Does it make anyone else happy that they're still around even though they don't go there anymore?

Does it make anyone else happy that they're still around even though they don't go there anymore?

I remember hanging out there back when Adult Swim still showed anime.

Attached: gamefaqs.jpg (768x559, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I remember going there when Adult Swim was first invented. They had a POTD asking if you watched, but I didn't know what it was so I voted as if it was watching grownups swimming.

It's a corpse of a site, but a useful one for FAQs and guides. Seriously, you can break 20 rules at once and you won't get banned

I still use the site occasionally to look up stuff for older games

The polls are neat. I wish we have daily pinned poll from admin/janny so we have more things to argue everyday.

A I e x helped me countless times with JRPGs

Anytime I remember it exists I check what my "rank" is.

I'll be SAGE in 2 years.

Attached: adventrising.jpg (286x348, 13K)

Who here are CEmen?

I remember the days long ago of character speculation for Smash Bros Brawl and even the first Mario and Sonic at the Olympics right there on the GameFAQs boards. It was my first real taste of internet meme culture.

Gacha game boards are pretty active.

Damn the memories.. it was the go to site for completionists back when Wikis and Plat Guides weren't a thing.

>The polls are neat

Do Cloud and Link still dominate the character battles?

>when adult swim still showed anime

Attached: smugzard.jpg (500x334, 33K)

my only experience with gamefaqs was raiding them when the IGN boards had autistic troll campaigns against other big message boards, if you saw gay nigger porn being spammed that was probably me

Soul vs Soulless(wikis)

Sorry, I meant.
>good anime

Fullmetal Alchemist
Wolf's Rain
Samurai Champloo
Cowbow Beebop

Is she hot?

>no trigun
You ain't my nigga

>not being a NGGer

you forgot

Big O
Detective Conan

Does anyone still write faqs?

The game boards outside of the most popular ones are like the last remaining vestiges of 2000's forum internet. It's like a time capsule except there's still new threads.

E. jerk it with luigi

I forgot about those.

I still visit to talk with certain people on a hijacked game board

that's nothing to be proud of

Yes, I do. This thing's like an Old Testament to all the videogame walkthroughs and mechanics analysis. Despite the direction the place went it'd be a big loss when it croaks.

the resources on offer can be useful, but the forums are just Yea Forums without anonymity, which is to say they’re complete shit

this is what people said before kmart went bankrupt
if you want them to stick around, support them!

Gamefaqs is really useful for documenting many strategies, tips and secrets that you would have a harder time finding elsewhere. Honestly, since the number of FAQ on that site have been drying up, I wonder where else people go to find that type of info for newer games.

>Top 10 Wanted FAQs
>1 - FFTA2
That was a time when JRPGs and ARPGs thrived on the handhelds. I so want it to come back.

FAQs for older games are still useful, certain boards are still pretty fun too. I'm thankful it's still around.

? Block, signed up to use it back when FFX came out. Was looking for advice with the 0.0 Chocobo Race.

Anyone ever submit anything? Pic related, it's a map I made for Back to the Future II and III on the NES.

Attached: 64624.png (1246x1789, 126K)

>Microsoft and Sony fear the Wii

dunno why this made me laugh

I still go there. However, now that they've changed the purge limits to be extremely generous, I feel like I lost my purpose (bumping some very old threads I had there)

I still go there for the poll.

The first online account I ever made was on Gamefaqs, way back in like 2006. I still regularly visit a few of the boards.

what the hell is wrong with their font?
why did they make it so the verticle lines are fainter than the horizontal lines?

Attached: font.png (984x882, 61K)

FAQs are still pretty good and there's always at least some kind of discussion on obscure game specific boards, even if it's mostly autists that have hundreds of posts there.

it's still useful for gathering information
much more focused on gameplay and internal mechanics than I'd find on other places that that kinda info would sometimes be gathered on like reddit
reddit really sucks for it because the site software is atrocious and you have to sift through a ton of garbage to get it, some sometimes they're the only place to find certain info actually compiled in any way

Hoo boy. I distinctly remember submitting something regarding RE4 for the Cube back when it was new. The part at the lake, if you go back the way you came you would encounter wolves.

Well I submitted that and it was rejected. Then later on I find out someone else submitted the same thing and it passed. I was pretty mad.

I still have a ways to go
If you go to your account you can see your user level. Pointless but fun.

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-011201.jpg (1379x411, 122K)


>lively boards for obscure games you loved slowly died
>last new thread was two years ago
>last post was 8 months ago

Do they even make print guides for games anymore?
Anyways, I do miss GameFAQs. I prefer reading through text files of game theories and series explanations than hearing nasally voiced thirty somethings doing it on Youtube.

