how did yoshi get away with it?
How did yoshi get away with it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based Japs, not giving into kike propoganda
God I wish I could fuck Minfilia maybe the rough sex will make her an interesting character
Lot of characters could use a rough fuck to make them interesting. Pic related.
I want to fuck Minphilia, and then Alphinaud
have you guys seen alphinauds tummy
She's so cute. I want to molest her unconscious body.
Have you seen my ley lines?
>tfw run away from leyline cause homing aoe
I hate this
Not going anywhere.
The also have a healthy amount of content for fujos preventing them from mutating and degenerating into their western counterparts.
XIV really is based and redpilled
>black (like the people) "brain on standby mode" mage """"players""""
Shiggyru Miyahopeyoudontreallymoto
Just hitting level 70 as an alchemist.
>just got Master Alchemist after a short farm session of Craftsman tea.
>Potions that make money are now within my grasp.
>all I need is the gear now.
>reset is the day after tomarrow.
>Money slowing climbing back up.
>Retrainers are halfway to 50.
>am now free to gear up my main job for MSQ with catch up gear.
>MFW being poor as fuck when I started (still am but better off then before). because buying decent gatherer gear and standard crafter set is still costly to me
These two months of work are paying off.
Will the 70-80 story for Scholar let me fuck my fairies?
Wonderfully xenophobic, but I think the Japanese actually are quite xenophobic? Is this character treated like a neutral party ingame or is she a villain?
love seeing my character every time someone posts this
Nanamo should've had him executed the moment he said this
She's got to establish herself as an authoritarian force
For most of A Realm Reborn (base game), she's your boss. She is a respected figure in Eorzea, and the city-states of Eorzea respect her.
She's the leader of the good guys.
>based and redpilled
you faggots repeat this like it's not currently being used to mock people
A good guy. She's the leader of the Scions, who are a guild of warrior scholars trying to save the world.
Like most lefty memes, the targets of the mocking turned out to think it was hilarious and adopted it for themselves
What game is this? Want to pick up now
Diaper Fantasy XIV
Whats the saying ?
Give a man a fish he'll feed himself for a day.
Teach a man how to fish and, he'll feed himself for a lifetime.
>based and redpilled
>lefty meme
Left can't meme you dip
>being this new
back to plebbit with you
Transgender Roleplaying Fantasy XIV
Blonde white anime girls are the best
She looks like she fucks white girls
How do I get a qt3.14 miqo'te gf?
Final Fantasy XIV. Expect a shit ton of fetch quests and boring gameplay at the start, but the "It gets better later on!" meme actually applies here as you unlock more abilities and the raids/dungeons get more complex.
>he can't comprehend post-irony
Spread your asshole at your local gay bar and you'll get the same result.
cringe and yikespilled
Be a tranny and get autistic 100s to impress other tranny cat girls
The writing in games like Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy Tactics is immensely based.
Asian countries have always been very proud of their culture and heritage, this is nothing new. Let's just see how long they can hold out
wtf i'm giving an error message trying to open the game now
This will be your expert roulette party for tonight.
How embarrassing that Final Fantasy XIV has a better Story than the Final Fantasies that came before, and after it.
What kind of fucking idiot keeps their chat log up while watching cutscenes?
Sorry mate, your Alisaie is already taken.
>sluts up front
SE knows their audience.
He's persistent if nothing else.
>someone paid money for this
This and then form a suicide pact so you can be together forever.
so i'm gonna get a 12 minute exdr? based raid trannies ding dong done it again.
Well, that's not too high a bar to be quite honest, even if I did appreciate some older FF titles. I haven't played XIV because I won't touch MMOs with a ten foot pole, but ironically enough the world seems like the most interesting Squeenix managed to pull off ever since FFX.
seething greenlet detected. how's your o10s prog going?
>AST is more fun to play and is more versatile
>but SCH has lewd fairies and better weapons
This is not fair.
Noooooo first yshtolla then this
where will it stop???
the post-irony levels in this thread are too high, please tone it down to regular irony
thank you in advance
XIV's world is 10/10. It's worth playing if you're a FF fan. It's a FF game first and an MMO second.
omg you can't just ask that question
you know all greenlets struggling on o10s disbanded by now
>seething this badly because you can't git gud at content even console users can beat
Of course it's a malera
They don't define who we are but what we are
I mean I know what she's trying to say but her argument is shit
What we are serves as a biological marker of our ancestors travel through history which is something that should be preserved and celebrated
Which we do through festivals, traditions, holidays, and various other types of celebration
The fact of the matter though is if you stripped everyone of these biological markers, put them into completely identical bodies, and randomly distributed them across the planet, WHO we are would recreate many of these things.
It's how nations are formed for fucks sake.
I know I'm being a mega fucking autist about this but damn this bitch is dumb and needs to learn how to make a proper argument
Hell even celebrations of national holidays for example wildly differ between social groups
For example, you can take the autism out of me but I'd still be an obsessive nitpicky douchebag
God it annoys me she clumps four wildly different things together like they're at all related
Nation, Creed, and Language are all determined by the individual
With time we can even nail down changing race, or at least your kids race, because of individuals who are pursuing genetic modification
No wonder all her friends are dead if they're as stupid as her
Empire did nothing wrong. It's fucking sad that i can't switch sides.
Fuck Mhiggers
Fuck Mnaago
Just play Dancer.
>Fuck Mnaago
I wish
This one is my favorite.
i mean it does generate a shitload of aggro so yes?
Muh racism
Actually yes. In current meta this is tanking. Because in current meta only dps matters.
I hate fags that never leaves tank stances and deal less dps than healer.
It took you that long to hit 70? Jesus fucking christ casual.
enjoy your jester
You know realizing the msq it does bring up fetch quests in the arr msq. Which was fucking retarded because after those fetch quests the story actually moves at a good pace.
Doesn't matter what the AF is. You can glamour on whatever you want. What's going to make Dancer the sexiest healer is the battle animations.
>static formed a little over 2 months ago
>currently progging HW2
>despite clearing every week, constantly get my ass handed to me by midgard
>best parse is a blue, despite being the top DPS, while the RDM gets a purple on the same parse
>drops nothing but the striking head
Man, fuck that dragon
fornite dances
Nobody ever looks at battle animations during combat. What could make Dancer the sexiest healer is unique mechanics such as using different dances to create various effect auras and using melee DPS moves to power up yourself and then you wake up
I believe XIV is gonna die in year or something like that.
I bet SHB will flop terribly.
Cause their release date is too close to WoW Classic.
And believe me - EVERYBODY would play classic. Like it is the most important release of the fucking decade
Just image Yoshi's face when he will see the numbers! Like, huh, i believe he'll gonna kill himself
And plus SE doing pretty fucking bad, they don't have any successful and profitable IPs.
KH3 floped
Left Alive flopped hard
Tomb Rider flopped.
Only XIV was profitable, but they gonna cut the costs for more earnings and anyway SHB gonna flop cause of WoW Classic
>how did he get away with letting a fictional character reason for a common viewpoint?
Literally the only content in this game that currently requires perfect usage of defensive tank abilities is Ultimate, for everything else, every tank has more than enough in their kit.
