DMC Thread
DMC Thread
Name 1 (ONE) thing he did wrong
what are the odds that bayo become a playable character, not even asking for a separate campaign just the character
Hopefully never.
He lost.
>get to Urizen (forma de apple)
>he, quite literally, keeps kicking my fucking ass
>the camera is so fucking close to his shins I can't see dante
>keep dying in seconds
This is really unfun
He loses.
He lost to Dante and Nero.
jump then stupid
dont tell me you dont have enemy step
How do you put the hat on enemies? Everytime I throw it it just immediately comes right back to me with orbs lost and no damage.
>>the camera is so fucking close to his shins I can't see dante
Pull the camera out. That's the very first thing I did when I started the game.
Things I want added in DLC
>distinction of where DMC2 fits into the story
>Patty and Kyrie model
>playable Trish, Lady and Vergil (or just vergil whatever, I dont really care about Trish and Lady but people like that)
>additional playable chapter of Vergil and Dante doing something in Hell and they come upon a brand new mystery to be explored in DMC6 and leave fans theorizing for a decade
Question for those that have the game. Does Dante to this dance at any point in it?
>Dante and Vergil would rather stay in the underworld because they are both anti social autists
What? no. what?
Literally zero. Like the Grinch being in Smash-tier zero.
Her and Lady were boring to play as.
That's exactly how you do it
He lost.
Be honest, Yea Forums? If you were Dante, would you go to Patty's birthday party?
This is just a part of the greater plan.
Playable mommy when
No, unfortunately. I had hoped it would be a taunt, or even the EX Provocation Taunt, but it's not. Maybe one day.
It doesn't stay on the enemy?
He doomed not one, but two, cities.
Second city got destroyed for the express purpose of being able to say "I beat you" to his brother.
Man is an absolute jobber. Still one of the best antagonists in gaming, but he never wins and is usually wrong.
>I will not lose to the likes of you, brother.
Has already lost
Urizen is cute
No, it's just a meme.
What? They have the hat on them silly. Forward + gun button. Any time you smack them if they have a hat they drop orbs.
Feast your eyes
They have no real reason to spend money on making models for Kyrie and Patty.
Get to get some ripe cunny? Of course.
Holy shit.
The enemy needs to be "open", so you might be trying to hat dodging/blocking enemies
He didn't do enough
Wait does Vergil have an alt outfit?
>be teenage boy
>go to hot chick's party, she's legal now but still won't fuck anyone but alright I'll take the challenge
>she lives in this weird-ass mansion, lots of cleaning stuff scattered around
>still, pretty fun party, all the regular bros and hoes showed up
>halfway through the night there's some rumbling noise
>look outside and a van erupts from the yard
>bunch of literally whos come flooding out with swords and shit
>some 40-year-old boomer kicks the door open and chucks like twenty boxes of pizza on the table from across the room
>guy that doesn't look much older than the rest of us walks in and waves at us awkwardly
>blonde woman carries in a fucking jukebox with like one arm
>other chick with glasses is yelling and cursing not to drop the damn thing
>lady with a fucking rocket launcher walks in and gives bedroom eyes to what feels like the whole room
>another 40-year-old boomer that looks like he never left his twenties walks over and just fucking stares at me
>I go to take a drink and he starts autistically rambling about having power and his motivation or whatever the fuck
>birthday girl is all over the first boomer, he looks like he really doesn't wanna be here
>20-year-old is drawing all the girls' eyes but screams something about "KIERYEH" or some shit
>revs his fucking sword, no lie, and rides it out the front door
>both boomers hang around the blonde chick looking even more uncomfortable than before
>even the hot lady with the rocket launcher is getting piss drunk it looks like
>boomer throws pizza slice at the other guy and screams "WOOHOOHOO"
>guy slices the thing out of mid-air and screams "NOW I'M MOTIVATED"
>both of them turn into fucking bat demons and fly through the roof
>the rest of them are just acting like this is normal
>chick with glasses walks over and starts talking about how hard it was to make a robot arm that drills but still has a good grip
>I can't tell if she's coming on to me
>mfw I just wanted to smash
Post unscripted kino moments
>fighting Malphas with Overture
>stun her and use the charge move to plant a bomb on her, switches to Buster arm
>buster her and the bomb explodes right after and does like 15% of her health
>Malphas starts the resurrection move
>break away into Tomboy and fucking blast her for ~15 seconds until she's knocked out of it
>win the fight right after
Why did they make trish have such weird hair in this one, that’s honestly the only thing that bothers me about her
Yes it does
It does unless the enemies are blocking gun attacks, for example the spinning lizards or blocking angelos
>Been going through the game on Devil Hunter just fine
>Havent died to anyone yet
>Die to Mega Ultra Chicken like 5 times
DMC2 has a laughably minimal inclusion in the game's recap video, but it is there.
>splits himself in 2
>weak side can somehow conjure up lightning bird, lethal cat & a blob with the destructiveness of a meteor and a giant laser
vergil as mystic knight style when?
or just bullshit V back like how V's summons somehow didn't disappear after the two merged
>scenes women will never understand
How well did Capcom translate this game to English? I've seen several anons go on about how the Japanese dialogue is a bit better and I'm curious.
>fighting Vergil
>both down to no health
>he does summon swords
>I mis-input and do Streak
>it deflects one of the summon swords for the win
All according to my plan
yo guys how do i cure my autism
>enemy step
You mean how well did they translate it into Japanese. Dialogue are English first
Just get more POWER
Are you guys having fun playing?
About as good as any other DMC. I'd go so far as to say the definitive version of DMC is in English
>enemy step
>keep the sin DT for the final phase
fight trivialised
Being the inferior brother.
In the opening scene, the Japanese version is 'You want a hug? Sorry, got only one arm'
Wtf Bingo Morihashi knows English? nice
>Refused to beat first playthrough Vergil without S rank
>The gameplay of actually S ranking him
>The visuals
>The 1 liners tossed back and forth
If the level design weren't so bad I would have no problem nominating this for literal game of the decade.
I should probably sleep since it's 11:30 but I just beat the game today and wanna get S ranks on all the missions I didn't get S on first before moving onto SoS and I'm having too much fun to go to sleep
Why do people keep saying the game has bad levels? I think it's fine, they purposefully said they toned down the obnoxious puzzles and platforming for more straight-forward linear levels to lead you into the fighting - what the game is all about
Will Dante ever be romantic with either of them?
I did the same thing.
Holy shit it was fuckin a lot harder than expected.
Even on normal difficulty.
I've been jobbing to SoS Vergil for 5 hours, I'm switching styles allow over the place and doing pretty well but as soon as he uses his doppelganger I'm fucked. Fuck yeah I'm having fun, I haven't played anything this fun in years.
