What went so fucking right?

What went so fucking right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Frustration is gettin’ bigger!

Capcom gave Itsuno a blank check and all the time in the world.

Nothing. DMC1 takes a shit on this game in every way except maybe the combat

i don't know because i haven't gotten to play yet

fucking fatal application exit on startup every time

tried every fix

jesus christ i just want to play, i legit cried a bit out of frustration today. no word from capcom on any sort of fix. i'm starting to lose hope.

If you want to bait take out the "maybe" from that sentence, otherwise you just sound retarded

They had a vision and they didn't compromise on it. The game isn't perfect, but it's still a continuation in every way from the original games, which is why it feels weirdly dated in some ways, like Nero just reading a playboy while waiting for Nico.

Capcom became motivated.

Most bosses are great.
The entirety of Dante is flawless.
Devil Breakers were a great way to re-invigorate Nero.
V is a fun gimmick, atleast for alittle while.
Very few garbage enemies, most are fun to fight against.
Story is decent, and has a shit ton of fan service.

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That's not bait though

Pretty much everything.

I really want to wait so I can get a good deal on this game so that I can buy the deluxe edition dlc...
But holy shit this game is god tier and I haven't even played it...

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What's the strategy for beating Furys bros the teleporting fast demons

They did the same thing the were doing with DMC4 but with no money or time constraints, they made a complete game this time.

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Same. I'm resulting to my last solution (windows update) if that doesn't fix this error I'm giving up completely.

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www greenmangaming com/games/devil-may-cry-5-deluxe-edition-pc-na/

This minus the faggy crying part

You can buy the Deluxe edition goodies later on, but in all honestly, they are just fun gimmicks, all the Devil Breakers are shit with the exception of gp01, that is just a slight variation of a Devil Breaker already in the base game.

The Liveaction cutscenes can be seen in youtube and the other DMC battle soundtracks while they are nice, most of the time the game will outright play it's own soundtrack in key parts of the game, so you are not missing much on that regard

the deluxe edition stuff isnt really neccessary, its just a fun touch in most categories

if i was you i would just buy the normal edition, once the dlc is buyable in seperate, then buy the MegaBuster and some of the music tracks

Unpopular opinion

Also there will be no turbo mode because coop wouldn't work lol

>the way the final boss teaches you about stun states for busters
>you use your knowledge of parries you've developed throughout the game to know to experiment with your buster as Sin DT Vergil flies at you
>the game gives you this tool forever and throws you back in to experiment with every boss and enemy with these two things and see what you can find
The feeling of satisfaction you get from experimenting by applying the skills you know to specific scenarios is a cum you don't really get anywhere else. This game is just fighting game design philosophy applied to action games and it's unparalleled

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Dante: Use Dual-Kalina Ann's charge shot and Stinger Spam, if you havent gotten it go back to mission 11 and find the first kalina ann

Nero: Charge shot and punchline

V: Hope and pray that your summons are in the right place at the right time

learn their patterns and attack clash with them when they attack
or just table hopper them and counterattack
thats for nero anyway
if you've beaten the game nero's devil bringer throws are really good against them after you get a stagger, and then you can pump a fully charged blue rose into them, then the detonation can fuck them up later mid animation

Works on my machine

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Ok i'll bite, why is 4 better than 5

>What went so fucking right?
Almost everything.
I would say my biggest grips are:
Micro Transactions on Blue/Red Orbs.
Dante Devil Sword is good but makes odd changes to sword master (Personal gripe)
Cant play every character on every stage

Other than that its a solid 9/10

It's time for the clown to bow out.

Honestly where the fuck even are the micro-transactions? I just started playing as Dante and I haven't even seen them.

Enemies are faster and more aggressive, DMD enemies are not damage sponges. Boss fights in 5 are ok, but not on the level of 4. Credo is unbeatable. Vergil is Credo 0.5, yet we got this fight again

the only thing i dislike is playing as V
everything else is fantastic

>game that recycles half of its boss fights
>better then dmc5

we got a hipster over here

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I miss the 'puzzle' oriented level layout from 3 and 4 where the missions had objectives like get the X so you can get through Y
I know shit like 'collect the sun and moon crests' isn't an actual puzzle but I feel it gives you more agency and drive through the level, like you're working towards a goal you understand
In 5 every level is move forward because that's the way to go
I love the game, and this is a minor complaint, but it's the little things you miss

>play the game for 8 hours straight on day one
>now my computer shuts down randomly if I try to play for more than 30 minutes
>just beat SoS and I want to dive back in but I have to spend time troubleshooting and probably replacing parts before I can play again

This is the first time I had fun in a very long time. Now everything is miserable again, but worse

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In the main menu go to "Store" but honestly they are useless, you can buy a 1 million red orbs pack for like 3$ when there is a spot in the game where you can farm a million in 7 minutes

I feel like the overall quality of the bosses is better in 5. DMC4 had Credo, and he was great, but not much fucking else.

All the bosses in DMC5 generally seem solid, except for gilgamesh really.

They are in the PS/Xbox store. 100k Rorbs for 1.99 etc.

Why does it go up everytime you post this

If V wasn't playable this game would've been 10/10

Pirate it first, buy when you have the money

This fucking M Bison pose. This game has so much charm in every little detail

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dx12 is crap. run it on dx11 and you will have no problems.

aslong as Dante wouldve gotten a new Devil Arm and Nero two more Breakers

Man, I wish there was a menu where you can just pick a boss and fight it.
Metal Gear Rising on PC is one of the only stylish action games to do it, and I feel like it should be in all of them.

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If you're talking about that pasta thats thrown around, thats not me. I'm just giving my opinion.

>But holy shit this game is god tier and I haven't even played it...
It's not god tier mate just pirate it.

V was a risky choice, he's fucking very weird and unique, I personally don't mind playing as him, I'm just glad he's doesn't have very many mandatory missions.

I like that he's in the game but I wish I had the option to play as a different character for his missions on subsequent playthroughs

1) Fuck up a reboot
2) Learn what NOT to do
3) Dumpster the reboot and go back to mainline
4) ???

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Everytime I change it in the ini file the game still crashes and changes itself back.

I was afraid after learning about his style of play that he wouldn't fit in but oddly enough he fits in the DMC world. I wonder what DMC would do with a spellcaster if a summoner plays like this..

credo is one of the best boss fights in the series, but you're fucking blind if you think the main 4 bosses are that good. they just suck. not charming, visually bland, movesets aren't that great, similar size, not intimidating (doesn't feel cool to beat them).

Already did that and still crashes on every other mission and boss fights, perhaps due to some dx issue I can't seem to resolve. My only hope is for a patch.

Sorry to hear that man, hopefully you can fix your shit without too much trouble.

shows the power of having a clear vision for a game a following through with it. Just look at all the western games that have failed because they kept changing things mid-development.

I really appreciate them taking a risk on a character with such an obtuse playstyle.
Nero in 4 was barely even a new character, gameplay-wise. All of his gimmicks could've been on like two new weapons for Dante. Meanwhile V establishes his own identity the second you start playing.

I'm sorry ye scallywags I'm spending money on this fresh kino and you can't stop me.

You could say that the people behind the development of this game were motivated

Name a worse character.

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I had crashing issues. I'm not sure what resolved them but two things I did were to exit flux and turn off network. They went away after that, though I'm not sure that's why they went away.

