ITT: actually good remasters
ITT: actually good remasters
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h2a is perfect
pretty sure there was lighting and not just fullbright in the original. they took a fucking frame from when lightning was flashing for this stupid comparison
i believe the left is in game while the right is the cinematic before pulling down your goggles and the mission officially starting
no it's in engine. the cutscenes are only slideshows and maps
gotta remove those nostalgia goggles.
Hey, that looks really good
Is the MP still active on PC?
Looks like a remake, not a remaster. That's clearly a different model.
there was a high contrast option if you get enough intel
the night vision is actually useful/needed when you have it on
Did this ever come separate or was it a shameless cashgrab that came only with infinite warfare?
Yeah I think its standalone now
My God the music inn cod 4 is amazing. Builds so much tension.
This one deserves the spot
>higher contrast
>less visual clarity
>cod pc
kek retard
The "remaster" adds lootboxes to multiplayer.
>pre rendered cutscenes
I bet you play Destiny, faggot.
remastered is dead on pc, original game is still played
Halo 1 is fucking atrocious so I feel like this has been cherry picked
>all the rounded corners on mc's armour and on the sword have been changed to sharper angles
People are fucking stupid and have started using them interchangeably.
Perfect Dark on 360 was one of the first remasters that really got my attention.