>Psycho Siren
>Fuck you
>Sin Devil Trigger doesn't have a taunt
Disappointment of the year
he put a baby in lady before he left with vergil
why do you think she talks about setting down in dante's shop when he leaves in the post credit scene?
Does the dmc3 main menu code work or do I have to unlock super costumes like a real man?
Not me but Max got lucky with audio timing and had a Buster grab sync up with the music and it was hype as shit
>it's been a while since I used my brain this much
kek'd at that line
>everyone claiming Vergil lost
If anything he unjobbed himself this game, he would have won the first Dante fight if he didn't let him get his shit together instead and he was still in good enough form after 20 minutes of going against Dante to put up a fight against his unga son
"I wonder if Vergil likes pepperoni?"
"Nah he's probably a vegetable guy."
"If I do carryout can Nero pick it up maybe?"
"Where is V"
"Dante come back here and take me seriously"
The best. Worried with the shit show surrounding that MJ documentary Capcom will cave and remove this scene.
That mission (12) and mission 15 are two of my favorites in the whole game because they're big sprawling mazes where you just run around killing shit
Does right trigger as V recharge DT out of combat?
I bought all skills for Dante, yet I'm still at %85. What is this?
Do you only get Super Costumes for beating the game on DMD, or can you get it on HoH?
I decided to beat Urizen on DMD and I don't think I have it in me to slog through the entire game on this difficulty since I'm terrible.
Alright, I did it. I beat Urizen in the prologue on DH, I stopped after mission 7 to see if I could do it (this is a fresh save, I already beat the game on a friend's account so I'm taking my time on this run). Payline I think is the move that dives Nero forward right? That move is incredible against Urizen since it has armor against his fucking wave that shoots you backwards, you basically keep the offense going forever. I almost got him right at the start of SoS mode but he was left with 5% health after taking down the crystal a second time, but I really don't wanna try for it again and will probably do SoS normally to unlock DMD.
>mfw I was just about to kill the crystal a third time but get hit by a laser after dodging a fireball
My opinion on 12 quickly changed on SoS
>cages sprouting every 5 seconds
>mandatory double Fury
some skills open up after you beat the game
I haven't started SoS yet. Still dicking around with DH. Is there a secret to dealing with Furies? I managed to "parry" one once where it got deflected or some shit like you can do to almost every enemy in the game but I don't know how I did it
Damn that looks fucking great. Does it show up in gameplay?
What are you supposed to do about Hell Judeccas? All they do is run away. No fun.
Currently nobody. Mundus is confirmed still in hell gathering an army and power. He ate the fruit pre DMC to become the king of hell. So him being in hell where the fruit and source is pretty much is speeding up his return
>DMD Urizen in M17
That's some real fucking bullshit and you know it
>not dual jackpot-ing with his bro
I already beat it at demonhunter, yet there is nothing more I can buy.
He was not motivated
You just attack when they do
Time an attack when he hits you. It's easier with Cerberus since it has a few moves that came out fast and last for a while. Balrog jabs work well too
His haircut.
How do I get to that extra platform on Mission 3 before you go underground? There are 2 of those devil bringer thingies floating around, but I can't reach them from the places I've tried from. Is there even anything worthwhile in there? From a distance I can only see a bunch of red orbs.
There's literally nothing wrong with his haircut.
Killed a few guys in the beginning with his tentacle shit
please tell me the grapple on kalinna ann is in I can't seem to find it
was the demo on DH mode
lol k
Patty is cute and just wants to see her big bro dante
why he gotta play her like that
didn't run his hand through his hair to slick that awful poof away
SoS. You aren't finished.
>The DMC crew + Vergil go to Patty's birthday party.
I'd love to see this in comic form.
>Fast slicer lizard dude
>Only fight him once in the whole game
For what purpose
I went into that fight having no clue how Royal Guarding worked.
I left with it being my preferred style.
I hope you boys are motivated
Right he was sealed off in the first game by dante, I haven't read the prequel novel yet so is mundus mentioned there?
I would. People would gush over me, free food, and a good time
>*unzips yamato*
>Try to be stylish and combo flashy
>Fuck up every time
>Gave up on being stylish and decided to play seriously, carefully not doing any unnecessary moves
>Get S to SSS often
I'm so fucking weird at video games.
>What are you supposed to do about Hell Judeccas?
Hate them with all the intensity of one autist's lust for power and overcome it with motivation
I'm having trouble getting S-ranks in boss fights with V
I already bound the bird to L2 so I can charge him forever, but on Nidhogg the cat just starts attacking while ten feet away from the tentacles so I take ages to do any damage or continue combos
Can anyone give me some tips?
>The Tomboy's break move is called "One-Night Stand"
Damn! Verg looks like that?
They're going to figure out how to escape hell because Dante needs pizza aren't they?
Because DH is the tutorial
HOLY SHIT he does look like young Billy
Yeah idk it seems like he kinda got back to full power in the end. Like he could actually go toe to toe with Dante.. but I still think Dante coulda edged it out. He won though to his demon form but V saved the day. At the point if he really wanted to he coulda killed everyone cause Dante was tired . Vergil loses due to pride though once again
Donte lives!
>we could possibly see Dante and Vergil have a dance off
Much better.
she just got spat out of a slimey demon. she hasn't had time to use demon shampoo.
No one cares. I think one fag wrote an op-ed, but actual fans of the series loved the dance.
Why isn't this real by the way? Gib Vergil Billy Idol hair Capcom.
Caused the murder of thousands by spamming a blood sucking demonic tree?
>Urizen (forma de apple)
Fucking hate you spics.
I feel ashamed that, in my lowest moment, I used a gold orb on the chicken.
I was so pissed off getting stunlocked for half of my health on that fucker's charge attack
>Vergil doesn't drop a beat while committing fully to a masterfully practiced dance, with a completely straight face
jump harder, baka
Is it cracked yet?
>biggest jobber in the series
>still hype as fuck and the only one to truly rival Dante
How does Vergil do it?
B-But tomboys are for tender loving, not pumping and dumping!
This picture is powerful.
murder hobo dante
Yeah, Capcom cracked it accidentally.
Wtf now I think Vergil is best looking men in this game. Why couldn't this hair be real? Capcom you hacks.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how autistic am I for liking Vergil's current hairstyle?
>Cavaliere Angelo fight
Everything about him is so good. The only bosses I can think of that compete with him besides Vergil are Agni and Rudra and Credo.
I used continues in SoS
>he ends it by judgement cutting a piece of cake and summon swording it to himself on a plate
so does Vergil get an ex-taunt that's a dance too?
