I HATE gameplay that revolves around inputting combos.
I hate character action games and most fighting games.
Does nobody else share my hatred?
I HATE gameplay that revolves around inputting combos
faggot, go back to playing apex or something redditfag
Play samsho if u dont like combos.
Souls has the best combat system.
A block/dodge/parry, a standard attack, and a situational heavy attack.
Games don't need anything more than that.
>I HATE gameplay that revolves around inputting combos
You are the fucking reason why everything is QTEs now
souls combat is shit
I only play mk because it's easy to learn and I don't have to break my controller to get good.
>ITT DMC babbies
>I HATE gameplay that revolves around inputting combos.
developers LITERALLY continue to simplify their games to make sure even idiots like you can play them and you still complain.
Combos and QTEs aren't mutually exclusive (see Bayonetta as an example).
I'm sure there are plenty of people who have shit taste OP.
Memorizing combos isn't fun faggot.
I play through a lot of different games.
Why the fuck should I like games that expect you to sit there and replay the game multiple times to git gud for fun like bayonetta?
Fuck that. Fuck Platinum too.
I'll formulate it a bit differently.
I have a problem with DMCV too, but it's not the combos.
It's the fact, that literally only combos and how well you utilize character's moves matters(it's not even mandatory on normal difficulty).
Not OST, not level design, not story (you have no actual villain the whole game and overall plot is not good enough even for modern anime standards), not enemy design, lack of bosses and overall longevity.
>normal difficulty
>ignoring everything else i said
shut the fuck up boomer
Are there any Sword games where you're not just in a dodge -> punish loop for 90% of it?
Grow up user
Combos are fun
It isn't for everyone. I like combos, but when I play action games I like to just kill efficiently and be done with it. No 15 minute sick combo shit I can't do anyways.
Bayonetta on the hardest difficulty. Every below that is exactly what you described. Unfortunately you have to beat the game to unlock the only fun difficulty.
Try growing some extra brain cells, something like a nice tumor should do it. :)
No, cause im not a zoomer. Post Lady Palutena instead
You only know about Palutena because of Uprising, you are definitely a zoomer
Cry me a river
zoom zoom waifufag
By what standards? Ease of use? Souls combat has less depth than Punch Out.
souls has a magic/item system that gives it a ton of options though
Like you're gonna do anything.
I want to eat a goddess' armpit
>waifufaggots start shitting up the thread
>they aren't bayofags
Bayo is ugly
Whatever you say waifufag
Let's not have any whiners delete the thread
>palutena without pit
what's the point
ara ara
Yeah I hate that shit too. My enjoyment of a game doesnt come from how much I can almost break my controller by spastically slamming every button as fast as I can in some convoluted order. Theres no satisfaction to it and the learning curve is almost always higher than its worth
With Pit out of the picture, I can imagine that she's MY goddess mommy.