why is the shittiest map in tf2 the most popular? dustbowl and payload maps are only populated during evenings and weekends, while 2fort is populated 24/7
Why is the shittiest map in tf2 the most popular...
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2fort is now in your favorite game (no matter the genre), how does it play out?
my favorite game is tf2.
because it caters to braindeads, tryhards and friendlies
I love 2fort because it's comfy.
It's not well balanced, but you can go there and fuck around with no worries.
Want to play some meme build?
Go ahead, everyone is.
Wanna practice your sniping?
yeah it's the map for fucking around
anyone who plays it (or CTF in general) religiously is a faggot though
Isn't the shittiest map being the most popular the rule for almost every FPS out there?
Not for Overwatch because all the maps are the shittest
2fort is an overrated classic. turbine is the worst map in the game. it's badly designed, it's fuck-ugly and doesn't make any sense thematically.
the worst map is junction, a map so bad people forget it exists.
gravel pit and hydro
I understand why they're flawed maps, but I loved playing these two during the early days of tf2
>gravelpit except even more enclosed and chokepoint heavy
Gravel pit is based, but nobody could stomach Hydro after a few games on it. It got shafted by everybody for a reason.
MYM ruined TF2
2fort is a good map, you're just mad that you can't score any headshots
I love everything about 2fort EXCEPT the health pickups.
2fort would be a fucking eldritch god tier map if it had a small health pack in the roofed and open windowed sniper nest room at either base, or somewhere in the part of the bases that's between the sewer entrance and the battlements entrance.
>if it had a small health pack in the roofed and open windowed sniper nest room at either base
so snipers can just stand there and keep firing and engage with the game even less than they already do? at the moment at the very least you can make them fuck off for a few seconds by hurting them/setting them on fire. a healthpack would negate that entirely and make the middle of the map a fucking nightmare even more prone to stalemates.
>if it had a small health pack in the roofed and open windowed sniper nest room at either base
fuck off
does anyone have any recommended cosmetics for engineer?
Not really.
As someone who only played 2fort & Turbine during my TF2 years:
People love those two maps because they're small and compact meaning you only have to take a few steps to get into the action. They're also easy to learn and since they're symmetrical you know the shape of the enemy's base so you always have a plan on how to approach it or escape.
Also because they're small and people with shitty pcs can easily handle it.
Here you go OP
I can turtle in the 2fort basement without having to worry about the game ending prematurely because of a timer running out, and I can also work towards earning points/exp. It's fun to get 250-300+ points on 2fort and then watch my exp climb when it finally ends.
Yes. It's also the rule for mount and blade(arena)
I like how silly your spy is.
When Halloween cosmetics are on I put on the undead spy skin and the clown shoes, similar effect
when looking around for cosmetics on the trade site, I just picked the most flamboyant spy set because all of his other cosmetics are not noticeable and too similar to his base suit
>2fort in Splatoon.
It's going to be a bigger disaster than Clam Blitz.
I went with wild west style with the ten gallon, the sheriff shirt and the texas half pants
It's awful for fucking around since it's basically all chokepoints with no helthpacks.
Hightower is the perfect goofy map
The fact that you exist is disturbing.
If you're fucking around you aren't exactly trying to survive
Hightower is full of tryhards, I don't want to deal with market gardners. Fuckem
>the fact that someone enjoys something is disturbing
TDM_Hightower GANG?????
I love watching paint dry too.