>Pretends he doesn't wanna dance-off but has practised this routine for literally hundreds of hours
>Waits patiently for Dante to overcommit and say he'll never beat him
>Vergil's face when
I genuinely do not see a single game topping this this year. I went out and looked at several lists of upcoming games and nothing even comes close.
Why would you do that? You're literally just robbing yourself of the joy of mastering the game.
1, anyone who doesn't like this chad is a fucking kneejerking retard still hanging on to the three bad angles everyone OH NO NO NOed on the leak's release
Man the camera in boss fights is absolute cancer
>cant turn to look for health orbs
> cant turn to see if youre walking into bad shit the boss threw
> cant turn to see hwere the fuck your stalemated pets are
Did no one playtest this shit
Jesus. He looks hot now. No homo. Hair really does make a difference.
I used continues on DMD because the checkpoints are bullshit.
camera management and placing yourself in areas where the camera won't be a problem is a skill. git gud.
The whole point is it’s dante’s hair brushed back. If that fell down he would not like Dante at all.
Stop being bad
>he has to look for green orbs against bosses
Remember that this is his 2nd attempt at genocide for power.
Only time I had camera issues was against big tiddy chicken rider trying to find the fucking devil bringers V was tossing me
If dante is a inprov MJ kinda guy
What does vergil dances?
V does a bit of tap dancing as one of his taunt, but I can't see vergil doing that
>health orbs during boss fights
>bad shit the boss threw
Which boss?
>needing to see where stalemated pets are
Pay attention to where they are hit
Or better yet, don't let them get hit
Damn. Didn't knew Verg can sing.
>thinks the dialogue is bad
>doesn't like Nico
>doesn't like Griffon
>doesn't even like V
>everything script-related has to be 100% tongue-in-cheek and wink at you or else it's not good
I know e-celebs are a dead meme but holy shit dude what happened to Critikal
I was getting really annoyed at Malphas when she rages and then again in mission 18 because I had 1/10th of my health going into the fight with all three familiars
I have a problem: the audio in cutscenes is always like 2 seconds off for me. Someone gave me this advice, which I took, but didn't help:
>go to DMC5 folder
>open dmc5config.ini
>Change Capability= DirectX12 to 11
>TargetPlatform=DirectX12 to 11.
Was this wrong or something?
Who do I have to kill to get to see this?
what was the pic? I stayed away because spoilers
I literally just went auto for V and let the computer get my SSS ranks
It's better then trying to fight the CPU panther.
Those teleporting red guys are really fucking me up on DMD when I'm Dante. How do I deal with them? I try to block with RG, but they break through it. The teleporting guys with scythe arms give me problems too.
>It's Vergil's turn
>He does V's ex-taunt dance.
The boss fights in this suck and have even less build up then DMC4's did. And they're all runaway faggots. Malphas is DmC tier design and gam..actually scratch that last one, everything else stands.
>Been doing well all weekend
>Mission 12 on SoS
>Suddenly getting comboed to death by two Furies
>Can't reliably avoid getting hit
>Same strategy of dodge & shotgun just doesn't work anymore
I'm feeling pretty fucking stupid, because I know there has to be a better way to deal with these bitches.
To play with people in mission 13 do you pretty much have to play normal or DMD? Cant find anyone in SoS
Fuck, I want to see it animated
This is the exact type of routine Vergil would pull out and nobody can debate me on this
I like this image.
Cerberus spins and Balrog jabs. They always come in front of you
>upgrade the faust hat to the maximum
>decide to go test it on the final urizen battle
>go from 100k orbs to 5k
>that fucking 4 jump you get at the end
It's so beautiful.i love it.
You can parry their attacks by attacking when they do
Restart the game every two missions
The desync is cumulative
His reaction to getting out of having to go made me laugh.
FUCK! I knew his face was familiar to me for some reason.
If they're breaking through your guard then you're timing the guard wrong. Royal Guard is perfect and unstoppable but you have to be precise.
>everybody hates Malphas
>it's my favorite boss in the game
>everybody loves Vergil
>it's one of my least favorite fights in the game and an insult to the classic fights in DMC3
I'm gettin' too old for this shit.
Still wish Devil Breakers arent cosumables. The first cutscene made it clear they break after wear and tear, but I dont like rationing moves when also trying to be stylish
The only e-celebs I know of that have actually played and likes these games are Pat/Woolie, Maximilian dood and Demo.
It's time
>Bosses with build up
Oh yes, please tell me about the wonderful characterization the giant centipede boss from DMC3 has when you fought him
I feel pathetic.
He's not V and never will be.
it's just the reality of youtubers/streamers who have absolutely 0 interest in a series but still play the newest release because it gets them a high view count
W-wait. For christ's sake DID THEY NOW KNOW NERO WAS VERGIL'S SON??
Malphas is great though.
Vergil too.
>Its a skill/pay attention
Theres no payin attention thatll help if the boss fucking teleports and makes the other half of the map unviewable you neanderthals, its a shit camera theres no defending it.
I'm not even going to watch the video but I already know you are full of shit because every faggot who ever linked a e-celeb video with a bunch of greentext is a lying cunt who distorts every fact without fail.
I absolutely fucking hate SDT and the DSD, totally makesh is normal DT obsolete and cucks you out of the Rebellion for one and a bit playthroughs for no reason, and then fucks up some of your old combos.
>cake-eating time
>Vergil notices her Patty's advancements towards Dante
>begins putting two and two together
>also thinks that if Dante can have a son/daughter, then Vergil will have Nero face-off against her and if he wins, it proves that Vergil's genes were stronger
>proceeds to sits near Dante and asks if he has plans on doing it with Patty
so how was co-op for you guys? It was fucking sick on the mission where you got to pick between all 3 characters, I just wish there were more times like it.
But maybe someone will mod it in.
I swear the game was running fine on my 1070 up until the last few missions. Especially fighting Vergil as Dante.. Anyone else having similar issues?
let go of lock-on. git gud lol.
Is it worth it?
> nero sees his dad doing this
"Nice moves old man, do you play fornite too?"
Why is Vergil so greedy?
being completely serious here. did the trauma from his mothers death and him nearly being killed cause vergil to become sort of autistic with the whole power thing? His speaking patteren is really on the spectrum and its even more obvious in 5. I think the whole childhood thing left him a lot more damaged than dante. When nero comes to stop things all vergil can think of is power and winning some dumb fight.
It's the first 3 minutes faggot literally nothing I said was wrong in any way, he very clearly shits on everyone I just mentioned
>Vergil trying to be a "Good father" to Nero and butter him up so he'll beat up Dante's kid and Vergil will finally win
doesn't parry your shit anymore, so he's actually much easier in DMC5.
From David Bowie to Billy Idol, huh?
