Why are scythes so rare in Vidya?
Certainly they're more interesting than Swords?
Why are scythes so rare in Vidya?
Certainly they're more interesting than Swords?
scythes arent weapons, they're farming tools
probably because scythes were never intended to be used in a fight. The only people who used scythes in combat were peasants who couldn't afford swords.
So are Kunai, but that doesn't stop Ninja vidya characters from using them to attack.
retarded anime tier "weapons"
I miss Grand Chase. It got replaced by Elsword and then turned in to a dumb mobile gacha.
They aren't effective weapons.
Just use a damn spear.
Because they are kinda hard to put movement as? Most game plays them as halberds anyways.
Doesn't that apply to Axes as well? Or rapiers as fancy dueling tools rather than actual battle stuff? Don't these discussion eventually boil to overarm vs underarm?
More importantly, why so little Japanese games have pile bunkers? Shit always felt so satisfying to see in anime yet I can't really remember one game that I had the pleasure of seeing it.
They're farming tools and nobody over the age of twelve thinks they're cool.
>farming tool
ok there pals
scythes look dumb and only edgy dudes use them
Because scythes don't lend themselves well as weaponry. It's a meme anime weapon that only weebs get hard over. You can say it's interesting, but you can also say that about a gauntlet that packs a miniature railgun.
They're more common than combat staves.
>farms souls
arent these the meme anime scythe that weebs get hard over
they're the go-to chuuni weapon for edgelords
Etrian Odyssey says hi.
What about it?
They come off as edgy and aren't generally considered real weapons
>Gimmicky shit in 5
>Great in Nexus
Feels good
death doesnt kill you with it
death ferrys souls not harvest or farm them
A scythe works in battle the same way a shotel does
And a pickaxe. Though I do remember the sharp side of the shotel being just as important.
>grand chase
Man that game was janky as all hell and it jew'd me out of my mind, but I spent all my junior high school years playing that shit because it worked as a fighting game fix I didn't even know I needed until real fighting games started being ported for PC
Jin was best boy and Mari was best girl
Scythes have a terrible moveset in real life and they also have a terrible moveset in vidya unless they cheat with clipping and hit boxes. They're a worse halberd, get over it.