V is necessary. You gotta advance the series by adding in a new playable character. Another melee character would have felt generic.


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She's so vulgar and over the top that she is actually charming though.


How do you farm Rorbs? I'm not even sure how Faust even works. Like do I need to hit them with the hat and just attack them in general or does it have to be with the hat itself?

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Id argue that Caviler, King Cerb, Artimis, Vergil, and Urizen were good bosses. I would also agree that this DMC is less quippy in a sense hardly of the bosses had monologues or some shit.


exit flux?


>Like do I need to hit them with the hat and just attack them in general or does it have to be with the hat itself?
Hit them with the hat special that puts the hat on them, then throw the shield of Rorbs on you, THEN kill them normally while keeping that hat on them.

I think Gilgamesh is fun on SOS. It's fun to Gerbera around and air taunt when the spikes come out then dive back in. I mean it's not that great but it's better than some of the DMC4 bosses.

The two things I really wanted from this game story wise happened, Nero getting his DT and him finding out who his father is but I wish they fleshed certain things out more.

How did Vergil come back after dying as Nelo Angelo in DMC1?

Also I wish we got more information on who his mother is or something. Vergil doesn't seem like the type who fucks so this is important information.

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Yeah, I mean for a giant boss he's certainly inoffensive, you can easily make giant bosses like him annoying as fuck to fight, but he's alright.

>How did Vergil come back after dying as Nelo Angelo in DMC1?

That's what i wanted to know too, and how did he got ahold of Nero, did he just stumbled around the world going house by house until he felt the Yamato close enough?

>How did Vergil come back after dying as Nelo Angelo in DMC1?
He fought his way out of hell, Doomguy style.


Playing on another difficulty do you have to re learn moves?

Hitting an enemy wearing the hat causes Orbs to drop with every hit. Killing with Hat Trick also nets you a bunch of orbs. For maximum income, you should switch into Faust and set a hat on an enemy, then switch back to your default gun and wail on that enemy till they're weak enough that Hat Trick will kill. Re-apply the hat if they live long enough the hat disappears.
Just be careful not to sit on the Hat as your default gun. Its regular shoot command doesn't do a lot of damage compared to the cost. You can spend 10k and not kill a dude.

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No, everything carries over


>How did Vergil come back after dying as Nelo Angelo in DMC1?
He was broken into fragments. It's heavily implied throughout the series that when demons are killed or banished they are rendered into a state that may or may not be sapient. Devil Arms are often literally dead demons.

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no, you keep all your stats, orbs, weapons, and moves throughout all difficulties

so if your dante you'll start mission 10 with all weapons

Nostalgiafagging wont fix the last 25% of the game.

>How did Vergil come back after dying as Nelo Angelo in DMC1?
He was transported back to Mundes like the 2nd time you faugtht him in DMC 1 when he "blew up"

so hitting an enemy with the hat makes them wear it?

So Mundus could be alive.

Mundus IS alive.

"Alive" in the sense that he could possibly be resurrected, dormant, or disassembled in some capacity.

That is an unpopular opinion, because DMC1 is a fantastic game, here's my hot take

3 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 2

I haven't finished 5 yet but it's probably gonna be in the top three

Mundus never died, he just got sent back to hell

Itsuno went 100% power, no restraint

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It's impossible.

Gotcha. I don't think we'll be seeing him back though. DMC does a pretty good job at not repeating villains. Aside from Vergil

>main 4 bosses are that good
Yes, they're that good, especially on DMD.

>You gotta advance the series by adding in a new playable character.
except he's fucking dead and was just fodder to bring back vergil with the same goddamn moveset from dmc3 once again

I don't get how shallow combat of 1 and constant item searching are better than anything except 2

PC release reduce the shitposts in 90%

>vergil with the same goddamn moveset from dmc3 once again
This might chnage though. Once Vergil comes out he might work like he does in DMC4. Maybe he will have a V stance?

Remember when Capcom kept cancelling games, focused the fuck on SF DLC and was one of the most hated companies? Times sure have changed.

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you clearly haven't enjoyed the thrill that is DMC1 on DMD mode

echidna is okay, the frog sucks, berial is barely good, and i dont even remember what the other one is, and i just played it not even 2 months ago

and remember SNK, one of Capcom's rivals from the 90s, is slowly coming back starting with Samurai Shodown - and if things start to going well for SNK then Capcom might start picking up their act for old rivals sake

How do you unlock Vergil in the model viewer?

how do you not remember agnus? :/ you must go out of your way to hate games user

beat the game once?

>Read Only
Try that in addition to modifying the ini file.

still nothing

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I have, he's not there for me

oh yeah agnus, yeah hes terrible. dmc4 is not a good game, dmc3 and 5 are insanely better

savior exists, so dmc4 loses points on boss fights no matter what

Still better than Gilgamesh in 5

It's like a AAA production that remembered it's a video game. Not a treadmill or a way to easily pass the time between cutscenes while listening to a podcast.

Capcom made a game with plenty of moves and characters for the crazyfags, plenty of fuck yous for the DmCfags and a journalist mode with press x to awesome for the journos.

It has universal appeal.

He should be in the boss section of the notes, check there.

run into them with dante's motorcycle.

Either R1+Forward+Shoot or (Gunslinger) style (with no lockon) will land the hat on enemies.
Be careful though. If an enemy with a hat hits you, you'll lose a few orbs. It should still even put to you getting more orbs overall (if an enemy with a hat hits you enough that you're actually losing orbs, you'll die pretty fast so you won't lose much of anything except pride).

>Vergil gets Style switching
>One of those just flat-out switches you to V.

It's DMC gameplay in its most polished form

What went wrong?
Most everything related to the story

I need Bloody Palace already.

Does there exist a worse boss?

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feeling you there man, i miss them too. overall the levels felt bit too samey with not enough variety (maybe its the engine's grayness)

I wasn't happy with V's summons being recycled for a boss fight

felt very lame and there was no real plot related reason for them to want to fight dante.

>Boss fights in 4 are shi-

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Just got done with the game finally. I feel amazing and now I'm back on Yea Forums for the first time in about a week. Can't wait to start son of sparda mode.

I really liked it personally, even if it was a bit easy.

Speaking of that mission though. I was looking at the cutscene gallery and noticed two of the scenes in mission 18 are inaccessible to me. Is this a bug or did I accidentally skip some of the level without realizing?

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If you can find it on google, I've tried it. Reinstalled my drivers, tried literally every .ini config trick you can think of in both read-only and non-read-only, done a billion windows updates and uninstalls and whatnot, you name it. The worst part about this is getting to see all the happy customers going "thanks, this fixed it! :D!" in every single thread while i'm stuck dead and alone.

>exit f.lux
my heart leapt a bit when I saw this, but this also didn't work. thanks for the hope, though, user. I really mean it.

>parried all of cavalieres melee attacks and just went ham on the cunt getting SSS

That boss felt great on SoS compared to DH, I just sorta mashed through the first time.


The boss fight in the webm you posted is boring as fuck, it only looks exciting because the Dante is choosing to do such crazy shit. The boss is nothing special.

V is so fucking cool, I bet he got all the girls and femboys in high school

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savior is worse

How do I clear Vergil's summoned swords as Dante when he turns into a jet plane?

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how do I git gud at Nero? I beat the game but I'm struggling to get good combos with him.