Why are you fags having so much trouble with Malphas? Fighting her is legit just the same strategy as fighting Goliath, don't touch the floor and when she's charging to you hit her with Overture and she is stunned so you can hit her with a buster.
But nico is an annoying insufferable cunt though. She is for pumping and dumping and that's ir.
Yeah pretty much.
It's retarded. The cameo system doesn't work at all. Mission 7 never works correctly either. And in Mission 13, you usually don't meet up until the level is basically over. I shudder to think how much development time was wasted on integrating online play if they don't do co-op BP.
He tried to get Dante to produce offspring to further the Sparda bloodline, but failed.
He wasn't strong enough to save mmmother. He wasn't strong enough to be as good/better than his father. Unironically tism.
eventually Dante will want pizza
>makes fun of the Nico "up ur butt" scene and all the dialog when his entire fucking schtick is peepee farts ass dick xd
Oh the irony.
>let go of lock on
Have you even fucking tried to turn the camera around in a bossfight? Why would you think im trying to turn the camera while locked on fucking retard
Some people are Nero people, and some people are Dante people, and even still more are Vergil people.
But I'm a V person.
His avarice knows no bounds.
Wha the fuck did they do to the speed of the game? Moreover, enemies are fucking lazy tanks. Did anyone even played 4 on DMD? This shit was fast and insane and enemies weren't tanks. That's how great action games are made. This shit is just slow. Beat half of DMD and it's fucking unbearable. Holy shit. Fuck you all who hates DMC4 and its enemies. It's the best part. 4's enemies are fucking best. FUCK YOU
What the fuck he still has inertia. It's totally fucking in they just disabled it for the other charcters. I'm not even a combo autist but having physics like that made 4's combat looks really cool and even at a low skill level you could do some setups with it.
He'd be good if he stopped fucking off to Africa to pew pew.
>this is how easy was to make realistic Vergil non-retarded hair and capcom fucked it up
>not enough to be the superior son of Sparda
>needs to have his son be superior to Dante's son/daughter too
I want DMC but as a family sitcom
you ever play a game, and you just think, "this is my game" like the game was made perfect for you? thats how I feel about devil may cry 5. the music is exactly my taste, same with the combat, story and characters. its like a genie made the game for me.
Its not the best game every created but its certainly my favorite game
That also happens to make you a faggot.
Why is he so ugly?
>Sin DT only has one basic 3-hit combo
>styles do nothing and you can't even use DSD's summoned swords
Sadly wasted potential
There's something hilarious about petty autistic Vergil.
This thread is fun.
agnus is that you?
I love him and he's extremely cute/sexy! I really hope he comes back
Virgil's fight in DMC5 is literally just Vergil 3
So Vergil is Chris Redfield?
Am I the only one who thinks this looks worse?
>"Son, my-- our bloodline needs more power. Son, give your children to me."
>liking a dead character
This one is amazing.
V actually fights bosses better while not locked on. His demons have a higher chance of whiffing while locked on so you should only really do that during bosses if you want to do a directional input or dodge.
>>Sin DT only has one basic 3-hit combo
Read the shop, it has several moves
>tfw Vergil is just James Franco
So what's everyone thinking of Nero's new ghost punch?
is jumping better than sidestepping?
I hear jumping gives invul frames and spamming jump cancel with enemy hopper skill makes you invulnerable
Considering this is capcom and he is already getting his own Manga spinoff he will definitely be back soon.
>From that day forth my father changed, and his voice echoed
Alright, I was bitching about Furies a moment ago, but Balrog just auto-parries if you're jabbing with it.
I feel like such an idiot for not figuring it out on the first night.
Why did they give Vergil doppleganger?
Straight up reference to DmC?
Also fuck that thing, its actually a threat this time.
>tfw I listened to this song while stumbling on this post
>tfw watching my own cameo miss a grim grip three times in a row and accidentally use breakaway twice.
But slower
There are too many loading screens when changing missions and customizing, it's a bit annoying. At least it loads fast I suppose.
I prefer the default Vergil look. I think they nailed it.
>>it's my favorite boss in the game
It's so shallow and annoying with all the fucking teleporting, and the forced slow mo mechanic feels anti-DMC to me.
>Kyrie looks exactly like Nero's mom
>"Son, put the power of Sparda in Kyrie or I swear I'll do it myself."
I remapped the controls so it's like I'm playing four but with devil breakers.
Why does Sin DT have such a gigantic ass?
My sides
This is what I imagine Fujo's shout to DMC cosplayers
So Dante is fine with Vergil killing a city worth of people just to playfight his bro again?
do I need to kill my devil breakers to achieve SSS
That image makes me want to bully him sexually
that's where Dante stores all the fat from pizza
He split himself into 2 in this game
His Sin DT also has 2 arm scabbards compared to the usual 1
So yeah, just taking stuff from DmC and making it work
He claimed my dante savefile last week.
Didn't know it happend to so many people too.
I guess he can't stand being number 2.
DT stands for Dummy Thicc
>A good enemy
Pick one
It wasn't really Vergil, and he wasn't fine with it until Nero came in to stop the fight.
>Hear about it
>People act like it's some huge thing that will jeopardize his standing
>"Holy fuck it must be serious"
>Another pedo claim
The people shocked about this JUST turned 18 right?
No, there is chance he still hits through jabbing
Literally played it last week and the second phase of Vergil in 5 is just as fast if not faster then Vergil 3
Sshhh. People might notice the plot is utter garbage.
So, this is what Vergil is gonna do for living?
Remember how much of a dump it looked like in DMC3? Yeah, who cares.
he's not emo for fugsake
But she had time to use demon dry cleaners
Needs more work. Pausing fucks up the coop play and sometimes you can get desync'd. Had to restart mission 13 once because I can't go down a hole since the game thinks i havent destroyed those red things yet.
Turn on turbo mode pls
>"Son, give Kyrie to me."
>"No way, you got your own."
>"Well I want yours too."
Why is hardly anyone losing their shit over this?
And why does he look way worse than his DMC4 incarnation?
>Scenes an only child will NEVER understand
Come one man, would you really wanna go to a party, likely full of nubile young teen girls lusting for you big, beefy body, just to hang out with a freshly legal cutie who would probably ride your dick like she's in a rodeo till she's milk all the mommy issues out of your balls? No way man, that shits lame.
The Vergil DLC from DmC was handled by Capcom proper and you can tell that it was literally just Itsuno workshopping ideas. That's why all of DmC Vergil's Trick teleport shit made its way into DMC4SE and now Doppelganger in DMC5. When Vergil is playable in DMC5 I guarantee it'll have similar controls to DmC. It was a beta test.
He made it work given the fact he had no hair gel on hand. The guy basically got resurrect on the spot, give him some slack.
