What's the video game equivalent of drinking black coffee?
What's the video game equivalent of drinking black coffee?
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I don't get it whats wrong with black coffee?
Playing smash with no items on approved stages only
Why do uggos even bother going to Starbucks? Isn't the whole point of it a social thing?
Why would you go to Starbucks for black coffee? You can boil that shit on your stove.
I don't order "black" coffee, I order coffee and choose not to put anything in it myself
who the fuck goes to starbucks and says "I want a grande pike place, black"
you pour your own fucking creamer you idiots
What if I drink my coffee black because I like the taste and not because I think it makes me hardcore or something?
Nobody goes to Starbucks for black coffee. Or even what I would consider coffee.
No one said anything was wrong with black coffee, the pic is just stating a fact about what people who order black coffee think they look like when they order vs what they actually look like when they order.
What kind of a social thing? It's a goddamn coffee shop.
Black coffee is the only acceptable way of drinking it
You're drinking poison and trying too hard at the same time
This thread is gay.
depends on the coffee
You wouldn't understand because you're ugly.
>social thing
No, wtf are you talking about? The store is fucking notorious for people going there ALONE and working on their laptops.
Age of Empires II
Good thread
i honestly had no idea anyone even put this much thought into getting black coffee
>Going to Starbucks to drink black coffee
Planescape Torment or any other ancient CRPG that's 99% dialogue and 1% actual gameplay
>hello, I'll have a large coffee please
>what do we put in it?
am I the only one who this happens all the time?
Def Jam Fight for NY
Why would you go somewhere for coffee?
No one orders black coffee unless they have put this much thought into it. A regular coffee comes with cream and sugar, so you have to go out of your way to get black, which there's no reason to unless you think you'll look like the left side of the pic when you order it.
where are you buying "regular coffee" from you fucking child
Is not making your own coffee the biggest waste of money in modern society?
Or you're diabetic/allergic, I guess. They get a pass of course.
Dwarf Fortress.
>Going to Starbucks
>Ordering at drive thru
>"1 large coffee please, black"
>"Would you like any sugar?"
Is this some weird regional thing?
you're the tryhard, i just want straight coffee, i'm putting zero thought into what anyone thinks of it, what kind of autist gives a fuck at all
i go there because I feel like spoiling myself after work with a matcha green tea frappuchino or an iced caramel macchiato. It doesn't help that one of the cute guys there is giving me stuff for free as of late
buying bottled water
Probably, coffee prices are crazy.
Playing games on a CRT.
I don't drink coffee at all since I'm not a goy drone that needs stimulants to get through the day
In terms of trying too hard to seem cool/intelligent? DOTA 2. Elitist faggots that want to seem more skillful or something when they're 100% trash and would suck at LoL too
>hello, I'll have a large coffee, black, please
Is that so hard?
Nothing, anyone who needs sugar/cream/milk with their coffee just need to grow up and not have childish taste buds. Coffee black is best taste for the roast/beans and has least amount of calories, like 5 - 10 per cup.
Creamer changes the color of coffee, not sugar. You can have a black coffee with sugar.
What kind of a maniac drinks black coffee with sugar?
>Coffee, Nigger flavored
This. I don't think people actually think they are hardcore for drinking black coffee (I certainly don't). I do think that people who don't drink black coffee immediately get insecure when someone tells them they drink black coffee.
Playing games on hardcore difficulty first
>black coffee
normal mode
>coffee with milk and sugar
easy mode in wolfenstein
french pressed coffee
I buy it from pretty much anywhere that sells it. I have no clue what you're trying to say.
>preferring the taste of coffee instead of milk and sugar
This is bad? Only zoomers like all that shit in their coffee
They usually bug you with whipped cream and shit, so saying that is just code for "give me my goddamn coffee and stop bugging me"
Although why you'd ever order a black coffee at Starbucks is a whole other kind of fuck. They have the worst base coffee by far, even McDonalds has better house blend coffee
>black coffee is "trying hard"
>In 06 I was never angsty or acted on depression like an attention whore
>In 09 I never wore a fedora or played with swords
>By 2012 I was bored of minecraft when autism struck it
Fuck yes!
>But preferred Coffee black this entire time like my uncle, never boasting it at all
>Yet somehow it's the latest trend for association with fat middle age losers
The fuck man?
