Will he be at E3 this year? How embarrassing will it be for him after the travesty of Fallout 76?
Will he be at E3 this year? How embarrassing will it be for him after the travesty of Fallout 76?
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He won't be able to play it off as a joke like last year.
>reimbursed players for their own misunderstandings about the collector edition
>continues to fix minor bugs and further the polish despite ridiculous backlash by non-gamers
>completely innovated online open world games with a seemlees narrative that doesn't even need NPCs
Yeah, fuck off user.
Go away Todd.
Unless he's got something to show, then no.
I doubt we'll see him again until they're ready to release Starfield.
He'll crack a self aware joke, the crowd will laugh, and then he'll show us TES6 gameplay or something to make us shut up
He's not the one who should be embarrassed. He didn't blindly hand over his wallet like a sucker.
>lol, we know our games tend to be buggy so this time we're doing a beta test first
>proceeds to release their buggiest game yet
Maybe they should have done the beta test earlier than a month before launch.
>"Hey, so you guys kind of hate us right now. And I don't blame you. But don't forget that we still have the rights to id software, and unless you wanna see Doom Eternal get canceled, you're gonna go buy a copy of Fallout 76."
It really wasn't that bad outside of general Bathesda QUALITY, and some dumb systems choices.
All they have to do is drop the new ES's title/location and a brief trailer for Starwhatever and they will be just fine.
Doom (2016) was probably a flash in the pan, and Doom 5ternal will fuck it up.
He has to come. He's the face of the damn company. I know people act like Starfield and TES6 will just fix everything but 76 singlehandedly broke the trust most of their fans had with the company. They delayed a fuckin mobile game as I assume they planned to release it buggier than it would have otherwise but after 76 that won't fly anymore. Blood will be shed if he doesn't have at LEAST have an apology. But even more will be shed if he doesn't follow through and improve said games. I know Bethesda's known to be pretty lazy and never really improves but I don't think corporate's very happy their once unbeatable brand has been shattered.
Starfield is not coming out in 2019. Todd said everyone should be very patient.
Which probably means it's only Pete Hines at this year's E3.
Did you honestly think with that second to last list item that people might be duped? How stupid are you that you think anyone is that stupid?
I doubt it.
With the shitpocalypse caused by FO76, the mere mention of his name in E3 would make anything they do be seen with negativity.
The game was technically complete garbage.
>It really wasn't that bad
fuck off todd
>completely innovated online open world games with a seemlees narrative that doesn't even need NPCs
You are a funny man.
It's going to be embarrassing all around. This is a year where new consoles get announced. We will not only laugh at that, but the prices, the graphics, the tech, and the joke they'll call release titles. Then we'll get trailers for said release titles that got delayed for at least 5 more E3s. Can't wait mate.
Isn't Sony skipping E3 this year? Would be weird for them to release a new console.
Will attendees boo him and Pete Hines?
This is the million dollar question.
Boy I can't wait for the cringe this year. And Cyberpunk.
There's no need for Todd to be there. They only haul him on stage if they have something important to show.
Will Pete Hines come out of hiding
>It really wasn't that bad
76 is shit
journalists were mad at Bethesda for denying them review copies, so they turned the whole world against FO76. It's basically the same as Fallout 4, which got 10/10s everywhere. Really makes you think.
>hello degenerates, fallout 76, what a mess but you still bought it
>btw here next TES game
E3 won
>continues to fix minor bugs
when is he gonna fix the major ones
>Make a Fallout game
>No story
>Shittier combat
>buggy as fuck still
>awful mechanics
>broken multiplayer mechanics
>no end game
>micro transactions
My sides!
I really hope the crowd just boos him off stage.
>[Todd liked that]
>they will unveil Starfield this year
>it will look inferior to the Outer Worlds
>Fallout 76 on the Switch
>more Doom
Who even cares? E3 won't be worth watching this year if Sony isn't there.
What's worse is you're probably right.
You know Fallout 76 isn't even actually made by real Bethesda, right?
It was made of a hodgepog of people who did like, Doom 2016 multiplayer and people who got fired from Bioware Montreal after ME: Andromeda.
>terrible graphics and performance
>outside of general Bathesda QUALITY, and some dumb systems choices.
Yes, exactly.
pls leave todd
He's in the same situation as Hello Games. Ridiculed and will have to put out something that truly blows people away in order to sell copies. Anything bad about ES6 and Starfield will be magnified. I'm sure they'll still sell well but nowhere near as good as previous titles.