Does turning off attention camera helps? At work so I can't try
>Moving the goal posts
Okay turn on turbo mode when it comes to 5
Here's the datamine stuff that's confirmed so far
>playable Vergil
>co-op/lobbies for Bloody Palace
>3 more DLC campaigns (could be just 3 missions for Vergil since its not clarified)
What I want to know is will it eventually get costumes? This is my only gripe and I want my sparda costume
Holy kek.
How the fuck do I best Vergil with Dante. No boss has given me any trouble in this game but this one.
5 doesn't have turbo mode.
Dude, Vergil is literally the embodiment of "Unsheates katana/teleports behind you", even refusing to use filthy gaijin weapons like guns.
What mode and what moves trouble you?
>Urizen with tentacles = hard and challenging
>Urizen without tentacles = easy and somewhat goofy boss you S rank without really thinking about it
can't unsee it
Nero makes mom jokes to Vergil.
Trish makes mom jokes to Vergil.
No wonder he decided to kill everyone.
I really fucking suck with Dante how do I git gud?
>Dante, give me your piece.
>No way, you've got your own.
>Well I want your corner piece too.
>What is reading comprehension
user, you're dumb as fuck
It's just Nero being replaced by a barely playable boss character, that happens to also be a "playable character" in the files, which is obviously their plan
Is anyone possibly doubting that Vergil will be playable at some point? Have you seen the amount of fanservice in this game, and you think they'll skip on that? No fucking way
Now Lady and Trish are doubtful though, but very likely too
Because he's clearly not finished yet.
Stand medium range away from him and spam trickster ground dodge every time he attacks.
He's embarrassingly easy like that.
what difficulty are you on?
>So Dante is fine with Vergil killing a city worth of people just to playfight his bro again?
Literally what he did in DMC3, why do you care now? Also, Dante doesn't can forgive whoever he wants.
>WAHOOOO! Morrison, I'm trying to clear out the Qlipoth but I'm Dummy Thicc and the clap from my as cheeks keeps annoying vergil!
>"Vergil, your only mistake was bringing a knife to a gun fight"
Will there be turbo mode though?
It has some insane moves. Read the skillset and buy stuff for it in the shop. Particularly the screw attack dive.
Well, Lady did say she wants to settle down in his office.
>Dante, I'm going to sing now!
I think the worst thing vergil ever did was shooting a pregnant lady's baby inside of her.
That has no effect. Waiting on a mod or patch some shit to fix this.
>V:"yo nero here's an arm to help with this boss fight"
>cant even fucking turn to look where he dropped it
It was in the last thread, fewl. And it's just playable boss vergil
His DT mode. I can beat him if I just use trickster and run away like a bitch, but I really don't find that fun. I recently played through DMC3 and fucking loved the Vergil fights, but this one I can't seem to figure out how to git gud. Any advice?
No way, he's for pizza only.
>Now Lady and Trish are doubtful though, but very likely too
They were terrible in DMC4. Even the fans couldn't squeeze decent combo vids out of them.
4s enemies sucked shit and were mostly docile punching bags.
That was Vergin
not canon
post your favorite gun/sword
>double kalina ann/cavaliere R
Fuck you, now this is gonna be stuck in my head whenever I hear Billy Idol
>"Hey Dante, maybe it's time for you to get a trim"
>Dante takes a quick look at Neros hair
>"Not in a million years."
Why did the pass up this opportunity?
When do you guys think they'll bring back mundus as a villain? I mean he wasn't killed in the first game just sent back through the portal.
Is there a missing blue orb fragment in the game? I've got everything. I found all the secret missions myself. I'm stuck on the last fragment. I even caved and consulted a guide but I have every fragment listed in it.
Yeah, yeah, play it again please to see the difference. What the fuck are you even talking about. Play SoS or DMD to compare. It enrages me how people can't see facts
I just realized I haven't used Sin DT at all
Dante only kills demons for money and personal reasons. He's only incidentally saved the world multiple times. Vergil did the same thing in DMC3 and he was just mad that his storefront got ruined
>using double kalina ann beam to mess up virgil as he charges for bird form
ridiculously satisfying, especially when he flies right into it.
What the fuck was that final boss remix of Devil Trigger?
Because Nero shouting FUCK YOU to his dad is better.
>Why did the pass up this opportunity?
Because they took a different opportunity.
He never cared about those dead people in 3 and those retards in Fortuna in 4. Why would he care now? He has never saved anybody that's not on his job report.
There's already mods for it. Pretty easy, just increase game clock speed
Dante needs a kid first
I did it with just DSD and Gloves
Use Royal Guard mode to get easy punishes on him when he counters your first hit if you rush him. Just about everything he does is easily royal guardable, but swap to Trickster teleports for his DT if you don't have a DT to match. Don't use SDT for this fight, DT is much more important and the heal it gives is vital for first clears. The little projectiles he throws are easy to dodge, but punching them with Balrog reflects them back. Between Balrog weaving, Trickster dodges, and Royal Guard, you have more than enough defensive tools.
When he DTs, teleport dash around and learn his moves, some are very easy punishes with DSD Forward Triangle or Y. When he goes into flying mode, trickster dodge through the first attack, quickly swap to gunslinger while jumping and swap to E/I at this time if you have to, press circle, swap back to Trickster. This takes some practice, but it clears his swords around you so you dont have to worry.
During his big AoE, trickster dodge out of it and swap to dual rocket launchers for their hold ability right as he comes out of it, it's a lot of fucking damage that adds up over 3 times.
DSD: (Replace with xbox if you have to) Basic combo into back Triangle, follow him up, do 3 swipes, a shotgun blast, another swipe, and chop down. Then do the Stinger combo, but cancel the stabs after a bit with a royal guard and do forward triangle and shotgun blast. This is how I was getting the most damage during my fight I think.
Balrog: Literally Forward triangle until you knock him up, spam triangle, knock him up again and shotgun juggle him until he recovers.
Be patient, use your DT smart for more damage during a guaranteed combo or for healing.
I only used it once for cerberus since the gauge was full
>Nelo Angelo 1
>Nelo Angelo 2
>Nelo Angelo 3
>Vergil 1
>Vergil 2
>Vergil 3
>Urizen 1
>Urizen 2
>Urizen 3
>Urizen 4
>Vergil 1
>Vergil 2
>Special mention: Savior
Am I missing any boss fight?
An incredible fucking experience.
He didn't style his hair properly.
Wow, can you tell me in more details?
>"Think you can beat me? Heh. Not in a million years."
I chuckled so hard Vergil killed me
I'm glad DMC5 turned out so well. It's not perfect, but I haven't had this much actual fun with a video game in a few years now, it's very refreshing.
I don't see how this is worse than anything else he has done, it's literally just him killing two people at once.