On this topic, do niggers drink coffee? I used to work with one that would come in every day with one but never actually drank from the cup.
How fucking dumb are you for defending this shit?
Exactly right.
I ended up with a free crate full of Starbucks K cups (pike roast), and it is taking me forever to drink it. Worst coffee in the world. Those niggers specifically use an inferior bean because they get a good deal on it.
It's a fucking drink. Imagine being this fucking insecure jesus fucking christ.
>A regular coffee comes with cream and sugar
where the fuck are you getting coffee with that shit pre-mixed in you literal child
I order black coffee because that's how I drink it at home. That's how I like it. Deal with it and stop being such a baby about coffee, of all fucking things
You shouldn't drink coffee at all. Or energy drinks.
Most coffee is shitty processed flavorless garbage from a yield farm, making it naturally unpalatable, so normal people need to fill it with sugar and fat to make it drinkable. Only heirloom coffee is drinkable black.
But if I say that they'll think I think I am batman
What's even the point of not having coffee black? Don't people drink coffee for the energy boost, not for the taste? Making it taste sweet and palatable is just making you not realize how much caffeine you're pumping it, making you build a tolerance to it and requiring even more sweetened coffee down the line.
>He is addicted to caffeine to the point that he cannot function in the morning without coffee
Take the water pill, and be free of your caffeinated overlord.
I just say "plain". I don't like sugary stuff and I only drink it when I'm hung over and need to half ass whatever it is I'm being forced to do so it doesn't matter. None of this matters.
It's making fun of retards who think they're hot shit for doing completely mundane things, ie drinking black coffee, eating spicy food, playing hard video games, driving manual etc
>tfw don't drink coffee at all
>mfw don't have to spend 5 dollars a day getting a cup of coffee to go
Literally fucking everywhere you fucking idiot, have you never ordered a coffee before? Because you sure as fuck are making it fucking seem like you haven't.
I bet you could google "regular coffee" it and the first thing it would tell you is a regular coffee is a coffee with cream and two sugars.
I watched that movie recently. It was praised up and down when it came out and called one of the best movies of all time and the best movie of the 21st century so far.
It sucked completely and is the worst Coen brothers movie. I don't get it.
any jp fags here?
Childhood is hot brewing instant coffee black in the morning. Adulthood is cold brewing a mass batch over the weekend.
That simply means that you don't have the palate of a garbage American/Canadian. I lived in Australia and Canada both, and the number of Ausies that take their coffee black is pretty high, and the number of Canadians is super low - at least in my experience.
drinking tea is fine too
It was dat lean in dat cup. On dat purp.
Im trying to cut coffee, but i fucking love it. ugh.
I drink black coffee, eat spicy food, and prefer hard video games. I don't consider myself a tough guy or badass at all. Stop making up strawmen, won't make you any less of a pussy
They use shit beans because no customer of starbucks will ever taste the coffee. They sell milkshakes with some coffee in them.
Y'all ever drink your tea black? I feel very strong whenever I do it. My mom usually comments that I seem more confident afterwards (she doesn't know about the tea)
>talking shit about black coffee
who thinks their hot shit for doing any of those things?
Only if your definition of coffee includes milk, sugar - or god forbid - whatever artificial shit Starbucks uses.
>thinks people only do things for utilitarian reasons
lol get a load of this guy
I only judge the people that come to starbucks in the mornings to get a 30oz frappuccino with extra whip as their "morning cup of coffee"
shits not even real coffee
working at starbucks is pain
Dark Souls
It means you've destroyed your tastebuds.
Most normal people make coffee at home. I have a keurig thingy.
18-25 year old men with fragile egos and something to prove to the world - even though absolutely no one gives a shit
>is just stating a fact about what people who order black coffee
Or - or - I just like coffee with just coffee.
No one. But it's the internet in 2019, so everyone has to try and imply that someone else is somehow inferior.
Not him but everywhere I've ordered coffee they serve it black with sugar/cream packets on the side, or they at least ask. This is 100% typical, or at least in the US (only place where coffee is a thing really). Remember there's no point in lying on the internet
OP likes man creamer in his coffee
I'm glad I missed it then. I was going to go while it was in theaters, but never did.