>client-side cheats
>nukes crash servers
>nukes didn't work at all for a few days because of bad programming
>he thinks removing npcs is "innovative" when any schmuck could do it and be called lazy not having to write dialogue/choices/code non-enemy AI
>even though all of this shit -already exists- in Elder Scrolls Online and they could've just reskinned that trainwreck to be less of a trainwreck than 76 actually was, and probably more stable.
some of you guys perception of this incident is so completely blown out of proportion
the average person didn't spend a second thinking about fallout 76. bethesda games have like a trillion fucking years of good will built up from people like friends I know that put 300+ hours into every game on console
it wasn't. made. by. real. bethesda. it doesn't even matter. people will just forget about it
games like skyrim are life-defining video games for a significant number of people in this hobby at this time
Elder Scrolls online is also not developed by real Bethesda.
Everyone here talks about shit, nobody here understands wtf they're talking about.
I'm aware of this, but they have a close enough business tie that they could have worked something out and saved themselves a lot of time, work, and failure
>"I heard our games are buggy... Read it on the internet so it must be true"
maybe Todd wanted to give those developers the experience of doing it because
1. they're all basically new hires and need to be sorted
2. they'll learn a lot
3. the company will learn a lot
4. if it fails no money was invested anyway
5. if it succeeds it's a free boon because no money was invested anyway
Bethesda have more resources than practically any other real game developer at this point.
So how does it taste, user?
Todd's dick, I mean
I would suck todd's dick if i could
no homo
Skyrim was a good game but hardcore fans didn't like it and it started losing its good faith as the game kept getting ported and it still had the same bugs as when it was first published. Fallout 4 was under even more scrutiny and made a lot of changes from Fallout 3 that people didn't like and was seen as inferior to New Vegas. Then you have the next Fallout game coming out and it's supposed to be an mmo and the last time we got one was ESO and that was a shitshow at launch that was so bad it had to go f2p. And then you have Todd making jokes and making promises and it turned out to all be lies and an even poorer game and had brought all of the issues of past Bethesda games to mainstream attention and with a microscope but this time there was no story or mods to help alleviate it. And when Fallout 76 was ridiculed and shit on and Bethesda needed to do something to win people over they continuously made the game worse and refused to be generous in loot.
It has their name on it and it's making them look incompetent. Bethesda has other great franchises but Fallout and ESO are the faces of their company and neither are looking good right now.
>Fixing a shitty game release
>when the game release shouldn't have been shitty
Shut the fuck up
>hardcore fans didn't like it
meaningless, one of the highest selling and most beloved games in history
>and it started losing its good faith as the game kept getting ported
people outside Yea Forums and other insular gaming boards do not care about this whatsoever.
>Fallout 4 was under even more scrutiny and made a lot of changes from Fallout 3 that people didn't like and was seen as inferior to New Vegas.
Fallout 4 sold more than Fallout 3 and New Vegas combined. Nobody cares about New Vegas in real life. It's fetishized here.
>last time we got one was ESO
ESO is not made by bethesda
>and it's making them look incompetent
Why do you all act like 76 was a failure. Every single streamer playing it has told me they 100% would suggest 76 to their friends, and they love it. If a game can do this it's not as bad as you're painting it.
>meaningless, one of the highest selling and most beloved games in history
That's not what defines a good or well-designed game.
>people outside Yea Forums and other insular gaming boards do not care about this whatsoever.
We don't care what people with narrower perspective think.
>Fallout 4 sold more than Fallout 3 and New Vegas combined.
Bethesda Fallouts barely count as RPGs, which is why RPG fans don't like them.
that's nice, nothing i said begged a response
you are still missing the point that normal people who bought fallout 4 skyrim oblivion etc couldn't give a single flying fuck about this game and it is not shaping their view of bethesda. the idea that it is shaping their view is your power fantasy.
Reminder that Mass Effect 3 sold more copies than Mass Effect 2, and then the series was basically dead.
yeah fortunately bethesda doesnt assassinate 30 million selling titles for no reason like EA does
I liked Mass Effect 3.
Nothing in the post you replied to begged a response that tries to appeal to ignoramuses as an authority of anything.
I can't believe all these retards fall for obvious bait
Doesn't matter. Once the momentum swung in favor of criticism, that became the general consensus.