What does Yea Forums think of William Blake's works?
Buster Knuckle is the sickest shit ever. Are there any exhibitions of it yet?
It's ok when Nuro does it
>he uses the summon sword as a plate
>for the rest of the party he's walking around with it circling him
I've played the shit out of 4. All versions of it. The enemies were one of the main things I disliked about it.
Dante is so fucking fun holy shit. Bloody palace fucking when? Also have any of you guys managed to connect with friends? I tried but it didn’t connect me to anyone.
>first clears
oh god don't tell me there's some actual reward for clearing a boss on the very first go I suck ass at these games but enjoy the hell out of them
Slicked back hair Dante would look horrible, that's why they didn't go for it.
That's how you make a powerful "FUCK YOU" Temeem.
Watch and learn.
You're fucking idiot, really. Play 5 and then 4 on DMD to see the difference.
Holy fuck I know that was supposed to be anguish or something but I fucking laughed so hard I lost that first fight.
What I did (on devil hunter I should mention) was running around him to avoid his long range attacks abd whenever he teleports behinds me I just jump out if the way.
When he goes jet plane on me I used SDT right when he is about to hit me to knock him out of it.
When he uses it the second time and summons his stand I use my gun to shoot the stand and once that is gone I just go ham on him with DT stingers to knock him out of his DT.
I 100% both versions of 4 and I will still tell you 4 has the worst enemies in the franchise.
>a mass of cells is a baby
Lol stay seething.
Closest to that would be beating M19-20 with no continues
Not out of combat, no
No, I mean the first time you fight the boss. When you're maybe not challenging yourself to certain conditions like not using DT to heal.
I played through 1, 3 and 4 with no dodge rolls, only jumps because I'm retarded and forgot how to. Jumps will save your ass
He killed millions!
It's because it was done tastefully.
How do I know when I've gotten low/top gear going with Cavalier?
Yeah, 1 attack enemies in 3 are the best, right? Where the fuck are enemies in 4 worst?
The glow
He lost his motiation
>pull nonstop SSS combos on mission 13
>no players to witness my cuhrayzee combos
mods when?
To get one salty runback
Does something happen if you do that? I know I would exit out to main menu then reselect the mission every time I got beat, because I swear this game nefs the boss after the second or third go.
>What does Yea Forums think of William Blake's works?
I think somebody in Japan is responsible for leaving a bunch of William Blake compilations around video game offices because not only Itsuno but also Kojima are using it in their games.
Retard question. I just did the mounted-electric knight boss as V, and it was really hard to make my summons connect with him. I have the dash attack unlocked for shadow, but shadow in general feels like shit to use.
Is this user error? Like I didn't have trouble staying alive, but actually putting in damage that wasn't chip dmg was really hard.
I had to drop the difficulty, because this shit is fucking impossible on SOS+, ACT is also fucking crazy as shit at this speed.
The purple electricity?
was trying to find the link to the mod but somehow I lost it. maybe another user will find it
Young Clint Eastwood
It was his demonic half at the very least, and all that murder came about as a direct result of his autism for power. I think it's a bit inexcusable that they'd just ignore this issue completely and go for a perfect feel good ending.
So Claire is Dante...
Who's Leon then?
Show me your controls remaps from dmc5
How nice is nero and vergils ass?
I really hope they'll be part of an expansion DLC down the line alongside Vergil. They didn't get enough love this game
V is the best!
Why do people think DT Nero is stronger than Sin DT Dante/Vergil?
Claire is Kyrie, Leon is Nero
Then again, they didn't even bother coming up with an explanation about why Vergil is even still alive. The plot is just a shitty mess in DMC5.
A lot of people are complaining that Shadow and Griffon have a bad tendency to miss. Not using lock-on and staying close to your target sometimes helps, but V just has some gameplay issues.
Speaking of, is there no way to time how simultaneous players enter Mission 13? I keep doing that for triple coop play but every time I join the mission, the other two players would already be at the divinity statue area, and I only get to participate in the final area with them
The regular one, but it's
melee / cat | style / cane / breaker
shoot / bird
Trish and Lady rape SFM by FOW when?
Eh, you just get a cheevo. Not sure if there's something else to it.
Why do fags like that picture so much? He looks like a tranny
It was a pretty cool game desu but at the same time it could have been better and could have even surpassed 3 if they played their cards right.
As of right now, it's the second best DMC IMO.
I think the whole Nero just got insane power and is stronger than uncle Dante and papa Vergil is huge bullshit considering he is barely a demon anymore (even with the message of the DMC series this is kinda ridiculous).
While I was ok with the happy ending I think deep down everyone wanted something more tragic ending with a bittersweet tone because as of right now this happy ending feels extremely rushed and kind of undeserved.
Barring these 2 things the game is amazing especially the gameplay and the story.
DMC 3 is still the best tho in story, character and plot department.
Verg's the best, Nero's sucks.
Nero's life must be hell once his dad and uncle return from hell.
God that blouse looks so fucking soft. Imagine fucking her tits through it.
Shadow's alright. Trick is to use trigger him so he does fighting on his own, and use others to supplement. Don't forget your forward y, but honestly, just mash with the damn thing, and don't lock on. He seems to do better.
They just wanted to have Vergil in HD photorealistic graphics, so they brought him back.
Is that a common thing?
Speaking of which whar is the best lay out for vergil mode in 3.
I feel like I should be using the summon swords constantly.
Wish I had a turbo button for that
Git gud fucking casul. This isn't Retards may Cry with Donte and it's extremely casual shitty gameplay.
But Nero fugs Kyrie already.
Right. Because I want typical rape by literal whos and monsters.
It's half-suggested by Nero winning against Vergil.
But I like how Itsuno protects my autism by Vergil and Dante effortlessly bitch-slapping Nero when they walk away.
SFM porn when
>Urizen (forma de apple)
>he didn't use nightmare only for the boss-rush version of greyon knight
Whew, what a rush. Totes worth it though, really teaches you how to use V's book and single jump to the fullest. I swear his hop is like a frog's.
How do Kyrie and Vergil interact?
You guys keep pushing this meme but they look nothing alike. They're just handsome guys.
>Double Devil Buster
>You can smash Vergil's Clone into him
>"You dropped this"
I figured it was a combination of splitting himself in two, and also has to do with Nero having a stand whenever he used Yamato. The Doppelganger is just a blue energy clone like Nero's stand used to be, and Nero no longer has that stand anymore, so I figure it has something to do with the Yamato.
There are still not grandchildren. That's not motivating at all.
maybe because they're fags, genius
What's the reason to kill Vergil now, when he's actually sane and coherent, though?
Dante intended to kill him initially, but his fight, as well as fight with Nero had proven that isn't necessary.