Only damage matters, stop making excuses for not contributing.
The thing is that you really can forget about meta only when you are playing with full stack of friends who agreed to play with your non-meta job.
If you are use DF or PF, or even chat, then when you play on non-meta job t is DISRESPECT to others.
For example, we all know that WAR is MUCH better as tank than DRK in every way. In terms of damage and mitigation for example.
So if you go somewhere with random people and you chose DRK as your tank, then it is DISRESPECT to others because you lower chances to success and even if you succeed it will take much more time.
Meta exists for random groups because it is the mos effective to play the game. If you don't play meta with strangers, then you really show them how you give zero fucks about their time, life and feelings. And that is toxic behavior.
Do you drive to work in the morning? Or do you run a mile, catch 2 buses and then grab a cab even though you have a functioning vehicle?
People do things in general because it's easier to do them. If you are trying to do something that is not that simple, why on earth would you make something more difficult for not only yourself or others? It is pure toxicity and should be punished.
You can't bring bunk players with bunk builds and expect good things to happen, I'm sorry that's just not how it works. People are not going to be happy if they are failing because one player has specifically decided to not do their best.
If you want to run content with off meta builds then you need to ask your friends and play exclusively with them. It's that simple.
Because nobody wants to tolerate toxicity from others. And playing off meta IS toxicity.
how do they keep getting away with it?
Shit as fuck villain and they shouldve had rep develop between 3 different factions not fucking beasttribes again.
Nobody looks at Fairies during combat either, but that's what started this topic.
man i just wanna tank though dont hate me for just wanting to tank when im playing a tank
i know this is bait but i actually hope wow classic is good because i want wowfags to have nice things for the first time in a while
>forgetting Nier: Asstomata
Can you at least try with your bait?
Yes enjoy the downhill spiral WoW classic will be in one month due to casuals dropping it since it isnt retail.
Also, it's not even a progression server so you are stuck running Molten Core for the rest of your life.
>healers despise having to dps
Well if the healers' dps tools in FFXIV weren't so fucking mana consuming maybe i wouldn't have despised it so much. I'm a firm believer in dps tools for healers that actually need to be used so that healers can continue to heal, thus giving them an additional degree of choices: when to dps and when to heal. And if you don't balance the two correctly you get punished.
Slightly increasing ressource costs of heals and putting ressource regen on the healers' dps skills would've done the trick, for example.
>Slightly increasing ressource costs of heals and putting ressource regen on the healers' dps skills would've done the trick, for example.
My fellow afroamerican brother form another mother.
>Slightly increasing ressource costs of heals and putting ressource regen on the healers' dps skills would've done the trick, for example.
So FFXI's Dancer?
>DRK world first in both ultimates
>SAM and BLM meta for speedkills
Stay mad, greylet
Well, yes. I'd know if i played the game. Thanks for reminding me i didn't spend my childhood on the MMO design masterpiece that is FFXI. Fuck.
At least i was on Guild Wars 1.
give me an elezen mommy right now
>Take existing flavors but put chocobo
You would have loved pre SB cleric stance. Unfortunately Yoshi P hated it so he neutered it
Fordola deserves a hug and maybe a good dicking but mostly a hug
this makes my peepee hard
That's delicious pasta, chef.
id rather a tomboy highlander gf
people are talking about WoW, but ESO's expansion is also going to be released roughly the same time as ShB
You ready for the hot new ERP race?
Let me take you to the Elezen homeland
who gives a fuck about eso though
Ascalon stands!
Yeah, i played the game when cleric stance actually meant something. That's what made me play healers for the first time. I came back to FFXIV when Stormblood hit the shelves (skipping heavensward because life priorities) and instantly made a SCH with that in mind.
I rerolled into BLM shortly afterwards, but the damage was already done and there wasn't much depth keeping me on the game anymore.
>You would have loved pre SB cleric stance. Unfortunately Yoshi P hated it so he neutered it
Old CS would've been terrible for SB because OGCD real estate got really cluttered with all the new healer skills.
Final Fantasy 14
Final Fantasy 1488
It is very obvious.
>because OGCD real estate got really cluttered with all the new healer skills.
Which is why oGCD shouldn't be for skills that emphasize your role (aka panic heals), but for skills that allow you to choose what to do based on the situation.
Just imagine a CS on low CD as a oGCD so you can actually use all your dots as a SCH, and the longer you maintain them and deal damage with them, the faster your mana increases. You could then CS back whenever you want because anticipating damage and tailoring your casts and your heals should basically be the BnB skill required to differentiate between a bad and a good healer.
Fuck you Yoshi P for appealing to the lowest common denominator. I still wonder why the fuck they're still making "MUH EXTREME" shit fights if they are hell bent on sucking the game dry of its mechanical depth.
Hey, at least the old man is not suggesting for Your Grace to build a fucking wall. This is actually very sensible dialogue.
Have sex.
>tfw no aymeric bf
You should feel embarrassed playing a bootleg gnome
bitch, back off, im trying to read what are you saying and i cant because of those healthy cowtits of yours.
I wish healing was still difficult so every PF ever wasn't 4/4D 2/2H 0/2T
would a FFXIV anime work
Say what you will about it, but the cleric stance change did seriously lower the skill floor for being competent at healing.
How easily we forget
Or you can suck my dick and I can carry your ass through the tier.
[laugh track]
>implying you can level up fast when you leveling up three hand and 2 land.
I only have so many leves bud.
use collectables for land, dummy
What the fuck were the modellers thinking with those lips. They're impossible to work with even if you use lighter lipstick, it sucks.
BLM is easily the most underrated class in FFXIV. The sole fact that half the population doesn't even suspect you can always cut 0.2s at the end of your cast times by simply MOVING, which makes spellcasting AND dodging AoEs completely trivial, tells tales of its own.
Ironically enough, this mechanic is not limited to BLMs but i've never seen PF/DF scrub do it. Most of the time, it doesn't even matter, because no matter your team comp, you'll be fucked 99% of the time by someone who just fails continuously at the same fucking hurdle over and over again, meta comp or not.
I'll take a BLM that knows its job and has half a brain over anything else any day, every day.
That's a lot of words for "third worlders are backward savages that fuck up everything they come into contact with."
Gaze mechanics as melee are a non-issue.
>hold right click and pan the camera so your character is facing back to the boss
>continue to hit your gcds while holding right click while moving your mouse
>character registers you as facing away but all your abilities actually still hit the boss like normal and don't force you to turn because of the camera panning
This always works.
If Ragnarok Online somehow made a decent anime adaptation I don't see why not.
>>sluts up front
But Thancred is more towards the middle.
>When the Imperial Boss of the first storyline sends his yandere bitch to fuck the group up
>She tells Minfillia to put on some real cloths
got a chuckle out of me
This guy knows what's up.
If i had to pick a team out of the guys in here to clear end content, it'd be those guys:
>use tank stance on trash
>as DRK or WAR
this post gave me cancer
If it followed some oc's on their own adventure (like how Edda worked) then sure. If it follows the plot of the story, no.