Your browser is fucked, it's the same as always for me.

Yeah, but instead of seeing 20 for a game now you see one or two usually. Some games don't have any though, smaller games like Fatal Frame V.


He's alright, but I'm more thankful for SplitInfinity's autism, though he always way overlevelled for games.

All submittals are rejected the first time. Many times I would submit something for it to be rejected for a bunch of reasons, and I would wait a day and submit the same exact file and it would get posted.

>Do they even make print guides for games anymore?

They sorta do but it's mainly achievement lists and multiplayer maps in some think megabook

oh god the kingdom hearts boards
i remember everyone looking forward to kh3 and that was like back in 2007

would be funny if they waited all this time

Why wouldn't I still visit it? I don't only play new games. Don't tell me you don't re-visit classics or play classics you've missed.

>Despite the direction the place went

What do you mean? You talking about the Gamespot merger? That's the last big even I remember.

Same. I vividly remember partaking in a 500 post thread about the lore of the GTA franchise back when 4 came out and rebooted the series. Probably the best discussion I've ever had on the internet.

Wish I knew that back then. I never tried submitting anything after that. I was that bummed out.

tfw voted in the polls for what feels like 15 years now

GameFaqs was my go to place before I discovered Yea Forums in 2007. I will always love it.

When did you join? I've been a member since 2002 and I'm at level 31, 32 in 83 days.

People just use Youtube now, annoyingly enough. I was surprised that there's nothing like it for Japanese. The best method for finding guides in Japanese I've found is Googling the game name followed by 攻略 (strategy).

Only other "big event" I can remember is Sailor Bacon/SBAllen taking over. That place is pretty much locked in time, nothing big has happened to it for years.


>all those fucking fujos
>the guess the heartless threads that somehow reached multiple hundreds of iterations
As a sidenote, I found it funny when I went to the KH3 board and they had a sticky with some clearly ass-mad person telling everyone that the KH OC was all property of Disney and trying to force this as fact for everyone. It was so out of place it was hilarious.

2006. I think it's based off of time+posts+days logged in or some shit.

Oh right. You reminded me of when some bug happened and login in would log you into CJayC's account. It happened to be and I was pretty surprised.Didn't do anything except look at a few moderation notices though. Should've hone to LUE

Does LUE even exist anymore? I bet the place is dead now.

Yeah I forgot about it myself until just now. It can't be but a shadow at this point. From what I know it was just an early version of Yea Forums, but without the child porn.

>Being a CEman
>Not being an RIgger

It's still the first place I go for guides if I need something. I can't break the habit.

I remember reading guides about games I didn't even own just because it was fun. I miss those days.

Attached: 1475870096552.jpg (597x589, 80K)

I still go all the time. The only game forum of old that never banned me.

I remember spending a lot of my teenage years on EP and RI.

I got banned in 2003 because for whatever reason I thought it'd be fun to post Aria Giovanna porn. Thought the account I made right after is still active.

>Member Since January 7th, 2005 (14 years ago)

I've actually been around since 2000 but I mainly just lurked the message boards, took FAQS and printed them at school

I remember printing a 23 page Kirby 64 guide even though I had only rented it and I think I'd taken it back already.

I used to frequent Smash 3DS boards there when the game came out. Before that I used to look up pokemon shit when Diamond and Pearl released

I got banned from some board for saying someone had down syndrome, good times.

From what I've seen they're far more lax on the rules these days. They've even gotten over the censored swearing rule finally.

i think it's funny you can use average swear words now when you couldn't even say bitch when i used to post

so you don't have to say sh!t and fu ck?

>when you either had to buy the official guide or waste paper and ink to print a guide to have it conveniently available while you were playing

Take me home

I used to have a LUE account but then went onto The Forum and sometimes went to CE

I got a warning for calling someone an @$$hole in like 2007. Now I call people fuckin idiots on there all the time and they do not care. I love it.

Yep. You can act somewhat like you're on Yea Forums now. I think I even saw people calling each other retards. Calling each other niggers is still probably out of the question though.

All I remember being available was "ass" with the common swearing filters

>7 minutes to print one page on your 1998 HP Colorjet because you left the color on

When will skyrim stop being number 1?

Attached: 4f8.jpg (338x358, 22K)

Are you kidding me? you can get banned for anything on Gfaqs. Look at the ED article there was a guy who literally had his message deleted for calling someone a dummy. Now neo-Yea Forums is pretty much turning into that what with chinese moot selling Yea Forums to the Russians now.

