>Team Rocket is basically the mafia
>Team Magma and Aqua are Eco terrorists
>Team Galactic is a cult
>Team Plasma is an extremist Pokemon rights group
>Team Flare is... Uhhhhh
>Team Skull is nothing more than a bunch of hoodlums with nowhere else to turn
>Aether foundation is just doing their job, It's only Lusamine and Faba that are insane.
Hopes for the next team?
Team Rocket is basically the mafia
Other urls found in this thread:
The next villainous teams should be a group of refugees who want to impose Sharia Law on the Galar region.
I hope you post lewds.
Team Flare doesn't fit
The next villain team should be a bunch of fucking pigs asking people for their Pokémon licenses.
I really like Team Galactic desu.
At first they seem about as stupid as Magma and Aqua, but when you pay attention, you realize that none of the grunts are remotely aware of Cyrus's plan, not even the admins are aware of the full scope. They just follow Cyrus because of charisma and empty promises, its also why most of the grunts are retards. The moment that what's going on becomes clear, the majority bail.
Cyrus is pretty cool desu.
Sounds based
The new enemy should be team Sharia, consisting of Muslims trying to force their culture and customs on the native people of the region.
Team Flare are Nazis
how old are you OP
Next team will be immigrants trying to spread their anti-pokemon messages and using Grimer's and Muk's to throw acid at people's faces
Nah, they’re just Tumblr retards with corporate backing. They tried to end the world so they could brag about being right about climate change.
don't mind me, just posting the best pokewoman in this thread
Flare were nazis. Think about it, they were super fashionable and tried to genocide everyone.
No one cares derailing faggot
I think a combination of Team Plasma's outfits and hair and the Galactic's scope of taking over the region would be excellent, maybe they could even do masks, but that might make them less memorable and they love to make attractive female grunts.
I dont care about the gen1 nostalgiawank but Team Rocket is still the best team that made most sense for the scale and setting of the games.
I still don’t get why they were called Team Plasma. All the other team names made some form of sense (granted, Rocket didn’t really with the exception of the motto in the show and Flare is more based on the color of their outfits), but Plasma had nothing to do with plasma. Like at all.
This, my favourite thing about Cyrus is he's fully commited to his ideals. He'd rather willingly stay in poke-purgatory for eternity than face a world he deems imperfect because of emotions and will.
Rocket is my third favorite after Skull and Aether. The Foundation is the "squeaky-clean kind of creepy scientists" trope that i really love and everything about Team Skull is so good, from their mannerisms to their theme song. It also helps that deep down they're just a bunch of dorks who lost their way, not necessarely bad people. Guzma is especially likeable in a relatable sort of way.
Team Plasma had great designs. Both the weird medieval outfits in BW1 and the cool ninja outfits in BW2. Plus N, Ghetsis, and Colress are top tier.
Shame they are painfully ugly
While I agree with you, Team Rocket were pretty much generic bad guys.
I feel Team Skull is the best since they have more personality, style, and are ultimately just a band of misfits that actually seem some form of redemption and aren’t just “we want to rule the world”.
I remember when /vp/ collectively nutted for around 3 days when Wicke was revealed. Good times.
I've only watched old pokemon cartoons so that's Team Rocket for me
Gen V had the best character design overall.
Or the new team is just bunch of sjw's who try to things like evolve female nidoran into nidoking or female kirlia into gallade what end up making bunch of Lovecraft style abominations.
They believe Pokemon's gender are social construct.
And the best protag designs
I want to nut in Elesa
Team Flare are totalitarians (Nazis and commies) plus something something global warming.
Team Rocket is a goddamn softball team.
>Matching outfits
>mascot pokemon
>they give you money if you beat them
>doesnt even beat you up even when you lose to them
They are a softball team.
Why are all the female grunts so hot?
I dunno, they seem familiar, tho.