>Was determined that I was going to swap Subhuman for Taste the Blood
>Game forces you to play with Subhuman for a bit
>Getting those S-ranks
Starting to like it help

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just smack em with your sword

A reminder that we fucking did it

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equip balrog if you have that one jump upgrade already, otherwise just keep jumping, they aren't as fast as they seem.

I'm gonna be honest I have no idea what the fuck any of the bosses do even though I'm halfway through SoS. I just wail on them until they die.

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>Tactical Anti-Demon Squad Action with Crew Cut as MC
>it's like V's summoner gameplay, but you get like 20 soldiers that die in one hit instead
>if they die you have to wait for reinforcements

Does anyone have a screencap of Yea Forums with all of his summons, from the front? If not, without Nightmare will work.
Also, are the V manga raws up yet? Is anyone working on it? I'll pick it up if nobody else is.

So what was Crew Cut's secret that Okabe mentioned during the interviews?

Same, the new vocals were a big improvement. Plus the death-screemo metal or whatever it is, really makes me feel more powerful.

So guys how autistic does Vergil act around Kyrie when he meets her?

Won't lie, best way is RG but you can use Balrog's upgraded jump or King Cerberus' SM attacks to quickly get rid of them.

I feel completely opposite I was wondering if I would get a chance to fight V at some point as the other characters and I got my wish basically. I just wish they were more in sync with eachother, for the most part in their fight they seem to just let you whail on whoever youre hitting and wait like good little boys until its their turn.

Just aerial rave it's not that hard.

So far my only problems with the game are that gunslinger feels worse than in 3 and 4, and that I don't like these "you're supposed to lose" fights

He'll help her make dinner by judgement cutting the vegetables

The game has a model viewer? Where?

Griffon tells you outright why they fought him though. They represented Vergil's nightmares from when he was a mindslave to Mundus as Nelo Angelo. I'm guessing one of the reasons he's able to snap out of his shit after the Nero beatdown was because of those summons being destroyed. Plus, it was nice fanservice.

Gallery in the main menu.

Fanservice. Final 1/4 of the game was full fanservice.

everything except the dante vs vergil theme


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>Vergil comes across a cookbook while puttering around the house
>Only thing he has to read
>Takes to it immediately because it lets him avoid talking to Kyrie and Nero, while still having an excuse to be there
>Makes a point of tackling every recipe that calls for chocolate
>Discovers he has a talent for pastries and baking
>Flavor is the only thing that matters in this course, Dante.
>I need more flour!
>By the time DMC6 happens, Vergil has a moderately successful cafe and catering business under his belt.

>there was no real plot related reason for them to want to fight dante

They fought Dante knowing they had no chance so he could kill them and free Vergil of his memories from Nelo Angelo

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>Starring Codex
It's cause I pirated it wasn't it?

>credits finish rolling
>black screen

Switch to Balrog Blow Mode and keep punching.

Yeap. You're getting ghost data.

Sounds like your power source is about to die.

gunslinger aerial b with either e and i or double kalina

Thread theme

>Combo gameplay

Just finished it and boy what a fun ride. Feels a lot like 4 if it was a finished game, even the plot having kinda low stakes and mostly just trying to build up Nero is similar. So far my GOTY for sure. Only small issues I had were a few unfun bosses/enemies, a lot to unlock between all the characters, things like enemy step and air hike should just carry over, and devil breakers should drop from enemies if you get a high enough style rating. Definitely going to be hard to topple this for my GOTY.

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Good boss fights in 4


Good boss fights in 5
>Cavaliere Angelo
>V's Familiars
>King Cerberus

this attack dodgable on normal, you dont need to go all the way back.

Rain Storm will destroy everything with one press.

You don't have to string combos together. You can just get really good at counters, blocks, dodges, taunts and charged attacks. It's a hell of a lot more work, though.

Make sure your Windows is up to date. This looks familiar to a RE2 demo problem on Windows 7 which is solved if you downloaded the latest platform update.


He looks like hes about to roll some dice in the Detroit hall dice championships.

Wait, what parry?

Not the style meter and difficulty of the game
Look at this fucking video
Style meter in this game is sooooo lenient.
Gets hit and drops to B and not D rank like in the old games.

Thats why this game is casualized.
If they simply fixed the style meter and made it back how it was in 3 and 4,the game would be much harder to S rank and have its proper difficulty.

enemies in this game just attack instead of having big wind ups or visual ques like in the previous games which makes seeing some attacks harder if you aren't paying attention


Sounds nice DESU.
But I hated Bayonetta.
To be fair, I gave it a good go (FUCK gracious and glorious) but I just... Can't get into it.
I like simple control schemes, that focus more on dodging and parrying and watching your enemy, knowing when to act and when to defend. Giving me so many attacks feels so... unnecessary.

Unironically the spirit of MJ. He curses those who still try to assassinate his character, and blesses those who use him to bring joy into peoples hearts. BASED Itsuno

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Itsuno: I really wanted to make DmC2.

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V got railed by chads.

So what are all Dante's weapons in the game?
Due to circumstances I haven't been able to play it yet.

Rebellion/Sparda/Devilsword Dante depending where you're at in the story
King Cerberus

Ebony and Ivory
Dr. Faust

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing wrong, but I can't play nero for more than 5 seconds without auto breaking my fucking arms. I'm not even pressing the button for it and its not the taking damage while using them thing.

The only thing I've noticed is that it seems to happen whenever I'm trying to exAct in mid air.

V is fucking awful and his missions effectively don't count.
Some music was worse than previous games.
The story ended so abruptly and felt cheesy. It leaves the impression that a 6th game is in the works which we know won't ever happen.

Otherwise it was phenomenal and NG+ only makes it better. Can't wait for BP.

>V is fucking awful

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You forgot double Kalina Ann.

Anyone got that image of Sparda showing baby Dante and Virgil to Madama Butterfly?

techno rave doggo is best

But how about when Nero and Kyrie have a child?

How does Vergil behave around his granddaughter?

None of his gameplay is fun nor satisfying. He's sluggish and non-DMC like. Literally a chore tonplay any of his missions and he's a cringy character to boot. Easily the least fun portions of the game.
If at least he was fun to play I wouldn't really care but he's absolutely boring and trash and has no gameplay semblance to the series.

Done my first DH playthrough. Is it worth going back and grinding out rorbs before doing SOS?

Sparda has Rebellion's moveset? That's disappointing

>Only 4 guns and 4 arms
I miss 3's 5 for 5. Where's Nevan? Where's Agni and Rudra?

Why doesn't Dante use Alastor when Rebellion kicks it?

What i did was switch to trickster and teleport (forward + circle) right when it stops spinning. Also teleport when vergil does the judgment cut AOE, right when yamato flashes bright. Also teleport when vergil comes flying towards you.

Nah SOS gives you multiple times more orbs, like 20-40k for just finishing a mission.

>When you finally figure out the max act timing

Holy fucking SHIT.

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>The story ended so abruptly and felt cheesy.
The pacing of the story was good (although slow to start) and gave a satisfying conclusion to the entire series. If it weren't at least a little bit cheesy I wouldn't have liked it as much.
>V is fucking awful

>Why doesn't Dante use Alastor when Rebellion kicks it?
Because Sparda happened to be closer.

When would he have grabbed Alastor after being heem'd into a month long coma especially since Sparda was readily available?