Also, Vergil wasn't killing people directly. It was the tree and all the other demons who also were after the fruit.
So in mission 2 when do you play as V there?
He's not stronger then Dante and Virgil you fucking dumbass following this line of logic that means Jester is stronger then the brothers
Can someone explain to me what her master plan was? Why was she helping Urizen stop Nero and gang when she wanted to eradicate Sparda's bloodline? Did she not know who Urizen was?
Goliath too, what the fuck was he thinking?
>3 missions
Not enough
>I wrote a blog post a while ago about why I fucking hate video games because this is what it does! It appeals to the male fantasy
>typical rape by literal whos and monsters
I'd rather have that than DmC mundus, Donte, or Vorgin. Or even Dante,Vergil, or Urizen.
The Devil Bringer absorbed the Yamato into itself and combined their powers, so when Vergil stole the Devil Bringer he took its powers too, including the ghost arm shit that Nero uses.
>not Vegeta
he even acts like him
She's probably so kind and nice to him it makes him confused as fuck and in the end he challenges her for a fight.
Whats a consistent strategy to defeat Furys? Only mob left I have trouble with
>It was his demonic half at the very least
>blame it all on his demon side
Das racist.
You don't, the V you see there uses the player data from the Secret Mission from Mission 5
I thought about that too but didn't Vergil basically admits that he is stronger than Dante?
I mean both of them were beaten up pretty fucking bad but at the same time the game tries hard to make it look like he is stronger than them.
Vergil's theme song confirmed.
The real reason is this game's story is shit.
>He challenges her to a fight
Give me that autism brother
>"You will accept my existence!"
>Shoots him in the fucking face
Holy shit
Goliath wanted to create his own fruit with his own tree
Malphas doesn’t know about Urizen’s origins. He’s just a big dick demon as far as she’s aware
Vergil acts like he doesn't care about her and constantly roasts her for being a weak human, but secretly cares
There was no real interaction, but when Nero was lost about the dad bomb and the blood feud between his father abd his uncle he called up Kyrie asking for advice.
Like some other user saud she is his constant in that crazy world.
We have unga bunga to kill moondust.
I hope they figure Coop Bloody Palace, it's gonna be fucking amazing
>I guarantee it'll have similar controls to DmC
I doubt it. Boss Vergil doesn't have the "teleport to the sword" gimmick.
Dante and Virgil are both exhausted after their fight and Virgil only fights Nero because he wants to one up Dante and loves to fight
Where's the other Nidhogg parasite in Mission 4?
>Vergil still has the thickest ass
>"Human, this grapple is pathetically weak. I could break out in an instant."
>"It's called a hug silly!"
Vergil deserved that fuck you though.
Dante and Lady are the only things I'd accept
>"So, Son, you're saying this woman gave you powers you have now? That's... curious."
>DH mode
christ DMD is gonna be hell
How the heck is he in business anyways? There's not really alot of money in Demon busting, its not like it happens alot and bullet costs must be insane.
It was bittersweet. Dante and Vergil got trapped in the demon world, doomed to fight for eternity while Nero is left alone to protect the human world. Just a few moments after he learns that he actually has a real family.
It was hard to fuck up the short ones like I don't like X but
>>everything script-related has to be 100% tongue-in-cheek and wink at you or else it's not good
is fucking wrong. As soon you have to use more than 1% brain power you have to resort to misrepresentation and exaggeration. Thanks for wasting my time, brainlet.
You have to destroy that wall with nightmare where the blue orb is and its in the right of the building
She melts his cold heart and he treats her like his own daughter.
I don't see why they wouldn't just give it to him anyways, he's no doubt going to be based on his DMC4 version.
No wizard powers like Dante
He is incredibly confused and angry that just like dante, his son is also dating a clone of his own mom
I'm fine with that, but shit, at least give some silly explanation. Like he was summoned by some demon necromancer, then have him kill his own summoner midway through the story.
Maybe I just misunderstood the scene. Had a few drinks beforehand desu the return of Vergil motivated me to have some drinks.
So is Nero up to their lvl now or is he still a little beyond?
Not that it really matters I'm just curious.
Also, have to replay without drinking.
>How the heck is he in business anyways?
He barely is.
I mean he can't even pay for water and electricity and he lives in his office.
>doomed to fight for eternity
They love that shit and Yamato can open portals. Co-op Dante and Vergil DLC is basically a given at this point.
Sheer motivation and being itsunos fav
>makes like four separate mentions of how "it's not tongue-in-cheek and goofy, it's just bad!!"
>wrong apparently
Nice one retard
So if Credo was still alive, what would the interaction between him and Vergil be like
Don't lewd Dante pls. He's for being taken out on dates for pizza and strawberry sundaes
Can piratefags coop?
>"I'm not interested in you and your family"
>Still passes by their neighborhood multiple times a day to make sure there are no demons nearby
directional inputs are a pain. I swear it switches between inputting from the direction of V to the direction of the summon, but either way, I tended to just mash for constant damage and use camera controls to mitigate enemy attacks against either.
Credo would be euphoric of having a serious sparring partner
Alright I'm done making threads. Someone else do it tonight.
I'm not suprised you can't see context or see anything longer than one sentence.
After all you a but a e-celeb cocksucker to begin with while also a triggered cunt when someone doesn't like what you like.
>trapped in a demon world
its not like this hasn't happened like 3 times before. virgil ended DMC3 trapped in a demon world and he ended Devil may cry 1 trapped in the demon world and DEAD and he came back.
And dante road into hell on a motorcycle in 2.
Facecam was a mistake. Also he like DmC so its a given he has shit taste.
why do I suck so much dick at mission 8
So, why DID Sparda give Dante Rebellion? Is it just a power boost? Or some kind of symbolism about being granted the power to stand up to the demon king? Why can Yamato split someone into two people?
Nero was only really able to flex on Dante and Vergil because they were exhausted from fighting each other. He definitely got a major power boost but they're still above him slightly.
>Getting your shit pushed in by Blitz
>Getting your shit pushed in by every other mob from every DMC game in history, including the reboot, at once
I'll take option 2, thanks
Like Nico to Dante. He would probably consider Vergil’s autism majesty and pride
>that fucking ending
Holy fucking shit, can someone make a webm of Nero Bustering Vergil out of his 9/11 mode?
I'm not sure.
He doesn't have Beowulf nor Force Edge this time around - which is reasonable.
He still uses some of the moves from DMC4SE, but not the others.
Dark Slayer was soft-retconned into Yamato reality-warping him around. There's no need for summoned swords to be required for the teleportation now.
Even for DMC4SE, that teleportation was largely referred as being inferior to the DMC3 version by most of the vocal community.
