I fucking hate League Of Legends
I fucking hate League Of Legends
Hey buddy blogposting is two boards down.
Screw you
> 218 cs in 35 minutes
> 11/8/4
> 4 people with higher level than you
keep blaming your teammates faggot
How can someone die 11 times as fucking Morgana
You’re supposed to spam obnoxious cheese characters in ranked and exploit the enemy team’s cohesiveness by being a smug cunt in all chat whenever you feel it will make some leave, feed, or troll. This is asserts dominance as the average person in this game will fly off the handlebars as soon as their teammate does something their autism can’t handle or they give up first blood and don’t get a gank within the next 5 minutes.
I was pretty high leveled in the beginning then game went to shit after laning phase. My team doesn't know how to fight against a afk.
just stop playing it, retard
play something that you actually get enjoyment out of instead of trying to push yourself towards some higher dumb invisible number and think "yes I'm getting better at this game that wastes a massive amount of my time and I end up hating/being angry most of that time"
like goddamn
can't believe I spent 5 years playing this shit, almost 6, worst decision of my fucking life to ever install it, the longest i quit was for 3 months but I fucking fell back the hole, i still play, i don't enjoy this shit anymore stopped since year 2,trying to quit again, been a week so far. trying to find something else.
i have a terrible emotional connection since I invested so much time whenever i try to get good at anything i feel incompetent and just go back to league and delude myself that i'm good or experienced at something.
need to fill the void with something else, i started playing at a bad time in my life too, fucking sucks
why the fuck was their Ahri only level 9? Why the fuck was their support a higher level than their mid?
....Did they have a leaver? Did you lose a fucking 4v5?
>thinks this score is so amazing that he has to make a thread on Yea Forums about it
Yikes. You do realise 1 team has to lose every game right? I don't play League anymore, stopped during season 2 when my 2nd account got perma banned, but I was top 50 in season 1 and 2, having an attitude like yours will never get you anywhere. I play Dota now and constantly lose games with scores of 20+ kills and less than 5 deaths. You just have to accept that it happens. My last game I was 13/4/6 with more that double the damage of anyone else in the game.
The filename is afk ahri.jpg, so yeah. He is crying cause he lost a 4v5. At least he is self aware that he is dogshit.
just uninstall it and if you ever find yourself reinstalling it, try and think about how much not fun you're going to have if you finish downloading one of the worst competitive games ever
OOF. that's rough buddy. But how did--
lemme look at your teams items---
>both tanks had thornmail
wow, how the fuck? Those should hard counter vamps/regenerators and vaynes AA. Like, they were literally ALL AD. your initiators were stacking Armor and HP. How. HOW?
>playing the new retarded 50 dashes, 3k true, healing by clicking, dick sucking faggot champion
If you arent playing Singed, buy some rope and ult yourself. Glad i quit this game, Riot cucked the only Champion that required skill and not keyboard rolling.
>Not playing EZ win tank!aftershock Sylas
Its like you actually wanted to lose.
Then you have rather little in your life to spend your emotional energy on.
Crutch keystone for pathetic silver/bronze faggots that cant lane for shit and need that extra retard damage to score a kill after they keyboard faceroll.
Hope OP stays in Bronze and festers there
Why are you hiding your rank? Let us see your rank.
I recently asked support to have my account permanently deleted, it took a lot of courage considering it was a lot of wasted money going down the drain, but I got no enjoyment out of the game. If that is how it is for you, I recommend doing the same.
>Both bot and top fed
Yikes. Better luck next time.
I’m thinking of playing again since stopping back at the beginning of season 4. Tell me I’m making the right/wrong decision
>Ornn didn't get max CDR.
>Merc treads when the enemy team is triple AD and two autoattackers.
What a spud.
Not his fault though. Your team lacked damage.
Absolutely fucking based and admirable. I can tell you're going to go far in life. Never look back, user
Bad decision. Ranked is complete garbage and balance is absolute trash. Do not play.
It's still fun, but you have to be aware of what you're getting yourself into. You'll occasionally get a dumpster fire game where you'll want to break your monitor. Best way to play is with friends.
>tfw have decade+ of dota experience
>stopped getting mad at the game 2 years
>people with my experience still get mad
wtf dotards?
he probably got them before Ahri afkd, in which case they were a good pick for the CC reduction and MR. Otherwise totally useless in this match, yeah.
>morg had sorcery runes
Anyway, is anyone else infuriated by just how optimal Sona is? I wanna play other things but percentage wise she is the best support, she's consistently at the top winrate matchup for just about every ADC
Ranked is more bearable now that they added separate ranks for each lane position. The balance is in a really good spot right now. Pretty much every champ is viable in masters.
Delusional Low golds that are trying to cope after having sunk 200+ dollars into an unbalanced dumpster fire of a game
Do NOT fucking play. It isnt worth it unless you 100% commit yourself to blind pick and not giving a fuck
>playing the game exact game in the same map, with the same objective, over and over again for hundreds of hours
Someone wants inform me why multiplayer gaming is popular in general?