The only ones who made sense and were down to earth are the Rockets. In Gen 1 they were exactly the mafia with main poaching division (100% sensible in the vein of the setting) and gambling for extra income. All that to funnel into undercover morally ambigious pokemon DNA and cloning research (which is again 100% sensible for the setting). Giovanni was the center of all branches and divisions and having created such a well working system as well as official surface identity as Viridian Gym Leader we can definitely tell he was pretty skilled at the managing position he was holding.
But Rockets having lost their leadership in Gen 2 and being led by less experienced and professional admins turned into a far more ruthless and indiscrete criminal organization. Cutting slowpoke tails, influencing local fauna with radiowaves so in the open without any cover was what Giovanni would never do.That and their basically suicide terroristic operation of overtaking Goldenrod Radio Tower with hostages on board was absolute fucking nuts and unrequired. We can blame that on inexperience, less diligence from admin crew and desperation. But still it made sense in how down to earth their methods and goals were.
Now other Teams were just villainous plot devices to showcase a brand new legendary and allow the player to ultimately interfere and have an attempt at catching it. Legendaries themselves occasionally had pretty sweet lore about themselves though up until Arceus reveal at which the lore power level reached its absolute peak. After that legendaries just felt like token mandatories being churned out on a treadmill.
It's obvious you never touched Sun and Moon.
>were down to earth are the Rockets.
Team Skull in Gen 7 are literally a bunch of goofy gangster misfits with no grandiose goal and are silly as hell.
Yeah, I did not because I couldn't swallow the direction shift the franchise took after going 3DS. Doubt I'm going to play Su/Mo anytime at all but I'd be glad to read up about team narrative going there if you got something to tell.
>with no grandiose goal and are silly as hell
Eh, that's slightly better than grandiose goofs from gens 3 and on. But only so. Personally I don't like the cliche of incompetent villains. I mean, Jessie and James for example were sorta fine because they weren't representative of the whole organization. But when the whole collective is stupid and silly it's just unsavory.
>next team resets the universe and Pokemon is going to be good again
Cyrus is fine, the rest of the evil team ranges from dumb to shallow "evil for being evil"
Having played pretty much every Pokemon so far, I found SuMo to be a breath of fresh air. Alola was pretty boring yes, but It shook up the formula just enough to feel fresh. The story in particular was much improved.
Team Plasma was a Pokemon rights extremists group controlled by the Illuminati.
Also team flare is a eugenicist party.
It's deliberate.
Team Galactic only takes in retards because anyone smarter is going to ask too many questions.
Wouldn't the refugees be fleeing from Sharia Law in the first place? Isn't that why they are refugees to begin with?
Team Cricket
Fucking retard. They're fleeing from the war.
but we're up to gen 8, the next team will be doctors trying to protect a secret fruit.
They're actually economic migrants
Team Flare is closer to Scientology.
Lets also not forget that after Cyrus left, Saturn took over Team Galactic for the sake of actually doing science. Except for Charon and forgot which other admin, those were truly in for the evil.
Four pokeballs
I think I'll get soft version.
Team Flare are fascists. It's a pun in Japanese. Fashion, fascism. Kill la Kill did the same thing, around the same time too.
diives is bretty good
nothing wrong with diives
That face is begging to be covered in cum.
The new team should be the IRA
Is this a thinly veiled Team Rocket RP thread like the ones on /vp/?
>5000+ patrons
>still shits out effortless 4-8 frame animations
Plasma torch (electricity + fire). Also an energy theme with the dragons (fire, electric, ice).
>meme hating
Team Skulls are the absolute best. And Guzma has one of the best Pokemon battle themes ever bar none
Plasma was never an activist rights group, that was a front.
They were cultists subverting public opinion to rise into power, when everything failed they went to straight terrorism.
oh is that what it was?
.......I still don't really understand.