In short, there are more reasons for DmC style teleportation not to be in than it to be in.
Vergil would fucking murder Credo
>babysits grandchildren while Kyrie and Nero and busy, saying to them "grow stronger, the blood of sparda, you need more power" until they fall asleep
>first post called e-celebs a dead meme and lamented Critikal's taste going to shit
>e-celeb cocksucker
> he never goes inside their home when patrolling the neighbourhood
> "dad just get inside already, dinner is ready"
If there's a steamfix then yes
I need more of this.Please.
There aren't many sexual V pictures out there so I take what I can get
>he blocked?
>I hate e-celebs
>I just happen to watch them all the time
Great argument, do you even listen to yourself? How do you even comment on someone "what happened to critikal" when you apparantly don't follow e-celeb shit like him?
Jesus, are you fucking dumb.
I like how he makes fart jokes for a living, but hates Nico's "up your butt" line.
Im pretty sure a majority of people wouldn't want s tragic ending.Tragic endings don't belong in a dmc plot, it's all about the wholesomeness.
> Consolecucks will never get to see Trish's ass or fight Artemis, Goliath, Chickie, Geryon, etc as Dante
If you ever cared about an eceleb's taste enough to lament it going to shit then you're an eceleb cocksucker.
The same as Santus most likely. Credo would be ribbing Nero all day every day about why he couldn't behave more like his father.
Pulled my devil trigger
>bullet costs must be insane
he makes his own bullets with demon magic
>Urizen (forma de apple)
There is no need for debate.
How does vergil still have the nicest ass?
>mention critikal because i've watched him on and off over a couple years, can count all the youtubers i actually pay attention to on a mutilated hand
>i watch them all the time
I know you are but what am I?
>thought that the "online" aspect was just recordings of other players, not an actual, live connection
>get to Mission 13
>other players are actually interacting with me in weird ways
>one runs way the fuck ahead
>the other one hangs back and runs circles around me, stands near the hole jumping a bunch, etc
>second room is already cleared before we drop through the hole because the guy who ran ahead is super good
>mission is incredibly short and has no boss or cutscenes, as if it was some sort of co-op demonstration
Holy fucking shit. Shocked af. So, online co-op bloody palace all but confirmed, then?
>Saying this after the best game of the series ended on a pretty tragic note
I mean come on.
>You cannot beat me this time, Dante!
>So, why DID Sparda give Dante Rebellion? Is it just a power boost?
Because it's the opposite of Yamato. The two swords are in harmony to each other, much like the two brothers are supposed to be. The Yamato is capable of opening dimensions and portals and moving things between them, so it kinda makes sense that it would be able to remove the human spirit from a demon in a "shut up it's anime" way. Rebellion on the other hand unifies Dante with his demon spirit, allowing him to unlock Sin DT.
He was absurdly out of their league before the power up.
Now he is still out of their league, but he's close enough for him to have some actual impact.
Like, before that he was a cockroach against a special forces veteran.
Now he's a 12-yo kid against special forces veteran.
I've been having good results with charging the shotgun and using Trickster. Their movements seem pretty telegraphed, but the actual opportunity to parry/block is insanely narrow, so it's easier to just dodge and blast them.
Furies are absolute cunts.
How the fuck was I supposed to figure that out? Did I miss something or are you just expected him to summon there out of sheer coincidence?
I think by the time they return all their fustrations would have been gone, they are releasing all their autism in hell right about now.
Fighting the Panther is some straight up bullshit.
>incapable of defending his e-celeb fanboyism
>incapable of defending his argument
>surely pretending to be retarded will safe me once again
>Vergil returns to his home and stabs himself with Yamato, splitting his human and demon parts
>Dante returns to his home and stabs himself with rebellion
>it just turns into a new sword and gives him devil trigger mk.2 (more powerful than urizen without any downsides)
Dante already got stabbed by Rebellion at least twice and this never happened before. And to top it all off Vergil has his mk.2 DT in the final fight so why did he get split in the first place what the fuck is this writing
also Nero should have jumped in between Dante and Vergil and get stabbed by both Yamato and DSD to unlock his DT, would have been pure kino
other than that great game
>Urizen (forma de apple)
>all this closet psychology
So, you do watch them? And you go out of your way to post about them in this thread? And you know their history?
They weren't helping Urisen, you stupid.
They were after the fruit on their own.
His review popped up in my feed so I watched it. This guy basically knocks 20% off the meter because of dialogue and characters alone, effectively giving this game a B-.
>"I think my mother did this too"
Nero and Lady had a surprising amount of chemistry for the few scenes they had together
What part about this was psychology?
Rebellion fused with Sparda this time around. Vergil, you can just chalk it up to him eating the fruit.
>lady with a fucking rocket launcher walks in and gives bedroom eyes to what feels like the whole room
God I love Lady.
Read it again dumbass. Why would they stop Nero and gang then? They obviously cant beat Urizen so they should have let them deal with him.
This time he stabbed himself willingly so I assume that was the key
>Morrison calls them crazy bitches
>They immediately point at each other accusingly
>Chimera seeds
>Every boss but Credo
>stabbed by both Yamato and DSD
This would have killed him + he wouldn't have been fast enough to get between them without his DT form.
You know what he does with all his weapons after every game? The fucker sells them for rent money
It's Capcom's second largest PC release behind MHW
It's the second biggest release right behind MHW so its in good hands.
DD2 is already in production since Itsuno wanted to make it after DMC5, which gone gold 3 months ago
Goliath wants the fruit and he's a big dumbo. Malphas was probably gonna trick Urizen later and steal the fruit since she can do portal shenanigans.
Did you forget they have yamato?
Turbo is a 20% speed increase, not doubled.
Dude you are comparing Yamato and Rebellion. Yamato has special powers imbued into it, while Rebellion doesn't. Rebellion is like a normal sword compared to Yamato.
I like to think he'd read them poetry from his book as they snuggle with stuffed animals based on V's familiars.
All time high on PC was ~89k. No idea what the console numbers are.
Then who's Vergil(Chris) going to get to bang Dante?
I've had it work properly one time, on the subway mission. And I only really noticed it because I saw him run ahead of me while I was beating up the red orb thing. I was starting to think it was all just ghost data.
Goliath didn't fight Urizen, yet. He was just killing shit for the fruit.
The chicken chick was plotting something but was distracted by a random passer-by who fucking murdered her. She might've eventually come to the conclusion "we should make them fight Urizen for us" but she was killed before that could happen.
Ooooooooh that makes sense. I haven't found that mission yet
SteamSpy owner estimation is between 200k-500k also
>Lady, please fuck my brother. The Sparda bloodline must continue.
>No way fag
imagine the smell
And look at what happened we got the autismo back