It was unironically pretty good back in the day. It was like a SFW Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

makes sense, maybe I'll go back and check it out

>chinese moot selling Yea Forums to the Russians

what's all this now?

Read a few posts above. It's not the same Gamefaqs you once knew.

CE was always just a faggy Yea Forums.

>That one Heart of China board that always posted pictures of Asian girls and then made their own forum so they could post naked ones

The forums gone and I think last I checked no one posts Asian girls on the Gamefaqs board anymore.

I used to do the same thing.
Back before we had the internet at home, I'd copy random FAQs onto a 3.5 at school just to read them at home. Found out about many interesting games that way.

The message boards were dumpster fire tier. I'd rather post on fucking reddit.

Seeing how Gamefaqs is today, I think it's probably better than Reddit.

>no gundam W
>Tenchi muyo
>rorouni kenshin
>no Big O
>that samurai power rangers

ah i see you weren't there when tsunami came to life.

Days spent with active posts on the board, or at least that's what it was last I knew.
It used to be just days since account creation, so lots of the older users had higher ranks just for being there, and quit going up if they never posted.

>that samurai power rangers

I loved Ronin Warriors.

I remember liking Ronin Warriors but for the life of me I cannot remember a single detail about that fucking show

>look at console message boards
>half the threads are troll threads and console warring
>the accounts posting them are usually from like fucking 2002-05 meaning the people wasting their time doing this are most likely not teenagers, but full-grown adults

Attached: 60366931.jpg (1300x1210, 172K)

Yea Forums is probably completely identical except you have no way of knowing for certain

so just like Yea Forums then

Attached: 1407116754612.gif (400x388, 280K)

Pretty boy samurai
Annoying kids
Badass white tiger
Evil Emperor Talpa from the Netherworld is trying to invade Japan for some reason


Attached: gfaqs.png (1148x105, 12K)

I was there but I never watched any of those shows. Inuyasha was where I got my start.

The mods are massive SJWs and the game specific boards are nothing more than fanboy circlejerks, there are still a few boards worth going to but the site is just shadow of its former self now.

I'm surprised the site is still active.

Yes, The standings this year was this
> Males
1. Link
2. Cloud
3. Mario
4. Pikachu
5. Crono
6. Mega Man
> Females
1. Zelda
2. Samus
3. Pikachu
4. Tifa
6. Amateratsu
> Overall
1. Link (Winner)
2. Cloud
3. Zelda
4. Mario
5. Samus
6. Crono
7. Mega Man
8. Snake
9. Pikachu
10. Tifa

>and the game specific boards are nothing more than fanboy circlejerks, there are still a few boards worth going to but the site is just shadow of its former self no

This sounds pretty much like the Gamefaqs I've always known.


Oh right, I always think of that whenever I see the name Anubis. I remember whenever I went to the Anbuis level in Jet Force Gemini after the show went off the air, I felt a pang onf longing until the series was released on DVD some years later.

I really dislike the formatting of most these style 攻略, even though it's usually clean and concise, it feels like it was designed for the internet of 10-15 years ago and just never decided to get better... Most Japanese wiki articles seem to suffer fro the same.

Yet, regular old plain-text guides in any other language are still aesthetically pleasant as ever.

Part of me wonders if it's just because of how little space Japanese text takes up compared to English, but I'm not sure.

Attached: ポケモン赤緑の攻略.png (876x719, 220K)

No way, i used to go to the Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) boards and the community there was top notch while also acknowledging the flaws of the game, very little fanboyism.

>I really dislike the formatting of most these style 攻略, even though it's usually clean and concise, it feels like it was designed for the internet of 10-15 years ago and just never decided to get better... Most Japanese wiki articles seem to suffer fro the same.

Yeah, I feel the same way. Japanese are traditionalist as fuck, so that's probably exactly why it is that way. But it is nice though at times, sometimes I just want to look for one small thing and they tend to be really easy to find in Japanese guides since they only list the bare essentials.

Well, I used to visit the Legacy of Kain boards and it's true that they weren't quite like that. They had a pretty tight community and had fun most of the time. Too bad it looks like everyone from those days, who also used to hang out on the forums are gone.

Those contests are always a shit show or a circlejerk with 0 in between it seems.

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-024439.jpg (1080x4615, 1.23M)

user, the mods actually protect certain users there from bans if you pay them, there are several users there who have confessed to such a thing and even confessed to crimes such as gangrape that they have the mods on their payroll so much that if you even try to bring up the crimes you get instantly banned.

