Why do we only have 1 good unicorn game?

Why do we only have 1 good unicorn game?

Attached: unicorn.png (219x426, 67K)

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that unicorn looks familiar but i don't remember where it's from...


You just wanted this link, didn't you

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______.

>ever good


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I love marigold!

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>tfw no unicorn gf to play vidya with

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this is cute and wholesome.

So how would you do a unicorn game? I think the combat would be fun to play as a horse and kick people or impale with horn + do magic.

I still want to breed the fuck outta that unicorn though.

To this day I still have never seen the uncensored version of that shirt pants picture

One of the characters in fightan herds is a sort of corrupted unicorn, that game was alright.

Unicorns are puree and not for lewd.

I want to kill you

What did she mean by this?

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>Unicorns are puree

Attached: Unicorn meat.jpg (1200x680, 149K)

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not that one

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a unicorn.

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I'm more of a puppet man, myself.

Fallout Equestria: Remains is actually ok

The only reason you find it attractive is because it has long eyelashes drawn on it.

That's where literally 99% of the "I want to fuck X" posts on Yea Forums come from.

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Robot Unicorn Attack

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I've been fantasizing about a game with combat unicorn.
Imagine impaling its horn into the chest of an enemy and throwing it off to the side,

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This is just a shittier Calvin and Hobbes.

Let me break down why marigold is attractive.
1) her beautiful flowing mane
2) her long slender neck
3) her haughty attitude with a dose of naivety
4) her plump unicorn rump

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i want to fuck the unicorn and the girl

mlp leave

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So Dwarf Fortress?

>no brutally violent top-down unicorn roguelike where you hunt down non-virgins and other degenerates and slaughter them wholesale like animals
that's just how it is on this bitch of an earth

No one cares but you, nigger.

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That's not even close to true, this board will fuck anything.

>everything is mlp!

>will fuck anything
99% of the time it's characters who have thick drawn eyelashes.


It's true, but "calvin and hobbes but worse" is still pretty high praise

Do unicorns like black ponies?

no, and that goes for zebras as well

Forgetting the best part desu

Man, that's the right idea. Just not in cheap, 6th gen animation.

How could I have forgotten. Her cloven hooves with cute fetlocks.

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I want to mating press her.


wtf I hate Marigold now

Too bad she'd never go for a human like you.

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Unicorns are gay. Only games to properly treat them as monster enemies is Terraria and Overlord where you can kill them at your leisure.

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Is there a roguelike that is not top down? Still, sounds like a good idea for a coffee break roguelike. Would play.

Unicorns are for rape.

There actually is a doujin where a unicorn gets raped by ogres and they hold the horn to force her on their dicks among other things

Diablo is a roguelike
Isometric is not "top down"

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>Diablo is a roguelike

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I'd change...for her.

>Robot Unicorn Attack
>Robot Unicorn Attack 2
>Pokémon Black, White, Black 2, White 2
I count 6.

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cringe and blueblood-pilled.