Thoughts on Pandoria?
Thoughts on Pandoria?
V cute :3
I want to see porn of her.
I want to rape zeke in front of her
She is a good caretaker.
She has a lovely butt
Zeke and Pandy should've been the main characters.
I like how she has light bulb elbows
someone failed anatomy class
plot device that quickly becomes irrelevant just like half of the cast
half? Nia is literally the only character who doesn't get shafted in the Rex and Pythra show
Someone explain to me what a blade is and why they're all girls.
Why aren't her glasses transparent until Ch6?
The only bone I can name without a doubt is the skull
Her name's Saika, what kind of shitty fucking name is Pandoria
nice thighs
Pandoria and Dromarch fit more in the "lucky they're not a rare blade" category than plot device
Pandoria opens up the big snow titan
not seeing origins for both those names.
I've never played the game or watched any significant amount of it, but my current theory is that they're some form autonomous super weapon that is either man made (completely synthetic android anime girl/super weapon), semisynthetic (originally human anime girls that were experimented on to become superweapons), or they're some form natural magical blessing/power that anime girls are rarely blessed with (I presume that they have to awaken it or activate it). I'm currently guessing it's some mix of these options. They made them all girls because (I'm guessing) they tried to emulate how mobile games (such as kantai collection) have waifus you can level up which makes people grind solely for the satisfaction of seeing their waifu level up.
They could had given that to any rare blade as long as it was Zeke's
Its a personified weapon and they're not all girls
most realistic waifu, if that's your thing. Makes a great pair with Zeke. too bad she never uses skirts.
Artificial life forms bound to living beings, mostly humans. They themselves are near immortal and can regenerate from any wound (unless they take direct damage to their core) but if the human they are bonded to dies, they are returned to their core and can be bonded to another human. Returning to their core erases all their memories, though.
Blades can be humanoid or animal-like. The reason why most of them are cute girls is because the developers outsourced to a bunch of different character designers and only specified what weapon they wanted to be used used and what element they were supposed to be, so most of the artists returned cute girls.
Her feet are super cute. :3
they're basically semi-organic(or something, the original tech was supposed to be some kind of brain cell replacement but that whole explanation was kind of brushed over) computers that are designed to gather information about the world and the person they're bonded to.
the weapons are something they evolved to come with, because that's what humanity wanted, or something. there's a bunch of other shit involved but it takes too fucking long to explain.
and they're not ALL girls. it just ended up that way.
monolith soft let the guest artists design whatever they wanted for the rare blades, and almost all of them ended up drawing cute girls because japan
still more useful than big white cat
She was cuter with the foggy glasses.
It's the Arabic word for lighting(strike)
I can only assume it's a another name for Pandora. As to why they picked that, no idea. She is the gift that opens up luxlia or what ever they changed it to in English?
Dromarch was only there to have someone yell "ojou-sama!"
>spent 20 years babysitting young Zeke and learning how to do synchronized chuuni poses with him
>Dragged his body through the forest to save him
>Gets to spend eternity with him while all the other drivers will die of old age
Meanwhile Brighid just wants to put Morags name in her book and then die