Also I do feel you, but it's better than 4's 3 and 3

Almost all enemy attacks can be parried by meeting it with an attack of your own.

>Where's Nevan? Where's Agni and Rudra?

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Oh fuck off noone seriously thinks V is fun to play?
My bro feels the same as we discussed the game. Nothing about playing V ever gets fun. You randomly mash buttons and reach SSS on almost every fight undeserved. He would have been fine as a story character but playing him is never worthwhile, I just wanna hurry through to the next mission.

This game is the gift that keeps giving


>I miss 3's 5 for 5. Where's Nevan? Where's Agni and Rudra?
>Why doesn't Dante use Alastor when Rebellion kicks it?
Read audio drama summary. Dante especially dislikes A&R

The story did feel a little rushed towards the end after Vergil fully appears.

works fine on my PS4slim

Just beat mission 17. I think I'm gunna cum.

Really my only problem is that V is a total waste of a character and his missions would have been best given to Dante, as he's far more fun to play as than both Nero and V combined, but gets less missions than them.

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But what if it's on Windows 10?

DMC5 Vergil looks so fucking dumb

Gilamesh is fine. It's boring but at least it isn't annoying. There are plenty of worse bosses in the series, like nightmare 3 in 1, everything in 2, gigapede in 3 and a fucking glass window in 4.

Gilgamesh is the worst boss in 5 and it doesn't even come close to being as bad as the worst bosses in the other games.

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>Why doesn't Dante use Alastor when Rebellion kicks it?
Because he has Sparda, are you stupid?

DmC done right

he even included a fuck you button

bang bang

Haven't played it yet but this looks a lil like MH World

Is Sparda?

>Heavily teased Lady and Trish campaign of some kind

Will they be fun to play? It's silly to expect the level of care and depth for them as the main trio, but I really hope they get some love rather than just a ported moveset. Lady was super boring to play because JC charged shotgun was far and away her best option for just about everything. I hope they lean into her gunkata a bit more. Maybe make her play like Bayonetta minus feet guns. Maybe give her Artemis since she was trapped inside it.

Trish was fun, but really bad at anything single target. I hope they fix that a bit; just round her out a bit. Maybe they'll give her Cav-R due to the same deal as Lady.

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Am I weird for really enjoying playing with V?
also mildy amused about the awkwardness of another action game where you fight with animals coming soon from those Other Guys

>gameplay video
>getting S rank but keep spamming the same combo routine
>does nothing but repeats the same tactics against a boss with absolutely no variation
this hurts my soul

Attached: 1550815489376.jpg (1133x1034, 346K)

Haven't played yet. So didn't know.

I feel like they're missing the unconventional playstyle weapon like Nevan or Lucifer for Dante.

There isn't really another Gun you could add besides Pandora but with Kalina Ann's there so no reason to.

I liked playing as them though...
Though they are easily replaceable as weapons. Just like all the boxing kits.

Also is Alastor in the Drama summary?

>Vergil walks in on them having sex

>Dante especially dislikes A&R
>Pic related is me holding Agni&Rudra.

Attached: 1529694615722.png (814x646, 169K)

sfm when


I've never wanted to lick someone's armpits as much as everytime I see DMCV Lady

>a fucking glass window
thanks for reminding me that thing even existed

Attached: 1543081422758.jpg (236x416, 98K)


Balrog talks way more than them though. I miss them so much.

>Dante's moveset changes after Sin DT
I'm only on the mission after but what the hell?

>everything in 2
>what is Despair Embodied

Attached: 12357986235432.gif (320x214, 2.66M)

>Dante and Vergil kicking ass together at the end
I was worried for a second when Nero got the credit sequence.

When does this scene even happen?


Attached: 1550784144277.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Not him, but user, I installed that update in 2013. I know that link works for some people - god knows HOW that link works for some people - but it doesn't work for everything. This bug is an absolute motherfucker. It's not just one problem that we can easily fix. It's a problem on their end that interacts with a bunch of little problems on our end, so that nobody can ever know the root cause.

Niggas... You do realize cavelier angelo (or whatever he was called) was Alastor right?

Give Trish Alastor and Nevan and let her use lightning blasts as a gun.

Git gud

No, I just think he's boring and unnecessary. If you like him, that's cool. They should have given us more than 20 missions in that case.

Just read it. It's worth it.
inb4 reddit

I would love for Trish to use Alastor. Her using Sparda all the time is stupid.

Yeah I was pretty surprised at the changes as well, taking me a bit to get used to them.

Is it an extra scene after DMD then?

No he wasn't

Attached: Blade_Master_Alasor.jpg (1581x1769, 258K)

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Attached: goBack.gif (500x382, 102K)

You need to kill more demons than Vergil at the end

>When does this scene even happen?
It's a post credit scene, right before the mission ranking comes up.

No he fucking isn’t you fucking cashew

Called it.

the style ranking in DMC5 is tougher than previous games. it changed how style points are calculated, it no longer cares about mission completion time, damage taken (besides no-damage), or orbs. It only looks at the total time you spend in each style and averages them.

This makes some missions a complete nightmare to S rank, like Mission 10.

DSD was weird, and took some getting used to. I miss Prop being it's own input (instead of being part of a combo) but otherwise I wound up liking it more than Rebellion, so I haven't switched back. The summoned swords Round Trips attack is fucking phenomenal. Stingers is great. High Times is kinda dumb as hell and I hate it. Only DSD attack that feels pointless.


Attached: DMC Animation Comparisons.webm (640x650, 602K)

Devil Sword Dante is a greatly improved version of rebellion. It now has aerial rave built in, and helm splitter is back+triangle like Nero's split. The sword master moves are now Summoned Swords.

Oh that's pretty fun, I wasn't really killing shit during that

hey barry check this out its a pretty cool webm

Attached: barry-b-gone.webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

Did anyone else find Lady a creepy autistic person? In 3 she was angry, and in 4 she was a dumb slut, but in 5 she's this creepy freak and you can tell she has tons of issues. All her interactions with other characters are weird.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

she thirsty

>that claw grip


Is she though? Morrison says she and Dante have 0 romantic interest, and she even admits to Nero that she's fucked in the head and never recovered.

What's that on the left? Ass creed?

think its ff15

>all that for a pitiful amount of style points

Sounds like a driver or DirectX fuck up, reinstall those.

every character acts like a bunch of fucking weirdos. it's just how the series is.

don't insult the DMC4babs, they had to get arthritis for that low damage and B rank.

Attached: 1551023144988.png (619x619, 343K)

She's crazy in the coconut

DMC4 really got shadred by the transition from SD to HD, lots of devs were on really tight time constraints to exolve their tech in record time.
I'm just happy DMC4 didn't end up a cluster fuck like Sonic 06 and other similar games from that area.

based and DmCpilled

more like based and 3/5 pilled. Four was half baked and was the Wii U of the series.

One thread is enough, Bob

So the whole game was spoiled for me before release, but I didn’t watch any videos. I was really disappointed to see where the story would go, but man, watching the cutscenes and seeing the events unfold was fucking awesome. Oh my god, the final boss fights were amazing.

Do better style ranks increase damage slightly?

>shitposting with something that hurts your case

Attached: jap guy playing.webm (600x320, 2.96M)

>was the Wii U of the series.
Unironically made me laugh out loud.

What's the problem here?