I love how learning a fight on WHM means I've learned how to do most of it on BLM, movement-wise, as the two jobs are quite similarly movement restricted compared to their counterparts in their roles. It really is satisfying on both jobs to get in a slidecast through deadly aoes, and timing spells to go off just as a boss jumps or goes invincible.
alternatively you can just turn away between GCDs as the bar fills
They made this scene yet years later the Doman refugees whom they refused would make Mor Dhorna thrive.
yeah the boys
>protecting your border isn't sensible
He doesn't have to tell her that because Ul'dah already has a wall.
>using tank controls
Only if it was about sidestories completely disconnected from the MSQ. Like an episode about that ship of missionaries that got stranded off the coast of Thanalan and eventually turned to cannibalism.
>EVERYBODY would play classic.
I wouldn't. I played it when it was new 15 years ago, and I'm finished giving money to a development team that actively hates it's playerbase.
>This is your EX party for the night
Only joking! But we are looking for 4 new recruits for our static. We're on Balmung. It's only us 4 right now.
Must be male IRL as well in-game.
Slidecasting is a fine parlor trick in certain situations, but doing it too early and interrupting a cast that was .45 seconds from going off sucks, and learning how to do it isn't going to transform you into a master caster player on its own.
Sthalmann literally did nothing wrong
Keep dreaming, Classicfag. I'm gonna laugh so hard after your shitty version of a shitty game, from a shitty company will die after 3 months when people realize "oh yeah, Vanilla did suck massive cock".
Your chafed Pizza nipples tell me you have great determination, I like the cut of your gib!
Thancred is a pimp.
What rewards ng+ should have, for you to go through it again?
Honestly after BFA? I'm right there with you. They need something to cling onto from their dying company.
you know how to counter it, just commission your own stuff
We like a good sausage pizza. Would you like a sample, user?
Agreed. That's why he based his character on him.
The only point of NG+ is to see the story again without having to make a new character. I don't want to be incentivized to do it.
>He doesn't have to tell her that because Ul'dah already has a wall
Across their entire border? If they're at war or suffering terrorist attacks it might be sensible. If all the evil foreigners want is to take up some terrible, low paying minimal wage job, it becomes questionable.
>waifufag instantly rushes in to ruin the thread
fucking great
Indeed, it's a shame how those simple mechanical tricks are overlooked by the majority of the playerbase.
Just picture how many times you are casting as a BLM/WHM/any cast-based class, then calculate how much movement time you actually gain by slidecasting per minute. The gain per slidecast is minimal, but casting is so prevalent on some classes that it's necessary to reliably execute it when needed. That's what differentiates the good from the very good players.
Another exemple is how attacks are registered to hit whatever's in the indicated area at the very moment it disappears, instead of relying on the animation of the attack itself, which means you can slidecast into safe zones that weren't just a fraction of a second ago while everyone believes you're going to make the party wipe, only to stand unharmed as the attack plays out.
All the little things add up to a lot, especially in a 20 minute boss fight for example.
Ideally nothing.
If it gave you the same amount of Gil for completing each quest as you get the first time round (a lot during HW and SB, not compared to crafting/gathering but a sizeable amount), that would be more than enough reason.
It's a city-state with a wall surrounding it, but not around all their claimed territories no. And the major problem with the refugees is that they didn't want low skilled labor jobs. They just showed up with their hands out and then turned to banditry and drug dealing when all that was available were shit tier mining jobs. Keep in mind this is a setting with an adventurers guild network. And most of the refugees live in the alley next to it while completely ignoring it.
Why is it so hard to lvl PLD? I`m at lvl 49 and already want to kill myself. I had no problems with WAR and DRK.
I've heard that a lot of people looking forward to classic actually only intend to play it for a few weeks or so to relive a few memories, but not really play it long-term. Can't really see it attracting new players either. Kinda interested to see how this'll turn out, but I can imagine it might be one of those things that have a huge spike during the first weeks or month and then flake out.
why is Barrel Stabilizer locked to only being used in combat?
Because you don't even get a second complete combo until you're over level 50.
Because it's a boring job
don't get their second combo until 5X so your entire sub 50 rotation is Rage of Halone combo + oGCD's endlessly.
It's a slog and a snorefest. And it's a badly designed class overall.
same reason enochian is, because fuck you
there will be titles for completing the story on every job and special mounts if you do them all
Because you do literally nothing except rage of halone over and over until 52, at which point you spam goring blade until 60
If you silence your enemies like that, they win.
By being right.
So people don't use it before a pull and then wait out its cooldown to use it again in the opener. Same reason Infuriate can't be used outside combat.
>it's a badly designed class
Apart from intervention only being useful as offtank and then only on the MT, and the order that it gets abilities, its' complete kit is very good.
Different cultures would still exist in an ethically mixed global society though.
>executing Godbert
Well I guess she could certainly try!
They really need to do this with Aetherflow too. I hate having to wait that extra 45 seconda before every pull.
Total Eclipse is complete shit
No charge ability. Even WAR got one, but i guess its too unrealistic for a JOB WITH A FUCKING SHIELD.
Clemency is a waste
Gauge is almost useless
I imagine his wife would demolish Ul'dah
let me whore up mnaago already
That's what she's advocating for. Eorzea is a willing alliance of different cultures that acknowledge each others ways of life. Garlemald is a globalist empire of militant atheists seeking to erase the cultures of those they conquer so they don't go and summon their gods.
>clemency is a waste
clemency is god tier with non-optimized players/groups
>trying to kill Godbert
the problem of course is the Empire is objectively right, the only problem is it's now being controlled by a bunch of jackal generals - partially due to YOUR efforts in foiling them in FFXI and stopping the first villain of FFXIV
Which healer should I play?
I have AST at 70 but I'm not sure I like it. I'm also not fond of its aesthetics, and am too brainlet for SCH. Haven't touched WHM since ARR so I don't know anything about it after 50.
But the primals weren't a problem until Garlemald went and made them a problem.
They should've insisted more on the healing side that traditionally comes with paladins, instead of simply giving him dps skills, something WAR and DRK are much more suited for flavor-wise.
If they went all in on the offheal vs tank dual aspect of the class, it'd have been much more interesting to play, as in:
- Generate aggro with shield oath, much more than any other tank.
- The more aggro you generate, the more your heals/dps become potent.
- Switch to a hybrid dps/offheal stance with another oath.
- Manage the huge amount of aggro you generate (in comparison to other classes) by tactically trading it for either dps or heals when needed.
- When facing a difficult boss, you basically heal yourself much more than others as a self-offhealer, easing the healers' tasks so they can do more dps.
- When going through the grind you generate enough aggro on a monster, then spend your aggro on dps.
There, fixed the class for you, both mechanically and flavor-wise.
how do i go about learning to do BA when i speak english on a jp server
AST is way more fun than WHM and SCH feels clunky to play personally, don't like having to deal with the pet.
but barrel stabilizer would be useless in the opener.
>implying it'd even get to that point
I don't play roe but I wana install these mods now
kill jester
>But the primals weren't a problem
did we not play the same quest content? The Primals almost destroyed Eorzea before and were barely held in check by the tri-nation alliance and each nations individual militaries. they were also an eternal problem with no real solution.
Primals couldn't even be summoned at all until Garlemald invaded Mor Dhona and got the Agrius smashed into Silvertear Lake.
