What games have the best PvP?
What games have the best PvP?
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>Punching him after he's down
Stupid white faggot
why are w*iteoids such savages?
Shameless discord tranny samefag
Its true though, hitting someone when they cannot fight back in the back of the head is a shit move
>sexually deprived w*iteoid incel can't stop thinking about men with tits
>that white car just slowly backing away
Lol. Guessing this is oklahoma since that's a Quiktrip
I'm sure someone has one of the hundreds of webms of niggers doing the same thing.
The difference is that niggers gang up on one person.
This was one on one.
lol thats for all the 5 on 1 nigger ambushes you monkeys always do. absolute congo tier.
Pseudo thread
>w*iteoid plebbit incel tranny double zoomer cuck
Ok, try to hold yourself to a higher standard user
don't stop til the ref pulls you off
Dark Souls
>race bait the thread
Is that skin hanging off his head? WTF is that?
why are his punches so shi? why didnt he just put him in a bloodlock?
Yea Forums would improve by 40% if the phrase "what games have/has" was an instant ban
Prove me wrong.
You cant
Maybe he should've put up a better fight instead of windmilling like a nigger.
Surprised the wakandan didn't have 10 others to back him up.
Day of the rope is coming nigger.
Classic WoW
Just ride around on your mount and gank lowbies all die. It's actually pretty fun.
This, niggers are animals
he said best pvp, user, not worst
Thanks for creating Israel, asshole.
lol nigger
niggers always attack in packs, attack from behind and always hit you when you're down
kill yourself
This never happens. Meanwhile you can look up photos of mobs of white niggers lynching one guy
i don't think this thread is about video games at all, guys
israel goo. jews bad
Absolutely pathetic why are you lying so much?
>race baiting
>something worth getting bothered by