>Be Aussie
>start playin league in s2 on 200 ping
>s3 comes round, get to gold after elo system dropped
>Aussie servers come out
>everyone is so fucking retarded and spastic
>never played again
I tried to do this, they wouldn't let me with old ass questions and an old email I don't have access to anymore or remember, so i made a random email and set a random password and verified the email and pretty much threw the random pass away so it almost the same as deleting but then months later i fucking grinded a new account, now trying to quit again.
yeah i'm a fucking loser and got nothing in life, that's the only way you hang on to a shitty game like this, but i'm working on it I'm really trying to get my life togther which is primarily the point why im pissed because trying to start my life I reflected on how much time i wasted for no return.
trying to get some skills for a job and just playing old single player vidya
You can make the same criticism about most sports like soccer, football, baseball, chess, etc.
Hundreds if not thousands of different iterations of character builds, teams, strategies etc...
someone want to inform me why this user is so dumb?
user, please uninstall it. Please. You can do it man. I believe in you.
Not to defend his retarded post but
>hundreds, thousands of different iterations of all that retarded shit you said
Yeah. And over 99% of the combinations are garbage and detrimental in competitive play. Then a new patch is released and the set strategy/build/team is trash and is replaced with a new set.
It's the same retarded garbage cycle.
Just do what makes you happy, user. Time spent having fun is not time wasted. If you have no self-control and you're neglecting other duties in your life because of it that's a different issue, but I don't think you should regret putting thousands of hours into a game you enjoyed.
>hiding every single ign so no one looks you up
Are you low elo or something OP?
This is not true at all, not even in masters play. You sound like you only follow the pro scene and assume ranked is exactly the same. You're delusional dude.
You wanna know how i can tell you're low gold?
Fuck Riot. And fuck the retarded meta cycles.
Yeah, and it seems like you didn’t read the part of his post that said multiplayer in general. Not to mention neither of us said competitive play.. it’s like you didn’t read my post at all you stupid fuck
>This midget is better at League of Legends than literally everyone on Yea Forums
What a hero.
>playing league for ""fun""
Do autists really?
You're obsessed my dude. You fell for all the buzzwords and talking points you heard on reddit.
OP, it's telling that you aren't showing us your ELO.
>multiplayer gaming in general
You’re reading comprehension skills are still 2/10.
The low gold buzzword was a joke. But based on this post, I'm actually starting to think I was spot on.
If we're going to be serious
>playing the game exact game in the same map, with the same objective, over and over again for hundreds of hours
This is pretaining exactly to League. Or most MOBAs in general. Which is why i commented about League.
I wasn't even referring to the gold comment, but I find it funny that you don't even realize what buzzwords you're spewing.
Im willing to bet my life that you're under gold 4 and thats being kind
I did, i have many times and i always reinstall, i'm hoping this will be my last time, once I fill in the void i won't have a problem, but like i said the reason i keep going back to it is like a drunk person with alcohol, you try to quit but shit happens and you're like ok just let me have 1 drink just 1.
If Fuck Riot is a buzzword, then I'm honestly inpressed.
You farmed your teammates. You don't get that much of a gold lead on your own teammates unless they're dying and not getting assists on shutdowns. And to add insult to injury you didn't even do anything with the gold lead seeing as you also have 8 deaths. Probably dying to secure kills which lead to giving the enemy team chances to secure objectives.
>keeps blaming the team
stay in silver buddy
1 more ranked game. You lose from a dogshit jungle. But you dont want to leave on a loss. So you go again. A loss from a boosted bot lane. So on. And when you do win. That win doesnt make up the losses so you play more.
I know the cycle user. Uninstall. Play something with barely any competitive scene. I personally played TF2.
You can do it user.
Only ARAM is fun so long as you don't get cancerous match ups which usually happen
It could be said about MOBAs yes, also CoD, battle royales, or even.... get this..... multiplayer games in general. I know builds, teams and strats don’t apply to fucking team death match on nuketown, but same objective/maps/gameplay throughout multiplayer games. Just cause someone posted in a lol thread doesn’t mean every comment PERTAINS to lol. Especially when the op said in general
Yeah, i see what you mean now. Sorry, League just pisses me off to no extent. It's been like 5 months since i played but it seriously just pisses me the fuck off
>amumu, morgana, darius, vayne
Either bronze or silver.
>almost entirely magic
You guys had a shit comp
uninstalled already, thinking of picking up DMC for a refreshing experience, should i do it?
If you’re actually who was replying, no worries man. It brings out the worst in people even when not playing. Myself included now.
Very true user, I used to find the shorter games to be as much fun, but without the personal raging and sense of lost time after a defeat.
Yeah it was me, sorry again.
I dont personally play DMC but i hear the series is fun. Play whatever you think you'll enjoy.
I mean we used to have imaqtpie and Pobelter, so that counts for something probably
you hate yourself so you play league
dont subject yourself to playing with 9 retards, mobas are the worst
at least play dota2
>playing a dying game that's losing half its playerbase to autochess
>I got a positive KDA but still lost!
only dead game is league, fortnite/apex took all their players