Why else would you drink coffee though? If you want something sweet to drink, there's a wide variety of other choices. Using a bunch of sweeteners and creamers just to make a bitter drink sweet and light seems like a lot of fucking extra work.
This guy
What coffee do you buy when cold brewing?
I need help with this
How do you do it? I've tried french press cold brewed but I want more. Was thinking like a pitcher with a cheesecloth or something to filter? Idk.
Are there actually people who think they're special for drinking coffee black?
Fuck it's just coffee, a drink. Who gives a fuck how you or others drink it, how insecure do you have to be otherwise?
>"I don't do it so no one does it"
not but shut the fuck up
i'll have a black covfefe
This is good bait. Just enough sense of a subtle self-consciousness, blown out of proportion and phrased like the whole world agrees. Also throws in a second understated accusation that's totally baseless (they prefer Starbucks, tiny dogs, fat) that will make them look defensive and off topic if they bring it up. Also is unrelated to games. 8/10
>going to starbux for black coffee
>implying black comes in the large cups
What other kinds of people have you made up in your head?
Not him but I use the Toddy cold Brew system. I just need recommendations on what coffee to buy
Caffeine is fucking poison my dude. It's terrible for you, and you should seriously think about limiting how much of it you drink.
Imagine the Coen brothers trying to make you depressed instead of make you laugh, and the story being about a dumb, useless faggot, the exact type of person who is an ultra-hipster today
That's basically it
And none of those other things taste like coffee with cream and sugar. Are you retarded bro?
Are you going to tell me why buy orange juice when if you want orange juice just drink water mixed with sugar?
It makes me legit upset that a coffee company with a store in every goddamn corner of the planet has the worst possible coffee available.
anyone who says "my dude" is a fucking faggot
I get it black because I don't want sugar or cream in my coffee because I'm trying to cut down on sugar and dairy.
Unless you lived in some worthless flyover, regular coffee is regular coffee
Nothing, but zoomers think that if you don't have normalfag tastes you are obviously doing it to seem interesting or contrarian.
Light to medium roast, coarse grind like the grind you would use for a french press.
Literally get a big ass mason jar, fill a cup and half of coffee grinds, pour water in it until its full, let it sit in your fridge for around 24 hours.
Pour through a mesh filter lined with cheesecloth in another big mason jar, should be fresh for around a week to week and a half.
The image is making fun of idiots like
You're a fucking idiot if you think caffeine is "poison". You might as well not vaccinate your kids and eat leaves for the rest of your life
black coffee is for blacks and normal coffee is for not blacks (because its like the colour of their skin, black)
>Tfw you will never be as big of a fuck up as Llewyn
But you only know that if you were fucking retarded enough to drown coffee with cream and sugar in the first place.
I don't order my coffee black because I think I'm some sort of badass. I order it black because I like coffee and I want to taste the beans not a bunch of cream and sugar.
If you're putting cream and sugar in a coffee you might as well order a hot chocolate, it'll taste better.
Are you retarded?
>order black coffee
Fuck off OP, I mill and french press my coffee beans brought straight from the farmland.
>Limiting the amount of caffeine you drink because of it's negative effects is the same as being an anti-vax retard
Whatever you say, nigger.
user I'm gonna clue you in on something.
If you reply to the OP in order to justify yourself, than OP has succeeded, gained a (you), and you have outed yourself as a fag.
So nice job faggot.
>he's so fat he has to count calories in his coffee of all things
Why would you drink coffee when you could just drink brucine mixed with quinine?
It's still better for you than loading it up with cream and sugar.
it literally just makes you less sleepy, it's not speed you autist
so do you just drink water and caffeine-free sodas?? Sounds like a dreary life to live just to stick it to the proverbial jew.
That's a much different description than "poison". Jesus Christ what a moron
i like all of that, too bad, retard.
>drinking your calories
>implying that black coffee isn't one of the best drinks for losing weight/not getting fat
OP doesn't get (You)s
not him, but anyone who says "yikes" is either a girl or wishes they were one.
How you look when you order a double double
How fucking stupid are you?
Yeah it says dialectical because it's a fucking term used in a dialect. Still doesn't change the fact that in the US a regular coffee means a coffee with cream and sugar unless you're some flyover hick with already busted taste buds from chewing tobacco all day.
