Still no solo mode

>still no solo mode
>still riddled with cheaters

fucking hell idiots get your shit together, don't let the fortnite win!

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get good

Man, the number of cheaters is insane

bad players don't ask for solo mode

how do people take this shit seriously when some characters are so ridiculously broken that its comedic

Data miners have found evidence that solo and duo are on their way in the near future

Cheaters are a small amount of players since Respawn is managing it very well. It's not nearly PUBG levels. EA would never have it.

git gud

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>not playing on ps4 where the cheaters are exactly 0
wew lad

because its fun anyway. if youre half decent at aiming the 'ridiculously broken' characters shouldnt be a problem. also pls gibe examples of broken legends.

>playing on console like a poor basedboy.

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>playing on pc along the cheating bugmen

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lifeline and wraith are broken. bangarang is just a little too good i wouldnt say broken. gibraltar is not even a functional character, pathfinder and caustic are also meme characters. for whatever reason they loaded all the useful stuff on like 3 characters.

clocked 70 hours into the game and only ran into a blatant cheater for the first time yesterday, his movement was terrible and he was running around with 50% hp half the game while spam firing and connecting every shot with the wingman
he was in my squad


Explain, I don't play her

I dunno man, you can reach places nobody else can with pathfinder, places that render yourself virtually inmortal while hitting only headshots because you are shooting from above, i agree that caustic is a meme character, but its so fun to trap people and watch them die and every once in a while he doea save your team from a brutal rape ig you are in a house

gib and caustic are sure pretty useless. if they fix the hitboxes they'll probably get more picks. at least gib will once they fix his fucking insane camera bob.

same with wraith and lifelines hitboxes. they are too tiny and hence op. other bad ones can be improved imo. mirage's ult blows ass but idk they are probably too busy with the battle pass.

im saying there's potential and it isn't as bad once you become better at shooting than relying on the abilities and ults

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Not him but her hitbox is about 40% of gibraltar hitbox, she runs crouched, in fact, when she runs she is as tall as a crouched gibraltar, she also has a get out of jail card every time she fucks up, and because she runs crouched, the only time you'll be reliably hitting her is from above, which is trivial since if you are above you'll be hitting every other character anyway

if you ever observe a wraith they'll just not take damage when another character definitely would have ate shit. like if you use a shotgun vs. a wraith its pointless cause half the shots will just miss.

Is this a joke?
Can't you see that she's smaller?
Should they all have the same hitbox?

you asked how she's broken user
she's 1/2 the size of the fat fucks with the same hp

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in some other games they usually have hitpoint compensation for the larger hitboxes

i dno what that is

I asked nothing cause im not that user
I main Wraith and you guys need to fuck off with this hitbox bullshit
Wraith is fine like this. If she gets nerfed because of you fucks im quitting this game

>playing fpses on consoles
wew lad

Ever since some streamers got banned for cheating suddenly everyone on my friends list thinks every person who kills them was hacking.

Just admit you stupid assholes can't aim so when someone can you have to cry about it.

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larger ones should at least have better higher hp fucking brudda gib needs to be a fucking bullet sponge with that chonking ass

lucky for you respawn is not retarded. They're buffing the fat fucks, not nerfing bby mode wraith mains

They shouldn't, but gibraltar has 2.5 times the hitbox of wraith, and he has the same health, so there's literally no reason to pick him over wraith

Lmao wraith mains, I bet you have "TTV" in your name as well.

I don't care about wraith being nerf, I want the defensive heroes to be buffed, give them more HP to offset the size difference.

>all the small characters also have the most useful kits

literally what the fuck were they thinking making this shit

I'm not saying Caustic is good but dropping in Skulltown with him is just the best.

I also main wraith and the difference feels when i use any other character, she is hilariously strong

Caustic is so laughably bad. Gibraltar is trash but at least his abilities makes you feel like you're contributing to something. His ult can actually kill people.

Causting is just


and wowee good job you just noxxed your teammates. You wanna ult? Ok. Here's a gas canister that does the exact same shit congrats enjoy the 7 second throwing animation you big vulnerable fuck.


>useful in any way
At least caustic can block doors and use the gas to revive teammates, gibraltar shield is garbage, takes 5 seconds to deploy, it also blinds anyone inside, and blocks all sounds clues while inside, the bubble is just a free kill at the end of the day

the bubble combined with his ult is really strong at catching out rushing dumbfucks