Who do you think from big 3 will dominate in nextgen?
Do you think Microsoft has a chance with their exclusives* (also on PC) or their plan is to mainly focus on BC and more powerful performance? Will California fuck Sony that bad in nextgen? And what will Nintendo do to stay relevant for new multiplats?
I know this is a meme, but lets be real for a second.
Imagine the smell, I bet its disgusting
Lincoln Reed
Me behind you
Joseph Price
xbox is losing so fucking hard this gen it's sad to see. didnt bother to click article about their supposedly playstation killer plan for the nextgen. also me on right chair with smelly socks
Robert Bailey
No. While pre-teens generally have inferior hygiene than teens and ad*lt women, they still have not gotten their first period, which is where that rancid odor from women comes from.
Aiden Phillips
I thought it'd smell like strawberries
Gabriel Young
>t. never had a little sister or something like that