Depends on where you live. Some cities have sheer garbage tap water that filtering does nothing to fix.
Any time I've gone there it has been a horrible experience with long lines, and crowded spaces. It doesn't seem very social.
>tried to drink coffee because of Twin Peaks
Sorry, Coop. I couldn’t do it. Good thing was it turned me off from most caffeine since coffee destroys my stomach.
i fill a 5 gallon keg with water and put a dryhopper tube with grinds.
>forgetting one of the most important rules of Yea Forums
OP is always a faggot, newfriend
I don't give a fuck what OP thinks. I just wanted to post my amusing coffee dad picture and encourage people to stop butchering their coffee with cream and sugar.
Why would you ever drink coffee. If you can't function normally without a caffeine energy boost, then you're a fucking fag and need to hit the gym
she looks like she fucks orange guys
sorry, i only get from quicktrip or circle k
I know bro, it's gonna be okay
What do you mean by black coffee?
You mean coffee?
Not everyone obese 'murican who consumes 1/5 of their daily calorie intake in shape of 1 coffee cup.
that's not what dialectal means faggot.
we got boss here in canada, but it's far too expensive to buy at the import stores that sell it.
you're probably the weirdo in the gym always staring at the powerlifting bros
different user, believe it or not it's pretty fucking simple to live a life without needing to drink coffee. There's all the retards at work drinking 2-3 cups a day just to get through with all sorts of fucking stomach issues. If your life and job are so shitty that you can't get through 8 hours without constant stimulants you need to change things. I drink coffee/soda/alcohol when I feel like enjoying it, not because I need it.
it has something to do with scientology right?
most real coffee fanatics don't drink at starbucks, they brew their own. so whatever point you were trying to make is no longer valid.
But, there are people who unironically think they are hard, manly, cool, or superior for drinking their coffee black.
I wish I was joking. This picture is just making fun of those people.
What kind of fucking autistic question is that? Why would you ever play video games? Or do drugs? Or do anything else that you enjoy?
>and need to hit the gym
Want to know the primary ingredient of pre-workout?
using it =/= needing it
i do both and it doesn't dictate anything for me
>modern society
user do you think that when people put cream and sugar they are putting an amount of cream and sugar equal to that of the coffee?
People put A BIT of cream and sugar so you can taste the coffee beans just fine without it tasting like the back of a Switch cartridge.
>brings up americans for no reason
cringe and obsessed
>it literally just makes you less sleepy
No, it makes you feel less sleepy, which is considerably different. It also makes you more irritable, and more anxious, and fucks with your digestive system, and can lead to or exacerbate heart problems, and raise blood sugar, and is addictive and easy to become dependent on, and disrupts your sleep schedule, and causes fatigue, etc. It won't kill you to drink every once in awhile, but too many people chug this shit every day.
They're just making sure, for 3 reasons
It's their job to give you what you want
You didn't say you wanted a black coffee
Black coffee tastes objectively bad and only insecure dickheads order it and they're giving you an out
yeah, I drink it because I enjoy it too bro. I drink more coffee on my days off because I like to drink it while playing video games or instruments.
>how's that superiority complex faring?
>driving manual etc
How is driving manual completely mundane? Manual transmissions are more reliable than automatic transmissions
>Of or relating to a dialect.
user you're killing me here you fucking idiot. You're not getting any more of my time wasted.
I don't get it. I would understand if they looked like fedoracore fags, but fat dads? Wouldn't the people who order the normal sugar syrup-loaded starbucks coffees be more representative of the right?
ur a queer
>I'm too autistic to understand hyperbole
It's okay. We all understand that basic interactions are difficult for you.
uh i dont think wearing your body out like something like the gym is going to give you more energy. its going to give you less energy. ive worked out before and all it did to me was give me less energy and tired. if you want more energy, drink caffeine or get more sleep and rest
planescape torment
what's wrong with heroin?
If it's not poison and totally good for you then why have there been documented cases of people literally falling over dead after drinking too much caffeine? Your body is basically an engine and even if you don't drink enough to literally kill you, there are going to be health effects in the long term.
Kill yourself obese faggot.
Why do anything?
>for no reason
Isn't starbucks epitome of 'murican culture?
I genuinely wonder how many people this image will effect. How many people will change an aspect of their lives because they got shamed out of drinking black coffee by a meme on an ecuadorian tile-setting discussion emporium?