I'd kill for a playable Mime; that wasn't some lazy Limited Job shit.
Primals hadn't really been a thing in Eorzea since Allagan days until the Battle of Silvertear Skies when Garlemald crashing the Agrius to kill Midgardsormr broke the proverbial Primal dam.
And of course, Ascians did it on purpose.
>do bunny fate in hydatos 5 times
>dont get a bunny 5 times in a row
whos the fucking faggot who did this to me
Is FFXIV the only MMO where people actually read the story?
Bullshit. Merlwyb bullied the Kobold's to the point where they are literally praying for fucking Titan to come fucking Smash us at Limsa.
T. Maelstrom General.
WoW doesn't even put its story in the game, they make you buy books, so yeah.
That was after the Battle of Silvertear Skies. But yeah the Kobolds were the first in Eorzea to summon a primal.
>is this a staring contest
SWTOR and this, maybe some people read GW2's plot because i've heard enough people complain it was terribad
Guess I'll stay AST then.
I shouldn't really complain, as I'm pretty good with the Job, but I've been healing since 2.0 and I'm getting kinda tired of it. The new AST AF is also lazy as fuck, and healer gear in general always feels like an afterthought; we never get anything unique, meanwhile DRG gets its own set basically every time.
I hope the Nier healer/AST stuff is good at least.
I know its a troll post, but try o12s as warrior with a dark knight as cotank and avoid using ib for tank busters
Are bards the most underappreciated job?
but also Garlemald believes they're the rightful rulers of the world because they were bullied for being Magic retarded
Explain, why couldn't primals not be summoned before that? Not him just an interested lorelet
They're the most overpowered job
>is the most popular job in the game the most underappreciated?
They could
it's just 100x times easier now
>Eureka SCH weapon
>cool books with neat fairy wings that move
>it's a large piece of shit with unrelated glow
>called Jebat
Well I guess the name is accurate.
Enough 'chaos' causes the walls of reality to weaken. Primals can only be summoned once the laws of the world have been bent enough to allow it. Things have gotten even worse since then which is why primals can now be summoned on accident.
But user, as a Scholar main I can attest to SCH BEING the brainlet job.
>always be Broiling/throwing out expiring DoTs (that includes Miasma II whenever you have Energy Drains to spend)
>tank needs help? Give them an Excog
>Do they need more help? Largesse + Adlo (pray for crit!)
>REALLY need help? Fey Union
>whole party took damage? Is there more damage coming? Yes? Indom. No? Ehh, Whispering Dawn or something if you're using Eos instead of Selene, or let other healer take care of it
>some dumbfuck DPS took damage alone? Do nothing and see if they can die before your fairy throws them an Embrace
Anything I didn't mention yet has fairly obvious uses
>being the party's songbuff bitch
I'll take the clunky mch, the recent ammo potency buff already made it surpass bard dps anyways.
that's ninja
bards are overappreciated
People choose BRD because
1. Its too hard for them to play casters
2. Its too hard for them to play MCH
3. They god memed into '''meta'''
But not bard's raid DPS
They violated the astral barrier when the Empire dropped Meteor/Bahamut on the Ascians, iirc
They then purposefully started awakening/promoting the awakening of primals so they could feed their energy to Ultima Weapon, so they could conquer the world *and* destroy all the primals.
I'm missing a shitload of stuff, FFXIV lore is surprisingly deep
Most excess ambient aether was sealed beneath Silvertear Lake at some point and Midgardsormr was guarding it.
This is the 1.0 cinematic, at about 6:00 in you can see the aether getting dispersed (possibly implying that the Eorzean Primals had been sealed themselves, too), a little earlier is when Midgardsormr gets exploded.
Is william blake a meme or is he good lit?
>caring about any parse but your own
Almost all end 405 Hydatos weapons look like shit. I wish I stopped after Anemos.
if you only care about personal parses why aren't you playing BLM
>got memed into meta
Having a job that can:
>permanently buff crit rates by 2%
>restore TP/MP on demand
>increase damage for the group by 3% limited by their MP
>has excellent mobility
>buff Direct Hit rates
Is really fucking good for the group's overall DPS. Blame Yoshi for making MCH so shitty it can't hold a fucking candle to BRD's support capabilties.
Or they just like archers and don't guive a fuck about all the shit you've mentioned.
And yet the game expects me to believe we're preventing so much chaos that we're going to annihilate the world with light?
This is some shit that annoys me about this whole "flood of light" business. There's no real indication of this happening. Yeah we slay a lot of primals but nothing actually changes because of it. For the entire story up until now it's been constantly going on about how the world is dangerous now, the darkness is encroaching, the agents of chaos are getting ever stronger, hydaelyn is so weak she can't even speak to her chosen champions. And now suddenly it's the exact opposite and darkness is on the verge of being totally wiped out? It's so hamfisted just to force a plot point that people think is cool.
This. There's nothing in SCH's gameplay that doesn't fit into a fairly simple flowchart. Even the class' dps tools do all the work on their own, because they're DoT. The one time you're required to use your brain is when you need to shield someone (i.e. know what the boss throws at you).
SCH is truly the class that plays itself.
>the spear warrior and archer classes don't become any kind of hunter or ranger despite being taught in the fucking forest kingdom
>instead they upgrade to DRAGOON and BARD
Did you forget that only recently Hydaelyn fucked off to go engorge herself on light in a planet that got flooded with light?
>get the dragon tether just for existing
>never have to lb ever
>easier dps to play
>baww nobody appreciate me for using refresh baww
meanwhile all ninja mains are suicidal
The primals flying out of that pillar of light has basically been retconned to be symbolic of the explosion allowing for the summoning of primals. It's not the aether itself that allowed for them to be summoned either, just the amount of damage it caused to the walls of reality. Y'shtola talks about it a bit very early on in the Limsa storyline. And in fact, Eorzea's ambient aether levels have been slowly dropping since that day, which is now coming to a head in the current storyline with everyone noticing the thinning aether.
Because archer and lancer are already hunters and rangers
I love how people always bait /pol/tatds into ff14 with this pic only for them to realize that ff14 is actual pretty lefty.
Minfilia isn't Hydaelyn she's just like a proxy.
I know this sam who is convinced he has found the ultimate rotation by using Kaiten for all the end hit combos aka Gekko/Kasha/Yukikaze lmao
BRD only gets the tether on pull unless you're running some meme comp with 2 bards and a ninja
>For the entire story up until now it's been constantly going on about how the world is dangerous now, the darkness is encroaching, the agents of chaos are getting ever stronger
That all stopped by the end of Heavensward when Elidibus became openly frightened of how strong you're becoming and decided he needed to start raising the stakes so you don't fucking kill everything.
When Arbert comes around, he tries to kill you because just doing that would cause an aetherial vacuum so large it would cause a Calamity. That's how obscenely powerful you are and it's only gotten worse.
Eh, we repulsed yet another invasion by the Garleans and killed an Ascian in ARR, killed two Ascians and ended a millenium-long war, and further pushed back the Ascian Engine of Chaos(tm) in Stormblood. The agents of chaos were strong at the start of ARR, but the WoL's gotten so strong and laid low so many threats that it's not too farfetched to believe that the balance was tipped in light's favor.