Overall teams in terms of how much I enjoyed them
Galactic > Plasma > Rocket > Skull > Aqua > Magma > Aether > Flare
In terms of their leaders
Giovani = Ghetsis > Guzma > Colress = Cyrus > Archer > Archie > N > Maxie > Lusamine > Lysandre
Plasma was made up of both people that legitimately believed in the cause, and people that just used it as an excuse to steal pokemon.
After BW, the latter split off into Neo Plasma.
Kamex's remix would have been the greatest if he'd stuck with the thematic of the first six seconds.
No theyre fleeing from wars caused by Israel and the U.S. once israel falls everyone can go home and live happily ever after.
Okay and what was the point of Team Rainbow Rocket?
Next team is Pokemon Nazis that are trying to perfect pokemon races and bloodlines so that theyre IVs are perfect.
Genwunner fanservice.
more hacky "fanservice"
They flee because of war/economy and bring their culture with them. Look at how normalized Sharia culture is in UK now, so effective to the point that you cant criticize it without becoming a victim of if
Flare isn't at all about the colour. Its about them having flair.
I don't even blame them for trying to migrate. Its sensible for them. I mean, they are fucking retarded in the sense that they bring their ass-backwards society to their new country, which starts turning into a shithole like their last one, but that's after the migration part.
I blame our government and populace for being so fucking retarded.
>Look at how normalized Sharia culture is in UK now
Maybe if you live in fucking bradford
Imagine hating someone because they were smarter than you and decided to learn how to draw porn so retards would make them rich, how's life treating you being so jealous user?
Skull was the best because they were the most down to earth. Rocket seemed like just the yakuza as first but then you had Giovanni talking about world domination or whatever.
Isn't that Galactic's goal?
Almost, user.
>Team Rocket is basically the mafia
>Team Magma and Aqua are cults posting as eco-terrorists
>Team Galactic is a cult
>Team Plasma is a cult posing as an extremist pokemon rights group
>Team Flare is a cult posing as a different cult posing as a company
>Team Skull is just a buncha hoodlums fuck yeah
>Aether Foundation is a cult posing as a pokemon reserve
Note that "posing as" can mean both "the grunts are in on it" or "the grunts didn't know either"
I love good Pokegirls going bad and joining the light of Team Rocket.
It wasn't a cult or posing as anything. It was exactly as advertised. Lusamine was just nuts in SM and not even evil in USUM, while Faba was just an ambitious prick.
No, Team "we don't really give a fuck about super power animals in this super powered animals world, we just want money and rule the world that we could easily take with weapons" never made the most sense. Plus they have the shittiest teams and the worst boss(Giovanni has a good team, looks awesome and is generally badass: but he gives up his lifelong work and organization because a fucking kid beat him. No boss but him and Guzma disbands their team, but at least Guzma was pathetic to begin with and still remains with his team as a new squad. RR Giovanni is Giovanni if he wasn't a wimp, even when you defeat him he doesn't give a fuck and already plans for his next move).
Post your non-meme villain theme ideas
Here's mine:
A haughty ojousama-type girl whose father is a super busy businessman who basically gives her free access to his fortune to keep her happy.
She uses this to get rid of things she hates, and she hates bugs. She used her daddy's money to hire a team of scientists (and grunt) to develop a weapon that will kill ALL bug-type Pokémon in the entire region/world. When confronted with the fact that this will basically end the ecosystem, she says she doesn't care for a world that can't exist without bugs. Later on, it's revealed she has a bunker stockpiled with years' worth of supplies, so she damn well knew what she was doing.
Using believers is exactly what cult leaders do, look at South Korea or wathever the fuck neo Marxism is doing right now.
who says I'm jealous?
I only feel pity towards the "fans" who praise such mediocre shit
more so to those who actually support / donate to see it.
I also pity diives for not wanting to grow as an artist / animator, and just sticks to "what works"
A yandere who wants to destroy the world because the MC rejected her a long time ago.
Define meme idea so I make sure ones I post aren't in that category.