Wow what a fucking asshole you are. Just order a black coffee you sperg. God dammit this post makes me so fucking mad
the fact you decided other people need to know this or care in any way tells us everything we will ever need to know about you
Jesus shut the fuck up you autist it's not that big of a deal. You make it sound like it's crack
Should I get a coffee machine and does it matter how expensive of a machine it is?
you have an addiction dude. You should do something about it.
no one cares what you consider about anything.
I don't drink coffee since it seems to give me the runs half the time and it doesn't taste good enough to be worth it to me.
that's the absolute worst case scenario of abuse with someone who already has health issues
nothing wrong with a cup of joe in the morning, or anytime 8 hours before bed, really. you probably just sit at home and read the potential negative effects of wikipedia or something
>why have there been documented cases of people literally falling over dead after drinking too much caffeine?
You can also poison your body to death by drinking too much water.
A cabal of women and minorities who want to ruin video games for incels and have actual sway and control in the industry.
Is coffee the most Reddit drink of all?
>HURHURHUR don't talk to me till I've had my coffee bro!
>oh dude... sweet sweet coffee
>listen to that baby purr hurhurhur
>yeah this is a peppermint swirl alcatrazacino, pretty rare
>yum yum my speedy juice!
seriously, coffee is a major red flag for knowing if someone is a fag or not.
No, it's seattle culture.
I work at a coffee bar and I dont get it most shops have cream and sugar outside the bar for you rags to get if you want it if all you're orderi ng is playing coffee
probably no one
if they didn't stop wearing fedoras they're not going to stop pretending to have no taste buds.
Dunkin Donuts is more American than Starbucks
anything in a large enough dose will kill you fuckin idiot
i bet you love soda
You just proved him right, europoor
>he drinks (((caffeinated))) beverages for pleasure
wew laddie, didn't think people this retarded actually existed
Childhood is drinking coffee loaded with cream and sugar.
Adolescence is drinking black coffee.
Adulthood is realizing that drinking the little cups of half and half like shots in between enjoying sips of your black coffee is the true way to start your day on a good note.
Any amount of cream and sugar is too much. It kills any nuance the beans have.
Just use instantinstant.
you don't even know the context of my coffee habits, but project harder my mans!
>back at it again with the superiority complex
I don't know much about coffee, but I heard that you ideally want a drip machine that slow roasts your beans, or something to that extent. It takes a lot of time, but it draws out the full flavor of the beans you use. Of course, this means you can't cheap out on the beans you get either.
rent free faggots
no, I think it's disgusting trash liquid, just like coffee
It turns you into a motionless zombie and saps you of any will do do anything with your life except get more heroin and watch TV. I've tangoed with that shit and it stops becoming fun once it becomes a habit. It's basically a slow, prolonged suicide if you get too deep into it.
Western CRPGs from the 90s/early 00s
Chads drink water
Projecting harder than my boner, user
What coffee type should I get into?
>caring what some random guy on the internet thinks about my taste in coffee
why would anyone do this?
drink americanos
remember to ask them to pour the shots over the water
this tastes like shit
but then i dont drink it for the taste
you just admitted to drinking a lot of coffee when you're bored. That's addiction. You should get a hobby that keeps you active to break the routine. Also I'm not trying to make you feel inferior, do you always see anyone that criticizes you as superior?
Adulthood is realizing that drinking anything but water is just fucking stupid. Some coconut water is okay tho
>apparently cares about the taste of black coffee
>orders one in fucking Starbucks
I bet in home you drink packaged death from some supermarket too. Fucking disgusting, buy some decent beans first if you want to mean business. Subhuman.
Dialect is a linguistic term that refers to the manner of speaking of a given community that's particular to it and different from the majority of those speaking the same language. Callling coffee black coffee is not dialectal.
> have there been documented cases of people literally falling over dead after drinking too much caffeine
Such as?
Pic related is all I found and it wasn't from just coffee.
Cuisinart DCC-1200
Electric Coffee Grinder
Get a pound of whole bean Pike's Place
Cold water
>that's the absolute worst case scenario of abuse
No, it's the normal and well documented effects that caffeine has on the average person's health with extended usage.