Still, I fucking roll my eyes when people keep saying how "weak" Hydaelyn is. A primal gets summoned like every five minutes in the story when Hydaelyn is already on her """last""" dregs of power and literally nothing changes.
there are programs which can calculate these things with objective mathematics. He can parse or piss off
Not after based Varis utterly btfo the lefty protagonists in the last patch.
I have a retarded friend who was pretty pro-Garlemald despite the fact he maybe only played like 2 Final Fantasy prior to 14 and doesn't get that the big industrial empire is always going to be objectively wrong and is probably built on unsustainable means.
Surprising absolutely fucking no one, this is proven true in the latest patch.
>get the dragon tether just for existing
I see this posted quite often, I never see this happen unless a Bard specifically begs for it. Why the fuck would a DRG use his tether on a non-melee?
The relic designs have been getting worse and worse after ARR. It's a shame all the new jobs cant get Zeta weapons. Those are still the best relics for every job except MNK.
The worst part is Amakura and Needle fit right in with the OG relics but they're stuck as Ultima weapons
>weeb snowflake is convinced he's a snowflake
At least he's trying to think outside the box, like every other snowflake SAM.
Yeah but he’s evil and will die soon offscreen. Just like the alt+right.
BRD is the best tether target on opener
Because in some situations non-melee burst higher.
Because Bard's opening burst is slightly higher than monk's which is significantly higher than the rest of the group
It's sad you think you're not the evil ones.
>She comes out of the bar in that one quest
>Ivory white skin with a bit of a blush
I want to fuck her so fucking bad.
>You who thought to invoke the Twelve and threaten all creation
When a Garlean was responsible for bringing down a moon that would wipe Eorzea off the face of the map, what other choice did they have
PLD's anima/Lux is at least equal best with zeta, depending on which colour you like.
Bard's burst in the opener is quite absurd, whereas the other melee are slow burners in comparison
brd gets it every time it most group
I rarely get it, usually only the third one
Louisoix also didn't even want to do that. It was a last resort plan. He just wanted to begin a primal summoning so he could weave that coalescing aether into the binding spell that would become even stronger because it was fueled by that worship. The German text states he planned to take his own life as soon as the binding spell was over just to ensure they didn't manifest.
There's a couple Anima weapons that beat out the Zetas. PLD and BRD come to mind although PLDs is debatable, as both Excalibur and the Anima are really good.
Wtf I hate niggers now
I always give it to my other drg bro first.
I can give you that. PLD, and ironically, the HW jobs are the best Lux weapons. PLD had the best relics overall up until the final Eureka sword
well you see, theres no other drg in savage
That's gay
>Anima Bard weapon
You guys seriously don't think that huge ugly over-glowy thing looks good, right?
imagine playing nin in speedruns
It's kinda neat.
It's great. Get it in yellow today.
I thought it was that the spell itself was so taxing that the caster would surely die, which was fine by Louisoix for the precise reason that it would also prevent a summoning. Papalymo dies casting a similar sealing spell.
BRD should only be getting it every time if your DRG doesn't know what they're doing or is lazy and only has 1 macro. Ideally the bard should get it when raging strikes aligns (basically only the opener or after long transitions), but after that the priority should be MNK/BLM/SAM/SMN >RDM/MCH > NIN/BRD
...yes? flashy weapons look good on bard, since they can get away with being flashy
There used to be a time where SCH damage uptime was pretty intensive. Bio, Bio II, Miasma, Miasma II, Aero, Shadowflare. Now all that was trimmed down and they're left to just spam broil most of the time
That would be the case normally because the method of the binding spell ties the caster's aether to it as fuel. But because Louisoix was basically doing a primal summoning to fuel it, he wanted to commit suicide first just to make sure the primals didn't fully manifest.
Aero was a DPS loss unless you needed to squeeze an extra cast in a raid buff, or weave something, while it wasn't already up.
The very first harp-bow artifact is still the best bard weapon to this day.
eh I kinda disagree, dragon sight has the same cd as trick and getting it during it is nice, mnk, blm, sam, smn don't have burst each 60s
The empire was literally founded by an Ascian with the explicit purpose of having them go on an imperialistic conquering craze to spread chaos around the world
If you want a bad weapon, look at NIN's anima daggers. They're fucking awful.
so how rare are the mounts in the golden bunny chests?
i finally got my first one and all i got from it was a part so i could make the aether key thing and 20 offensive logo things
We don't know yet if he was already an Ascian when he founded it. I like the idea that he ascended later. He does consider Varis to be his blood, and not the blood of whatever poor bastard he was possessing, unless he's just saying that to fuck with him.
If you want bad weapons just look at all the Hydatos weapons
I love how the Ascians keep saying if only we knew "the truth" about the Echo that the Scions and Ascians would be of one mind yet literally refuse to divulge anything regarding said truth, leaving the WoL to continue fucking shit up for them
SAM at least has a dot every 60 seconds that wants to snapshot as many buffs as possible at the time of application. It lines up with Trick as well
MNK has IR every 60 seconds and even if they didn't, their potency output is still significantly higher than a NIN since Trick is a universal buff. Even if the NIN has a full trick with a bhava or TCJ in it and Duality, the monk is still going to do more damage in the tether window than the NIN
BLM and SAM just have high enough damage output that they don't give a shit, and it's going to hit SAM's DOT which is already more than anything a NIN can do. BLM tethering is not a good idea more because they're usually not able to move in range of it to adjust, plus you don't want to end up tethering them right before a blizzard phase.
SMN has DWT every 60s or so, pretty sure. They always have something to do in it anyway even if it's just applying dots and festers. They should be a bit lower but they're definitely still a better tether target than the ninja assuming all players are playing equally well
Think back to ARF, user. They're talking about literally one mind. It's Human Instrumentality. I am become you and we are become one.
Absolutely unredeemable.
Sandungs are at least better than all of these . WAR, DRG, and especially PLD get special mentions for being buttfuckingly awful.
Yeah, but Eureka weapons have sucked donkey dick past Anemos. They weren't an insult to all the hard work you did over the course of an expansion to get one like the Sandungs were.
>Eurekan SMN weapon
>nice looking book with moving dragon wings
>Hydatos upgrade
>becomes an ugly ass book without wings
I’m glad I have Mimesis to glamour over it
give me the tether
SCH's is the only one that looks passable, and even then there's still far better options
The non-glowing versions of some of them are okay but nothing manages to look better than ordinary dungeon/crafting gear and some of them like the WAR weapon are absolutely disgusting.
>those nin daggers
Where have I seen this before.
They're all bad simply by having generic mid-relic glows. Anima really upped the ante by having custom glows specific for each weapon.
There is no reason you'd ever want to use enochian before a pull anyway though
I like drk a lot without the glow
ok so individuality doesn't exist eh
Being a good player that doesn't complain about LB'ing? Shocker...
Literally the only weapon I got out of the shitfest that is Hydatos.
??? it gives you a damage amp, user. read your tooltips.