Reminder that DmC had a better aesthetic than V.

Attached: DmC.jpg (1478x1106, 710K)

DMC4 devs particularly shittalked 7th gen consoles in 3142 interview part.

Oooo pretty colors!

I think I failed both of them and still got the scene. Weird.

Quick question, guys. Say those crazy bastards at Capcom implements Turbo in a free update but it's 10% faster gameplay across all platforms. How would you feel about it? ^^

I don't think they gave him everytime in the world and a blank check. Itsuno said they had to overtime alot to meet certain schedules and meet the budget. It's obvious because level design has never been DMC's strenghth but it was there. Urizen 3 is a bit of a boring fight after eating the fruit and his design and unique attacks felt like he was supposed to be Balrog. Capcom has always been a business.

not him, but 4 really is the Wii U. Seeing how complete 3 and 5 are, with a bunch of unique bosses that feel amazing with all characters, is just a testament to how rushed 4 was. I can’t believe how much they rehashed bosses in 4.

Wasn't even sure there was something to be won. I'll go back in there and get the extra scene.

Hi Matt.

Unironically better than the last few levels from 5 where it's the exact same thing copy pasted.

20% or I’m out

I'd take DMC5's linear levels over the DMC4 debacle. Sad reality is we'll never get a robust feeling of going on an adventure with varying locales like DMC3 again.

Fuck that. 60%.

DmC wasn't a bad game, shame it was called a DMC and starred a 56% goblin instead of going full "Donte, el exterminator du demons". Something like the protag from Shadows of the Dammed would've worked wonders.
If they went for a new IP like that and if the devs weren't such assholes to the fanbase, it would get a lot less hate.

It really feels like Nico has a bit of a crush on her and she knows it.

I absolutely love 5 (a lot) and DmC (much less) for different reasons. I do agree the aesthetics of DmC were much better, I wish the levels would twist and morph like the DmC ones. Level design was also better there, it had no backtracking, like 5, but it had cool traversal mechanics that led to fun secret spots.

That's my issue. Itsuno said in an interview that people complained about it in DMC4 so they removed it instead of updating it. They could've added puzzles to missions and it would've made it more memorable. The parasites feel lazy in comparison. It's also weird that they give us a better jump for platforming but barely gave us anything to platform on. Game is good though. Just need a few improvements to be a memorable classic since the core gameplay fun is there.

Step 1: Make a beloved franchise
Step 2: Outsource the franchise and make a shitty reboot while simultaneously shitting on fans
Step 3: release mediocre "return to original series " game and make bank off all the nostalgic and desperate consumers
Capcom are geniuses

Cavalier was boring as both V and Dante. Aggression and enemy step negates everything he does aside from the aoe.
King Cerb is blind luck at times. I had him spend a whole minute shifting elementals and no way to get close as a result.
Artemis was garbage and completely irredeemable. It was Sanctus all over again.
Vergil was great but I wish he was more aggressive.
Urizen was trash in every form. When he was mobile, he's like Goliath and when he's sitting, its a case of dodge in and out.
The giant tank boss was shit and chickenwith was absolute cancer.
Out of DMC 3 - 5, I don't think any boss is worse than the frog in 4 and the centipede in 3 but 5 sure as hell has the worst average when all but Vergil are "meh".

Dmc3 had only three locales;
Outside the tower, bottom half of the tower, top half of the tower.
It has the least locales of all the DMC games

Hopefully they use DMC5 as a base for the near future games. Now there's a perfect chance for someone else to direct a new DMC game about the ladies.

the fact that tameem went out of his way to shit on everyone then went into hiding after the shit storm still entertains me to this day

Give me turbo for fucks sake

Nico has a crush on every girl, but Kyrie the most

Mini games would've been cool, too. I always liked how God Hand had a lot of mini games inside the levels and outside at the casino that you could play in between levels. Helps break up the monotony, no matter how good the fundamentals are.

Take the best part of DMC (gameplay)

Take the best part if DmC (artstyle, level design, characters)

You get: the perfect game

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You can mod it in.

It was more colourful, that's about it.

>opinion based on devil hunter
DMD fixes all of that

>Leviathan's Heart isn't a location

>final bossfight
>weepy violin music is playing
>"well this is stupid and melodramati-"
>the tempo ramps up and electronics kick in and the real fight starts
Shit got my hype, won't lie.

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Based. Playing DMC 5 made me sad realizing that it's just a better version of 4. We're never going to get something like DMC1 again are we? Inb4 butthurt "but muh combat" fags.

Just finished it, it’s a 9/10, had hype moments, had awesome music, the best gameplay in the genre, but story was lazy for 2/3 of it, V takes too much gameplay space that should have been Dante or Nero’s, it lacks unlockable stuff and the levels look waaay too similar with no variety.

>Artemis was garbage and completely irredeemable. It was Sanctus all over again.
Ask me how I know you don't know how to play Nero.
Nero is a very aerial character and Artemis takes full advantage of this. She doesn't move around anywhere near as much as Sanctus (who runs away constantly) and you have plenty more aerial based moves to position yourself around her while dodging her attacks. She was the one I had the most fun with as Nero.

>DmC Characters

Yeah. Add some RE puzzles there no matter how unrealistic it is. Capcom seems to obsessed of explaining unrealistic puzzles instead of being there for gameplay stuff. I hate mission 15 for DMC3 but I still remember it for being a retarded twist the tower gimmick.

>M20 starts
>Nero and Vergil having legitimately serious back and forth
>sad, slow violin playing like it's a fucking Souls game or some shit
>guess I get it, this is the climax of the franchise so they want it to be as intense as possible
>tutorial prompt comes up
>do as it says
>Devil Trigger remix kicks in
I did the soi face.

Attached: 1548810694875.png (417x336, 128K)

There has to be a better place to farm orbs than Mission 13. Those fucking spinning shits piss me off

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V is ok, but all of his missions should have let you pick him or Nero. I want to fight the horseman boss as a non-V character.

SoS fixes all that for me. My only problen with higher difficulties is that melee guys get dabbed on since aerial mobility is pretty good in this game.

>felt very lame
Go play DMC1 nigger that shit was pure delicious fanservice.

>tutorial prompt
I wasn't even aware you could buster because I had those turned off.

I agree, with the exception of characters.

He'd be fine if he was completely optional. As it stands, replaying this game is going to be a drag.

Bael fucking sucks, the only really fun bosses in 4 are Echidna, Credo, and Sanctus 2.

Create a save file after the V missions.
Problem solved.

>DmC characters

Absolutely not.

>DmC characters

Attached: 1538998662706.jpg (1280x831, 177K)

>You have to go through Bloody Palace again to fight them

I think I did something wrong, cause I removed half of Vergil’s health in 3 seconds with the DT and R2 move and it feels like I skipped half of the fun of that fight

>>I need more flour!
fuck you

I like how King Cerberus trashtalks Berial.

>New to DMC
>Get to Goliath
>keep fucking up and losing arms
>do okay and win with a D
I feel condescended to.

>If I defeat my granddaughter then I beat Nero by default and that means I also beat Dante by default

use cheat engine and set the program speed to x1.2
It should work if you CPU/GPU can handle the extra juice

Is this in the top 10 final bosses of all time?

Attached: maxresdefault-161.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

That was intentional. Mission 20 is barely a fight.

