What is your opinion on anti consumer things like Denuvo?
What is your opinion on anti consumer things like Denuvo?
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It's stupid publisher placeebo.
it sucks, but not enough people actually care enough to boycott anything so it keeps going.
This. It makes the publishers feel all warm inside that they are fighting the evil pirates. They don't realize that the best anti-piracy measure is making a game that's so good that players WANT to buy it.
I've pirated games that I would have bought just because they had denuvo, re2 and metro exodus for example
What exactly makes Denuvo anti consumer? It's not an always online required feature, is it?
Italy wins again
It treats paying customers like criminals and thieves, assuming they will steal.
I don't pay for downloads so I would pirate regardless. There are quite a few games that I pirated that I would have been willing to pay full price for if there were a DRM free physical release.
Charging for a download is anti consumer, anyone that calls Denuvo anti consumer but uses Steam is a hypocrite.
It sounds less anti-consumer than the codes you used to have to type in from inside the case or inside the game manual.
publishers use it as a buffer during the initial release. it's not considered ultimate protection against piracy, just a method to help with early sales.
for example, it took a week or two for gta 5 to get cracked. I remember because I really wanted to play it right away, but wasn't about to pay the $59.99. for those players that want it bad enough, they are more likely to just buy the thing instead of waiting a few weeks for a crack.
the unfortunate thing is that the majority of these denuvo games are worth the wait. if RDR2 came out on the PC with denuvo, a lot of poorfag pirates would go mad until the crack was released. literally who loses sleep at night because just cause 4 wasn't cracked?
you really think serial keys are less anti consumer?
Paying for a download is not buying a game. The industry refusing to admit that paying for a download is a donation is one of many reasons to pirate. Make it illegal for companies to charge for a download and legalize piracy, boom gaming is saved.
Denuvo and Steam are more anti consumer. A lot of those codes were offline codes and never required server authorization at any time. They still sucked and if PC physical copies were always DRM free then Steam wouldn't have been accepted, but they technically weren't as anti consumer as Steam and Denuvo as long as they were offline.You are just trying to justify paying for a download.
Sounds like the bitch at Best Buy who always checks my receipt. I'm banned from there for shoving her over lol.
It was annoying having to type them in. Modern DRM doesn't make you type anything.
>he feels superior because someone put his download on a disk in a box
I've never played a game that has it
holy fuck you are actually baiting or literally so fucking stupid
you are trading convenience for security and privacy, people like you are literally the examples of a retard giving away all his rights for convenience
unironic yikes
no. multiplayer-only with authentication servers.
dmc5 literally unplayable with denuvo enabled, works fine with the exe that doesn't have it. I will never buy another game with it on.
based seeingthelight-bro
Hmm I wonder what kind of illegal things you are doing?
playing wow private servers and pirating games with denuvo and buying games that dont have denuvo, which everyone does, cope more buyfag
Something that interfere with performance level in a game should never be accepted by the public, yet here we are.
This. The best example being The Witcher III which it's DRM-free and sold a fuckton of copies on every platform.
It tanks fps and requires access to the internet once every 30 days,it also damages how much the game can be modded.
>using idling time of the CPU to make syscalls
>sometimes heavy HDD usage
>runs the game in an obfuscated VM, tanking performances if not implemented well
>despite games being pirated nearly at day-one, devs refuse to take it out on original copies, sometime making pirates have the better version of the game.
It actually causes performance issues (e.g Tekken 7 where Harada himself confirms the issue they were having was with Denuvo) not to mention that it actually does more extra read/write motions than necessary just to send internet checks for certain files in the game, of course which in turn when piled up with multiple Denuvo games actually causes your SSD's to eventually have a lower lifetime cycle.
>The best example being The Witcher III which it's DRM-free and sold a fuckton of copies on every platform.
The devs of The Witcher 3 flat out said the only reason the game exists is because they made it for consoles where the piracy rate is significantly lower than it is on PC. The company could not survive making games of that production value exclusive to PC. The market just doesn't support it because most of the market pirates whether the game is good or not.
>The devs of The Witcher 3 flat out said the only reason the game exists is because they made it for consoles where the piracy rate is significantly lower than it is on PC
and yet PC sales where a huge part of their revenue, despite being the most piratable one.
>The company could not survive making games of that production value exclusive to PC.
I'm sorry where did I said that devs needs to make their game exclusive to some platform?
>The market just doesn't support it because most of the market pirates whether the game is good or not.
Gotta need a source on that claim my friend, since the game I was talking about just proves it wrong.
>and yet PC sales where a huge part of their revenue, despite being the most piratable one.
No, not revenue. Selling a million copies of something at $5 each does not generate as much revenue as selling 100,000 copies at $60 each, i.e. they made much more money selling PS4 copies at launch than they did selling copies on PC at 90% off two years later.
>Gotta need a source on that claim my friend, since the game I was talking about just proves it wrong.
>PCG: Can you offer any concrete numbers or percentages as far as Witcher 2 piracy goes?
