Is it abandonware?

Is it abandonware?

Attached: code-vein-collector-edition.jpg (1920x1080, 1.56M)

No, it's just trash.

Considering how many assets are already made for the game, Bandai would lose a lot of cash it didn't release. They're probably just considering how to deal with this shit since it's filled with anime fanservice but was announced before Sony went full onions.

American detected

I think you meant vaporware.

>american detected
>on an american website

uhm.. this is a vietnamese cong basket weaving chinese cartoon site, don't make us kick your asses again lol

its owned by a japanese with servers in ukraine you retard.

I have so many games on my back log and having fun with the current ones that I'm playing that you'd have to pay me to play this really weeb shit.

Fatty detected

Abandonware? No, probably not. But it's pretty clearly going for the waifufag audience. Everything we've seen has look mediocre, but the devs know thirsty weebs will buy and praise anything with anime girls in it.

Why do you faggots always have to put "-ware" on everything now?

Attached: 1431489576205.jpg (331x407, 32K)

>Is it abandonware?
Yeah, delaying the game because they need to censor the game killed the hype pretty bad.

torrent when

>mia fig
lmao, straight trash. It would've sold more if you get an Io fig instead.

Abandonware has been a used and known term since the late 90s. Go pretend to fit in somewhere else.

colouring on that fig looks fucking terrible.

It must suck missing out on good games because you're busy playing all the heavily marketed trash.

The irony. Yeah, ok faggot. Pretend you're not parroting it for a shitty template thread. It's been popping up as of now on Yea Forums for these past weeks.

They didn't expect that anyone actually thought "anime Dark Souls" sounded enticing, they were going to release yet another barebones anime game. It blew up so much that they're trying to make it not shit.

I understand you probably weren't born yet when these terms were more common, but you can pretty easily google it. A very quick search turns up "the term "abandonware" was coined by Peter Ringering in late 1996." and he made a web ring with the same name the next year.

>Good games

I've played all the games except AAA shooters, tranny. I still need catching up but really weeb shit is not on my radar for the most part.

Next thing you're gonna tell people that shareware is also a nu word.

the word 'retard' dates back to the 15th century, yet you were born in only 2004. makes you think.

What did he mean by this.

Pretty accurate way to describe you. Do yourself a favor and google abandonware and stop parroting Yea Forums culture. "Wah, why do people use words that hurt my feefees?"



God I hope not

I hate bamco but I hope it's good.