Reminder that the reason why you hate video games now and nothing interests you is because you've had too much stimulation all your life.
Reminder that the reason why you hate video games now and nothing interests you is because you've had too much...
I feel like abject shit after jerking off but I can play games for hours and go to work full of energy
thats probably because you dont experience the same level of stimulation jacking off as you do having sex.
Is sex is so much better than video games, why isn’t there a sex 2?
>Coke >>>>>>> food, vidya, and sex combined
Holy shit non drug fags BTFO
It's not unless you're able to get multiple attractive partners to make the appeal last (be Chad).
Banging the same used up 4/10 GF is not better sorry
what if i did meth and played videogames
I love video games and the only times I ever disliked video games is when I didn't have my life in order and blamed it on video games or when I had a fundamental misconception about what a video game should provide.
The only legit flaw with video games is that they really don't provide anything in terms of useful skills, at least nothing that is tangible. But that goes for any pastime activity. People who believe they really gain something by reading books that are not textbooks are beyond delusional.
I've had food and video games at the same time. That's better than sex according to this. I can keep waiting.
guess it's time to do some meth
>sex only 25% better than video games
Wew lad. I rather take the consequence free and effortless activity then.
Speaking from experience, when I smoked pot it would complement vidya. If I did meth I would have zero interest in playing vidya and it would be incredibly boring.
I see you are a man of culture as well.
am i retarded or does this just mean meth is 25% more dopamine than adderall?
i take adderall, how the fuck do people get addicted to meth?
yeah some people have this weird misconception about reading books
not how the phrase goes "why don't you read a good BOOK?" with the emphasis on book instead of good? yet i've read so much shit over the years i wish i wouldn't have, but people act as if reading ANYthing is good for you
Wow, you're so stupid. Really, I don't even want to explain. Your opinion about games and books is fucking monkey level
What games did they test?
Shallow COD and Fortnite trash are nowhere near actual good vidya when it comes to dopamine for me.
Very original Yea Forums post, never saw that before.
I like how you didn't want to put the minimal effort in to explain why you're chimping out over his post but still felt the need to shit up the thread anyway
you are in fact retarded
Sit down cokefiend, Meth is the better drug for high functioning drug use, coke is so 80's.
Is that why a lot of pro player take amphet? So they get to 1175% of happiness?
Curious. Is this also why my friend hates having sex now?
He's been with his Arabic girlfriend for about 3 or 4 years now and in the beginning he used to love the fact and brag about it all the time that his girlfriend loved to have sex with him alot and even got an iud for bareback sex nonstop. I mean he mentioned they went at it 7+ times a day. I remember sometimes when coming over to his apartment just as he was about to leave his girlfriend drags him back in for some more fucking.
He loved it but now he barely even talks about it, and even sometimes just pushes her away when he leaves.
I remember he mentioned that sometimes even after he's spent starts riding him and it's painful.
>If I did meth I would have zero interest in playing vidya and it would be incredibly boring
Confirmed liar, meth's main characteristic is making everything interesting.
And I can speak from personal experience that I never played as good and consistent as I did on meth. Most pro gamers use amphetamines for consistency but I guess they haven't caught onto meth being superior due to it having a bad rep because it's mot a drug for stupid people but they mainly use it.
Interesting fun-fact meth was the basic model for the drug in limitless. Completely exaggerated of course but basically that's what it does.
Shit I should do drugs
Thanks user
So video games are basically just as good as sex?
Makes sense.
I have to feel such a rush that is as good as breaking into a palace while the song "life will change" blasts through my fucking speakers
The opposite is true you Yea Forumsirgin...after 6 months (circa) of banging you gf you usually experience the best sex of your life. People who have sex with a lot of different partners are subhumans and they belong to a zoo.
Just eat while playing vidya it's 25% better than sex.
>sex is only a little bit better than video games
not worth the effort
No, for consistency and consistent heightened senses and almost no muscle fatigue.
I mean it's not really hard to get that.
Holy shit is this the reason I didn't like having sex with my ex and my friend loves having sex with random tinder bitches?
If dopamine is the chemical that makes you "feel good" then why not just make pills out of the stuff?
Illegal drug problem solved!
These cope levels are beyond high lmao.
Having sex with multiple women is the ultimate male validation. Arguing otherwise screams sour grapes.