>MI : The result is roughly 4.5 million illegal downloads. This is only an estimation, and I would say that's rather on the optimistic side of things; as of today we have sold over 1M legal copies, so having only 4.5-5 illegal copies for each legal one would be not a bad ratio. The reality is probably way worse.
>"If the consoles are not involved there is no Witcher 3 as it is," answers Marcin Iwinski, definitively. "We can lay it out that simply. We just cannot afford it, because consoles allow us to go higher in terms of the possible or achievable sales; have a higher budget for the game, and invest it all into developing this huge, gigantic world. "Developing only for the PC: yes, probably we could get more [in terms of graphics] as there would be nothing else - they would be so focused, like if we would develop only on Xbox One or PlayStation 4. But then we cannot afford such a game."
>Selling a million copies of something at $5 each does not generate as much revenue as selling 100,000 copies at $60 each
Yeah because consoles copies are still full price 1 year after launch.
>they made much more money selling PS4 copies at launch than they did selling copies on PC at 90% off two years later.
I was talking about launch numbers.
And again, that doesn't mean that they should have made it console exclusive or PC exclusive. and they even stated it in the interview you quoted.
My point still stand. Having a product DRM-free while being a good one helps sales.
>Having a product DRM-free while being a good one helps sales.
The Witcher 3 was not even close to being the highest selling PC game for the year. The highest selling games all had DRM. While it's reasonable to assume having a good game significantly increases your sales there's no evidence to support the idea not having DRM significantly increases your sales. You are just making an ideologically motivated baseless declaration.
It's worth noting that CDPR doesn't chose to not include DRM because they believe DRM hurts their sales. They don't include DRM because they think it's a waste of time and money because the DRM is cracked so quickly anyway.
>But they uses it so people who can't wait buy it at launch.
The post capitalist society we live in encourages the little man to find a way around paying. let corporations fight each other over who thinks they're getting my money while in truth I'm giving it to no one because spending money on games is retarded
There's no evidence because every company includes some sort of DRM in their games, tho.
No buy, plus it's usually only on terrible games so it's more helpful if anything.
DMC door should be open and the handle should be a rope.
When even for good games you are seeing piracy rates of up to 80% it's not THAT unreasonable to say preventing piracy will increase your sales by something. Your argument is basically just invoking the honor system, something that has been demonstrated to not work in large communities time and time again.
There is no way to measure actual piracy rate. Go away bootlicker.
It's not that hard to count the number of IP that are connected in a torrent swarm. Even that is grossly underestimating the piracy rate and you are still getting numbers in the 80%-90% range which is fucking ridiculous. It's no wonder devs flee the PC platform for console the first chance they get and not one of them ever regrets doing so. Say what you will about console gamers but at least 90% aren't dirty fucking thieves.
I pirate every single game before I buy them and all my friends do the same. Why do I count as pirated and not bought? Retard.
Console retards are too dumb to pirate anything on their closed ecosystem, don't invent them virtues.
Again, wrong.
Every other type of media has little to no sales loss.
Just look at the music industry or anime industry, while having paid streaming services most of their fame is by piracy, and YET I don't see a singer or anime writer going bankrupt because of it.
Or maybe is just the contained cost what do I know.
The videogames company are basically the only one who are more persistent on protecting their sales, sometimes without any reason, as you clearly statred that even if they includes DRM shit like Denuvo, it gets pirated in less than a week, so what's even the point?
Say what you will about console gamers but at least 90% aren't dirty fucking thieves.
Lmao they aren't thieves because they have no choice, just look at previous geenrations you retard.
I'm a consumer,so I don't like things that are anti-consumer.
>But me and my friends...
Fuck you and your friends.
>Just look at the music industry or anime industry, while having paid streaming services most of their fame is by piracy, and YET I don't see a singer or anime writer going bankrupt because of it.
Are you serious? Remember that EU study that pirates like to claim "proves" piracy doesn't hurt sales. Well, if any of you retards had actually bothered to read the thing instead of just parrot a headline you'd have seen they state piracy has devastated pretty much every industry and the only reason gaming is going strong is because of the alternate revenue streams of DLC and micro-transactions that is only really available to games.
>Well, if any of you retards had actually bothered to read the thing instead of just parrot a headline you'd have seen they state piracy has devastated pretty much every industry
What's even the point of discussing that pile of shit since it wasn't even released, but again if I rememebr correctly it was stating the exact opposite. Then again, why it was suppressed if it was proving what you're saying?
>trust Italians
They really should've learned from history by now
I dunno I stopped buying games since mid-2014.
I can't put up with al that pay to pay to play bullshit which swarmed the industry.
>pre-order bonuses
>pre-order locked DLCs
>DRM making your CPU shit bricks
>paying 60$ for a media and still having 1/2 of the full experience
I'm done. I'm just done.
In going to need a source on that one. Or anything, console sales allowed the game to be played by people who had PCs that couldn't run Witcher III.
All of my friends bought it for a console because they all have shitty laptops.
>mfw Italian
>mfw my countrymen are dismantling Denuvo crack after crack