Boy, i remember lurking and seeing all those threads. And then it hit me in the face like a truck, no matter how many threads, or discussion there was, i could never really get into the core of it because the conversations are fucking slow.

After i found Yea Forums in 2007, i never went back.

>That one user who made his own community board and just talks to himself over and over again because nobody else would join it

He's still there,too. Megaman and Sonic boards for those curious. It's disturbing as hell

The one with L Block winning was pretty good, it upset so many kids.

>The message boards now have video and image embedding, continuing through quotes as well

Disgusting. Takes out the charm of text-only boards.

Attached: i don't like your guts.png (130x150, 5K)

IIIRC the Draven one was because the League subreddit raided it and that pissed off a lot of people.

I had an account for the boards there I made in 2003 and I don't remember the pass for it



They must have changed it I just checked and im a few months off sage but I haven't logged in or posted in years.

Never used to come to GameFAQs.

My only knowledge of the place is Yea Forumsirgings telling other Yea Forumsirgins to go back there, and this one crush I had twelve years ago spending about as much time there as I did on Yea Forums.

used to post on the FFXI board before the NA PS2 version was coming out

Yup, that'd be him. He's still at it and its sad as fuck. All attempts to talk to him have failed

What the absolute fuck

Attached: what.png (1646x957, 84K)

>there were people mad it was L-Block and not Straight-Block
Casuals. Everyone knows L-Block has the most soul and personality. Z-Block is the only other one that even comes close.

That's kind of sad.

Is that guy still as active?

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-040046.jpg (991x1710, 732K)

So not counting the outside rigging from Reddit with Draven & Undertale. Zelda/Link has basically won every single time except to L Block, FF7 & Cloud

I thought L-Block was a brigade too? Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

I *think* Mario may have won some? Sephiroth for certain polls. I wanna say Samus won something, but it's probably just my delusion.

Yeah, I am. Used to go there quite a bit, but not so much anymore though. And they can still be pretty based sometimes as well:

Mario won CB4 and Samus won CB5.

Shit you are right, pretty sure Yea Forums or IGN raided the L block one
Link was banned from those brackets & restricted to Tournament of champions or battle royals among the noble nine

Their anime board has constantly been donating to Vic and actively assisting his not lawyer in tearing down all the allegations against him

90% of the time it's quicker to look up a video on YouTube. Collectibles are best shown on video... especially Crackdown 3 orbs.

Who? Sorry, but I don't know what you're going on about. I never visited the anime board there anyway.

I still go there, I used to frequent the anime boards, I even saved this picture from the Toonami/TV anime board. A picture with an extremely specific in-joke that makes no sense unless you were reading the topic this was made in. What's more shocking is not only do I still have this on my HD, but I think I saw this same picture get reposted on Yea Forums. Don't remember when, probably been a couple of years. All I know is, I know you're out there!

Attached: SMALB.jpg (642x479, 105K)

Youtube is great for collectables and such, but otherwise I still prefer text guides.

>Ctrl+F [Search time]
>Read it


>Try to find a video with the section you need. Not too hard usually
>Skip around until you find the part you need
>If you live in a small American town with 2004 internet, wait for it to load
>Hope the player actually covers what you want

Anyone else start going through their old posts there after seeing this thread? It's a bit strange seeing how my opinions have changed over the years, I'm definitely glad it's still around though. I really hope it doesn't meet the same fate as the imdb boards

I just went there yesterday for some Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 cheats. It's still useful for walkthroughs.

Yes, it exists. It was possible to get grandfathered access but if you ever got banned afterward you cannot return. Thus it's boring now because no one who remains wants to have access revoked.

I try not to look at my old posts, though nothing hurts worse than my posts on an Anime Music Videos website when I was 15.

I remember when you people left your forums with screen names and moderators and seemlessly adapted to anonymous posting
Oh wait that never happened. Fuck all of you motherfuckers

It's too complex to go into fully here but the Japanese net is in short like that because they adopted smart phones 10 years earlier.

What are you talking about, fellow user?

Then I guess I must not exist. A figment of your imagination.

>Anyone else start going through their old posts there after seeing this thread? It's a bit strange seeing how my opinions have changed over the years, I'm definitely glad it's still around though. I really hope it doesn't meet the same fate as the imdb boards
I regretted looking instantly

Holy fuck I haven't seen this picture in years.

One of the first gaming site i browsed. It was around 1994-1995 i guess, i remember i was playing Ultima 8. I lost my first account and they banned one I made in 2008. Now i've a new one made in 2013.

Attached: 1552240452521.gif (607x609, 514K)

>When you desperately try to fit in with AMSB, but fail because you don't have enough bantz and are desperate in the first place.
The place really tempered my arguing skills though.