If you're /actually/ serious about it, it isn't a meme idea.
If you're just posting it to be an edgy/funny/contrarian cunt then please don't.
Well knowing the boundary Pokemon has already set up for how much edge there is (IE: Ghetsis wanting to physically kill the trainers and Lysandre fucking getting crushed), here are my unironic non-meme villain ideas:
>A veteran of the pokemon war wanting to reignite the flame he experienced during that war. His team are young people who want more to their lives. Typical "evil" veteran.
>A sly salesman character that wants to use pokemon as pure utility instead of everything we have come to know them for. Locking them up to power his operations. Team are unaware of his true purposes and use their pokemon to spread urban development.
>The idea of Black and White's seven sages except a sage for each pokemon type. Trying to bring back some sort of legendary to reset the world into the natural state of wild pokemon and humans. Followers also fall into the mono-type shit. Kinda been done with Magma, Aqua and Galactic, but I want to see all the types represented in the villain group.
is this the full image
I like the latter two.
I'm pretty sure it is.
I grabbed it from gelbooru.
>Villian team is actual cult
>Worships legendary like deity
Simple and effective.
>SO YOU WANNA JOIN TEAM ROCKET! what the fuck is this tiny thing? *suck suck* taste pretty good, you're in.
That was a nice RR pic.
Oh to add on to this:
>Legendary does not actually exist, the story goes to other places.
>It DOES actually exist, but It's an event.
Team flare is literally the illuminati
>we don't really give a fuck about super power animals in this super powered animals world
They do, they just sell them for money. Or want to capture them to use to acquire more power, as Giovanni clearly took over Silph Co. to obtain the Master Ball so he could capture Mewtwo. Pokemon are the fucking weapons in the Pokemon world.
I think it's obvious it was his wounded pride that made him disband, for the reason he and his entire organization got its ass singlehandedly whooped by a child. Skull was always a joke, but Rocket was feared and Giovanni was one the most powerful mofos around. All this was undone by a child. What's left when you beat him for the final time? Shame. He was the only hope for his defeated organization and he failed. Humbled and disgraced, he disbands the team and goes off soul-searching or whatever, a selfish decision that even his kid calls him out for (for good reason, his father abandons him). And TR just crumbles because Giovanni WAS TR. Even the second time around, what they really want is to get him back because they are nothing without him, united only by criminal vices but lacking strength and direction.
RR Giovanni is a genwunner villain sue fanfic version of the character in comparison. .
I don't get why lysandre gets so much shit.
Yes, Flare is stupid, but Lysandre himself is one of the better villians with some of the more complex motives. A philantrophist who is tired of seeing his kindess going to waste and wanting to solve overpopulation is a legitmately good concept and was done witrh good execution by the standards of the series
I get the sense people jjust shit on him for being in XY and because Gen 5 came out right beforehand, which has most people's favorite story
see above. also, giovanni litterally does fucking nothing, what the hell
As an autist who hates subjectitity and shit, I can sympathize with cyrus but he's pretty much just a evil omnicidal maniac
>not wearing slutty hotpants
>ctrl-f "cipher"
>no results
While Maxie and Archie make for entertaining hammy characters in ORAS, their motives are shit.
Their motives were shit in RS, and although they were improved in ORAS, they are still shit.
Stop trying to paint it nicely, Giovanni is fucking pathetic for disbanding his life because a kid beat him.
RR Giovanni is a genwunner villain sue fanfic version of the character in comparison? Yeah. Is he as shit as his base version? Hell no. Not to mention Giovanni has been less shit since gen 4(in gen 2 remakes) when it was stated "to run away hiding to prepare an even more powerful Team Rocket". That's much better than his original. RR Gio is a different person, but still followed that plan even if it didn't have anything to do with him.
