>My room-mate is called me a sissy furfag for playing Animal Crossing
What do?
My room-mate is called me a sissy furfag for playing Animal Crossing
kiss him on the lips
Call them a sissy furfag for not playing Animal Crossing.
peanus weanus haha
he's not wrong
Stop being a sissy furfag.
He sounds based
fucking mount him and show him who the real sissy is, it’s the only way to recover
Considering these.
He's a stupid normalfag ironic weeb and is probably reading this thread right now.
Fuck you Matt
fuck you matt is based
Prove him wrong and suck his dick
im jewish, btw. if that matters
Imagine having to live in the same room as a complete stranger just to go to school. Lol americans
can I have your roommate please?
He is correct. Animal crossing is for furfags ans casuals who cant play challenging games.
Fuck off tripfag
This. You have to make a power play here, OP. Reassert dominance.
Seething casual nintendofaggot :)
Hey Yea Forums, Matt here
Quit being a little crybaby bitch and get your gf ready for me, op
Show him a real furfag and start acting like an animal shitting on the floor and howling at night
Show him and us your penis to prove you aren't
Have you tried to stop being such a sissy furfag?