>nothing wrong with a cup of joe in the morning
There is if it's every morning. You're probably dependent on it without even realizing it.
you mean plain?
it means youre woke (stimulated) from the caffiene dumbass
>coworkers drive 15+ minutes to get to a single starbucks coffee
>go to convenient store next door and buy some DYI coffee and have it ready in minutes
coffee has always been a strange thing to me. I enjoy it, but i'd never go out of my way for some, and i certainly wouldn't spend a lot of money on it. For some reason, the people at work HAVE to buy their expensive that's way out of their way to get. They bitch about gas and lines, so it's not the experience that draws them to it. Is coffee suppose to be addictive or something?
>Such as?
The case in question was a boy who already had a heart arrythmia. The caffiene did not kill him, the arrythmia did.
And you had a lot of competition in this thread
I drink coffee when I'm in the zone. If I was bored I wouldn't be playing videogames and instruments.
This conversation is over, because you're literally too retarded to be worth anyone's time, which is quite an achievement on this board.
arrythmia is deadly whatever the case. The kid was a time bomb.
user, it's coffee. It's not meth. It's not heroin. You sound autistic as fuck
It's an anonymous message board. No one here knows who I am so I don't see how you think I'm trying to gain something from that post.
>Is coffee suppose to be addictive or something?
Either you're playing dumb and you think you're cute, or you're very stupid, or you're underage.
None of these options are good, but the best of the three is you're just underage and that's the excuse for your apparent ignorance. The worst is you're actually that dumb.
This man gets it. Coffee is for retarded betas who can't go on without their (((energy boost)))
>Pic unrelated
What an awful thread. Going to bed looking forward to my gigangic pot of coffee in the morning
You drink coffee because you literally can't function without it. I mean you just said you need it to perform.
Yeah it's coffee an addiction is an addiction. I never said it was meth or heroin. You're the autistic one making up an imaginary argument. Here's your you, faggot.
don't post until you've had your coffee, sir.
i'm slightly drowsier without a cup of coffee in the morning, in a way i can completely ignore and totally mitigate with a bit of excercise
i'm practically a tweaker
a bunch of retards in this thread, that's for sure.
Your body has mechanisms to tell you to stop fucking drinking water if you somehow manage to drink enough for it to be lethal, doesn't have that shit for caffeine.
I said caffeine in general, not just coffee.
>he can't seperate enjoyment from addiction
this board is for retarded betas who can't go on without their ((virtual realities)).
It accounts for 13% of all coffee orders but causes 50% of all coffee related burn accidents.
Is it true that drinking too much Cuban coffee in one sitting will give you the runs?
>I was just pretending to be retarded.
Why do you keep doing this? It never works.
Most likely they're buying the milkshake with a drop of coffee drinks.
>not Moccamaster
apply yourself
look at this autistic faggot mad at coffee. it's hilarious.
you're putting words into my mouth.
>I drink coffee when I'm doing fun hobbies
>I can't do fun hobbies without my coffee
see the difference? oh why am I even bothering
man okay so
there was a meme a while ago, that hasn't been relevant for close to two decades, about people ordering black coffee thinking it made them look brooding or something because something something bitter taste something who knows, point is it was a meme that was kind of associated with having a bit of a darker personality
This meme has literally not been relevant for two decades, nobody gives a fuck, nobody thinks they look cool for drinking black coffee anymore, nobody cares, people drink black coffee for a variety of reasons like not wanting to chug down a bunch of sugar and fat calories if they drink a bunch of coffee
So this person whoever made the image, thinks that people are seriously still dedicated to this decades-old meme, and is trying to convince a target audience that no longer exists that actually you just look like some weird fatso when you order coffee black, for god knows what reason
so it's a bizarre and weird response to a meme that hasn't been relevant for decades targeting an audience that doesn't exist, apropos of absolutely nothing
the image is either on seven layers of irony or was just made by a lunatic
man meme culture is getting sort of out of hand
>he drinks coffee because he enjoys it
even fucking worse retard. You fuck-ups are just as worse as weedfags
>Imagine being too straight edge for fucking coffee.
There's actually studies that show that a cup of coffee a day is not only not harmful, but beneficial.
>i'll have a green tea
>ask for cream no sugar
>baristas can't comprehend it
>put in sugar any way
>doesn't have that shit for caffeine
Yes. You get pic related
Also, read this before posting any more retardation.