But regardless original Gio is shit. You don't abandon your team because you lost, only when you're forced to. Maxie and Archie stayed and started helping out after their disaster. Cyrus never gave a single fuck about anyone since the start and went alone in his dimension. Ghetsis went to prison. Lysandre fucking died(or not, even worse). Guzma disbanded but still remained commanding his gang of failures.
Not mentioning that in the "scale of the world" joining a team like Rocket makes no sense. There are some mean people, right, but who would join an "evil" team in the peaceful utopia that the Pokemon world is? Every other team has grunts that are misguided, or think they're doing it for the greater good, but none of them outside Rocket is standard cartoonily evil.
Considering other trainers can legally assault you, knock you unconscious and steal your money, I would hardly call it a peaceful utopia
Giovanni=Money and Power (Simple and good)
Archer=To restore Team Rocket (Simple and good)
Archie and Maxie=Increase Land/Watermass (Terrible and retarded)
Cyrus=To destroy and remake the world and rule over the new world as it's god (Insane yet good)
N=To protect Pokemon from humans (Good)
Ghetsis=To rule the world (Simple and good)
Lysandre=Lol kill everyone (Retarded)
Guzma=Gangbanging baby fuck society (Awesome)
Lusamine=To be together with her Jellyfish waifu who injected her with drugs (Kek, I love it)
No the player trainer is just a big coward. Who the fuck faints after losing a battle? Not even kindergarted kids do that.
>Cyrus is good but Lysandre is not
>Lol kill everyone (Retarded)
Why the fuck do people say this? His motivations were to solve overpopulation and poverty by reducing the world population, and depending on if you played X or Y there were differing nuance/specifics; as a result of seeing people in poverty waste his philanthropist gifts
He's far more fleshed out then Giovanni, Archie, Maxie, or Cyrus.
To be fair, I barely remember my Y playthrough.
B/W Ghetsis for just how deep he went with his assholery
>Old blood of Unova who's lost his place in the world decides that the best way to regain power is to literally game the guardian beasts of the land by taking a feral child who can talk to Pokemon, convincing him that all people are abusing the little buggers, creating a moral panic to rebuff his warped worldview [and sucker the purehearted activist types into joining] and then sending him off into the world as a pure creature to attract a dragon that'll give him the clout to tell everyone to release their Pokemon while he and his inner circle keep all of their mons and effectively form a police state
And then to top it all off, he fights you with an illegal Hydreigon. He's just PEAK bastard and it's amazing.
>when he comes back in a game 5+ years later he's still as much of an asshole and manages to outvillain the villain that made him appear in the first place and has to be subject of a deus ex machina to actually be defeated
>by just being there also makes another loved character even more awesome
A FUCK YEAH, HUMANITY! type who feels that man's unwillingness to move beyond their fascination with Pokemon is effectively plateauing human development and accomplishment given that they still haven't been able to recreate the feats of ancient civilizations and their lost technologies. Has a team that only uses man-made mons and even full on Synthetics designed as puzzle bosses a la Pokestar.
The issue with Team Flare is that during most of the game they're just Team Rocket with a fashion theme, then near the end you get all the "We actually want to cleanse Earth of worthless individuals because there are too many people and Pokemon" stuff. They should have had the later direction from the start or stayed as Fashion Rocket. Mixing it up like that did it no favors.
That's just the tip of the iceberg, think about B/W2:
>Escapes police custody through his trio of literal ninjas
>spends 2 years putting together a brand new scheme, even when half of his followers have abandoned him
>captures the practically unknown legendary which was formed from the empty shell left behind by the two legendary dragons
>builds a sky ship which can use said dragon as a weapon
>decides it's not powerful enough
>steals technology to unite the empty shell with one of the legendary dragons
>tries to directly KILL the main character
>simply in order to draw out his rebel 'son' and his legendary dragon
>in order to fuse it and the empty shell
>prevents your pokeball catching system from working, so no adding the legendary to your team
>still puts up a hell of a fight after you defeat his fusion dragon