Anyone else underwhelmed after waiting a decade for this only to beat it in a day?
Anyone else underwhelmed after waiting a decade for this only to beat it in a day?
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Similar feeling with Kingdom Hearts 3, user.
It's the only one out of the decade-long-wait club that felt as good as I hoped it would.
KH3 couldnt solve its achilles heels of shit writing and pacing that's been plaguing the series since 2. Also, the combat was easy
FFXV couldnt stick the landing and keep the good times with the backstreet boys going past the halfway point. Also, the combat was easy
Last Guardian was just not as good mechanically as I'd hoped it would be
I wouldn’t know, I still can’t get the fucking thing to launch.
No cause I got it day one but I'm only on chapter 3.
Got too many things to do, sadly.
What kind of things are keeping you busy?
It was pretty bad yeah.
Other non vidya related things, sadly.
Which DMC can't you beat in a day, you miserable bitch?
Why would you wait a decade for a game in a series you've never played? You know you could have played the entire rest of the series in the week prior to release, right?
>DMC3 was about 10 hours
>DMC4 was about 10 hours
>DMC5 was about 10 hours
This is a case of you hyping a game up to a point where it simply can't deliver. What did you expect?
just because a game is short doesn't mean it's bad.
I'm still playing on SoS and apart from easily dabbing on the melee guys, I'm having fun.
Fuck no, this game gave me everything I expected out of it
unless you beat it on Dante Must Die
you didn't beat it
>DmC5 finished in 10 hours propably never touch it again until dlc or some shit.
>meanwhile i have 105 hours in Dragonquest11 and still not finished postgame.
Two completely different games.
Also one of those games is actually stimulating and exciting.
I'm having fun.
It didn't blow me out of the water, but it sure cooked it.
yeah snoy imagine waiting fucking 10 years to see this
The only thing I dont like is that you can die and still S rank the mission
Your first playthrough is the tutorial. These games are endlessly replayable. If you honestly beat the game for the first time and didn't IMMEDIATELY go back in you don't like this fucking series at all, you weren't waiting for 10 years at all, you're a fucking bandwagoning faggot and should kill yourself.
What did you not play the other games? Each mission is like 15-30mins and theres only 20 missions. It's not like the game would've had 30-40 missions or something.
Not go make a SSStylish youtube video.
Thank god for data miners
Oh look, a data miner destroys another surprise
Essentially this. Who the fuck buys dmc and doesn't expect to replay it for years? Fucking fags on this thread I swear
How do you even conjure that?
Are you one of those people that think adding and subtracting are easier done with calculators? Why would you equate admiration with time spent?
I can't see how anyone is satisfied with this game. I played for about 2 hours before I had to just give up. It was literally putting me to sleep despite all the flashing bullshit and edgy music. What's even the point of this shit? The entire game could just be inside a white room where you just fought wave after wave of enemies because the levels are literally nothing. You just walk through a straight boring hallway until a wall shows up that blocks your path forcing you to fight
On one of the boss fights I was losing, and I was excited that the game might become not mind numbing finally, but nope. I died and the game just let me continue by giving up a little currency. Who finds this bullshit fun? I just don't get it. I guess it'd be fine if the combat was fun and not just memorizing a bunch of shitty fighting game combos. Only challenge is going for S ranks and who gives a fuck about some useless rating?
God this game fucking blows. I played DmC and that shit was way better than this game. Not sure what people were complaining about if this is what they were comparing it to
Vergil was goddamn playable in DMC4, the one he had nothing to do with. It was inevitable that he be playable later on.
>Thinking getting Vergil as a playable character is a surprise
This is actually data mined and not some fill-in mod?
Was hoping he'd be unlockable
this desu, im enjoying it more the second time around
>Anyone else underwhelmed after waiting a decade for this only to beat it in a day?
I'll wait for a price drop.
>how do you even conjure that?
Because it's literally the truth. Oh yeah totally dude, give the main character an entirely new move that drastically changes his gameplay and then never touch the game again past the one story mission it's introduced. Sure.
Kill yourself namefag
Vergil is going to be a DLC character no matter what happens anyway. It's not that much of a surprise.
Is this pasta?
Its still too early for a actual modkit for this game.
gr8 b8 m8
Anyone have those Dante Style videos from 4 by that godlike Japanese dude? I can't remember his name.
What the fuck, there is nothing clever or definitive about what you're saying.
0/10 got too obvious too fast then ended with DmC bait, apply yourself
I assume your referencing Donguri
>DmC combat
>Spam same 3 hit combo over and over for SSS rank
Reboots gameplay was absolute casualized BS
That's the name. Thanks user.
Anyone have tips for beating Urizen after he eats the fruit? I've gotten him down to about 15-20% health before I lose, and I refuse to use any gold or red orbs.
There is nothing clever or definitive about you, but you're still here being a dumb piece of shit and that's the kind of truth people deal with every day
length being a metric of quality has really got to stop
If you're done after beating it once, I don't know what to tell you. dmc games are never long and the entire series centers around replayability.
