What does Yea Forums think of them?
What does Yea Forums think of them?
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they're pretty good i guess, they have nice chemistry and aren't interested in creating a brand or business
I remember when they were new, but I stopped watching ages ago (after Mario Party 2 or 3, but I don't remember.) I don't really follow e-celebs anymore, but I still assume that they're as good as they were 5 years ago.
Has anyone else seen that new video from Tim? I think everything finally caught up with him.
Jon winning 95% of the time makes for very boring content.
Pretty fucking comfy
>Has anyone else seen that new video from Tim?
Is that on his main channel or his alt channel?
On his main channel, called "I used to watch your videos". He talked about how Matt Pat made a video about youtubers that contributed to charity. In this video from Matt Pat, he mentioned the TRG Colosseum and mentioned Emile and Jon but not him, which made him feel unimportant. Then went on to say how he hears people tell him how they used to watch his videos more than they tell him that they watch his videos. Then he mentioned how he had to sign a lease because his mom died, and if he signed it he would have to live in his condo for another year, and he didn't want to do that but doesn't have anywhere else to go. The dude's having a mental breakdown, and I don't know what's going to happen to him.
Their Mario Party LPs are pretty comfy. Jon winning most of the time does make things a bit boring though.
their latest one was at least a bit better
Shit, that sucks.
I'm just happy Emile wasn't getting completely fucked in the ass by the game this time, no offense to Tim, but Emile's the only one that can actually stand up to Jon in terms of skill.
I'm just happy Tim won MP3, my favorite of the Parties. I also play Yoshi
>This is one of those videos I was really really really close to just not uploading. I know I'm gonna be tossing and turning all night over this one, but whatever. It's out there now, so whatever.
needs more mario party
My favorite thing is that Jon and Emile both admit that Tim is the best out of the three of them at solo games. Tim just can't do multiplayer.
I know this is a bit off topic, but is anyone impressed at how he can talk about shit like this while also playing Tetris?
>I'm really happy about it, I really am
>he sounds like he's about to break down crying while saying this
Why would Matt Pat make a video where he mentions the Runaway Guys and not mention Tim? What an unbelievable dick move, makes it worse in how Tim's probably the only member that actually likes his content.
>That castlevania race where Tim's game crashes fucking twice and Tim still fucking wins
Chugga is just so likeably enthusiastic about every game he plays that it's almost impossible to hate him.
Wish Jon would update his Youtube more often, but I understand why he went to Twitch. When he actually manages to finish his projects, they're really good.
Tim's commentary isn't quite as interesting as his stories about things in the game that remind him of his childhood.
Just watched that video, he definitely sounds fucked up with how little attention he gets. The life stuff is also depressing. I just want to reach out to Tim, give him a hug, and tell him that everything is going to be okay.
What's going to happen to Tim? Where's he going to go? Is he going to be okay? I just want him to be happy.
>so likeably enthusiastic about every game he plays
It's just too much for me. I can't really watch too much of his solo stuff. I need Jon and Tim to dilute it.
What really surprises me is how almost every guest is likable and has chemistry with the main cast, I can't think of a single guest that I actually dislike besides Josh.
What's so bad about Josh? I remember watching him years ago on NSMBWii, and I liked some of the solo stuff he did back then (Portal 2, Fallout 3, A Hat In Time alpha).
I think it's pre recorded. I wouldn't know though for sure.
I used to watch his stuff, but not anymore.
He used to be good, but then he adopted this obnoxious "ghetto white kid" persona.
that makes me feel bad
I don't hate him or anything, he's just not as likable as anyone else, and just kinda feels like a waste of a guest slot.
>I used to watch his stuff, but not anymore.
>vide is him getting depressed about old fans that don't watch him anymore
I also really like MasaeAnela.
Her voice in general is just really pleasant to listen to.
I'm happy that she basically became player 4 at this point, she fits in nicely
>Jon went from a good place to a really good place
>Emile went from a really bad place to a really good place
>Tim went from a bad place to a really bad place
And she's armed and dangerous.
it should've been the other way around
Tell me Yea Forums
What's the deal with these two?
I don't want anyone to have a bad life, I just want things to go Tim's way
>the world is this much against Tim
Please God let there be some sort of spark that reignites his passion. I don't care for e-celebs at all but Tim is such a fucking genuine person he really deserves better.
Don't worry dude, once he gets a girlfriend he'll get his life right back on track!
Tim's suffering is truly heartbreaking. Man really is a genuinely great guy. Hate the fact the world does everything it can to shit on him. He's the Job of Let's Players.
>literally says that he doesn't want to complain because he's afraid of being a burden on his friends
tim is too pure
Another reason to fucking hate Matpat. Tim's day will come to shine one day.
Tim really should make some friends that live close to him, he can't be sustained with interaction once every 6 months
>he can't be sustained with interaction once every 6 months
I manage to do that, and my friends live like 10 minutes away.
I believe one day Tim will finally win
One day
Tell me user, are you happy?
post yfw Tim moves to Atlanta and third wheels to Emile and Masae
inb4 he gets on wheel of fortune
>One day you might turn on the TV to see Tim kicking ass on live television
If he gets on and one of the puzzles happens to be Celebrity Chef Paula Deen or Metropolitan Museum of Art, I'll flip my fucking shit.
When's the next stream going to be? Those are always a blast to watch, and the last one was almost 4 months ago
is it possible to get tim onto wheel of fortune through twitter and such? if enough people talked about it maybe he could get on the show and turn things around. or at least have somewhere to go for a while
Why is Chuggaaconroy so transphobic?
>Itoi later revealed that Jeff's friend was a fucking flamer, proving once again why two nukes weren't enough
Wow, Emile. No wonder you redid the Earthbound LP.
>His first Earthbound lp where he made fun of that kid for being gay but in the new one he acted as if it was completely normal and there was nothing weird about it
I know with dudes like JosephThropp running around you have to be careful but I liked it when he just said what was on his mind, no matter what