I highly doubt sex is barely that much better than videogames. When my friend rubs my prostate it's fucking god tier. I could literally pass out from the amount of pleasure I receive.
>sour grapes
Hi 12 year old
How is Teen Titans Go going for you?
Because even natural dopamine sources can fuck your reward system completely up, artificial ones melt your brain long term.
>People who believe they really gain something by reading books that are not textbooks are beyond delusional.
Plebeian confirmed for reading trash
>only a 25% difference between sex and videogames
Guess I'm not losing that much.
Assuming Adderall/Dextro is close enough that explains a lot for when I was prescribed that cancer daily for ten years.
That's just not correct little man. When you are young and dumb and steered by your hormones, but when you get older you get nothing out of sport fucking like that, it's completely meaningless and unfulfilling.
>People who have sex with a lot of different partners are subhumans and they belong to a zoo.
>Imagining worshiping Chad's scraps that he pumped and dumped
Yeah you tell him bro lmao
So is there a way to counteract these feelings? I mean is there a suggested abstinence period for videogames?
If I switch to reading books or learning guitar would that make it worse?
For fucking what would anyone put you on amphetamines for 10 years`And why would you listen to them?
>sex is only 25% better than vidya
Is sex being amazing really a meme?
>meth 1,300%
So I'm assuming heroin would be like 5,000%?
It only lasts a short while though while video games can be played all day. I don't know about a complete degenerate like you but usually after coming all sexual feelings disappear and if there is not love involved there may be even some disgust towards yourself.
Your heart must be gigantic, enjoy your heart-failure.
H is better anyway. Stay away from frent though, those niggas really have a problem.
You people are all retarded
Watch the movie Don Jon
You'll then understand that losing yourself in something makes it 1000% better then doing the other thing that is "supposed" to feel better
It really just depends 100% on who you are and how you feel about everything
In periods where I stayed too far away for videogames, they actually became worse for me. My skill level dropped, but I still remembered how good I was, so my playtroughs only gave me anger, frustration, and disappointment. It only got good again after I got my skill back.
>Bitter oldcel that wasted his youth thinks his opinion matters
>talk about sex
>a 12 year old will know more then a grown man
not seeing the logic there
Because I was a child and didn't have a choice. I don't blame my mom for being a shitty parent anymore when if it did stunt my growth significantly. She made the poorly informed decision she thought was best at the time.
Laughing too hard and misquoted
How long does the sex last and how long does the videogame last?
If it's the only thing you do aside from work, you should think about something else beside it.
This graph says nothing btw, but you really don't gain anything from vidya so if you want to improve yourself it's not a good idea to have only this one thing in life.
>The secret to life is found by watching a hollywood movie
Imagine being this much of a disgusting fucking NPC. Kill yourself man
It was a problem, your friend just didn't want to admit it because having a lot of sex is seen as cool while complaining about it is being a pussy. More than likely, the sex isn't thst great because they lack compatibility and their chemistry just revolved around having lots of sex and nothing else.
play two video games at once
sex gets blown the fuck out
playing dmcv > sex with a condom
Imagine being this autistic over a simple term.
How about you address the argument instead of deflecting faggot?
>missing the point
The secret to life is 100% whatever you want it to be.
It is seriously that simple.
Wasn't even the user that started the convo. Just pointing it out, in a conversation about sex and life a child won't know more then an adult.
Simple fucking fact my man.
wtf bros games are almost as good as sex? looks like i'm doing it right
t. 14 years old
there is but you have to be really rich and sometimes you get found out after you die which ruins your legacy but it doesn't matter i guess because the sex 2 was worth it all
Would an actual good, immersive VR video game be better than sex?
Ambiguous graphs are a Yea Forums speciality.
>look at how these percentages get big!!!
So sex really is better than videogames?
Dante > postgame Nero > sex > power gap > playing as V
Samefag and obsessed.
Spotted the teenager
>watch out this guy plays virtual novels and calls COD and fortnut shallow even thought he can't win in them
>Sex is barely 25% better than videogames
The essential Yea Forums post.
Keep going
I'm used to death grip so I can't sustain an erection during sex without a condom. I intentionally buy a smaller than ideal size.
