to ride turbulence.
As somebody who played the fucking shit out of Zero Gravity for years, it's just a straight downgrade in almost every way. Oh, and gear change sucked ass too.
>Bot is too easy, they simply slow down and let you to get 1st place. It's not good racing game if you can't find any difficulty
I can give you that the AI isn't all that great, but like fighting games, racing games are ones that you'll want to play with real human beings. And SR:ZG was great for couch-co-op.
Don't get me wrong: Sonic Riders is an incredible game. It hits almost all the same points that Zero Gravity does.
But it never quite reaches the same heights with a handful of exceptions like Sand Ruins, which perfectly encapsulates everything the sequel has to offer.
It's a phenomenal first entry, but it's a first shot at the genre, and it shows. The riding, the gears, the courses, the plot---everything was refined in Zero Gravity.
I never try multiplayer mode but i'm sure split screen on PS2 would lag as shit
Except the gameplay was made worse. Sonic Riders is an extremely intense, technical game. You're constantly boosting, drifting, doing tricks, catching shortcuts to try to keep opponents from riding your turbulence. In Zero Gravity, drifting is replaced with gravity control, which grinds the pace to a halt instantly, and boosting is replaced with gravity dive, which is a completely useless technique that's just used in certain straightaways since it doesn't work anywhere else.
I liked Zero Gravity, but only because it had Silver in it. The original is better, and it's a shame they never got a sequel that combined the best of both worlds.
>In Zero Gravity, drifting is replaced with gravity control, which grinds the pace to a halt instantly
It only appears that way; it compensates for that appearance by shooting the player forward in the direction specified. If anything, it's actually a more demanding mechanic than drifting, because the price of failing a gravity control (i.e. improperly aiming it) could mean launching oneself directly into a wall, *really* halting their progress, as they struggle to course correct, or even launching themselves off the track. Drifting, by contrast, at worst just means skirting the wall, which slows you down a bit, but doesn't literally leave you horizontal to the way you're supposed to be facing if you mess up.
>boosting is replaced with gravity dive, which is a completely useless technique that's just used in certain straightaways since it doesn't work anywhere else
It can also be used on courses where the tracks intersect, in order to skip large portions and fly oneself to a farther ahead point in the course.
Cyberpunk theme is only good thing i like about Riders series
I wish Sega would make more cyberpunk Sonic game instead trying to merge him with realistic shit
Isn't that what Eggman is for?
The kind of people who discuss sports simulator games generally do not go to Yea Forums to do so.
But that's just the point: they aren't all gritty NASCAR simulators. That's a common misconception that Yea Forums unfortunately shares.
That's not Mario Kart.
But yeah, anyways, Sonic Riders was pretty rad, and the Sonic & Sega games were pretty cool too. Maybe the new Sonic racing game will be good, but maybe it won't. I'm a bit disappointed that they dropped the Sega aspect, but whatever that's just rosterfagging.
But whatever fuck this gay shit let's talk about the REAL best racing game!