It's pretty lenient as long as you don't die. Probably should be rebalanced since getting S is part of the fun.

I think you're supposed to do that, it's supposed to be a quick one. Mostly showing off the Devil Trigger and Buster

give me the quick rundown on how royal guard works

i literally never used it in the entire series and i want to brapp on vergil for making my life incredibly difficult for the last few hours

The nero fight is just a bonus, it's supposed to be easy and show off DT

missions 19 & 20 combined, yes

one thing that went so wrong, however, is the game doesn't say which levels you did and didn't get all the blue and purple orbs for. at least i can tell which levels i missed the secret mission for (hard to believe I only found 5 of them, despite all of my exploring) but its like i actually have to go back and play the game instead of worrying about orbs on my first playthrough

No. If it was Dante vs Vergil vs Nero then it would've. Seemed like a lost opportunity. Vergil's AI is so good I don't know why Dante can't have the same.

Just teleport with them. Air Trick chasing them is the most fun I've ever had with a standard enemy in a DMC game.

user I distinctly remember plowing through DMC4's LDK mode using gold orbs because I couldn't be fucked to actually try and I wanted proud souls and I still ended with an S since the only things that were heavily counted were time, style, and orbs found.

What they should have done was taken 3's ranking, remove fucking orbs and there it's perfect.

Complete newfag to the series. Just started a couple of months ago and was complete ass at DMC4 Dante. This enemy type was giving me trouble in the campaign but luckily, royal guard seems broken as fuck for standing your ground and keeping style. Is it the best style in the game?

Attached: royal guard loop.webm (720x405, 2.86M)

swordmaster with DSD, do the pause combo while spamming style

Just press the style button at the moment an attack connects. It'll block everything.

For a game with a lot of QoL improvements, This was really weird.

Getting S on that boss seems mostly time and player damage related.
If he broke your arms it means they took a lot of the damage, not you.

Based japs

>mission 13 final pit alone

jesus fucking christ all these rolly polly niggers are gonna make me cum

Swordmaster >

If you're good, Royal Guard is the most broken style in the game. Yes.

Wasn't Vergil a teen when he went to Fortuna and he fucked a prostitute?

Attached: average_dante_player.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

you can win those fights and get secret ending, baka

Royal Guard is fucking crazy once you get used to it, definitely the best.

>low stakes
>aplocalipse tree ending the world
nigga what

You can win. Just really hard. Especially Urizen 2 when he has the spines.

my PC doesn't like to alt tab and then watch a video (it loads the entire webpage agian) so its like I have to do this on memory, and even then, I won't have time to play this game for the next 4 days
dmc3 also didn't tell you which blue orbs you missed on each mission either, seems like none of the game did. fuck i cant even remember if i got some of these orbs or not when im looking up guides and seeing pictures

It felt like low stakes, maybe that's just the tone of the series now

This level may as well be the go-to place to grind out orbs with random people online.

Okay so I must have had a bug. When I fought Vergil as Nero my DT came back insanely fast. Then when I repeated the mission to unlock V's ex color it was back to normal.

whats your spec?

Everything except playing as V

The way the game presents itself clashes with what's actually going on in the game.

>retarded story happens for retarded reasons
>Nero acknowledges how retarded this whole cycle is and comes in to stop it for good

That alone made the story for me

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It's supposed to come back fast, I was in DT almost the entire fight

Not that guy but the ending dialogue felt mishandled. Dante felt too jokey for whatever Vergil did, which is weird since DMC3 handled it pretty well. Nero subversion is good. Everything before that was good. Vergil's sins only being recognized in letters took a lot of the wind of how heacy the situation was.

It's the victory lap

You forget that a vast majority of DmC's levels were filled with drab as fuck alleys, sewers, subways, and office buildings. It had some nice aesthetics in Limbo but you weren't in Limbo all the time.

Proof of concept.
I'll start actually doing it after work.

Attached: file.png (2103x2744, 2.46M)

>tfw SSSmoking Sexy Style
>tfw i am finally omega

Attached: C331A24C-CF59-488B-B2F8-94B6F1CCA890.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Subhuman is unironically 10/10.

>SSStyling on proto angelo with a bro on DMD
is there a more comfy feeling

Right I thought so, weird that its normal on repeats.


bad advice given. just spam some aoe skills like cerebus or gerbera and it hits them when they teleport to you

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)



anyone else got the buster move where he takes both vergil and doppleganger and just smashes their heads together? i had such a fucking boner

Worst game I've played in years

The other anons already called you out on the characters, but I don't even agree with you on level design. Seriously, fuck that shallow as hell platforming in DmC.

I'll admit to being a fuckin casual but did Dante always get this much thrown at him in a playthrough? So many weapons.

Attached: 86549684.jpg (800x600, 59K)

Anyone try unlocking music and other shit with cream api?

>the style ranking in DMC5 is tougher than previous games. it changed how style points are calculated, it no longer cares about mission completion time, damage taken (besides no-damage), or orbs. It only looks at the total time you spend in each style and averages them.
>This makes some missions a complete nightmare to S rank, like Mission 10.

>Getting hit still canget you an S
thats fucking dumb and you now it.
The point of these games since 3 and 4 is to style o enemies and never get hit

>punk rebellion

They were clearly inspired by DmC

Yes it's just spread out less since the actual number of missions is pretty low.

>fucking glass window in 4.
I just replayed it twice (Nero/Dante and Lady/Trish) last week and I don't get the joke, what are you referring to?

not him but this is what I'm working with

Attached: 1238489528545.png (659x526, 39K)

Already in DMC4.
>punk rebellion

There's no joke. One of the bosses is a glass window.

Was this kino or cringe?

Attached: DMC5 Michael Jackson.webm (904x514, 2.96M)

The room where you have to throw flying sword demons at a window.

Both. It's the cheesiest shit.

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I don't care how anime those red lizards are, if my attack connects with their character model then it should count as a hit


I found Lucifer and the Agnus shit in 4 to be cringe. But I loved this for some reason.

>I found Lucifer and the Agnus shit in 4 to be cringe
bonafide faggot

>bloody palace mode has you fight Dante and Vergil at the top
>maybe even fight both dante and vergil simultaneously

I know fighting them both would be proabably fuckig impossible and be ninja gaiden black master ninja levels of ass pounding,but fighting one after the other would be cool as shit



I'm still laughing from the fact Nero's DT is essentially an Oni form from Onimusha, only with way cooler skills.

Attached: 1538669815924.jpg (640x480, 59K)

I have a toaster and had crash issues on some missions, switching from catalyst 15.7 to this crimson relive fixed it.

Attached: dmc5.3.png (1193x688, 66K)

He also forgot about Hell

Nero's DT is Order of the Sword-styled Devilman + Ulquiorra Resurrecion Segunda Etapa

It runs alright for me, but cutscenes typically look fucked up with some stuttering and lip sync issues when it desyncs because of that. Would switching to DX11 help? I assume DX12 does absolutely nothing but make things worse in this game, as it usually does?

with all the upgrades, sin DT is basically just a fucking demon mecha, its sick as hell but it feels unga and braindead

Dante was a good boss in 4.

How the fuck do i ride the rocket punch? I didn't quite get the explanation, tried using it in the air but Nero still just shoots that shit and it explodes.

??? Just use the mission select screen.

Shoot hand out, hold down the button.

