What went wrong with Valve? They used to be internet's most loved video game company.
What went wrong with Valve? They used to be internet's most loved video game company
> Internet's most loved game company
Wrong that's always been Nintendo, Capcom, Rare Inc, Konami & SquareSoft.
Money. A lot of it.
Never releasing a 3 of anything -> Source 2 -> Artifact -> Implementing Steam on China
>Source 2
What's the point in making a new game engine if they're not going to make any game with it?
B-but muh dota 2 rebornn
Journalists couldnt survive on actual content, so thry have to take money from corporations. Valve doesnt give them any.
did you buy a game on steam in the last 10 years? that's what happened
They keep trying to be innovative but fail hard while not delievering half life 3.
Dota2 uses Source 2. Half Life 3 will be released when Source 3 is released.
Only faggots love them
"vidya game" are not serious business. If you're in the industry you're either passionate (autismo nerd who can work well alone but not manage a big company obviously) or a corporate shithead managerialist who doesn't give a shit about games but deisgns exploitative products. If you're someone who has the seriousness and competence to run a large company/projects - you will quickly get out of the business of making vidya toys and into something more serious
the only reason they wrote source 2 is because they wanted to give dota 2 an engine upgrade that allowed for shit like more varied particle effects, which would make them a lot of money through cosmetics.
after they finished porting the game they realized that every single skin creator would just spam particles, making every single set worthless and causing nobody to spend money on international chests. so they disabled the system.
The DotA 2 esports ruined Valve. Sucked away their passion.
>Implementing Steam on China
Video games are a perfect medium to redpill them to rise up against Pooh bear and his merry band of robber barons, and they can't do shit about it except review bomb stuff which is pointless with the anti-bomb review timelines, and flat-out ban stuff which proves how bad a dictatorship they are living under.
Astroturfing campaigns by Microsoft.
Note that it was around 2013 when the media started to turn against Valve and anti-Valve threads started to appear on internet forums.
What happened around that time?
Microsoft's revealing of their plans for post 2020, their failed attempt at a buyout of Valve, and Valve's shift to being a primarily open-source game infrastructure company.
Funny enough SteamOS 3 will probably be the first of many '3' products from Valve.
high school in game company form.
The internet mistook them to be their buddies and kept giving them money and goodwill. Constantly idolizing them and forming a cult of personality around Gabe fueled by nothing but pred adolescent memery during the 2000s. You reap what you sow.
Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.
Honestly, when they announced that HL3 wouldn’t be getting made and they announced Artifact, it really hit people. HL2 was considered the greatest game of all time before they called 3 off and now I hardly see it anywhere. The HL3 joke is dead and no ones heard from Gabe in years. All they are now is a store. No one cares about them anymore
The media should have been attacking Valve non stop the moment they launched Steam.
They stopped making videogames and focused on making money.
Nice persecution complex
It’s all just so depressing! They were my inspiration to work on becoming a game developer, but now I have no inner fire...