Stop being a weeaboo faggot gaijin? They dont want you around, no idea why you insist on playing with, and forcing your terrible ping onto them
I quite like RDM and BLM weapons. Granted glow is a bit on the nose for both, but they are still very fitting weapon for Warrior of Darkness
I want to buff my pre-pull cast of Blizzard III damn it
>is if you stripped everyone of these biological markers, put them into completely identical bodies
Biological markers are what makes up those bodies you ignorant cretin.
Even just stripping someone of those (a physical impossibility) would mean they’re a completely different person and then you go on to compound your stupidity with a contradictory idea of an ”identical” body bereft of the parts that define it.
The worst part isn’t that you’e a dumb fucking idiot but that you’re a conceited one confident of your non-starter positions.
you don't understand
that you need to be in combat add some clipping to it with high ping, it wasnt an issue in hw
>he plays DRK
No wonder you're shit
It's still pretty ugly for a DRK weapon desu. It's just okay relative to some of the other trash.
It still looks worse than the Baldur Blade, a weapon that dropped from a dungeon back in like 3.2 in HW
You can't use enochian without AF/UI anyway
>its been a few months since i last checked
>resub up
>still in jail
>its been about a year now
>get refund through steam
what ever happened to the amnesia bitch in the castle? does she and the samurai ever fuck?
To be fair if you're Australian you're going to have a terrible ping anywhere; but a JP server will give you the lowest, and unfortunately there's a big-ass difference between 150 and 200 ms and it's large enough to justify playing on a non English-speaking server.
Was pre-SB Miasma II ever worth it outside big trash pulls? I was a complete shitter at the game during my Heavensward times and pretty much disregarded the spell completely back then. Looking back at it now, far as I can tell it gets you 80 potency per enemy after the full 15sec time, making it just about worth it to cast once after Bane-ing and starting Blizzard II spam. Is that about right?
True, there used to be a time when i enjoyed playing FFXIV. Not anymore though.
This is probably the best Hydatos weapon, but Nothung and Cronos are unironically better.
Her psychotic gay brother showed up to torture her so he could turn her into a primal as a false flag.
She gets her memories back and then you have to kill her. Gosetsu is heart broken but lets it go, shaves his head, and becomes a traveling monk.
No, she regains her memories, becomes a primal, and dies while wondering if Goesetsu enjoyed the fruit she brought him while she was still amnesiac
Like he can talk with that silly hat of his
>Blizzard 2
What the fuck?
I liked the part in the most recent stormblood where you literally build a wall
Baldur Blade is still #1, closely followed by a few others like Nothung.
Used to be able to cross class it from Thaumaturge, and unironically it was SCH and SMN best spammable AOE for a long while because Tri-bind was fucking garbage and SCH didn't have anything
Blizzard II used to be a cross class skill healers could pick up.
I was poor and had less then 1m gil after nearly a full year of playing. Then I went through eureka and sold all the mounts and things from there on market. Made around 150M in two weeks or so, got to lvl 50 and beat ozma too.
Literally just go on Balmung and yell "owo".
I love Soul Sacrifice so much. It's sad Japan Studio didn't keep on making them. I'd take that over a BB2 any day.
Jesus Christ I’m glad I only started playing in Stormblood.
but that only gets him a girlfriend (boy)
>basic bitch gothic sword
The only acceptable sword for DRK is HellLight
ummmmmm wrong sweetie
Stopped playing a while ago, what's the purpose of that wall ?
>overdesigned edge swords
the best drk sword is diamond and none of you have it
There are two good PVP swords too. The one whose name I can't remember but is from the same set as the Revolver of the Wanderer, and the garo one
The game was actually more fun and skillful in HW. You missed out.
I'm not kidding either, SB's two big design philosophies for jobs was to kill skill bloat (understandable) and to raise every job's skill floor instead of telling shitters to get good or fuck off.
You cant use it without Umbral/Astral up so there wouldnt be a reason
>plastic leveling weapon
energy barrier to keep out garleans, mighta been allagan tech? I forget too
Do you even edge?
A new character is introduced (her brother, a Garlean ambassador and Zenos cocksucker) who does his best to jog her memory; she remembers everything and he supplies all the pieces for her to become a primal to get her revenge, in one big false-flag operation to ruin peace talks Doma is about to have with Garlemeld.
You're forced to put her down and the whole affair breaks Gosetsu's heart. Meanwhile they went to the effort of introducing the character who negotiated with her father to sell Yotsuyu into prostitution and he... just gets off totally scot-free, and it's never brought up again. Overall the amnesia arc is in very poor taste, features atrociously bad writing, and carries on the spirit of absolute giggling contempt the authors have for female characters.
I would have it but I had to spend my O8S pages on UWU gear
Keeping Garlean rats out of Doma.
It's an energy shield between Doma and Garlemald. Normally Garlemald could just fly around it, but Legatus Gabranth blew up Rabanastre which is the only other refueling station they could have used to make the trip.
>the character who negotiated with her father to sell Yotsuyu into prostitution and he... just gets off totally scot-free
She was sold by her husband, and it was all totally legal.
>carries on the spirit of absolute giggling contempt the authors have for female characters
Nigga what?
Ok so the great wall of China.
If you're Australian, you're already punishing everyone you play with bu choosing to play in the first place
>basic bitch
It's locked behind 2 HW dungeons and only drops from the final 2 coffers. Most people try to get it but stop after 5 times of not getting it.
FFXIV/Berserk Crossover WHEN? Surely they can get Miura to stop playing Idolmaster for 5 minutes to sign the papers
>very long katana
Leave Aerith to me.
>not going full anti-edge
isn't that the only reason you can't cast it before combat? if you didn't need that then you could
t. shitter without ucob sword
>not having the only grey/metal colored 2 handed greatsword in the game
Are these edited? Otherwise I'm downloading right now. I quit WoW because I sick and tired at their (((subterfuge))).
why the fuck would I want that ugly sword
Look at all this over designed garbage
>telling an honest working lad to go do the worst content Square has ever put out.
>this late into the expac.
>to try and farm some mounts and items that have lost their value and need time and luck to get.
Why would you tell anyone this ?
Truly the best looking one.
No, those are not edited. However, if your sole reason for getting into an MMO is politically-charged then you can just fuck right off.
Nope, those are 100% unedited dialogue.
Word of warning though, XIV is one of those games where the "it gets better 20 hours in" meme is real.
Nope, it's all real. A good portion of the game's story focuses on Ul'dah's refugee crisis. Both expansions so far have even happened as a result of it.
It stops Garlean airships from crossing over the Burn, which is the only viable route to take since Dalmasca got fucked and consequently their only other route with a refueling station went with it
No unlike the playerbase the jap devs are great.
>no cross-guard
>looks like it's made from foam, not metal
I like the bit of color the blue adds on the mythrite zweihander.
to make eorzea great again
I've been leveling DRK a bit in anticipation of Shadowbringers, and I ask, unless I decide I really want the Guts aesthetic later on, is there really any reason to glam anything besides what I have now? Which is to say, Storm Private's Haubergeon/Gauntlets/Sabatons, with the basic but beautiful Zweihänder. All I'm really waiting for at later levels is a cool helmet like the Ishgardians wear.
Love this sword, but my friends dont really feel any particular way about it. But they use the flashy shit like cronus and seeing horde so i guess i can imagine why
diamond and skofnung are the best
The perfect Valentione's day reward, just look at how it matches the theme!