>tfw don't watch anime and don't know what the fuck this guy just said

Call it back when deployed but hold the hand button before it gets back to you.

Mostly everything outside of the weird thing where they are trying to make Nero the face of the franchise. Stop that Capcom.

Oh and the loading times are a bit shitty (like trying to go shopping) and the camera you have the fight with a little. Outside of that, it's a great game!

>Taunt as V
>Ride of the Valkyries starts playing

Attached: 1547553113649.jpg (721x719, 55K)

I enjoyed it, have some real gripes though, like where the fuck is the soundtrack? The only song I've heard clearly has been devil trigger and it's not the best. DMC3/4 had such memorable tracks for me and it was kind of disappointing that not only are the tracks sparse, but the audio mixing means you can barely hear them anyway

and I'm also missing the boss conversations to match, along with the music they gave each boss a real character, whereas in DMC5 each one just felt like some shit to hit and move on

aaand where are the "puzzles"? I want to play board games with a giant dice


>they are trying to make Nero the face of the franchise
They aren't. But he is a wonderful character who saved both brothers from slaughtering each other.

Crew Cut

Fuck i'm dumb didn't think to try that. Thanks.

>hating on the best son of Sparda

>I want to play board games with a giant dice
you're literally the only one on the planet bud

can you unlock the final boss themes (both mssion 19 and 20)?

Donte was just a dumbass version of Nero.

I beat the game today, but I never saw this pic or yours. Is it nicos files or something?

Attached: 1551619453355.png (1411x767, 1.25M)

He's so fucking autistic, it's great

Wish there were more desu. I wanted to see the crew randomly bump into each other a bit more

>aaand where are the "puzzles"
Thank fucking GOD they are gone. They were the reason i've never replayed certain DMC3-4 missions.
Take later mazelike levels as puzzle levels if you wish, though. I still don't know if i've explored everything in mission 15 because it's fucking enormous.

Does Nero's devil trigger still have i-frames?
Can you i-frame through the judgement cut end?

>didn't think to try that
it's literally what the game tells you to do

Attached: Capture.jpg (404x491, 39K)

yeah, she's a shitwhore on the outside but she's really a sweetie

Come on don't you guys like arranging all the lights in DMC3 and running through infinite forest? ;_;

I thought they were always nice and charming.

The other things that have gone are less for debate though.

But they clearly are. They are trying to make him the new face of the franchise like Jin from Tekken was for a little bit

Go to the main menu.

Pretty sad when the best audio in the whole game is the cerberus throwback
They could have made the whole song a cerberus remix and it would have been better.

>pc master race

Just buy a xbox dude lmao

I preferred stuff like reflecting the dragon skeleton's fireballs in DMC1.

I almost miss the dice game, if only the scenes were skippable

My game was crashing (basically happened whenever I had to play as V)
I went to my NVIDIA control panel & in DMC5 application settings & I set Power management mode to max. haven't had a crash since.

Gilgamesh was cool

Attached: 1548976809455.jpg (600x749, 46K)

legit laugh out loud

>if Vergil never had his traumatic childhood he would've grown into a chuuni goth mage who is actually a huge softie

Attached: 1524869360897.png (782x720, 295K)

Better than nothing but I see no reason for not going 20% unless its somehow magically impossible on the technical side but in that case id say they fucked up hard since they knew for a long time that everyone will ask for turbo

Now Im not that educated on the topic but assuming that the "issues" with implementing proper turbo had anything to do with the consoles not being able to handle (for example loading in things while the player now moves in faster throughout the level) id legitimately prefer an option to either play at 10% increased speed or 20% but with a lower resolution or something like that

Attached: 1525231737412.gif (500x305, 693K)

I assumed that since it's such a cool skill it'd be a hold type so i only thought to try holding O and releasing it in the air.

It's not a complicated issue. Your GPU is not using a DX11.3 function correctly, introduced with DX12 and it requires a graphics card newer or equal than the AMD 7000 series or Nvidia 500 series to function. Yes it's shitty as that means the older DX11 cards like the AMD 5000 or Nvidia 400 cards are not supported but to be honest they have been relegated to legacy status for a while so Capcom felt safe doing it. If you meet all those requirements and have the latest Windows and still have problems then it's a Capcom RE Engine issue. But it is most likely not because of the way the error message happens.

Nice thanks user
Looking forward to it

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If I didnt know about the "allegations" that has been festering for years I would find it hilarious

have you guys seen this video




>falling for jewish propaganda


>Mission 13 hyped up to be an epic co-op extravaganza
>Get there
>Meet nobody until one Dante at the end who had just finished the room and refused to acknowledge me
Also, getting control of Nero again after those few Dante missions felt really really fucking good. Hate to say it series vets but Nero's my favorite character in personality and playstyle.

Attached: DwE6bqdWwAYzE5c.jpg (631x658, 43K)

The problem is in unstable connection, it was amazing when it actually worked but half of the time i was alone, hopefully Capcom will patch this.

How does autoattack work with V? I know i saw somewhere that he has it but i cant remember how to do it

I dont really? But the false allegations have ruined his reputation and Im worried for that tribute to be attacked by social justice nutjobs. Cant really enjoy the moment when I know theres people gonna ruin it sooner or later

Holy shit, I'm really glad I posted these up this morning.

I really like the enemy design.

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Capcom and Itsuno did not fall for a "cinematic movie game" and "open world game" meme.

He is around 15-18 years old at the time.

I wish there was at least one huge level, the missions feel kind of short. Fucking love the game, i wish now they have all the systems ready they release a sequel with bigger levels and more interesting level design.

Vergil vs Dante is fine but Verg vs Nero, not so much.

What if Dante actually had a kid but forgot about it until that kid shows up at the shop one day

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And that's exactly why this game isn't a 10/10.

>"both, you fucking asshole"
Best line in the series in context. I don't care how edgy that is. I had a shit eating grin on my face that whole fight

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All the last Qliphoth missions are pretty fucking huge and mazelike, with numerous branching paths and side passages.
Reminds me about Labyrinth of Amala from Nocturne.

There's nothing edgy about any of his lines in that battle. He is a honest guy who doesn't want his family members to murder each other and wishes for his father to acknowledge his existence.
DMC5 really made Nero a fantastic character.

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so the new style point system is that i should keep higher rank up longer instead of killing enemies in high style rank like before?

this is so retarded

And they left to play in hell because he is a whiny bitch.

I personally don´t agree, they feel like a long hallway with some side passages the unlock more of the long hallway. The only level design i really liked was the mansion dante grew up in, with part of the building falling down after you destroy those tumor things.

I still love the game, and would rate it 9/10 but with more intricate it would be 10/10

>letting the narrative control your enjoyment of thing
fuck them, it was cringekino

>watching someone play on DMD
>he's fighting goliath
>not using gerbera at all to stay airborne, just shooting him from afar chipping away at his health
>fails to dodge every fireball and swipe because he only jumps and doesn't use table hopper
>Only uses DT to heal, no buster

>some other retard also playing DMD
>keeps spamming stinger to close gaps instead of using trickster
>keeps spamming kalina ann attacks and SDT whenever he can

I'm no pro at DMC but god damn how can people be so fucking bad at videogames? At a certain point in your playthrough you just have to somehow figure out certain tricks

I was fortunate enough to have a pretty good Dante and V player with me the entire mission my first time through.
When it works it is fucking awesome, I just wish it worked more

Pretty much everything. Now we just need playable Vergil, Turbo Mode and Bloody Palace and it's the best game in this genre. Hell one of the best games ever.