Why would you expect a main DMC campaign to last more than 10 hours? Be grateful they didn't pad it out.
I'm just peeved about the lack of a bloody palace at launch. The wait better be fucking worth it.
At least DmC had interesting environments... This new game has nothing. It's like a remastered PS2 game. It's incredibly outdated.
Never said the combat was better. Combat is shit is both games, but at least DmC had interesting stuff going on in the levels.
What character mods are you looking forward to? I waiting for one where they switch out Dante for Leon.
LIke what? Namefagging or drinking so y? Probably both
There is not a single Japanese action game on the planet that is any longer than 15 hours max. Bayo 1= 15 hours
Bayo 2= 10 hours
MGR= 6 hours
DMC1- 5 hours
DMC3= 8 hours
DMC4= 10 hours
The entire point of these games is to replay them on higher difficulties and get the best ranks.
you think that's bad, try waiting 19 years for mega man legends 3 and 18 years for klonoa 3.
I want them to fix Lady and Trish's faces like they did with Claire's (to some extent), and I want someone to look into how hard it'd be to get the meme dance as a taunt for every character
I don't see how a job or a social life will make you act less like an insensitive person.
>The entire point of these games is to replay them on higher difficulties and get the best ranks.
So they're for autists and kids who can't afford more than 1 game a month. Guess I'll stay away
i suck dicks every day of my life btw
>Devil Breaker is designed by Kawamori
>Final Vergil fight doesn't have a random Kyrie apppearence out of nowhere where she sings a random J-Pop songs to power up Nero
do you know what an arcade game is??
Now he's hemorrhaging the losses.
Vergil is and will always be Special Edition and dlc bait.
If you're serious than the game is just not for you, that is all to it, DMC is all about it's combat, that's why people still want bloody palace a game mode that's just you in an arena fighting hordes if enemies
Better not hit the floor
>DmC had interesting stuff going on in the levels
>Flashy but ultimately just straight lines with nothing to explore
>Secret Missions are big glowing fucking doors instead of actually being secret
>"DMC5's combat is shit"
>Not knowing how to actually combo strings together and learn the mechinic's of the game
You're right DQ11 is pretty good.
You're trying too hard.
Nope, I'm one of those who takes his time and gets all the collectibles so I don't have to worry about them later. I missed one blue orb fragment so far because i was having trouble with the one secret mission where you have to kill some enemies in 20 seconds as V.
>the zoomer mindset, that ruined gaming
Long games are shit, a game should never feel padded as all fuck just for you to keep on playing it, it's mindnummbingly retarded
What i love about this game is ever time i boot it up i find out something new. Like your Webm, no idea you could do that.
>FPS game
>"Only retards and babies play those"
>RPG game
>"Only retards and babies play those"
>Fighting games
>"Only retards and babies play those"
>Action game
>"Only retards and babies play those"
>Sandbox games
>"Only retards and babies play those"
>"Only retards and babies play those"
End your life nu-Yea Forums fag
>mfw finding out you can rev an air taunt for nero
i was just fucking around
faggot nerds
braindead children
Virtual crack addicts
Im only half joking though
Now you know how we felt with RE2.
Fuck video games. I'm learning to code.
I play all these genres. Doesn't make DMC5 not shit.
Games should be great the first time through, though. You shouldn't need to replay it and only be rewarded with higher ranks. If the only punishment for doing badly is a lower rank the game is just bad, sorry.
Gotta be nostalgia, then, because the combat is horrible. All the combos I've gotten have been pressing Y a bunch of times with a different rhythm. Whoever designed this is a retard.
His life can't be that great if he has to namefag on a board that doesn't condone such behavior for attention.
>All the combos I've gotten have been pressing Y a bunch of times with a different rhythm
>Not knowing how to string combo's together or make your own combo's
>Being this retarded
I know it's the nu-Yea Forums thing to be contrarian and be retarded about anything that isnt actually told to you, for what it's worth you're doing a great job.
How do I git gud at RG?
>he just presses Y in diffrent rhythms
>Doesn't use the directional input moves
>Doesnt use the guns
>Doesnt use the breakers
>He might not know about Nero's Exceed system
>he might've not even tried Nero's post game moves
It's just you than the combat is great, adding a second attack button won't make it any better because it's complete on it's own
it's just timing
practice with weaker enemies
what their attacks and learn the proper timing
Yup, I still play DMC3 every couple months, and I got into the vibe of 4 since the SE.
It's sad to see how some of our hypebros were just bandwagoning for the memes.
But this BTFO the OP.
The thread should just end here.
I've been on this site long before you were born, son.
There is a difference between attention-whoring and posting with a trip. You're as bad as the tripfags that ruins some boards because you bring nothing to these threads. Your life mustn't be so great if that's what gets you mad on Yea Forums.
>can use gun slingers aerial b with i&e or double kalina ann to fuck up virgil's sword ring
why do they keep adding more and more faggots to these games? the entire point of DMC was playing as dante then they added nero and now that have some even worse even more emasculated literally who faggot
>y do they keep adding more and more faggots
confirmed for not playing like a shitter