Night City. Home.
Night City. Home
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At least it was before it turned daytime.
Vice City without palm trees. Home.
>Night City
>it's always day
Bravo, CDPR. Bravo.
Next E3 they'll probably show some nightime. Are we getting moon shitposting too?
They already showed nighttime you tards.
When? Show me that shit.
That gameplay trailer that they released the other day was entirely in day time. What the fuck are they doing
google you absolute fucking degenerate waste of air
Not really, they showed dusk at the end of the gameplay demo, but that's all.
>those graphics
wtf this is like the Witcher 3 downgrade all over again
Idk... It just doesn't seem Cyberpunk to me
>Hey man I don’t need to back up my claims through evidence
>Just google it dumbass, who said the burden of proof was on me?
You’re retarded
nice bitcoin miner
I don't care if you believe me, I dont work for cdpr, and we dont spoonfeed here
you know what fuck you that other guy is right just fucking google it you absolute kobold, it was released a fucking year ago
Man that bright blue sunny sky sure screams unrestrained capitalism. No flooding, desertification or smog going on here, I'm glad tour future looks so optimistic. Hey some uneducated redneck can afford a 2 story home 5 minute drive away from the city center. They also solved the housing crisis. Wtf i love capitalism now.
>literally just a photo of downtown LA
I find it amazing that we have this thread everyday and every day SUNFAGS GET BTFO IT'S TOO SUNNY SUNFAGS GET OVER IT IT LOOKS STUPID IT'S BASICALLY GTA WITH CYBORG ARMS