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Wait what is that faust move that does "zing" sound? Im doing something wrong since I just spam that gunslinger move and I dont get nearly as much orbs as the guy in video?

don't say it

How much is it reasonable to believe that this game sold? 5 maybe 7 million ? less or more?

is there a parry with Nero?i was checking my score and saw "Parried!" on the list

I want to like the game but there are a lot of things that bother me about it. A lot of it is super grimdark edgy instead of a silly light hearted action adventure thing(yeah, demons and dark castles and shit, but for the most part DMC has always been about a wisecracking guy talking trash and pulling off amazing shit effortlessly, the story in this game is a dirge with everyone constantly getting knocked around and beat up and hitting eachother.) V was a retarded character idea and shouldn't exist. Lady and Trish do absolutely nothing for the story or gameplay and ad nothing by being there. Lock-on system is atrocious, maybe even worse than DmC. the red orb economy is broken - I get the feeling you're not supposed to be able to buy every single red orb thing in the game in an afternoon. The controls are too fucked up to find a comfortable button configuration on controller. Camera always seems to find a way inside of a wall or column or pinned up against you near a wall and you can't see shit, and because your hands are doing so much other shit with be buttons it's hard to try to also sort that out at the same time. There are a million little things on the ground that stop you from moving or slow you down. I'm honestly hoping for some patches or something.


managed to get it working with a friend and it was super fun, hoping they work out the kinks for BP

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Well Sparda's fucking gone now so she can't use it anymore. They'll have to think of something if she does become playable.

I'll be counting on you to post raws when the publishing starts next month because I never used that app before.

whatever works for them and they find fun, it's a single player PvE game no reason to sperg about how some people play

Given that it had a bigger launch on PC than RE2make did, and that got around 4 million total sales in the first month I would expect 4-5 million here.
That would make it the best selling DMC by a mile.

If you hit another bladed weapon that's all you need to do to parry.
Everyone can do it.

Cringe or Based?

This is the most charming thing in any videogame ever

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Where is Vergil living if he comes back from hell with Dante

In a world where more and more publishers are trying to make their games more and more cinematic and story driven Capcom’s last 4 games being mostly pure gameplay experiences have a lot of appeal despite their flaws.

>5 maybe 7 million ?
Non sports, CoD and AC games don't sell that well in opening week. Currently the best selling DMC game sold 3 million copies in it's lifetime (not counting Special Edition).

Hey man, you keep translating and I'll keep grabbing the raws!




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Needed more environmental destruction

>We need to think up some bad guys, what should we do.
>Lets watch a episode of Bill Maher and just throw that shit in there.

Oh look, its Ann Culture, Bill O'Reily, Soda pop, and a banker, these are the major bad guys.

Meanwhile in a actual DMC game devils and demons just wanna kill humans for fucking fun.

I like how the image included is only when the world turns colorful, otherwise its grey brown and dull.

Or you could quit being a little bitch and break his stance

I think 5 mil is doable. RE2 did a little over 4 and I think DMC hype is greater.

tfw I hate the Vergil reveal
tfw I hate how shit Urizen 3 is
tfw I hate V being removed from the game
tfw none of these massive narrative problems matter because THE GAME IS JUST THAT FUCKING GOOD.

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i just want you to know you're a fucking dumbass

It's a mod. Datamined from the files but incomplete.

He definitely isn’t finished but I don’t know how anyone can doubt playable Vergil now.

yeah i sure did love replaying the 4 bosses 3 times each, nevermind the shitty nobodies

is the mega buster fun to use? only two bucks pretty tempted to get it desu

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>capcom's jewing me again

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>You can use Faust to grind orbs in the Void on an enemy that neither dies nor attacks you back to risk spilling your wallet.
Finally something even a shitter at the game like myself can do.

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Is it better to buster prologue treekun after his shields are down or focus on hitting him?

Im pretty sure you dont get to keep those orbs user

It's definitely possible at least in the lifetime. Hard to say about launch, but if it does extraordinarily good, Capcom should report it soon like they did with RE2 and MHW. But yeah, the launch numbers should be pretty comparable to RE2, which in itself is a huge success.

The same way you can play Lady in 3 or Vergil in vanilla 3.

Maybe it'll be free like Bloody Palace. I mean RE7 and RE2 also had free additions. Capcom redemption arc bro.

Anyone? I need orbs and I need them right now

Yes, you're right. I realised after actually going to try after posting. Saw it in a video.

>How did Vergil come back after dying as Nelo Angelo in DMC1?

I don't think he ever died at all? I never got that impression. He just teleported back into hell with his consciousness restored. Mundus only says "Vergil has been defeated", not "killed" too.

From what I gather it goes;
-Age 8: Vergil escapes alone as a child when Eva is killed. Grows up gathering power and honing his skills.
-Late teens (4:SE): Goes to Fortuna to learn more about Sparda. Has sex with some random hooker while there (doesn't seem in character for him, but oh well)
-Age 18 (novel): Comes to the city Dante is living in under the name "Tony Redgrave", disguised as "Gilver". Kills Nell Golstein, fights Dante.
-Age 19 (3): Meets Arkham, raises Temen Ni Gru in order to retrieve Force Edge. Gets pwned by Dante, trapped in Hell, fails to beat Mundus, is enslaved as a Black Knight called Nelo Angelo, loses memories, Yamato is broken.
-Age 28 (1): Gets pwned by Dante again, regains his memories, teleports back to hell all fucked up. Nelo Angelo armor has basically poisoned him, but he manages to struggle on.
-Age 30-something (pre-4): Escapes into the human world through one the Hell Gates in Fortuna. Fight happens with him, some demons and the Holy Knights. Drops chunks of his armour and his sword in the fray. Nero is there by coincidence, gets injured in his right shoulder, Devil Bringer forms. Vergil flees somewhere, no idea where. Nero restores the sword.
-Age 40-ish (5): Finds Nero, takes sword, blah blah you know what happens from there.

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Environmental design was pretty great but literally every other visual aspect is fucking terrible.
Ridiculously bright particle effects and terrible character design are abundant and any non limbo levels were the same boring shit as DMCV's tree.

Only if you're a diehard Mega Man fan like me. The Mega Buster trailer got me into this damn series so I always take one with me. It's pretty standard, you can rapid fire for decent damage and style and if you leave it alone for a bit it charges up a small burst shot. The break age is a charged shot that does great damage but I always fucking miss when I'm trying to be cool. Nero spawns in with a warp and dies in an energy explosion which is rad as shit

>-Age 18 (novel): Comes to the city Dante is living in under the name "Tony Redgrave", disguised as "Gilver". Kills Nell Golstein, fights Dante.
Was that what they turned their referenced last meeting prior to 3 into, the kamiya novel plot?

yeah I'm in it for that jump animation, bless Capcom for giving us fanservice like this

pm'd you the fix :^)

I'm at mission 10
When does the game get good and fun?

>Not using Honeycomb to tear through Bosses

What I love is that the rest of the gang have to presumably just sit there and watch in silence as he does it.

Anyone else having issues with slow vertical camera sensitivity on PC?
Wasn't like this in the PS4 demo

next mission

next month

everything before that is just tutorial