>Trench coat
>Nothing personnel attitude
>Literal *teleports behind you*
>Half-demon son of demon Jesus
>Kills millions, gets instantly forgiven
>Deadbeat dad
Why does Yea Forums like this guy, again?
He is motivated
>activates chronosphere with radius of 10m
>slice and dice the whole area within .5 sec
>does ebin katana sheath and all the damage applied are activated when he clicks his katana
How many times do we have to have this thread? You KNOW exactly why and you'll always get the same answers.
He's everything Yea Forumsirgins want to be.
>Kills millions, gets instantly forgiven
Not true read the letters
Sometimes those cringey and edgy OC types of turn out to be legit cool and endearing characters.
In regards to his design, for one it was created during a time in which all of that wasn't considered hilariously out of date. Nowadays that get up and weapon is such a joke, but when DMC3 came out it was still a pretty common combination of things that added up to what the market thought was "cool". Add to it his character and motivations play it off in such an unapologetic way that you can't help but enjoy how over the top and edgy he is.
And he isn't forgiven in any way. Dante and him still go at it, and Nero basically forces him to behave for five seconds by beating his ass in an effort to save the world. No one forgave him or even really likes him, outside of Dante just enjoying the rivalry. He's an over the top asshole that embraces that personality type perfectly, with his constant drive for more power.
If you're going to make a what is now a stereotype, then go all the way.