True chads care about their gf and work to built a family. Progressive chads fucks around and are full of venereal diseases but it doesnt matter because they belong to the gas chamber, side by side with the roasties they bangs.
Ultimately they can't really be compared. Just like eating good food can't be compared to video games. Those are just different things with different values.
No I prefer play fighting games and action games.
Also there's tons of shooters better than the casual trash you mentioned.
>True chads care about their gf and work to built a family.
Only if they're blue pilled idiots
Even Chads get cucked and divorced raped.
user, it's okay to be wrong. I mean, how can you even make a statement arguing otherwise? You havent had a long term relationship that built into love. You're literally just experiencing physicality. I can't tell you how hard I cum into my wife when we're holding each other close and saying that we love each other. Giving myself a damn boner now, even.
>he dont understand he's outing himself as a retatded teen
Sad 4 u
Even more so when you realize there isn't much difference between a vagina and a warm, lubed onahole.
But I still love videogames and Ive been playing them since 1983
>divorce raped
Not every country is a progressive hellhole like USA, amerinigger.
Ok now you're just coping hard.
Never forget that 3D is PD and you will be ok
>having great sex is coping
It's called diminishing returns yeah. You need to add novelty to make it better.
This is why you look for more and more fucked up porn, snd why drug use has 'gateway' drugs that lead into more hard stuff.
As a man, youre meant to find a new girl, its what you were meant to do, biologocally programmed. Were not made for monogamy.
Had that same experience with hookers that I paid $60. I let professionals deal with my needs. There's a reason why high end food tastes better than shit food from a local bistro.
>sex is literally 25% better than videogames
guess I'm not missing out on anything bros
fulfilment in life=/=chemical “happiness”
drug and sex addicts are miserable people for a reason
That’s not sex
If you take cocaine for 8 hours straight you die. If you play video games for 40 hours straight you just feel like shit for a few days.
Are you trying to be retarded or do you honestly believe an emotion like fulfillment isn't a chemical? Every waking moment of a humans life is chasing a high, even if it's just dopamine.
You are if you have to describe it anonymous strangers on a video game board buddy
>True chads care about their gf and work to built a family.
No they don't. Lol.
True Chads, the ones that have shagged 100s of girls, are the most jaded of them all. They know better than anyone how unfaithful and vaccuous women really are.
Its only virgins and cucks that idolize women
>fulfilment in life=/=chemical “happiness”
>drug and sex addicts are miserable people for a reason
Right but for the wrong reasons.
>literally every culture on earth develops a system for marriage
>multiple species of animal mate for life
>bro you aren’t built for it!
stop projecting your mental illness onto every man
You dont have a wife dude, stop pretending.
>everyone taking a screen cap at face value
This is why you niggers never get pussy
t. 12 years old
low IQ demiurge slaves detected
keep telling yourself material shit will make you happy, and then being miserable because you aren’t
Can you explain why then
More like a state of mind
Cultures develop that because monogamy makes flr stable societies. That doesnt mean its whats best for the individual, and Chads and Alpha males have broken the monogamy rule sibce it was concieved, its only the virgins and cucks that follow it like the little dogs they are and wind up getting played.
True chad
>100 girls
That will make you no different than a monkey, ence you belong to a zoo or a gas chamber. You're no chad, you're a sad weimair 2.0 american.
I'm describing a factual event.
Whatever makes you feel better ;^)
Wow, i've gotta start doing cocaine.
I didnt even mention buying anything you schizo. I was pointing out that to feel anything it is a collaboration of complex chemicals in the brain.
And how do you propose said state of mind is maintained? With your frontal lobe.
>developed it because
No society intentionally developed shit that far back in history, it was all a natural progression. We are naturally inclined to couple like that because it is what we are biologically meant to do. Human women cannot continue to hunt or forage while pregnant, they need a partner to provide for them. Nor can they do that when nursing a baby. It literally just makes sense for human beings to partner up
i miss meth
its so fucking good
ah yes Yea Forums has had too much sex, that's definitely the issue, bravo
I meant materialism as in not taking responsibility for anything in your life because “it’s al just chemicals I can’t control bro!” Yeah a rush for joy is a chemical, but acceptance of things in the world, acceptance of death, it all comes from simply thinking about things, you can’t just take a drug or do some excercise and get there.