>doesn't have that shit for caffeine
Ah ok you anti-caffeine people are a bunch of scared betas that think adding some caffeine into their system will turn them into a meth-head, got it. The retardation in this thread is making more sense now.
Okay. I don't even know why you'd drink coffee when you should just be eating the raw fucking beans.
Why would I suggest he waste more than $50 on a coffee maker when he might even like it in the first place retard?
weed and coffee is one of the best physiological combos in the universe, sorry you're missing out nonny.
Source this shit nigga I don't believe you.
Since mods don't seem to be here
any other fun threads going on right now?
That shit is smooth.
>tfw $1 coffee from 7-Eleven
>a tailored preference is worse than a crippling addiction
lmao okay bud. I'm enjoying a few modest beers tonight then I will enjoy a nice pot of coffee in the morning while I play REmake1.
hope you don't lose too much sleep over it.
Cheap and delicious coffee from the gods
Absolutely based
I work at a coffee shop and the amount of bullshit people put into their coffees and lattes absolutely disgusts me
>cappuccino and latte are the same size
hmmmm something is amiss
That's like someone saying he enjoys the taste of a steak not being ruined by bbq and you reply that he should just bite down on the raw thing you fucking mongoloid.
beleive or not,alot of people. theres always some guy/woman who thinks he's hard shit for drinking cofee black. Alot of the media has made it a joke
>the coffee fag is also a stoner
It's the gift that just keeps on giving doesn't it? If you want to have your (((caffeine fix))), you could at least be a real man and drink tea.
>order an early grey latte when I need to do extended work or want a non-boiling lava hot tea
>someone decides it should only be called a London fog and baristas just get confused if you try to order it by any other name
>comes with an automatic syrup pump that makes the drink sheer garbage
Fuck this country
I'm pretty sure he has tasted coffee before if he's thinking of buying a coffee machine.
Also those are valuable even used. $50 buck thing you will just throw away. Sell a Moccamaster and you probably won't lose even that $50.
I don't need the caffeine fix. Tea has more caffeine then coffee. I enjoy the flavor of coffee more.
Sorry that people having things they enjoy anally annihilates you on a daily basis.
Seething child. Go drink you chocolate milk baby
>being so ignorant about caffeine you think you don't even know when you've had too much
you just sit at home and rattle off information, you don't know anything about substances
With everything they got you can literally make a starbucks flavor coffee without whip cream.
I have a dairy allergy so unless they have almond milk, I always get it black. I'm not trying to show off or anything.
remember to make your pots extra strong tomorrow morning to assblast these autists, my fellow coffeebros!
Gas station coffee is so fucking good
In my experience only women say it
>$3 large 7/11 coffees in the morning
Based pajeets for keeping those stores running
We don't have a 7-Eleven here, but I like Speedway's cappuccinos. Pretty sure they're like 90% sugar, but so are Starbucks'.
When you have a job you gotta do in the morning everyday you eventually learn cream and sugar gives you the shitz.
i can't wait to drink so much my heart explodes because allegedly my body has no way of telling me how much i've had
>I don't need the caffeine fix
keep telling yourself that buddy, but nobody will believe you here on this laotian street cleaning board
>Tea has more caffeine then coffee
okay now I get it, you're just shitposting to fish for (you)s. Good job, you fooled me for a while
>Sorry that people having things they enjoy anally annihilates you on a daily basis
>oh no he insulted me, guess that means he's assblasted haha triggered
You're a Canadian aren't you? You sure sound like a fucking stoner leaf to me.
sometimes my forehead gets sweaty after a few mugs.
>my head sweats from ketchup too
But those fat pieces of shit would rather have sugar loaded coffee instead of bitter black coffee.
Thank you so much for explaining this!
McDonald's coffee is $1 and alright. Medium, double cream double sugar, only 50 calories and works just fine
holy shit you sound pathetic bro, you already did yourself in. ill be dabbin
I never try to "show off" that I drink black coffee nor I tell people reasons why it's better, but I do think that having to put sugar on every drink you get is childish (even if it's alcohol) because even tastebuds are suppose to mature and not being the mouth equivalent of a manchild.
No they get their sugar fixes from their mountain dew
There's literally no downside to having drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day.