>her husband
You what? She was sold off by her father; the character who actually organised it ended up becoming a member of the Doman Resistance, and was introduced in patch 4.1 (I think).
Even if what you say is true, just because it's legal doesn't mean it's ethical; and by doing that he's still guilty of creating the "monster" that came to be Doma's Viceroy.
>Nigga what?
Have you not noticed how this game treats its female characters as disposable? Ysale is another major example, and then you have Moenbryda.
To match your ugly personality.
To each their own, the model is still the same and great looking.
Heh, nothing personnel
To be fair, her parents consented to the whole thing, and she kills them
This was a genuinely baffling decision. It's almost as if SE has forgotten how to add material rewards to events that aren't housing items.
Go cut wood somewhere else pleb
>Have you not noticed how this game treats its female characters as disposable
The male characters are just as disposable.
What armor is this?
i always kinda liked lockheart
The one you get by winning 100x rounds of Seal Rock.
Enjoy never getting it.
Yeah if you're not a tank or a dragoon, there's ultimately no real reason to do eureka
>You what? She was sold off by her father; the character who actually organised it ended up becoming a member of the Doman Resistance, and was introduced in patch 4.1
She was married off to her husband Sashihai first. He was then the one who sold her to the brothel to pay his gambling debts.
>Have you not noticed how this game treats its female characters as disposable?
You listed two dead females compared to all the other female characters at the forefront of the story. The three main cities are all strong females. Minfilia, despite the hate aimed at her, is a great character. Y'shtola is literally the poster child of the game.
Oh yeah, all those disposable females, like the villain who died because she was a villain, and moenbyrda nad
girl you don't even know me, I just said diamond was the best looking one because it actually is pretty, god kefka is not even hard content like ucob
They probably forgot to actually design anything for Valentione's 2019 and decided to just put the Gigas Sword and Tonberry Knife as rewards instead of from the Gold Saucer like every other monster weapon glamour.
post a screenshot, I've never seen it
Literal seething warrior main
Remember, fellas: keep it simple.
This has an about 99% chance to be the case since the actual event itself is also recycled
Field Commander's coat
Dont bother trying to get it at this point
>Having shit taste comparable to a tranny
>friend buys drk lvling boost
>he wants seeing horde sword
>farm nidd ex with his lvl70 drg
>he greeds normal horde sword
>realizes the one without glow actually looks better
that looks great! What kind of foam did you use to make it?
>talking shit about best girl (brown)
I bet you like the CRP questline catslut.
Thanks for reminding me how much I hated that annoying bitch. God she was exactly like every fucking Miqo'te I've ever roleplayed with.
I will forever be salty over dragoons getting a proper fucking helmet with their Diamond set. What the fuck, square enix? Such an amazing helmet and it's for dragoons only.
>dhur tranny
FFXIV is unfortunately filled with lefties/trannys sooooo you're not really gonna escape it. I say this as someone whose center left, you wont escape it on FFXIV. Especially with Sony being buddy buddy with Squarenix, and moving to Califagnia as their headquarters. Eventually they'll probably gain some influence or political domain over the game in some aspect, because their presence/political leaning eventually draws those types into the game. All it takes is one special snowflake faggot getting triggered once over a word and you're banned.
tl;dr If you're really intent on playing, I'd say pick Adamantoise or Cactuar as your world. Avoid the most populated worlds in general to be honest. You wont escape political authoritarians in games anymore, no matter where you go, but at least the trannies/erpers are locked in the most populated worlds.
>Seal Rock is actually kind of fun
>24 man team shatter
I haven't done PVP since the GARO collab but yeah. Shatter actually had the potential to be fun with 8 man parties, where actually killing another team's party members actually has an effect on shit. But it never gives you 8 mans unless it absolutely has to.
This has nothing do with politics from my side. It has to do with characters, races, kingdoms, and factions that had an established lore and storylines suddenly acting outside of the reasonable and logical range of their stated characteristics and foundations. e.g. No matter how liberal or conservative people are, nobody cared about the lesbian undertones about a technically interracial couple in Arathi Highlands. Same thing that happened with League of Legends; nobody care Taric was homo: the champion; but then they decided to made an heterosexual, married with children, character into a massive faggot just for diversity points. Such practices should be punished with immediate cease of usage, which is what I did.
Pandering is fine when it's within what's already established. If you throw everything out the window for the sake of marketing to a broader demographic while simultaneously giving the finger to your customers, it's just insulting.
That's fine.
Good to know.
DRGchads win again, baby
Shared armor set never ever
please understand pld is the only tank so all fending set must have a circlet, blm is the only caster so all casters must have a black robe and whm is the only healer so healers must have a white and red robe.
>Adamantoise or Cactuar
why the fuck would you tell him to play on the tranny datacenter?
not an argument.
>healers must have a white and red robe.
I think you mean "we couldn't even be bothered with that so have the caster set but white"
Because the trannies get the boot to Crystal soon
>finally finish that godforsaken questline
>"teehee WoL, I get the feeling I'll be seeing you around ;)"
I fucking screamed it made me so angry.
I'm so fucking sick of this shit, I really am.
>want to make brass blade glamour
>the armor is for tanks but the shield is for thm/blm
>drg void ark chest suddenly gets redesigned out of nowhere
>let's throw a drk sword as reward for valentine
I have no idea what SE is doing at this point.
This. Adamantoise is chill and I have some friends on Cactuar who are too.
The data center split is going to have all those people migrating to Crystal.
They were good worlds when I played. I haven't played in 4 years or so though so What do I know now I guess.
white and red
the best healer sets are always the one that arent shared with casters
Back when you played PF wasn't cross-DC
Not even that
you have to go out of your way to find the NPC that trades elixers for it, which you have to buy from one of the fortune tellers
And by out of the way, I mean behind a house far away from the event area
I fucking wish she would go back into the light void. I was so happy when they dumped her.
I am too. At least the Skallic caster chest fits with either BLM or SMN depending on how you dye it.
Which is AF, oh, and High Allagan... and...
Honestly, other than one butthurt leftie in my FC, I have yet to find anyone talking about leftie shit. Most people only talk about game related stuff, wow shitposting and maybe new releases of other games
From what little research I've done so far, I'll stick with Odin EU, lowest amount of frogs there.
>Eventually they'll probably gain some influence or political domain over the game in some aspect
I plan to use the free trial to level everything to 35, then use the Amazon Prime code to do the same until 50. I assume that should take me long enough at a calm enjoying-the-lore pace until the new expansion arrives. If I see you're correct and there's a blatant paradigm shift when it comes to pandering, I'll just not buy it. Thanks for the advice.
Regarding trannies... well, I always play Tank classes in mmo, so I'll just try to group with people who doesn't seem to be lifeline-tier attention-starved.
>glamming anything but ucob weapons
Doing the same thing here, user. Is the amazon prime code non steam?
No Ley Lines there, but fuck me that's some big brained placement.
>ucob weapons
>not uwu
Pathetic. Enjoy your shit taste.