Lurked 313 mainly, but occasionally CE

Last time I remember going there was in 2014 before the release of Smash 4 for the 3ds. I was posting like a madman begging for one the special demo codes since I wanted to play early. Actually getting emailed one after posting all day was so damn satisfying.

Are you sure it's not someone training a bot?

I remember when LUE was closed to new users, so everyone flooded USL. I used to hang out on a few system boards like a decade ago. I wonder if my account is still active.

I used to use GameFAQs solely to look up cheat codes.

I miss cheat codes, why the fuck did they go away

Imagine how much love it takes to write a 865kb guide for a game, beautiful.

Damn, nintendo zealots in nutshell.

Attached: IMG_1296.jpg (947x614, 153K)

What I find impressive are the people who still post on games that are a decade old. Go on the Valkyrie Profile 2 board, for example, and ask a question, and this one guy, who has as much knowledge on the game as the devs, would respond really quickly. I can't even remember anything from games that I played last year.

Holy shit it is

Attached: huh.jpg (827x630, 130K)

>we gone from teenagers complaining about loneliness to grown men that are married and have children and have high paying jobs

why is there so much fake old fagging lately.

>find a guide for an old game
>guide was made in notepad, with ascii art.
The only way to find certain part was to use ctrl + f function. That was the real shit, man. I loved it.

>he wasnt around for the call gamer tips hotline era.

Do teenagers think people above the age of 20 don't use the internet?

I still prefer it to using some crappy ad-ridden wiki or those stupid sites which spread 6 paragraphs worth of info out over 10+ pages. I hope it never dies.

Oh fuck, I remember this. My grandmother and I called about something in Donkey Kong Country 3.

Fuck, I forgot to take off the phony trip.

No tripnigger its more that its obvious the people trying to old fag arent even old.

Yeah the internet made it easy to just no skill/no thought your way through everything. Cannot even recall the last time i ever used a guide.
Where is the fun in that.

If you say so. Everyone here seems to be pretty genuine.

Just because you haven't been around that long doesn't mean that everyone else it pretending. Considering people are growing up with the internet nowadays, there's going to be more and more in the future.

Joined in 2005 and only rank 33 since I never saved my credentials for desktop or laptop upgrades over the years.

If I had stayed logged in every day I would've been a Sage.

>that guy who wrote a FAQ like it was tie in novel
I'm sad that Wiki killed such cool things.

Attached: ib.gif (250x252, 89K)

im older than you faggot

There is a lot of fake old fagging because of the retro hipster craze and endless clickbait trivia articles.
Worst i've seen is some kid try to claim he was a gamer from the 70s

I joined in 2004 and have a rank 38. Could possibly have 42 since I'm a game translator, but it feels kinda pointless to ask since I don't really care about that stuff anymore.

I thought the retro craze ended a few years ago. I'm sure there are people pretending to be older than they are, but it's equally sad that young people think everyone's pretending.

No im not young i know for a fact people make up shit.
Its even worse for chan culture
>some fag finds an archived thread from the start of Yea Forums
>yep thats me the first Yea Forums poster

>Sometimes see people who would get into an argument
>One did the cunts decides because to waving his dick about how much karma he had and it magically makes his point right
>It backfires because I had way more
>Suddenly he's apologetic
I never understood this stupid shit. Your karma/post count/user level didn't make you right but some faggots loved to pretend it was.

I know people have always done it. They like to do it with old memes here, like this. And on some forum I once saw a kid pretending to be a vampire that saw the fires of London.

Attached: 1333266799466.jpg (600x511, 89K)

My karma was always absurdly low since I almost never posted.

Attached: karma.jpg (739x430, 88K)

epeen on an anonymous imageboard

It's literally just a few 30-something liberals circle jerking each other these days. It's not even worth being called LUE anymore.

>completely immersed in the mood of an exciting game

Use "no commentary". I wish an equivalent existed for Japanese videos though. It's very hard to find one without some loud Nip talking and yelling non-stop.

>Say open opinion that isn't popular
>Those fags that though they were funny and said "Here's your flame shield"
>Mention news that is a few hours old
>That faggot replies again
>Sure is cOLD in here!


I have around 12 accounts on gamefaqs. I still use the site and post a few times a week. Gamefaqs used to great when it was more active.

Go home dt

>I have around 12 accounts on gamefaqs.
>Gamefaqs used to great when it was more active.
Is this one of those there are only 3 people on the internet things?

The crazy shit is when you visit a board for an obscure GBA or DS game and it's still active but the posts are a few days / weeks apart.

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