Ghost trick was my favorite DS game
Ghost trick was my favorite DS game
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>playing that low res crap instead of the mobile port
Lmao you fucking poor nigger!! Hows the flip phone?!
It had shitty grey bar though.
I unironically finished ghost trick and twewy on my phone lol, despite having a ds with r4. Ghost trick is an amazing game, twewy is okay.
Yomiel did nothing wrong.
I'm sad we never got more to the series. I wouldn't want Cecil's story again, but new characters with a new story and new mechanics would have been incredible.
Who the fuck was that. It was my favourite game on ds with mgs/ace attorney like crazy jap plot but i don't remember shit.
the man who's body you're using the entire time, shows up at the end as a pile of pots and pans and gears
the ending was dumb and almost ruiend my love for this game. Over time I just forget the ending and remember the moments before that.
Ah yeah.
Yeah, it's a little ridiculous and is too much like ace attorney 4/5 plotline.
You prevent 9 deaths in ghost trick, the same number of lives a cat has.
Hmm, i thought there were more.
It would be Yea Forums if someone didn't show up to shit on a good part of a good game
i respect your opinion and praise your taste in vidya, but my favorite was Elite beat agents and the OSU! games.
Anybody whose favorite DS game is either The World Ends With You or Ghost Trick is a person worthy of respect
Some of the ending twists are a bit out there but the final chapter is phenomenal just for completely turning around the meaning of Jowd giving Lynne his badge. Was a really touching scene.
Those two games are my two favorite games period.
I'm not sure why they're paired so much but they're both amazing.
>owning iOShit to even play its mobile port
Ghost Trick is such a small scale and well crafted game that does everything it wants to do. The animation is nice on the eyes, the music is good, the puzzles are decent and well polished, the writing has a lot of charm and so does the story.
It's one of the industries biggest tragedies. Not because it needs a continuation or expansion, but because it bombed. This has to be one of the most criminally underplayed video games of all time. Poor Shu Takumi, he can't seem to make anything that can do commercially well after Ace Attorney.
Also posting mysterious unused track found in the data. (listen to the rest of the unused tracks if you got a chance, they're kinda interesting.)
>“So you're here, are you?”
Ghost Trick is my favorite game. Missile best boy.