From what I'm reading is that there are two PC versions: "Steam", and "PC version". The amazon prime one is the "PC version", and won't work if you add it on the trial from the Steam version. It's somewhat confusing and nonsensical, desu. Also it seems for this amazon prime code, you need to make a twitch account and then link it to your amazon prime account.
>glamming something for the sole purpose bragging even though it's ugly
Healer Alexandrian was the worst. Ditto for Omega.
And Skalla all looks the same regardless of role.
>implying both ultimate weapons aren't cool as fuck
>try this every other week
>get completely wrecked
At least I now know how to slidecast through pantokrator 1 and part of panto 2.
Tfw you expected CLANG skill sounds, but got retarded 'kinda lightsaber' instead.
They lost all meaning once people started selling clears.
>all these shitter DRKs
Then again it's Yea Forums, the land where everybody thinks they're hardcore but their moms wont let them
Midan is the best set for all roles.
Don't respond to me because you already know it's true.
That's my biggest complaint with any melee class. The weapon impacts aren't satisfying enough. But at least on MNK if you equip a claw weapon you get a nice slicing sound.
Not when Gordian exists, faggot
>yellow dreadwyrm
only the axe is okay
>Talk shit.
>Dont post DRK.
Ante up mijo.
I don't play shitter jobs
t ninja
I just had a friend give me one, so I dunno about the means by which it is procured, I just don't want to lock myself into Steam, I've all but quit using it as of late.
>World first on both ultimates
>shitter job
watch how he retorts with muh meta
Still a shitter job. My evidence being that you = shitter and Yea Forums = shitters, and both of the above flock to DRK. Ergo, shitter job.
Whatever you say greylet lol
The best part is, for UCoB at least, shittera were all over the DRK for the following few day, asking why he played DRK for the fight because obviously there must've been some strat their therorycrafting overlooked
The DRK just said "I like playing DRK, that's all" and it literally blew their fucking minds, like the thought had never crossed their mind in the first place
You might want to try SE support and ask them, or ask your friend.
ni ono no no no no no delete this please no no no
Imagine, playing a job you like
What an absolutely alien concept
the only shitter jobs are pld, whm, rdm
Step the fuck down, faggots.
It's simple. JPs play the game and do ultimate for fun and for the challenge.
NAs do ultimate for bragging rights, and to post their weapons on twitter and idle in Limsa.
Neat club.
I'm pretty sure a lot of liberals unironically agree with this nowadays. See cultural appropriation, for instance. The whole point of them getting mad about that is the idea that outsiders will dilute and overtake the culture.
only femroes who pretend to be ogres usually use this
Now were fuckin talkin
Except that they also try to espouse multiculturalism and the two beliefs are literally mutually exclusive
>See cultural appropriation, for instance
Only when white people are the offenders.
they also believe only non whites have cultures
i'm pretty sure they still get mad about it when china does it.
So. How will they deal with bunny ears and helmets?
A.) Horribly clip through everything like Au Ra horns
B.) For full metal helmets, act as if they’re just flat underneath the helmet, and clip though hoods
C.) First part of B, but special ear sheaths for hoods like cats and potatoes
hey does anyone remember what the fanfest question was that made yoshi p groan and cringe and lean back in his chair last year
I don't know about last year, but the most recent one was concerning playable half-breeds.
Half breeds
I feel like he does this for every question at this point
that mighta been it
I'm a 98th BLM and a 100th BRD. Your opinion (and you in general) are invalid
Only the stupid shit that has no business wasting precious time at a fucking Q&A panel. Remember NA fanfest when he had a panel with Soken and everyone totally fucking ignored Soken in favor of asking Yoshi-P the same stupid fucking questions they've always asked? Koji had to step in and ask Soken something himself because the poor guy was falling asleep.
I hope shad raids don't recycle mechanics like omega did
>you know the entire fights at 50-70% hp
Yeah, and I'm a 100 MNK and 100 BLM.
I can claim fake shit too.
No serious group uses a BLM
Literally notoriously filled with shitters, you could wipe your ass and play one handed and you'd be orange.
Play a real job shitter.
>catgirl dark knight with a fucking dress trying to pretend they're some kind of mongolian demon warrior
lmao you're four foot fucking nothing you stupid catgirl fuck
>doesn't change animations to actually be clubbing, it's still swung like a blade
Bah, mediocre.
>i don't play shitter jobs
>trannybrd and blm
So out of these, which is the best looking set for tank glamour?
NA should just be barred from Q&As desu
What's next, that you get oranges on SAM? lol
>not just tapping S to turn around right as the cast bar fills
Non-Legacy control-using plebians make me fucking sick.
>tranny set
>tranny set
>tranny set
>tranny set
How about not having shit taste?
Diamond, clearly.
not that eu was much better and jp only ask housing questions
here comes the tranny-obsessed faggots again that literally can't stop calling everyone and everything trannies lmao
how does it feel to be this obsessed with trannies
i bet you are one lmao
Post the Flintstones one
>tfw main of each role is PLD/AST/RDM
dodged a bullet
You guys think leylines are bad? You should have seen the first incarnation of rune of power in WoW. The circle was absolutely minuscule and losing any uptime on the rune completely fucked over your Dps. It made arcane mage unviable outside of 25 man raids due to their chances of being targeted by rng mechanics.
>elemental + 1
the glow ruined that set
don't know why, but playing legacy, running to the side and having the camera slowly pan with you makes me feel sick.
if there was a way to change non-legacy S to running backwards I'd do that.
I like that the balmung quicksands is always filled with desperate males hoping for a female character to RP with them. Then a futa logs in and they all jump in and fight eachother to milk their cock.
>keyboard turning in an mmo
heavy shot or quick nock
Heavy shot has the higher number, obviously.
>using tranny controls
lmao, go buy another fantasia you fucked cunt
>whipping your camera around like a spastic instead of pressing one button to turn your character without moving your field of view at all
Bind A and D to Strafe Left/Right and the camera won't turn.
>using tranny shot
Fuck off.
>pressing s to turn around is keyboard turning
no it's not it just makes your character run toward the camera
>posting the tranny gif
>having arms so weak you can't even perform a smooth and swiftly controlled turn with your mouse and instead end up flailing around like a spastic
Need that help opening a bottle, buddy?
How obsessed are you with trannies that its your only word? This is so weird.
why are you all being so autistic right now
Seething greybabies
onions as FUCK, fuck off numale
You just backpedal if you strafe left or right and move backwards though.
Says the tranny dumbcunt, fuck off back to california nigger.
>it's only on drk instead of the actual unga job
What did Yoshi mean by this?
>right now
The domans got actual jobs and integrated with Mor Dhorna. Ala Mighans just loiter in Ul'dah and whine about why Eorzea isn't immediately marching to liberate Ala Migho while ignoring that Ala Nigro were oppressive tyrants trying to destroy Eorzea for generations.
Yea Forums and /vg/ are both filled with awful players who pretend they're worth a shit. A lot of people here have never cleared a single savage instance. Ignore them and stop taking the bait. They'll give up and go back to ERPing with their girlfriend (male)
>using tranny nock
Nock yourself, tranny.
I'm an orange nin
brd is fucking easy, only trannies play it, like sch
because warriors get rocks tied to sticks.
Absolute leftist.